Read The Closed-Door Hearing Transcripts Here

Define "transcript" please.

You know: "transcript." Like the "transcript" shitfaced liar Schiff made up:

"Rep. Adam Schiff acknowledged on Thursday that he made up parts of the Ukraine phone call transcript when he delivered his opening statement at a much-watched TV hearing with the U.S. top intelligence officer.

Mr. Schiff, California Democrat and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said his reading was “part in parody”––but made the admission only after Rep. Mike Turner, Ohio Republican, called him out."

Schiff called out for fabricating Ukraine call transcript in opening remarks
You people are so fucking stupid. Everyone with half a brain knew he wasn't quoting the so-called transcript.

Guess that leaves you out.
/——/ And why would the chairman do something so irresponsible during a so called important investigation?
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
You know: "transcript." Like the "transcript" shitfaced liar Schiff made up:

"Rep. Adam Schiff acknowledged on Thursday that he made up parts of the Ukraine phone call transcript when he delivered his opening statement at a much-watched TV hearing with the U.S. top intelligence officer.

Mr. Schiff, California Democrat and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said his reading was “part in parody”––but made the admission only after Rep. Mike Turner, Ohio Republican, called him out."

Schiff called out for fabricating Ukraine call transcript in opening remarks
You people are so fucking stupid. Everyone with half a brain knew he wasn't quoting the so-called transcript.

Guess that leaves you out.
/——/ And why would the chairman do something so irresponsible during a so called important investigation?
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
You people are so fucking stupid. Everyone with half a brain knew he wasn't quoting the so-called transcript.

Guess that leaves you out.
/——/ And why would the chairman do something so irresponsible during a so called important investigation?
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
You know: "transcript." Like the "transcript" shitfaced liar Schiff made up:

"Rep. Adam Schiff acknowledged on Thursday that he made up parts of the Ukraine phone call transcript when he delivered his opening statement at a much-watched TV hearing with the U.S. top intelligence officer.

Mr. Schiff, California Democrat and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said his reading was “part in parody”––but made the admission only after Rep. Mike Turner, Ohio Republican, called him out."

Schiff called out for fabricating Ukraine call transcript in opening remarks
You people are so fucking stupid. Everyone with half a brain knew he wasn't quoting the so-called transcript.

Guess that leaves you out.
/——/ And why would the chairman do something so irresponsible during a so called important investigation?
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
/——/ The only point Shytface made is that he’s a partisan hack who assumed Trump was guilty and he’d make up whatever BS to make an impeachment stick. Name any other Chairman who pulled a similar stunt.
/——/ And why would the chairman do something so irresponsible during a so called important investigation?
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
/—-/ No one accuses you of conducting evil deeds in the dark. We accuse you of carrying Shytface’s water no matter what he says or does.
/——/ And why would the chairman do something so irresponsible during a so called important investigation?
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
You are posting anonymously, so you are literally posting in The Dark. You could be Putin's Personal Butt Plug for all I know.

Perhaps you should change your Avatar to that of a butt plug.

It would definitely be more fitting for a poster such as you.
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
You are posting anonymously, so you are literally posting in The Dark. You could be Putin's Personal Butt Plug for all I know.

Perhaps you should change your Avatar to that of a butt plug.

It would definitely be more fitting for a poster such as you.

Awww....Tree is sad.:crybaby:
His world has been blown up yet again. Don't despair, little buddy. There will more retarded narratives for you to get behind soon enough. :itsok:

There always are and you always do.
The whistleblower is irrelevant at this point, dope.

Their story has been corroborated many times over.

Then you should have no problem with our side questioning him under oath.

To what end? It's not necessary to question the motives of the guy who called 911 when the fire dept is on the scene and fighting the fire.
More like you wish to leak their identity in an effort to impugne their reputation in violation of federal law.

The president has a constitutional right to face his accuser or have you forgotten that?

He doesn't ,dope.

Whistleblower identities are protected under federal law.

Wrong again dope. This idiot is not a whistleblower, he is a LEAKER. Thus subject to ZERO protection. Try again.

Ah you poor Trumpette- just parroting the propaganda you have been told to parrot.

The whistleblower reported his concerns through the legal channels provided for in the law- and is entitled to the full protections of the law.

Trump is pissed off at him because the whistleblower blew his 'perfect' secret attempt to get the President of the Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

And of course Trump ignores the whistleblower law like Trump ignores the rest of the laws.
The purpose of Schiff's closed door hearing was to hide his injustices from the public.
These "transcripts" are not complete and therefore worthless propaganda.
Half the Transcripts are not even there. Where are all the Volker Transcripts?

BTW, I guess this YovanoBitch was a Soros Puppet. Another Deep State Operative.

U.S. Embassy Pressured Ukrainian Officials To End Investigation Of Soros Group In 2016

Anyone who’s ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle knows that the process is tedious in the beginning. First, we place all the similar colored pieces in small groups, try various configurations and then we see how two groups might fit together and so on. At a certain point, the progress becomes faster until finally, a picture starts to emerge.

We’ve reached the point where old information that once seemed disconnected and meaningless now makes sense based on new developments.

Unless you’ve been on Mars for the last few days, you know that former Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid unless the Ukrainian government fired then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in March 2016. He was about to question Biden’s son, Hunter, about his involvement in Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company.

Back in March (of this year), investigative reporter John Solomon interviewed Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin.

Lutsenko told Solomon that in April 2016, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office was investigating a nonprofit called the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC). The concern was that $4.4 million the U.S. had sent to help fight corruption in Ukraine had been improperly diverted.

Soon after taking office, Lutsenko was summoned to the U.S. Embassy to meet the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.

Lutsenko told Solomon that Yovanovitch handed him “a list of people whom we should not prosecute.” (The list included a founder of the AntAC group and two members of Parliament who vocally supported the group’s anti-corruption reform agenda.)

I guess that’s what happens when one tries to investigate an Obama administration/Soros group.

This so-called anti-corruption organization, AntAC, was co-founded by the Obama administration and George Soros.

Shortly before Lutsenko took office, then-U.S. Embassy Charge d’ Affaires George Kent sent a letter to the Prosecutor General’s office. He wrote, “The investigation into the Anti-Corruption Action Center (sic), based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced.” Kent also indicated that “U.S. officials had no concerns about how the U.S. aid had been spent.”

Ahh, so Biden was acting on direct orders from the owner of the Stalinist democrat Party

Biden was acting on direct orders from the elected President of the United STates as part of the official U.S. policy.

Unlike Trump making a secret call, and his personal attorney to try to get Ukraine to investigate his political rival.
What was irresponsible about it?

As far as I can tell his biggest error was in assuming you conservative types were intelligent enough to understand him.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
You are posting anonymously, so you are literally posting in The Dark. You could be Putin's Personal Butt Plug for all I know.

Perhaps you should change your Avatar to that of a butt plug.

It would definitely be more fitting for a poster such as you.

You trumpettes sure seem obsessed butts.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
You are posting anonymously, so you are literally posting in The Dark. You could be Putin's Personal Butt Plug for all I know.

Perhaps you should change your Avatar to that of a butt plug.

It would definitely be more fitting for a poster such as you.

You trumpettes sure seem obsessed butts.
Name call, no rebuttal, child tantrum, no posting talent bum.
Then you should have no problem with our side questioning him under oath.

To what end? It's not necessary to question the motives of the guy who called 911 when the fire dept is on the scene and fighting the fire.
More like you wish to leak their identity in an effort to impugne their reputation in violation of federal law.

The president has a constitutional right to face his accuser or have you forgotten that?

He doesn't ,dope.

Whistleblower identities are protected under federal law.

Wrong again dope. This idiot is not a whistleblower, he is a LEAKER. Thus subject to ZERO protection. Try again.

Ah you poor Trumpette- just parroting the propaganda you have been told to parrot.

The whistleblower reported his concerns through the legal channels provided for in the law- and is entitled to the full protections of the law.

Trump is pissed off at him because the whistleblower blew his 'perfect' secret attempt to get the President of the Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

And of course Trump ignores the whistleblower law like Trump ignores the rest of the laws.
trumpf is the mafia president ""yeah I did it ,,So what""?
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.

Will Closed-Door Benghazi Hearings Keep the Circus Away?

Trey Gowdy: "I can get more information in a five-hour deposition than I can in five minutes of listening to a colleague ask questions in committee hearings," Gowdy said. "If it's about getting the information, then you want to use the investigatory tool that is most calculated and gets you the most amount of information and that's not five minutes in a committee hearing."

Over three days, February 1–3, House managers took videotaped closed-door depositions from Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
Then you should have no problem with our side questioning him under oath.

To what end? It's not necessary to question the motives of the guy who called 911 when the fire dept is on the scene and fighting the fire.
More like you wish to leak their identity in an effort to impugne their reputation in violation of federal law.

The president has a constitutional right to face his accuser or have you forgotten that?

He doesn't ,dope.

Whistleblower identities are protected under federal law.

Wrong again dope. This idiot is not a whistleblower, he is a LEAKER. Thus subject to ZERO protection. Try again.

Ah you poor Trumpette- just parroting the propaganda you have been told to parrot.

The whistleblower reported his concerns through the legal channels provided for in the law- and is entitled to the full protections of the law.

Trump is pissed off at him because the whistleblower blew his 'perfect' secret attempt to get the President of the Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

And of course Trump ignores the whistleblower law like Trump ignores the rest of the laws.
/----/ "Ah you poor Trumpette- just parroting the propaganda you have been told to parrot.'
So exactly told us to parrot anything? I'm sure you wouldn't just make stuff up to post, so back it up with proof, or STFU.
/—-/ So Chairman Shytface treats an Impeachment Inquiry like he’s auditioning for SNL. And in the same breath you libtards bash Trump Tweets for being irresponsible and not presidential.
A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
You are posting anonymously, so you are literally posting in The Dark. You could be Putin's Personal Butt Plug for all I know.

Perhaps you should change your Avatar to that of a butt plug.

It would definitely be more fitting for a poster such as you.

Awww....Tree is sad.:crybaby:
His world has been blown up yet again. Don't despair, little buddy. There will more retarded narratives for you to get behind soon enough. :itsok:

There always are and you always do.
My world is fine.

I don't belong to a Party that felt they had to purchase Russian Propaganda from Putin in order to defeat Donald Trump, and took money from their handlers, special interests, foreign governments and lobbyists to the tune of $1.5 Billion to buy their way in to the White House, and still lost despite outspending The President 6-1.

I don't belong to The Party that owned The Liberal Main Stream Media that spammed the American Airwaves with Fake Russian Propaganda 24-7 for the past 3 Years only to have exposed that each and every fake accusation was a Bold Faced Lie!

I don't belong to a party that had a secret server so they could conduct criminal activities away from the eyes of Watch Dogs, and avoid FOIA requests, and then Bleach Bit 33,000 emails, and destroyed 17 Electronic Devices to hide their crimes and was still given blanket immunity to their Campaign (Clinton Campaign) and their Money Laundering Operation, (The Podesta Group) to protect themselves and a corrupt President, Obama Bin Lying.

I don't belong to The Party that paid British and Russian Agents to interfere in The 2016 Election on their behalf, and went so far as to even file False Affidavits in FISA to cheat in an election, and try to impede an incoming administration and block a Peaceful Transition of Power.

I am not a member of The Party that took bribes from Russians, and Ukrainians to give their benefactors access to The State Department and The White House and to pay off crooked politicians to vote for giving our enemies control of 20% of our Uranium, or to demand they stop investigating crooked politicians like Biden, Clinton, and Obama.

I also do not belong to the party who flew $150 Billion dollars in violation of International Law to Iran so they could fund terrorists acts all across the globe, and did it in a most dishonest and sneaky fashion, and then gave them a blank check on terrorizing The Middle East with Nuclear Weapons.

I also do not belong to The Party that felt they had to illegally spy on a rival campaign to have a chance at defeating President Trump, and I do not belong to The Party that essentially left a Poison Pill, in the form of a Bureaucratic COUP, against our President, and with the hopes to Over Turn our Democracy, and thwart The Will of The People.

I do not belong to The Party, that is engaged in COUP 2.0 after Mueller and COUP 1.0 failed, and that has to rely on Secret Hearings, from Secret Witnesses, who make Secret Accusations with Zero Due Process involved, and Gross Violations of one's Civil Rights for the past three years, just because they are Butt Hurt Losers.

My life is fine. Truth will always vindicate The Wrongly Accused and point the finger back at The DemNazi Party.
Last edited:
"Closed Door"

HOMOS tend to like to keep DOORS CLOSED, especially CLOSET DOORS....

A few points here.

Schiff was making a point.

tRump is just drooling on himself.

Schiff did it once.

tRump drools on himself several times a day, sometimes up to 80 times in a weekend.
Only Commies, and Earth Worshipping Geighs conduct their Evil Deeds in The Dark.
Yes, good thing I posted that in daylight on a message board then huh?
You are posting anonymously, so you are literally posting in The Dark. You could be Putin's Personal Butt Plug for all I know.

Perhaps you should change your Avatar to that of a butt plug.

It would definitely be more fitting for a poster such as you.

Awww....Tree is sad.:crybaby:
His world has been blown up yet again. Don't despair, little buddy. There will more retarded narratives for you to get behind soon enough. :itsok:

There always are and you always do.
My world is fine.

I don't belong to a Party that felt they had to purchase Russian Propaganda from Putin in order to defeat Donald Trump, and took money from their handlers, special interests, foreign governments and lobbyists to the tune of $1.5 Billion to buy their way in to the White House, and still lost despite outspending The President 6-1.

I don't belong to The Party that owned The Liberal Main Stream Media that spammed the American Airwaves with Fake Russian Propaganda 24-7 for the past 3 Years only to have exposed that each and every fake accusation was a Bold Faced Lie!

I don't belong to a party that had a secret server so they could conduct criminal activities away from the eyes of Watch Dogs, and avoid FOIA requests, and then Bleach Bit 33,000 emails, and destroyed 17 Electronic Devices to hide their crimes and was still given blanket immunity to their Campaign (Clinton Campaign) and their Money Laundering Operation, (The Podesta Group) to protect themselves and a corrupt President, Obama Bin Lying.

I don't belong to The Party that paid British and Russian Agents to interfere in The 2016 Election on their behalf, and went so far as to even file False Affidavits in FISA to cheat in an election, and try to impede an incoming administration and block a Peaceful Transition of Power.

I am not a member of The Party that took bribes from Russians, and Ukrainians to give their benefactors access to The State Department and The White House and to pay off crooked politicians to vote for giving our enemies control of 20% of our Uranium, or to demand they stop investigating crooked politicians like Biden, Clinton, and Obama.

I also do not belong to the party who flew $150 Billion dollars in violation of International Law to Iran so they could fund terrorists acts all across the globe, and did it in a most dishonest and sneaky fashion, and then gave them a blank check on terrorizing The Middle East with Nuclear Weapons.

I also do not belong to The Party that felt they had to illegally spy on a rival campaign to have a chance at defeating President Trump, and I do not belong to The Party that essentially left a Poison Pill, in the form of a Bureaucratic COUP, against our President, and with the hopes to Over Turn our Democracy, and thwart The Will of The People.

I do not belong to The Party, that is engaged in COUP 2.0 after Mueller and COUP 1.0 failed, and that has to rely on Secret Hearings, from Secret Witnesses, who make Secret Accusations with Zero Due Process involved, and Gross Violations of one's Civil Rights for the past three years, just because they are Butt Hurt Losers.

My life is fine. Truth will always vindicate The Wrongly Accused and point the finger back at The DemNazi Party.'re fine alright . :blowup:
The purpose of Schiff's closed door hearing was to hide his injustices from the public.
These "transcripts" are not complete and therefore worthless propaganda.
Half the Transcripts are not even there. Where are all the Volker Transcripts?

BTW, I guess this YovanoBitch was a Soros Puppet. Another Deep State Operative.

U.S. Embassy Pressured Ukrainian Officials To End Investigation Of Soros Group In 2016

Anyone who’s ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle knows that the process is tedious in the beginning. First, we place all the similar colored pieces in small groups, try various configurations and then we see how two groups might fit together and so on. At a certain point, the progress becomes faster until finally, a picture starts to emerge.

We’ve reached the point where old information that once seemed disconnected and meaningless now makes sense based on new developments.

Unless you’ve been on Mars for the last few days, you know that former Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid unless the Ukrainian government fired then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in March 2016. He was about to question Biden’s son, Hunter, about his involvement in Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company.

Back in March (of this year), investigative reporter John Solomon interviewed Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin.

Lutsenko told Solomon that in April 2016, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office was investigating a nonprofit called the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC). The concern was that $4.4 million the U.S. had sent to help fight corruption in Ukraine had been improperly diverted.

Soon after taking office, Lutsenko was summoned to the U.S. Embassy to meet the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.

Lutsenko told Solomon that Yovanovitch handed him “a list of people whom we should not prosecute.” (The list included a founder of the AntAC group and two members of Parliament who vocally supported the group’s anti-corruption reform agenda.)

I guess that’s what happens when one tries to investigate an Obama administration/Soros group.

This so-called anti-corruption organization, AntAC, was co-founded by the Obama administration and George Soros.

Shortly before Lutsenko took office, then-U.S. Embassy Charge d’ Affaires George Kent sent a letter to the Prosecutor General’s office. He wrote, “The investigation into the Anti-Corruption Action Center (sic), based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced.” Kent also indicated that “U.S. officials had no concerns about how the U.S. aid had been spent.”

Ahh, so Biden was acting on direct orders from the owner of the Stalinist democrat Party

Biden was acting on direct orders from the elected President of the United STates as part of the official U.S. policy.

Unlike Trump making a secret call, and his personal attorney to try to get Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

So Obama was behind extortion, money laundering and payola that the Bidens were running through the Ukraine
The purpose of Schiff's closed door hearing was to hide his injustices from the public.
These "transcripts" are not complete and therefore worthless propaganda.
Half the Transcripts are not even there. Where are all the Volker Transcripts?

BTW, I guess this YovanoBitch was a Soros Puppet. Another Deep State Operative.

U.S. Embassy Pressured Ukrainian Officials To End Investigation Of Soros Group In 2016

Anyone who’s ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle knows that the process is tedious in the beginning. First, we place all the similar colored pieces in small groups, try various configurations and then we see how two groups might fit together and so on. At a certain point, the progress becomes faster until finally, a picture starts to emerge.

We’ve reached the point where old information that once seemed disconnected and meaningless now makes sense based on new developments.

Unless you’ve been on Mars for the last few days, you know that former Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid unless the Ukrainian government fired then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in March 2016. He was about to question Biden’s son, Hunter, about his involvement in Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company.

Back in March (of this year), investigative reporter John Solomon interviewed Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin.

Lutsenko told Solomon that in April 2016, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office was investigating a nonprofit called the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC). The concern was that $4.4 million the U.S. had sent to help fight corruption in Ukraine had been improperly diverted.

Soon after taking office, Lutsenko was summoned to the U.S. Embassy to meet the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.

Lutsenko told Solomon that Yovanovitch handed him “a list of people whom we should not prosecute.” (The list included a founder of the AntAC group and two members of Parliament who vocally supported the group’s anti-corruption reform agenda.)

I guess that’s what happens when one tries to investigate an Obama administration/Soros group.

This so-called anti-corruption organization, AntAC, was co-founded by the Obama administration and George Soros.

Shortly before Lutsenko took office, then-U.S. Embassy Charge d’ Affaires George Kent sent a letter to the Prosecutor General’s office. He wrote, “The investigation into the Anti-Corruption Action Center (sic), based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced.” Kent also indicated that “U.S. officials had no concerns about how the U.S. aid had been spent.”

Ahh, so Biden was acting on direct orders from the owner of the Stalinist democrat Party

Biden was acting on direct orders from the elected President of the United STates as part of the official U.S. policy.

Unlike Trump making a secret call, and his personal attorney to try to get Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

So Obama was behind extortion, money laundering and payola that the Bidens were running through the Ukraine

Of course not, retard.

Get it yet? Are you beginning to understand that you were lied to? Again.

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