Re-Evaluating Newt..

And if you recall, the point of it was that the Majority would agree to the ONE minor violation occurred for the dismissal of the other 85. And this was something Newt and the leadership worked on.

This was the whole point of the illegal wiretap of Newts phone by the old couple that just happened to have a car full of recording equipment, and they gave the tape to Baghdad Jim McDermont....

What I recall is that it was one of at two occasions where Newt got caught doing what he was attacking others for.

Most of Congress is on the take. However one of the most infamous lobbyists in Washington (Jack Abramoff), and just got out of prison, said one the reasons he didn't like Newt was because he wouldn't take a bribe like the rest of them.

I sense most of the big-mouths talking about Newt are worried that he might bring down the DOJ on their asses.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

He's no Ron Paul.
Ron is the most consistent candidate on every issue. Has the most extensive budget cuts in his plan more than any other candidate (which is what this country desperately needs). Always refers to the Constitution whenever voting which means he's one of the few if not the only current member of congress that has done that. He wishes to audit the federal reserve which we all know caused the collapse of the dollar. He wants to end an illegal needless seemingly endless war. Turn off your TV and open your minds.

I like people like Ron Paul in Congress. However, he would be a disaster as President.
And if you recall, the point of it was that the Majority would agree to the ONE minor violation occurred for the dismissal of the other 85. And this was something Newt and the leadership worked on.

This was the whole point of the illegal wiretap of Newts phone by the old couple that just happened to have a car full of recording equipment, and they gave the tape to Baghdad Jim McDermont....

What I recall is that it was one of at two occasions where Newt got caught doing what he was attacking others for.

I'm sure in your universe, you recall a lot of things that just ain't so. I'd suggest getting your medication adjusted.
My employer loves the heck out of me, man. I'm the go to guy for solving problems.

But again, when you say that the building is "built by the Church", where did the Church get the money?

Oh, that's right. from Tuition.

Oh, some of those buildings were built back in the day when they got a lot more in the collection plate, but really, Tuition is the main source of funding for these schools.

Yes, for running the schools, but not for the building itself, if school is held in an existing church building.

I gave you a list of things that Catholic schools don't have to spend money on, and you attacked all of them, including this, on philosophical grounds rather than realizing that the point is that your cost comparison is invalid.

Which is why I made the remark about your job-if you have analytical skills, you aren't applying them here.

I'm sure in your universe, you recall a lot of things that just ain't so. I'd suggest getting your medication adjusted.

You don't have your facts in order. Or you're just so mad that you'll post anything and hope nobody notices that you're wrong.

In 1988 Wright became the target of an inquiry by the House Ethics Committee. Their report in early 1989 implied that he had used bulk purchases of his book, Reflections of a Public Man, to earn speaking fees in excess of the allowed maximum, and that his wife, Betty, was given a job and perks to avoid the limit on gifts.

Jim Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Speaker Gingrich during his term, including claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Add in Newt attacking Clinton for having an affair, and you've got yourself a world class hypocrite. But he's the last man left in the GOP Clown Car, so you've got to defend him somehow.
My employer loves the heck out of me, man. I'm the go to guy for solving problems.

But again, when you say that the building is "built by the Church", where did the Church get the money?

Oh, that's right. from Tuition.

Oh, some of those buildings were built back in the day when they got a lot more in the collection plate, but really, Tuition is the main source of funding for these schools.

Yes, for running the schools, but not for the building itself, if school is held in an existing church building.

I gave you a list of things that Catholic schools don't have to spend money on, and you attacked all of them, including this, on philosophical grounds rather than realizing that the point is that your cost comparison is invalid.

Which is why I made the remark about your job-if you have analytical skills, you aren't applying them here.

No, I'm applying them exactly. What I found as a buyer is that salesmen will try to sell you stuff you don't need so they can increase their commissions. So the first thing I did was look at thing we were paying for we didn't need.

The public schools have more expenses because they are paying for things that have NOTHING to do with the final product.

Besides the fact that the Catholic schools do the teaching in school buildings and not church buildings. (I'm just not sure why you keep harping on this, other than you are stupid or something.) they aren't doing diversity training. They aren't paying union thug dues or to keep slug teachers the union have made impossible to fire. They aren't doing condom distribution or any of the other bullshit political agenda shit. They aren't paying Janitors six figures when they can get someone to do it for minimum wage. They are just doing - gasp get this- What the parents actually want them to do.

I'm sure in your universe, you recall a lot of things that just ain't so. I'd suggest getting your medication adjusted.

You don't have your facts in order. Or you're just so mad that you'll post anything and hope nobody notices that you're wrong.

Add in Newt attacking Clinton for having an affair, and you've got yourself a world class hypocrite. But he's the last man left in the GOP Clown Car, so you've got to defend him somehow.

The Wright thing was that he took a ghost-written book and the Unions bought them by the boxload, and no one was actually reading it. It was an obvious bribe, and everyone saw it. I guess Newt wrote a book (he's actually written a lot of them) so that's kind of the same, somehow.

Newt never attacked clinton for having an affair. The House (not Newt) impeached clinton for perjury, abuse of power and obstruction of Justice after being presented evidence by the Independent Counsul that Clinton had done so. Everyone knew Clinton was a horndog and Hillary was a lesbian, and he was playing around. Come on, please stop trying to pretend this was about sex because Clinton framed it that way.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

He's no Ron Paul.
Ron is the most consistent candidate on every issue. Has the most extensive budget cuts in his plan more than any other candidate (which is what this country desperately needs). Always refers to the Constitution whenever voting which means he's one of the few if not the only current member of congress that has done that. He wishes to audit the federal reserve which we all know caused the collapse of the dollar. He wants to end an illegal needless seemingly endless war. Turn off your TV and open your minds.

I like people like Ron Paul in Congress. However, he would be a disaster as President.

Yeah Ron Paul rocks but he, to me, is not a president.
My employer loves the heck out of me, man. I'm the go to guy for solving problems.

But again, when you say that the building is "built by the Church", where did the Church get the money?

Oh, that's right. from Tuition.

Oh, some of those buildings were built back in the day when they got a lot more in the collection plate, but really, Tuition is the main source of funding for these schools.

Yes, for running the schools, but not for the building itself, if school is held in an existing church building.

I gave you a list of things that Catholic schools don't have to spend money on, and you attacked all of them, including this, on philosophical grounds rather than realizing that the point is that your cost comparison is invalid.

Which is why I made the remark about your job-if you have analytical skills, you aren't applying them here.

I'm sure in your universe, you recall a lot of things that just ain't so. I'd suggest getting your medication adjusted.

You don't have your facts in order. Or you're just so mad that you'll post anything and hope nobody notices that you're wrong.

In 1988 Wright became the target of an inquiry by the House Ethics Committee. Their report in early 1989 implied that he had used bulk purchases of his book, Reflections of a Public Man, to earn speaking fees in excess of the allowed maximum, and that his wife, Betty, was given a job and perks to avoid the limit on gifts.

Jim Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Speaker Gingrich during his term, including claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Add in Newt attacking Clinton for having an affair, and you've got yourself a world class hypocrite. But he's the last man left in the GOP Clown Car, so you've got to defend him somehow.

Newt had resigned when Clinton was impeached.

As usual the left cherry-picks whomever they feel is reponsible for whatever the hell they don't agree with.
Btw, Clinton was impeached for lying to a Grand-Jury, not for getting a BJ.

Skirt-chasing isn't illegal.

Perjury and obstruction of juistice is.
Who do you want cutting on you, the guy who became a doctor because he wants to heal, or the guy who became a doctor so he can have a yacht and a mansion? .

The guy who is the more talented surgeon. If he actually has a yacht and a mansion it is likely that the second guy is that surgeon.

And frankly, the medical profession seems to think that emotional detachment from patients is a GOOD thing in doctors. It's why they discourage doctors from operating on their own family and friends.

I don't want my doctor to be all sloppy and emotionally involved in what he's doing. That shit's fine for TV melodramas, but I expect my real-life doctor to be the objective, pragmatic voice of medical science in the proceedings, thanks.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

He's no Ron Paul.
Ron is the most consistent candidate on every issue. Has the most extensive budget cuts in his plan more than any other candidate (which is what this country desperately needs). Always refers to the Constitution whenever voting which means he's one of the few if not the only current member of congress that has done that. He wishes to audit the federal reserve which we all know caused the collapse of the dollar. He wants to end an illegal needless seemingly endless war. Turn off your TV and open your minds.

I like people like Ron Paul in Congress. However, he would be a disaster as President.

God help us if that purblind fool ever got to make foreign policy in a world of increasing nuclear threats. And frankly, I never vote for people whose followers are so obviously insane.
No, I'm applying them exactly. What I found as a buyer is that salesmen will try to sell you stuff you don't need so they can increase their commissions. So the first thing I did was look at thing we were paying for we didn't need.

You're not visibly using them here. I pointed out additional expenses that public schools have, and you dismissed them on what I will kindly term philosophical grounds. Which is illogical. The issue is not whether or not you approve of school buses or school lunches or special education, the issue is that your comparison is dishonest because the cost per pupil for public schools includes those things.

The public schools have more expenses because they are paying for things that have NOTHING to do with the final product.

You are factually mistaken.

Besides the fact that the Catholic schools do the teaching in school buildings and not church buildings. (I'm just not sure why you keep harping on this, other than you are stupid or something.)

That's not the case here, and in many places. The school is held in the church building. Which provides a free space to the school. I am harping on this because I hate to see people lie and get by with it, and that's what you're doing.

Even if the building is separate, what does the church charge for rent?

Do you realize that when the church school gets full, they can turn away students, but when the public school gets full, we can't turn people away.

The Wright thing was that he took a ghost-written book and the Unions bought them by the boxload, and no one was actually reading it. It was an obvious bribe, and everyone saw it. I guess Newt wrote a book (he's actually written a lot of them) so that's kind of the same, somehow.

It's the same. Why hedge now? Just admit it.

Newt never attacked clinton for having an affair.

The House (not Newt) impeached clinton for perjury, abuse of power and obstruction of Justice after being presented evidence by the Independent Counsul that Clinton had done so.

You're mixing up your stories here. The cover story is that Clinton was prosecuted for perjury, but the reality is that the entire reason for that deposition was part of a GOP attack on Clinton over Clinton's sexual behavior. But Newt, and the House, are not at all the same thing. Newt was gone by the time of the impeachment, of course.

These two events mark Newt as a world class hypocrite.
No, I'm applying them exactly. What I found as a buyer is that salesmen will try to sell you stuff you don't need so they can increase their commissions. So the first thing I did was look at thing we were paying for we didn't need.

You're not visibly using them here. I pointed out additional expenses that public schools have, and you dismissed them on what I will kindly term philosophical grounds. Which is illogical. The issue is not whether or not you approve of school buses or school lunches or special education, the issue is that your comparison is dishonest because the cost per pupil for public schools includes those things.

I'm using them EXACTLY here.

What does busing actually accomplish? Or school lunches (which, by the way, is federal and not even counted in my calculations.) you can't go around adding a bunch of stuff that have nothing to do with the actual product provided and then claim that you aren't wasting shitloads of money.

The purpose of the school should be teaching the kids the basics. Unfortunately, because it's political, every agenda has gotten shoved in there, and not by accident. Whenever a liberals says, "It's for the Children", I grab my wallet.

That's not the case here, and in many places. The school is held in the church building. Which provides a free space to the school. I am harping on this because I hate to see people lie and get by with it, and that's what you're doing.

Even if the building is separate, what does the church charge for rent?

It doesn't charge for rent. The cost of the upkeep of the building comes out of tuition funds. That's the point, guy. And frankly, unless it's Podunk, Indiana, it's not like they haven't long ago separted the Church from the School.

Do you realize that when the church school gets full, they can turn away students, but when the public school gets full, we can't turn people away.

Again, that sounds like an excuse for poor planning. The schools should know EXACTLY how many kids are coming and that they'll have to serve. The problem is that they invest the money in the wrong places, like six figure salaries for janitors. Again- not run like a business.

The House (not Newt) impeached clinton for perjury, abuse of power and obstruction of Justice after being presented evidence by the Independent Counsul that Clinton had done so.

You're mixing up your stories here. The cover story is that Clinton was prosecuted for perjury, but the reality is that the entire reason for that deposition was part of a GOP attack on Clinton over Clinton's sexual behavior. But Newt, and the House, are not at all the same thing. Newt was gone by the time of the impeachment, of course.

These two events mark Newt as a world class hypocrite.

No, it wasn't a "cover story". If it was just about some innocent sex, Slick Willy could have admitted day one, "Yup. Totally skull-f**ked that fat pig." We'd have all been disgusted, but not an issue. It was because he lied in court and then spent 8 months playing games with Ken Starr that it rose to a level of perjury, obstruction, et al.
I'm using them EXACTLY here.

No. You aren't. You were making a cost comparison, but when I pointed out public schools are providing more services than parochial schools, you went off into a whine about your disapproval of those services. I'm pointing out that you need to compare apples to apples. If you can't do that, then you're not being analytical.
It doesn't charge for rent.

So next time, instead of playing dumb, just deal in the truth.

No, it wasn't a "cover story".

Yes, it was a cover story. No, it wouldn't have been over if he'd admitted it.

And again, the point was that Newt attacked Clinton, and Democrats, for their lack of family values, while Newt was having at least one affair. By the time of the impeachment, Newt had been kicked out by his party. Remember?
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I'm using them EXACTLY here.

No. You aren't. You were making a cost comparison, but when I pointed out public schools are providing more services than parochial schools, you went off into a whine about your disapproval of those services. I'm pointing out that you need to compare apples to apples. If you can't do that, then you're not being analytical.

But you see, that's the problem. They are providing services that do not add to the value of the final product.

Teaching kids "diversity training" doesn't make them better people. Giving them a box of rubbers doesn't make them better people. Paying a worthless teacher a six figure salary because she has tenure doesn't make them better people. The Parochial Schools do a better job because they are focused.

No, it wasn't a "cover story".

Yes, it was a cover story. No, it wouldn't have been over if he'd admitted it.

And again, the point was that Newt attacked Clinton, and Democrats, for their lack of family values, while Newt was having at least one affair. By the time of the impeachment, Newt had been kicked out by his party. Remember?

Actually, he had voluntarily stepped down because his party lost seats, which is what you do when you are the party leader. Hastert did the same thing. So of course, if you can't use honest terms to describe what happened, I'm just not sure if there's a point to talking to you.

Also, let's say that the day of his trial, he was asked about Monica and said, "Yup, had sex with her."

Exactly what would he have been impeached under? Might have been pressure to resign, but there'd hvae been no legal grounds for impeachment.
I'm using them EXACTLY here.

No. You aren't. You were making a cost comparison, but when I pointed out public schools are providing more services than parochial schools, you went off into a whine about your disapproval of those services. I'm pointing out that you need to compare apples to apples. If you can't do that, then you're not being analytical.

But you see, that's the problem. They are providing services that do not add to the value of the final product.

Again, you are not being analytical. The value of the services is a separate issue, an issue worth discussing, but you were making a point about the per pupil costs. I hope, at this point, that you can see the problem with your comparison.
"By the time of the impeachment, Newt had been kicked out by his party. Remember?

Impeachment was end of 1998.

Newt resigned early 1999.


The charges were filed 12/29/98.

Newt stepped down 1/25/99.

The Senate voted on the articles on 2/12/98.

The Pubs pushed Newt out when his extra marital affair came to light.
"By the time of the impeachment, Newt had been kicked out by his party. Remember?

Impeachment was end of 1998.

Newt resigned early 1999.


The charges were filed 12/29/98.

Newt stepped down 1/25/99.

The Senate voted on the articles on 2/12/98.

The Pubs pushed Newt out when his extra marital affair came to light.
Yes. The impeachment happened before he resigned.

Thanks for verifying I was correct.


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