Re-Evaluating Newt..

Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Please focus for five seconds. Having a building is a savings for Catholic schools. A savings. It doesn't matter how old the building is, they don't have to build it. As for the "building budget", school boards and county commissions fund new buildings, to the best of my knowledge. Stop just randomly posting shit.

Yes, they waste huge amounts of money casting pearls before swine. That's not a virtue.

Yes, Union Teachers get gold-plated benefits, and can retire at 50. And they can't ever be fired no matter how incompetant they are. Catholic School Teachers usually live on their husband's insurance (like my niece, whose married to the cop) and are there because they love kids.

As for transportation. Yup, the Public Schools wasted millions of dollars busing kids into other neighborhoods in the name of diversity.

Come on, guy, how many more lame ass excuses to you want to put out there for epic fail?

Your post is solid epic fail, Joe. This is ridiculous. We're talking cost per student, and you're just pulling out shit and posting it.

How many ethics violations were levelled against Newt?

How many was he found guilty of?

Try asking Mr. Google.
Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Please focus for five seconds. Having a building is a savings for Catholic schools. A savings. It doesn't matter how old the building is, they don't have to build it. As for the "building budget", school boards and county commissions fund new buildings, to the best of my knowledge. Stop just randomly posting shit.

Yes, they waste huge amounts of money casting pearls before swine. That's not a virtue.

Yes, Union Teachers get gold-plated benefits, and can retire at 50. And they can't ever be fired no matter how incompetant they are. Catholic School Teachers usually live on their husband's insurance (like my niece, whose married to the cop) and are there because they love kids.

As for transportation. Yup, the Public Schools wasted millions of dollars busing kids into other neighborhoods in the name of diversity.

Come on, guy, how many more lame ass excuses to you want to put out there for epic fail?

Your post is solid epic fail, Joe. This is ridiculous. We're talking cost per student, and you're just pulling out shit and posting it.

How many ethics violations were levelled against Newt?

How many was he found guilty of?

Try asking Mr. Google.

As usual your missing the point...

I believe there were 84 fishing expeditions on Newt by Democrats, mostly a waste time and taxpayers money strictly for vindictive reasons.
Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Please focus for five seconds. Having a building is a savings for Catholic schools. A savings. It doesn't matter how old the building is, they don't have to build it. As for the "building budget", school boards and county commissions fund new buildings, to the best of my knowledge. Stop just randomly posting shit.

Yes, they waste huge amounts of money casting pearls before swine. That's not a virtue.

Yes, Union Teachers get gold-plated benefits, and can retire at 50. And they can't ever be fired no matter how incompetant they are. Catholic School Teachers usually live on their husband's insurance (like my niece, whose married to the cop) and are there because they love kids.

As for transportation. Yup, the Public Schools wasted millions of dollars busing kids into other neighborhoods in the name of diversity.

Come on, guy, how many more lame ass excuses to you want to put out there for epic fail?

Your post is solid epic fail, Joe. This is ridiculous. We're talking cost per student, and you're just pulling out shit and posting it. .

No, because I guess you must be slow or someting. Or maybe being a liberal, you don't understand money doesn't grow on trees.

The Catholic Schools spend $6000 per student. They get kids who can read. Who can write. Who can do math and can get into college. because they ain't wasting money on shit like retirements, medical plans, busing kids into a ghetto so they learn how the other half lives, or any of the other ways Public schools find to waste money.

The Publics Schools spend $12000 per student. Their kids are dumber than bricks, for the most part. But it doesn't matter. The purpose was never to educate them, it was to make them dependent.
Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Please focus for five seconds. Having a building is a savings for Catholic schools. A savings. It doesn't matter how old the building is, they don't have to build it. As for the "building budget", school boards and county commissions fund new buildings, to the best of my knowledge. Stop just randomly posting shit.

Yes, they waste huge amounts of money casting pearls before swine. That's not a virtue.

Yes, Union Teachers get gold-plated benefits, and can retire at 50. And they can't ever be fired no matter how incompetant they are. Catholic School Teachers usually live on their husband's insurance (like my niece, whose married to the cop) and are there because they love kids.

As for transportation. Yup, the Public Schools wasted millions of dollars busing kids into other neighborhoods in the name of diversity.

Come on, guy, how many more lame ass excuses to you want to put out there for epic fail?

Your post is solid epic fail, Joe. This is ridiculous. We're talking cost per student, and you're just pulling out shit and posting it. .

No, because I guess you must be slow or someting. Or maybe being a liberal, you don't understand money doesn't grow on trees.

The Catholic Schools spend $6000 per student. They get kids who can read. Who can write. Who can do math and can get into college. because they ain't wasting money on shit like retirements, medical plans, busing kids into a ghetto so they learn how the other half lives, or any of the other ways Public schools find to waste money.

The Publics Schools spend $12000 per student. Their kids are dumber than bricks, for the most part. But it doesn't matter. The purpose was never to educate them, it was to make them dependent.

To be sure, the religious schools get the best crop of kids, but not necessarily the best teachers. You have to remember that well qualified students progress well even with mediocre teachers if parents care.

The best teachers belong in the public schools with at risk students. Unfortunalktely that just where you'll find some of the worst. But if we had really qualified teachers in the cities, the kids wouldn't be "dumb as bricks." Get rid of the unions!

If great teachers heard their calling to be the best they could be, they would go to the inner city and teach there. They would practice high standards for each child and think outside the box to get them there. But that's not what it's all about. Get rid of bad teachers and the unions.
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How many ethics violations were levelled against Newt?

How many was he found guilty of?

84 violations and one guilty. That wasn't even a good compromise. Talk about voided arguments....

And the one he was guilty of, how bad was it again?

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The last charge was whether Newt funded his college class "Renewing American Civilization" properly. It was too complicated a tax issue for the committee to investigate on its own, so they brought in an outside tax expert to investigate. Two charges arose out of this investigation.

The first 'charge' from the ethics committee is that he "may have" violated tax law by using tax-deductible contributions from nonprofit organizations to teach an allegedly partisan college course.

The lectures never mentioned the words "Republicans" or "Democrats," and one entire session was spent praising FDR. Is that "partisan?" Not only has a former commissioner of the IRS has come forward and said that no tax laws were violated, but an Ethics Committee lawyer even gave approval for the class before Newt started it.

The second 'charge' from the committee is that, in the course of the investigation, Newt provided false information to the committee. Do you know what this "false information" is

Newt testified that the above contributions were in fact made by those organizations to "Renewing American Civilization." He filed papers that stated the very same thing. This is never a fact that anyone was trying to hide. But one paper filed with the committee stated that those groups did not make the contributions. So is this a big deal? Is this "lying to Congress?"

What's funny is that the Ethics Committee itself approved the course Newt taught, the same course that started this whole "ethics violation" farce. Newt wasn't even paid for the course.
To be sure, the religious schools get the best crop of kids, but not necessarily the best teachers. You have to remember that well qualified students progress well even with mediocre teachers if parents care.

The best teachers belong in the public schools with at risk students. Unfortunalktely that just where you'll find some of the worst. But if we had really qualified teachers in the cities, the kids wouldn't be "dumb as bricks."

If great teachers heard their calling to be the best they could be, they would go to the inner city and teach there. They would practice high standards for each child and think outside the box to get them there.

Several things here.

First and foremost, I think the union rules really make it hard for better teachers to get in. My neice, as I said before, recently got her masters in education to teach history at the HS level. But there were no jobs available, largely because it is next to impossible to fire these slugs who have "tenure" and jobs for life. So she took a middle school job at a Catholic School making half what a slug would make.

The Teachers' Unions oppose merit pay or proficiency pay or even testing to see how kids are doing. They are about perserving jobs, from the guy who has been drawing a salary for 14 years after he got caught molesting a kid and won't ever be let back in a classroom, to the slug who sleeps off a drunk at his desk.
If great teachers heard their calling to be the best they could be, they would go to the inner city and teach there. .

Where'd you get that foolish idea?

Quite right, PunkoTard. They should go teach the spawn of rich yuppies in the suburbs who can afford private tutors.

Because that's where the money is.

It just kind of depends on where your priorities are.

Like my Mom. Worked at a Catholic School teaching Art. Didn't make a lot of money doing it, but she was committed to it. And to this very day, I run into people who say, "I became a professional artist because of stuff your Mom taught me in school. "
As usual your missing the point...

I believe there were 84 fishing expeditions on Newt by Democrats, mostly a waste time and taxpayers money strictly for vindictive reasons.

An odd complaint, considering what the Pubs did when Newt was speaker. :)

No, because I guess you must be slow or someting. Or maybe being a liberal, you don't understand money doesn't grow on trees.

The Catholic Schools spend $6000 per student. They get kids who can read. Who can write. Who can do math and can get into college. because they ain't wasting money on shit like retirements, medical plans, busing kids into a ghetto so they learn how the other half lives, or any of the other ways Public schools find to waste money.

The Publics Schools spend $12000 per student. Their kids are dumber than bricks, for the most part. But it doesn't matter. The purpose was never to educate them, it was to make them dependent.

Again, you were comparing the cost to educate students, and your comparisons were flawed and illogical. As I said, focus.

And the one he was guilty of, how bad was it again?

That's the thing about Newt, he has no shame about hypocrisy. He does the very things he excoriates others for.
If great teachers heard their calling to be the best they could be, they would go to the inner city and teach there. .

Where'd you get that foolish idea?

Quite right, PunkoTard. They should go teach the spawn of rich yuppies in the suburbs who can afford private tutors. . "

The best want to succeed in their chosen profession, to make it to the top, and to 'win' in the most competitive environment they can find. It's admirable when a doctor volunteers to go to the jungle and treat the poorest of the poor, but the very best surgeons in the world work at the most cutting edge institutions and can achieve significant wealth due to their skills. Same for lawyers, athletes, scientists, investment managers, etc. The best want to win and go where they can do so. Choosing to do something admirable is a separate issue.
No, because I guess you must be slow or someting. Or maybe being a liberal, you don't understand money doesn't grow on trees.

The Catholic Schools spend $6000 per student. They get kids who can read. Who can write. Who can do math and can get into college. because they ain't wasting money on shit like retirements, medical plans, busing kids into a ghetto so they learn how the other half lives, or any of the other ways Public schools find to waste money.

The Publics Schools spend $12000 per student. Their kids are dumber than bricks, for the most part. But it doesn't matter. The purpose was never to educate them, it was to make them dependent.

Again, you were comparing the cost to educate students, and your comparisons were flawed and illogical. As I said, focus. .

If I have a $6 product that performs better than the $12 product, I usually buy the $6.00 product. But I know you have to avoid this subject.

Oh, but the Catholics have buildings. That's the important thing. (So do the PUblic schools...)
The best want to succeed in their chosen profession, to make it to the top, and to 'win' in the most competitive environment they can find. It's admirable when a doctor volunteers to go to the jungle and treat the poorest of the poor, but the very best surgeons in the world work at the most cutting edge institutions and can achieve significant wealth due to their skills. Same for lawyers, athletes, scientists, investment managers, etc. The best want to win and go where they can do so. Choosing to do something admirable is a separate issue.

If you are a teacher or a doctor to make gobs of money, you are doing it for the wrong reason.
The best want to succeed in their chosen profession, to make it to the top, and to 'win' in the most competitive environment they can find. It's admirable when a doctor volunteers to go to the jungle and treat the poorest of the poor, but the very best surgeons in the world work at the most cutting edge institutions and can achieve significant wealth due to their skills. Same for lawyers, athletes, scientists, investment managers, etc. The best want to win and go where they can do so. Choosing to do something admirable is a separate issue.

If you are a teacher or a doctor to make gobs of money, you are doing it for the wrong reason.

Spoken like a talentless loser.
Who do you want cutting on you, the guy who became a doctor because he wants to heal, or the guy who became a doctor so he can have a yacht and a mansion?

It's simple enough notion. I'd want the first guy. The second guy might want to cut on me because he's behind on an alimony payment, not because I actually need to get cut on.
Who do you want cutting on you, the guy who became a doctor because he wants to heal, or the guy who became a doctor so he can have a yacht and a mansion? .

The guy who is the more talented surgeon. If he actually has a yacht and a mansion it is likely that the second guy is that surgeon.
No, because I guess you must be slow or someting. Or maybe being a liberal, you don't understand money doesn't grow on trees.

The Catholic Schools spend $6000 per student. They get kids who can read. Who can write. Who can do math and can get into college. because they ain't wasting money on shit like retirements, medical plans, busing kids into a ghetto so they learn how the other half lives, or any of the other ways Public schools find to waste money.

The Publics Schools spend $12000 per student. Their kids are dumber than bricks, for the most part. But it doesn't matter. The purpose was never to educate them, it was to make them dependent.

Again, you were comparing the cost to educate students, and your comparisons were flawed and illogical. As I said, focus. .

If I have a $6 product that performs better than the $12 product, I usually buy the $6.00 product. But I know you have to avoid this subject.

Oh, but the Catholics have buildings. That's the important thing. (So do the PUblic schools...)

Please concentrate. You were comparing costs per student. One of the reasons that the costs are lower is that Catholic schools don't have the cost of building schools added into that number. Public schools do.
Please concentrate. You were comparing costs per student. One of the reasons that the costs are lower is that Catholic schools don't have the cost of building schools added into that number. Public schools do.

I just don't understand this bizarre focus you have on buildings.

The fact is, both systems have buildings. When the buildings get too old to work, they get torn down and they build new ones, and they both have to find it in their budgets to do that.

Except when the public system builds new buldings, they find ways to waste money with all the government regulation.

When I took science classes in the 1970's, we used a science lab that was built in the 1920's. Seriously, it looked like it was out of an old movie. They got the job done, though. They tore that building down subsequently.

Public education wastes money. They aren't run with a focus. They throw money at every concern with no looking at the bottom line, because, hey, it ain't their money.
If you are a teacher or a doctor to make gobs of money, you are doing it for the wrong reason.

Sounds like some good old Catholic socialist teaching there.

Please concentrate. You were comparing costs per student. One of the reasons that the costs are lower is that Catholic schools don't have the cost of building schools added into that number. Public schools do.

I just don't understand this bizarre focus you have on buildings.

The fact is, both systems have buildings. When the buildings get too old to work, they get torn down and they build new ones, and they both have to find it in their budgets to do that.

Except when the public system builds new buldings, they find ways to waste money with all the government regulation.

When I took science classes in the 1970's, we used a science lab that was built in the 1920's. Seriously, it looked like it was out of an old movie. They got the job done, though. They tore that building down subsequently.

Public education wastes money. They aren't run with a focus. They throw money at every concern with no looking at the bottom line, because, hey, it ain't their money.

I don't understand why you endless argue obvious points, and then claim that your opponent has a fixation. You like to load your posts up with bullshit as a diversion. I'm not playing. We are talking about your per student cost comparisons.

The Church provides the building. That means that the expense of the building is not included in that number that you're touting.

Try moving on to another point now.

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