Re-Evaluating Newt..

Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Go to your local public school and see how space-age new it is, moron.
Uh, no, they really don't. .

They really do. The local Achdiocese works with Catholic schools in many ways including finance. They obviously do not fund the entire school but they do "subsidize." Argue about matters of degree if you must.

The Catholic Church still sends me letters asking for money for the school, even though I stopped being a Catholic around 1983. They asked my neices to send their relatives fundraising letters. .

Yes, the church is always in need of raising funds. That has NOTHING to do with the point in question, you braindead douchebag.
Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Go to your local public school and see how space-age new it is, moron.

Depends on the area, doesn't it. I mean, if it's where white people live, it's pretty space age.

But the waste by public schools are fantastic. Such as the Principal in Chicago who spent $140,000 redecorating his office, including having a new bathroom put in with fancy tile, even though the school was scheduled to be closed and demolished in two years.
Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Go to your local public school and see how space-age new it is, moron.

Depends on the area, doesn't it. I mean, if it's where white people live, it's pretty space age.

Bullshit, you fucking racist. There are plenty of predominantly white areas with low property values. You are full of shit through and through.
Go to your local public school and see how space-age new it is, moron.

Depends on the area, doesn't it. I mean, if it's where white people live, it's pretty space age.

Bullshit, you fucking racist. There are plenty of predominantly white areas with low property values. You are full of shit through and through.

Even notice Punkotard can't read more than one sentence without spewing a string of obscenities?
Well, here you are defending them and making apologies for their human rights violations.

Where have I done that, you filthy, lying sack of shit?

When you claimed people weren't being shot there when they are....

But someone made a profit, that's the important thing.

People are not shot for not working hard. You made a flat-out false and ignorant claim and I told you so. That is in NO WAY an apology or defense of the CCP. You are just too fucking stupid to understand the difference between fact and exaggerration. Lashing out in reaction to your own humiliation doesn't make you any less wrong.
Where have I done that, you filthy, lying sack of shit?

When you claimed people weren't being shot there when they are....

But someone made a profit, that's the important thing.

People are not shot for not working hard. You made a flat-out false and ignorant claim and I told you so. That is in NO WAY an apology or defense of the CCP. You are just too fucking stupid to understand the difference between fact and exaggerration. Lashing out in reaction to your own humiliation doesn't make you any less wrong.

Uh, actually, guy, China is one of the worst violators of human rights in the world.

But The POtter Faction has no problem with that as long as there is money to be made.

You sleep with dogs, you wake up with flees...
Here's some links for your reading pleasure..

Report Details Abuses At Chinese Factories That Manufacture Apple and HP Products

A report by the Hong Kong based group, Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM), details poor working conditions at Chinese factories which manufacture iPad 2 and HP laptops. The report claims that Foxconn, the company which owns the factories, treats workers “inhumanely, like machines.” At least 14 workers at Foxconn factories killed themselves in the last 16 months. One of the factories investigated by SACOM required workers to sign a pledge that they will not commit suicide.

In Chinese Factories, Lost Fingers and Low Pay - New York Times

GUANGZHOU, China — Nearly a decade after some of the most powerful companies in the world — often under considerable criticism and consumer pressure — began an effort to eliminate sweatshop labor conditions in Asia, worker abuse is still commonplace in many of the Chinese factories that supply Western companies, according to labor rights groups.

Sacom » Disney accused of labour abuses in Chinese factories - The Guardian

Walt Disney said yesterday it had hired an auditor to investigate claims of widespread labour abuses in Chinese factories that make children’s books for the company.

A report from the National Labor Committee, a human rights group, alleges that workers are forced to be at factories for up to 15 hours a day, are paid below the minimum wage and denied holiday, overtime and maternity pay. It was based on interviews with 120 workers at four factories in Shenzhen city in Guangdong province

Disney? Sweet....
When you claimed people weren't being shot there when they are....

But someone made a profit, that's the important thing.

People are not shot for not working hard. You made a flat-out false and ignorant claim and I told you so. That is in NO WAY an apology or defense of the CCP. You are just too fucking stupid to understand the difference between fact and exaggerration. Lashing out in reaction to your own humiliation doesn't make you any less wrong.

Uh, actually, guy, China is one of the worst violators of human rights in the world. ...

Have I said they are not, you illogical, semi-literate fuck? Are you really this stupid?
NO, guy, you just bragged the weren't shooting people and how you used to live over there, so you know that to be true.

So what were you doing over there, anyway? Selling out America or were you just pestering them with another white-shirted zombie?
Here's some links for your reading pleasure..

Report Details Abuses At Chinese Factories That Manufacture Apple and HP Products

A report by the Hong Kong based group, Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM), details poor working conditions at Chinese factories which manufacture iPad 2 and HP laptops. The report claims that Foxconn, the company which owns the factories, treats workers “inhumanely, like machines.” At least 14 workers at Foxconn factories killed themselves in the last 16 months. One of the factories investigated by SACOM required workers to sign a pledge that they will not commit suicide.

In Chinese Factories, Lost Fingers and Low Pay - New York Times

GUANGZHOU, China — Nearly a decade after some of the most powerful companies in the world — often under considerable criticism and consumer pressure — began an effort to eliminate sweatshop labor conditions in Asia, worker abuse is still commonplace in many of the Chinese factories that supply Western companies, according to labor rights groups.

Sacom » Disney accused of labour abuses in Chinese factories - The Guardian

Walt Disney said yesterday it had hired an auditor to investigate claims of widespread labour abuses in Chinese factories that make children’s books for the company.

A report from the National Labor Committee, a human rights group, alleges that workers are forced to be at factories for up to 15 hours a day, are paid below the minimum wage and denied holiday, overtime and maternity pay. It was based on interviews with 120 workers at four factories in Shenzhen city in Guangdong province

Disney? Sweet....

Do you see how none of that supports your false claim, idiot? The link YOU provided in a desperate, failed attempt at saving YOUR face refers to "a pledge not to commit suicide." That sort of sounds like the opposite of shooting those workers, doesn't it, idiot? Did I anywhere claim working conditions in China were safe or comparable to those in the US? No I did not, you dishonest fuck.
NO, guy, you just bragged the weren't shooting people and how you used to live over there, so you know that to be true.

"Bragged"? Where did you see 'bragging,' shitforbrains?

And, as you well know you dishonest fuck, I said workers are not shot for not working hard, not that no one is shot in the entire country for any reason. You're just trolling now, you worthless fucking insect.
Do you see how none of that supports your false claim, idiot? The link YOU provided in a desperate, failed attempt at saving YOUR face refers to "a pledge not to commit suicide." That sort of sounds like the opposite of shooting those workers, doesn't it, idiot? Did I anywhere claim working conditions in China were safe or comparable to those in the US? No I did not, you dishonest fuck.

:lol::lol::rofl: :lol:

Seriously, man.

What kind of place are they running where they have to get people to sign "I promise not to kill myself due to the pressure" pledges?

And seriously, you think this makes it okay, "Hey, we got him to sign a pledge not to kill himself!"

So what were you doing over there, anyway?

I was teaching at a university. I'm sure that is an alien concept for you, moron.

I honestly can't imagine there's a university that teaches "advanced profanity" and "temper lack of management"....

"All together class... Mother Fu..."

Seriously, guy, you have some serious anger management issues you need to get over...

And learn to have a little fun...
Do you see how none of that supports your false claim, idiot? The link YOU provided in a desperate, failed attempt at saving YOUR face refers to "a pledge not to commit suicide." That sort of sounds like the opposite of shooting those workers, doesn't it, idiot? Did I anywhere claim working conditions in China were safe or comparable to those in the US? No I did not, you dishonest fuck.

:lol::lol::rofl: :lol:

Seriously, man.

What kind of place are they running where they have to get people to sign "I promise not to kill myself due to the pressure" pledges?

And seriously, you think this makes it okay, "Hey, we got him to sign a pledge not to kill himself!"

Trying, and failing pathetically, to change the subject doesn't make you look any less idiotic, shitstain.

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