Re-Evaluating Newt..

I will give Newt the benefit of the doubt on this one. It was a singularly stupid comment to make but I think his overall point was that kids should be subjected to work and there is nothing wrong with it. He gave a hairbrained example that boggles the mind for it's ratio of words to nonsense but I think his point was superior to his example.

The thing about Gingrich is that he has A LOT of ideas. A lot of them are good but a lot of them are bad too.

He should hire a filter who screens every single idea he has. Every day, Gingrich could just stand in a room for three hours with only his filter and let out a stream of consciousness and the filter could give a thumbs up or thumbs down to each random idea that pops out. Filtering out all his bad ideas and presenting to the public all his good ideas would probably get him elected President in a landslide.

But then, he wouldn't be Newt.

Please give some examples of his good ideas...some practical ones anyway.
And he should have a HUGE Value Added Tax and Tariff added to it when it does.

Oh, you're for tax increases now too! Über-RINOs have no problem raising taxes on Americans!

Somehow, I don't think "raising taxes" is going to be on the GOP platform. You know, since you are so anti-capitalist, there is another party that you might feel more comfortable in.

Oh, don't be fooled. He's already in the democrat party. They are probably the reason he is on this site in the first place. His little "I'm a Republican BUT..." act was exposed long ago.
They have inadequate funds because they don't spend what they have effectively.

In Chicago, the average spending per student is about $12,000. The average tuition in a Catholic Parochial School is about $4000. (You know, those schools where the Machine Politicians send their kids! Funny you all keep avoiding THAT point.) Guess who does better in graduation rates, test scores and college admittance?

In fact, schools would run vastly better if they were privatized and run like businesses.

Hey, Joe. Public schools take all kids, not just kids with good achievement scores, and they aren't subsidized by the Catholic Church. Fail.

Well, first, the Catholic Church doesn't really "subsidize" them anymore. They used to do that through mandating donations from the parents, but they ruled they couldn't do that anymore. Usualy, the collection baskets barely maintain the churches these days.

Second, the parochials schools don't turn down the kids with bad acheivement scores. The perpetual troublemakers, yeah, they might expell them.

But like I said (and you keep avoiding) it amazes me that the very same liberal democrats who back the Unions to the hilt would never trust them to educate their own spawn.
Elsewhere, via Joe Gandelman, I see that Politico has this anonymous quote from a Republican insider who's wary of Gingrich:

Gingrich "only has two modes -- attack and brag," explained one veteran GOP strategist.

Yeah? And you're surprised that that's playing well with the GOP base?

Who's been the most enduringly popular living figure on the right for more than twenty years? Rush Limbaugh. What does Rush Limbaugh do for a living? Well, he does exactly what Unammed Veteran GOP Strategist says Gingrich does -- attack and brag. That's Limbaugh's entire schtick.

No More Mister Nice Blog

Wow, so Politico is so scared, they are making up "Unnamed Sources".

How about those "unnamed sources" that say Obama had gay sex in a Chicago bathhouse?
[As a sidebar, can the board tell me if there are vocational education classes in high schools in your area? In my old school, the VOCT building is now a parking lot. Too bad.

We do, but they are mostly technology, not a broad range of skills.

Oh, don't be fooled. He's already in the democrat party. They are probably the reason he is on this site in the first place. His little "I'm a Republican BUT..." act was exposed long ago.

Get real. :lmao: He's not a Democrat.

Well, first, the Catholic Church doesn't really "subsidize" them anymore. They used to do that through mandating donations from the parents, but they ruled they couldn't do that anymore. Usualy, the collection baskets barely maintain the churches these days.

Providing the physical structure is a huge subsidy, Joe.

Second, the parochials schools don't turn down the kids with bad acheivement scores. The perpetual troublemakers, yeah, they might expell them.

It's a private school. They don't take kids with disabilities unless they want to. We take all students, and students with disabilities, or who are disadvantaged economically, are still our students.

But like I said (and you keep avoiding) it amazes me that the very same liberal democrats who back the Unions to the hilt would never trust them to educate their own spawn.

I am not avoiding your lame point. It's just not relevant to the thread.

Elsewhere, via Joe Gandelman, I see that Politico has this anonymous quote from a Republican insider who's wary of Gingrich:

Gingrich "only has two modes -- attack and brag," explained one veteran GOP strategist.

Yeah? And you're surprised that that's playing well with the GOP base?

Who's been the most enduringly popular living figure on the right for more than twenty years? Rush Limbaugh. What does Rush Limbaugh do for a living? Well, he does exactly what Unammed Veteran GOP Strategist says Gingrich does -- attack and brag. That's Limbaugh's entire schtick.

No More Mister Nice Blog

Wow, so Politico is so scared, they are making up "Unnamed Sources".

How about those "unnamed sources" that say Obama had gay sex in a Chicago bathhouse?

The source is not named in the thread, but it's not just some random guy. When a publication uses this term, it's supposed to be verified by the editorial staff. We don't know the name of the source, but the editors do.

And regardless, it's something you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears. What else does Newt do? It's not an accusation of fraud or immorality. It's just the obvious truth.
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Providing the physical structure is a huge subsidy, Joe.

And most of those structures were built decades ago. The Catholic School I went to still uses the same buildings. Except the old Convent. They sold that off as apartments when women stopped being nuns.

It's a private school. They don't take kids with disabilities unless they want to. We take all students, and students with disabilities, or who are disadvantaged economically, are still our students.

Well,maybe that's the problem. You expend a lot of resources on the "problem cases" while neglecting the kids who might have had a reasonable chance.

I am not avoiding your lame point. It's just not relevant to the thread.

Well, of course it is VERY relevent. If Democrats really think that defending the corrupt unions and bloated bureaucracy from any accountability is the right thing to do, but they won't put THEIR kids into that system.

Would you fly an airline where the executives put their family members on a competitors planes, all the time? You'd wonder what they know that you don't.

Wow, so Politico is so scared, they are making up "Unnamed Sources".

How about those "unnamed sources" that say Obama had gay sex in a Chicago bathhouse?

The source is not named in the thread, but it's not just some random guy. When a publication uses this term, it's supposed to be verified by the editorial staff. We don't know the name of the source, but the editors do.

And regardless, it's something you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears. What else does Newt do? It's not an accusation of fraud or immorality. It's just the obvious truth.

Two points. First, I Don't trust anything the Politico says. They are so in the tank for Obama they'd make up a lot of stuff. After the whole Cain fiasco, it's clear they are going to go after anyone the GOP puts up.

Second, I'm sure that there are a lot of people in the GOP who are afraid of Newt. These are the beltway Republicans who just want the Democrats to like them and rub their heads when the Democrats keep taking our freedoms.

Bonus point- I want a guy who is going to attack. Seriously. Obama has been a complete disaster for this country. The worst president of my lifetime, hands down. I don't want some guy who is going to slink off like a whipped dog because the Mainstream Media plays the race card, which we all know they are going to do.
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They have inadequate funds because they don't spend what they have effectively.

In Chicago, the average spending per student is about $12,000. The average tuition in a Catholic Parochial School is about $4000. (You know, those schools where the Machine Politicians send their kids! Funny you all keep avoiding THAT point.) Guess who does better in graduation rates, test scores and college admittance?

In fact, schools would run vastly better if they were privatized and run like businesses.

Hey, Joe. Public schools take all kids, not just kids with good achievement scores, and they aren't subsidized by the Catholic Church. Fail.

Well, first, the Catholic Church doesn't really "subsidize" them anymore. .

Yes they do.
Providing the physical structure is a huge subsidy, Joe.

And most of those structures were built decades ago. The Catholic School I went to still uses the same buildings. Except the old Convent. They sold that off as apartments when women stopped being nuns.

Missing the point. Public schools don't get free buildings. We have to pay for them.

It's a private school. They don't take kids with disabilities unless they want to. We take all students, and students with disabilities, or who are disadvantaged economically, are still our students.

Well,maybe that's the problem. You expend a lot of resources on the "problem cases" while neglecting the kids who might have had a reasonable chance.

Missing the point again. Every student has a legal right to an education. We are required to educate them. But it costs us more. Private schools can refuse to admit them, or kick them out, which keeps their costs down.

Well, of course it is VERY relevent. If Democrats really think that defending the corrupt unions and bloated bureaucracy from any accountability is the right thing to do, but they won't put THEIR kids into that system.

No, it's not. Well off people often use fewer public resources. They drive or take taxis, they don't take the bus. They go to a private resort, not a public park. They buy books, they don't check them out of the library. That doesn't make them anti-public transit or anti-public recreation or anti-public library. It's an effect of having more money.

Wow, so Politico is so scared, they are making up "Unnamed Sources".

How about those "unnamed sources" that say Obama had gay sex in a Chicago bathhouse?

The source is not named in the thread, but it's not just some random guy. When a publication uses this term, it's supposed to be verified by the editorial staff. We don't know the name of the source, but the editors do.

And regardless, it's something you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears. What else does Newt do? It's not an accusation of fraud or immorality. It's just the obvious truth.

Two points. First, I Don't trust anything the Politico says. They are so in the tank for Obama they'd make up a lot of stuff. After the whole Cain fiasco, it's clear they are going to go after anyone the GOP puts up.

In the tank for Obama? :lmao:

How can you blame anyone for Cain's problems other than Cain?

Second, I'm sure that there are a lot of people in the GOP who are afraid of Newt. These are the beltway Republicans who just want the Democrats to like them and rub their heads when the Democrats keep taking our freedoms.

Be serious. :lmao:

Bonus point- I want a guy who is going to attack. Seriously. Obama has been a complete disaster for this country. The worst president of my lifetime, hands down. I don't want some guy who is going to slink off like a whipped dog because the Mainstream Media plays the race card, which we all know they are going to do.

Then you were born on January 31, 2009. How can you tell yourself this stuff? What on earth is the basis for it?
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SUre they do, they'll be shot if they aren't...

No they won't.

Yeah, they do. Read up on human rights violations in China, moron.

I don't have to, I lived there for years you idiot. No one is shot for not working hard. Back when China was more of a truly communist country working hard was all but discouraged in practice (because that's what communism does to people). Now someone not working hard will simply be fired and replaced with someone willing to work harder (of course), not shot. Ease off on the dramatics, miss.
Hey, Joe. Public schools take all kids, not just kids with good achievement scores, and they aren't subsidized by the Catholic Church. Fail.

Well, first, the Catholic Church doesn't really "subsidize" them anymore. .

Yes they do.

Uh, no, they really don't. My sister works for a Catholic School as an office manager. Donations barely cover the expenses of the Church. The Schools have to make due with tuition and fundraisers.

I mean, the Catholics aren't like your whacky cult who have complete control of the Zombies who they make tithe. The Catholics are just happy to have people show up these days.
I don't have to, I lived there for years you idiot. No one is shot for not working hard. Back when China was more of a truly communist country working hard was all but discouraged in practice (because that's what communism does to people). Now someone not working hard will simply be fired and replaced with someone willing to work harder (of course), not shot. Ease off on the dramatics, miss.

Well, when we eventually go to War with China, I hope people remember who the traitors were.

This is a regime where they harvest people for transplant organs. Where they have mandetory abortions. Lovely people... and look who supports them.
Well, first, the Catholic Church doesn't really "subsidize" them anymore. .

Yes they do.

Uh, no, they really don't. My sister works for a Catholic School as an office manager. Donations barely cover the expenses of the Church. The Schools have to make due with tuition and fundraisers.

I mean, the Catholics aren't like your whacky cult who have complete control of the Zombies who they make tithe. The Catholics are just happy to have people show up these days.

Uh, yes, by providing a building, they do. Even if they do nothing else, it's an expense for public schools that Catholic schools don't have.

Additionally, public schools educate all children, not just selected children.

They can take the number of kids that the building will hold. They don't have to find room for kids from a new subdivision or apartment complex.

And further, I don't know how Catholic school teachers are insured, but public school teachers get health insurance, which goes into that number.

And further, they aren't required to provide free transportation to school.
Uh, yes, by providing a building, they do. Even if they do nothing else, it's an expense for public schools that Catholic schools don't have.

Additionally, public schools educate all children, not just selected children.

They can take the number of kids that the building will hold. They don't have to find room for kids from a new subdivision or apartment complex.

And further, I don't know how Catholic school teachers are insured, but public school teachers get health insurance, which goes into that number.

And further, they aren't required to provide free transportation to school.

Again, those buildings were put up decades ago, for the most part. As opposed to the public system, which has a "building budget" to put up new schools even if not needed.

Yes, they waste huge amounts of money casting pearls before swine. That's not a virtue.

Yes, Union Teachers get gold-plated benefits, and can retire at 50. And they can't ever be fired no matter how incompetant they are. Catholic School Teachers usually live on their husband's insurance (like my niece, whose married to the cop) and are there because they love kids.

As for transportation. Yup, the Public Schools wasted millions of dollars busing kids into other neighborhoods in the name of diversity.

Come on, guy, how many more lame ass excuses to you want to put out there for epic fail?
Yes they do.

Uh, no, they really don't. .

They really do. The local Achdiocese works with Catholic schools in many ways including finance. They obviously do not fund the entire school but they do "subsidize." Argue about matters of degree if you must.

The Catholic Church still sends me letters asking for money for the school, even though I stopped being a Catholic around 1983. They asked my neices to send their relatives fundraising letters.

Like I said, the Catholics aren't like the Mormons. When the Bishop says "jump", most people ignore him.
I don't have to, I lived there for years you idiot. No one is shot for not working hard. Back when China was more of a truly communist country working hard was all but discouraged in practice (because that's what communism does to people). Now someone not working hard will simply be fired and replaced with someone willing to work harder (of course), not shot. Ease off on the dramatics, miss.

Well, when we eventually go to War with China, I hope people remember who the traitors were.

This is a regime where they harvest people for transplant organs. Where they have mandetory abortions. Lovely people... and look who supports them.

"Traitor"? Really, asshole? Have I made any indication of supporting the CCP, you fucking asshole? Your fucking ignorance is nothing to be proud of and your absurd accusations mark you as a dishonest piece of shit (as if we didn't already know) You haven't made enough of a fool of yourself up to now? Gotta kick it up a notch? You're a fucking joke, and you speak from ignorance.
I don't have to, I lived there for years you idiot. No one is shot for not working hard. Back when China was more of a truly communist country working hard was all but discouraged in practice (because that's what communism does to people). Now someone not working hard will simply be fired and replaced with someone willing to work harder (of course), not shot. Ease off on the dramatics, miss.

Well, when we eventually go to War with China, I hope people remember who the traitors were.

This is a regime where they harvest people for transplant organs. Where they have mandetory abortions. Lovely people... and look who supports them.

"Traitor"? Really, asshole? Have I made any indication of supporting the CCP, you fucking asshole? Your fucking ignorance is nothing to be proud of and your absurd accusations mark you as a dishonest piece of shit (as if we didn't already know) You haven't made enough of a fool of yourself up to now? Gotta kick it up a notch? You're a fucking joke, and you speak from ignorance.

Well, here you are defending them and making apologies for their human rights violations.

Just like a 1930's Bundist saying Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.

Unfortunately, the "Old Man Potter" faction of the GOP is happy to hop into bed with these butchers. As long as rich people make money, right?

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