Re-Evaluating Newt..

Apparently only if the janitors are unionized and the kids are poor. I imagine if the kid wants to be an electrician, they can be hired to splice in to trunk cables, they want to work in the cafeteria they will fire the lunch ladies; shit why not let the kids teach the classes too.

Get ready for some wing nut to come in with the classically stupid "good idea" at this point.

My own opinion is we should get rid of public education altogether, and just give every parent a voucher and be done with it.

I go back to my earlier point, that all you libs and Toro (but I repeat myself) danced around.

I went to a Catholic School in Chicago. And in that time, I got to hobnob with all the kiddies of the Democratic Machine politicians.

Because as much as they say they LOOOOOVE union teachers and union janitors and union lunch ladies sucking off the teet of the rest of us...

They'd never want to inflict them on their own kids.
And he should have a HUGE Value Added Tax and Tariff added to it when it does.

Oh, you're for tax increases now too! Über-RINOs have no problem raising taxes on Americans!

Somehow, I don't think "raising taxes" is going to be on the GOP platform. You know, since you are so anti-capitalist, there is another party that you might feel more comfortable in.

Buy American, you don't pay the tax...
I guess that's why American manufacturing is moving to China. They just work harder over there.

Gee, I hope he enjoyed the trip to the school you provided for him.

Please, guy. Comparing American workers to lazy union slugs in government jobs is kind of insulting.

Have honestly seen the shit that comes over from China. It mostly falls apart.

But you see, this moron can't see past the fact that when you take away our industrial infrastructure and give it to a totalitarian regime that slaughters its own people for transplant organs, you are making this country weaker.

Some would call that treason.

Yes, some would call capitalism "treason." Extremist leftists would.
But you see, this moron can't see past the fact that when you take away our industrial infrastructure and give it to a totalitarian regime that slaughters its own people for transplant organs, you are making this country weaker.

Some would call that treason.

Yes, some would call capitalism "treason." Extremist leftists would.

No, I would call aiding and abetting enemy regimes as treason...

But, it's hard for a man to understand a problem when his paycheck is dependent on him not understanding it.
But you see, this moron can't see past the fact that when you take away our industrial infrastructure and give it to a totalitarian regime that slaughters its own people for transplant organs, you are making this country weaker.

Some would call that treason.

Yes, some would call capitalism "treason." Extremist leftists would.

No, I would call aiding and abetting enemy regimes as treason...

But, it's hard for a man to understand a problem when his paycheck is dependent on him not understanding it.

It's a good thing you don't get paid for understanding this because you don't.

If you did get paid, we could fire you and hire some high school kid for free. At least we know the product from the high school kid couldn't possibly be any worse.
That is what Newt is advocating. Get RID of janitors in schools, and HIRE poor kids. Get rid of = fire.


Newt said we should fire all the janitors and hire kids.

Instead of firing the working stiff, Newt should give his entire salary to fund a program which hires kids to sweep the streets.

So if the kids can do the job the janitor is doing, why not use the kids who want to do it? I worked my way through college in part working for the university I attended doing any work that was available. By utilizing as much student labor as possible, the university was able to keep tuition, books, and fees affordable for the student.

You have a problem with that?

Of course he does. Janitors are union members, after all, and it's MUCH better for our schools - which are run by liberals, and keep telling us how they need more money "for the children" - to keep paying them $20 an hour each plus bennies.
Yes, some would call capitalism "treason." Extremist leftists would.

No, I would call aiding and abetting enemy regimes as treason...

But, it's hard for a man to understand a problem when his paycheck is dependent on him not understanding it.

It's a good thing you don't get paid for understanding this because you don't.

If you did get paid, we could fire you and hire some high school kid for free. At least we know the product from the high school kid couldn't possibly be any worse.

Guy, I'm a buyer in a manufacturing plant. I deal with this problem every day. Domestic and foreign suppliers...

I understand how we are screwing ourselves better than you can possibly imagine. Because I see it, on the front lines.

But Marie, you probably won't see it until they break out the Guillotine.

Newt said we should fire all the janitors and hire kids.

Instead of firing the working stiff, Newt should give his entire salary to fund a program which hires kids to sweep the streets.

So if the kids can do the job the janitor is doing, why not use the kids who want to do it? I worked my way through college in part working for the university I attended doing any work that was available. By utilizing as much student labor as possible, the university was able to keep tuition, books, and fees affordable for the student.

You have a problem with that?

Of course he does. Janitors are union members, after all, and it's MUCH better for our schools - which are run by liberals, and keep telling us how they need more money "for the children" - to keep paying them $20 an hour each plus bennies.

Don't make stoopid assumptions, Cruella.
No, I would call aiding and abetting enemy regimes as treason...

But, it's hard for a man to understand a problem when his paycheck is dependent on him not understanding it.

It's a good thing you don't get paid for understanding this because you don't.

If you did get paid, we could fire you and hire some high school kid for free. At least we know the product from the high school kid couldn't possibly be any worse.

Guy, I'm a buyer in a manufacturing plant. I deal with this problem every day. Domestic and foreign suppliers...

I understand how we are screwing ourselves better than you can possibly imagine. Because I see it, on the front lines.

But Marie, you probably won't see it until they break out the Guillotine.

Oh, China is an "enemy regime" now. So you have no problem with offshoring to India, Indonesia and Mexico then?
So if the kids can do the job the janitor is doing, why not use the kids who want to do it? I worked my way through college in part working for the university I attended doing any work that was available. By utilizing as much student labor as possible, the university was able to keep tuition, books, and fees affordable for the student.

You have a problem with that?

Of course he does. Janitors are union members, after all, and it's MUCH better for our schools - which are run by liberals, and keep telling us how they need more money "for the children" - to keep paying them $20 an hour each plus bennies.

Don't make stoopid assumptions, Cruella.

That's what this is really all about, isn't it? I mean it isn't like you liberals are really concerned about kids working. The schools send them out every year to sell candy to support the school despite the generous amounts our money they take in taxes to pay for those bloated union benefits.

So they aren't really worried about the kid's safety. They are probalby safer moping a floor than walking a neighborhood selling candy to strangers.
Of course he does. Janitors are union members, after all, and it's MUCH better for our schools - which are run by liberals, and keep telling us how they need more money "for the children" - to keep paying them $20 an hour each plus bennies.

Don't make stoopid assumptions, Cruella.

That's what this is really all about, isn't it? I mean it isn't like you liberals are really concerned about kids working. The schools send them out every year to sell candy to support the school despite the generous amounts our money they take in taxes to pay for those bloated union benefits.

So they aren't really worried about the kid's safety. They are probalby safer moping a floor than walking a neighborhood selling candy to strangers.

Nice deflection. Here's a trophy. You're the deflection champion.

It's a good thing you don't get paid for understanding this because you don't.

If you did get paid, we could fire you and hire some high school kid for free. At least we know the product from the high school kid couldn't possibly be any worse.

Guy, I'm a buyer in a manufacturing plant. I deal with this problem every day. Domestic and foreign suppliers...

I understand how we are screwing ourselves better than you can possibly imagine. Because I see it, on the front lines.

But Marie, you probably won't see it until they break out the Guillotine.

Oh, China is an "enemy regime" now. So you have no problem with offshoring to India, Indonesia and Mexico then?

I have a problem giving away ANY strategic advantage to a country that doesn't share our values.

To the point, one of the things you liberals are fond of in this fight is your BELOVED child labor laws. Okay. Fair enough. Some merit to that. Even Newt thinks so. And you are proud of our environmental laws, or safety laws, or fair wage laws.... All well and good. We should have those.

But then you don't put all those chains around businesses and then argue, "Here, go to a gunfight with a knife. ON second thought, screw the knife, here's a spoon."

And this is where you guys on wall street are really in cahooots with the liberals. Because once you've gotten rid of the industry in the country, we all have to become dependent on the government. Except who do you think they are going to come after to pay for all this stuff?

Like I said, sometimes we have to save you people from yourselves.
Don't make stoopid assumptions, Cruella.

That's what this is really all about, isn't it? I mean it isn't like you liberals are really concerned about kids working. The schools send them out every year to sell candy to support the school despite the generous amounts our money they take in taxes to pay for those bloated union benefits.

So they aren't really worried about the kid's safety. They are probalby safer moping a floor than walking a neighborhood selling candy to strangers.

Nice deflection. Here's a trophy. You're the deflection champion.


The biggest time to grab your wallet and not bend over is when a liberal says he's doing it "for the children".
Guy, I'm a buyer in a manufacturing plant. I deal with this problem every day. Domestic and foreign suppliers...

I understand how we are screwing ourselves better than you can possibly imagine. Because I see it, on the front lines.

But Marie, you probably won't see it until they break out the Guillotine.

Oh, China is an "enemy regime" now. So you have no problem with offshoring to India, Indonesia and Mexico then?

I have a problem giving away ANY strategic advantage to a country that doesn't share our values.

To the point, one of the things you liberals are fond of in this fight is your BELOVED child labor laws. Okay. Fair enough. Some merit to that. Even Newt thinks so. And you are proud of our environmental laws, or safety laws, or fair wage laws.... All well and good. We should have those.

But then you don't put all those chains around businesses and then argue, "Here, go to a gunfight with a knife. ON second thought, screw the knife, here's a spoon."

And this is where you guys on wall street are really in cahooots with the liberals. Because once you've gotten rid of the industry in the country, we all have to become dependent on the government. Except who do you think they are going to come after to pay for all this stuff?

Like I said, sometimes we have to save you people from yourselves.

"Save capitalism from itself" is what you said earlier, I believe.

You bitched earlier that we were offshoring jobs to countries which use child labour, yet here you are, saying we should use child labour in America. :thup: Outstanding.

"Strategic advantage?" What's that? Making ball bearings?

Give it a rest. You say you're a Republican yet you oppose free market capitalism, said capitalism was the reason for the Financial Crisis, believe investing is parasitic, think the 1% is screwing the rest of us, said offshoring was worse than selling nuclear secrets to the Soviets, think capitalism is destroying the planet, want to dramatically raise taxes on American consumers, etc. What did I miss? And you call me a liberal. lol
That's what this is really all about, isn't it? I mean it isn't like you liberals are really concerned about kids working. The schools send them out every year to sell candy to support the school despite the generous amounts our money they take in taxes to pay for those bloated union benefits.

So they aren't really worried about the kid's safety. They are probalby safer moping a floor than walking a neighborhood selling candy to strangers.

Nice deflection. Here's a trophy. You're the deflection champion.


The biggest time to grab your wallet and not bend over is when a liberal says he's doing it "for the children".

Yes. You said you want to fire the janitors "for the children" Liberal!


It's been a bad day for you.
"Save capitalism from itself" is what you said earlier, I believe.

You bitched earlier that we were offshoring jobs to countries which use child labour, yet here you are, saying we should use child labour in America. :thup: Outstanding.

"Strategic advantage?" What's that? Making ball bearings?

Give it a rest. You say you're a Republican yet you oppose free market capitalism, said capitalism was the reason for the Financial Crisis, believe investing is parasitic, think the 1% is screwing the rest of us, said offshoring was worse than selling nuclear secrets to the Soviets, think capitalism is destroying the planet, want to dramatically raise taxes on American consumers, etc. What did I miss? And you call me a liberal. lol

Yes, saving you people from yourselves, because much like Marie Antonette and her ilk, you are your own worst enemies.

if you can't see the difference between a school employing children as a lesson in the value of work and a third world shithole using children to make a big corporation rich, then I'm just not sure about you. (Actually, I am pretty sure about you.)

Greed causes most of the world's problem. "The Love of Money is the root of all evil."
Nice deflection. Here's a trophy. You're the deflection champion.


The biggest time to grab your wallet and not bend over is when a liberal says he's doing it "for the children".

Yes. You said you want to fire the janitors "for the children" Liberal!


It's been a bad day for you.

Blah, blah, blah.... the only thing that's happened today is that you outed yourself as a big-time liberal, like most Romney supporters...
"Save capitalism from itself" is what you said earlier, I believe.

You bitched earlier that we were offshoring jobs to countries which use child labour, yet here you are, saying we should use child labour in America. :thup: Outstanding.

"Strategic advantage?" What's that? Making ball bearings?

Give it a rest. You say you're a Republican yet you oppose free market capitalism, said capitalism was the reason for the Financial Crisis, believe investing is parasitic, think the 1% is screwing the rest of us, said offshoring was worse than selling nuclear secrets to the Soviets, think capitalism is destroying the planet, want to dramatically raise taxes on American consumers, etc. What did I miss? And you call me a liberal. lol

Yes, saving you people from yourselves, because much like Marie Antonette and her ilk, you are your own worst enemies.

if you can't see the difference between a school employing children as a lesson in the value of work and a third world shithole using children to make a big corporation rich, then I'm just not sure about you. (Actually, I am pretty sure about you.)

Greed causes most of the world's problem. "The Love of Money is the root of all evil."

"Capitalism is its own worst enemy."

"We must save capitalism from itself."

"Capitalism causes most of the world's problems."

"Capitalism caused the Financial Crisis."

That's what you're saying, über-RINO. And the last sentence you actually did say.

And let's make something really clear, since the conservatives - plus you, an über-RINO and not a conservative - deflect to this being about high-paying janitor salaries. If you fire people to teach a lesson to kids, you are teaching them that the reward for the value of work is that you will be fired! You want positive reinforcement, not negative reinforcement. Firing people who work is as negative a reinforcement you can give to a kid about work. It is the STUPIDEST idea.

Oh, and you want to fire the janitors and hire child labour so government can save money, which benefits you. So spare me the sanctimonious BS about evil exploitive corporations.
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Actually, I want positive and negative re-inforcement.

You libs are the ones who want to get rid of scorekeeping and give everyone a trophy for "participating". And get rid of dodgeball.

Honestly, I don't think that hiring kids would save money one way or the other. Never made THAT argument. My argument was that instead of having lazy government workers, we teach the kids the virtues of work.

If you fire people to teach a lesson to kids, you are teaching them that the reward for the value of work is that you will be fired!

Only the worthless ball-scratchers.
Actually, I want positive and negative re-inforcement.

You libs are the ones who want to get rid of scorekeeping and give everyone a trophy for "participating". And get rid of dodgeball.

Honestly, I don't think that hiring kids would save money one way or the other. Never made THAT argument. My argument was that instead of having lazy government workers, we teach the kids the virtues of work.

If you fire people to teach a lesson to kids, you are teaching them that the reward for the value of work is that you will be fired!

Only the worthless ball-scratchers.

That wasn't Newt's argument. Newt said fire all of the janitors.

“Most of these schools ought to get rid of the unionized janitors, have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the school,”

Gingrich calls child labor laws ‘truly stupid’ - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

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