Read The Closed-Door Hearing Transcripts Here

/——/ Aren’t you Progs rejecting the transcript claiming it’s only a summary? Why should we accept Shytface’s summarizations?
Because they are actually transcripts, not summaries.

/———/ Transcripts of Shytface’s made up bull crap.
Define "transcript" please.
/——/ No can do, my Google is broken too. Sorry
Wilfully ignorant is no way to go through life, Son.
/——/ Aren’t you Progs rejecting the transcript claiming it’s only a summary? Why should we accept Shytface’s summarizations?
Because they are actually transcripts, not summaries.

/———/ Transcripts of Shytface’s made up bull crap.
Define "transcript" please.

You know: "transcript." Like the "transcript" shitfaced liar Schiff made up:

"Rep. Adam Schiff acknowledged on Thursday that he made up parts of the Ukraine phone call transcript when he delivered his opening statement at a much-watched TV hearing with the U.S. top intelligence officer.

Mr. Schiff, California Democrat and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said his reading was “part in parody”––but made the admission only after Rep. Mike Turner, Ohio Republican, called him out."

Schiff called out for fabricating Ukraine call transcript in opening remarks
Then you should have no problem with our side questioning him under oath.

To what end? It's not necessary to question the motives of the guy who called 911 when the fire dept is on the scene and fighting the fire.
More like you wish to leak their identity in an effort to impugne their reputation in violation of federal law.

The president has a constitutional right to face his accuser or have you forgotten that?
The whistleblower is not his accuser, the American people are.

Ahhh. Ok, Mr. American person. Tell me what you heard when Trump was speaking to the Ukraine President, on the phone. Ohhh wait. You weren't there listening, were you?

That means you're a user and a loser, but certainly not an accuser.
You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you.

Oh I see. So you were one of those listening in when Trump made his call to the Ukraine Prez?

Tell me, what did he say?
/——/ Aren’t you Progs rejecting the transcript claiming it’s only a summary? Why should we accept Shytface’s summarizations?
Because they are actually transcripts, not summaries.

/———/ Transcripts of Shytface’s made up bull crap.
Define "transcript" please.
/——/ No can do, my Google is broken too. Sorry
Wilfully ignorant is no way to go through life, Son.
/——/ But I haven’t finished reading the Mueller Report...
Why aren't I as "informed" as the OP and Progressives? They can ignore the transcript of the phone call and rely solely upon what others tell them to think about what's in there.

I've also tried so many times to see the Collusion in the penumbra of the Mueller Report, but I just don't see it. It's like the lady wearing that black and blue dress
The whistleblower is irrelevant at this point, dope.

Their story has been corroborated many times over.

Then you should have no problem with our side questioning him under oath.

To what end? It's not necessary to question the motives of the guy who called 911 when the fire dept is on the scene and fighting the fire.
More like you wish to leak their identity in an effort to impugne their reputation in violation of federal law.

The president has a constitutional right to face his accuser or have you forgotten that?

He doesn't ,dope.

Whistleblower identities are protected under federal law.

Wrong again dope. This idiot is not a whistleblower, he is a LEAKER. Thus subject to ZERO protection. Try again.

Sure that's why they went through the WB process and reported to the ICIG who called the information "urgent and credible".

Wrong again dope. This idiot is not a whistleblower, he is a LEAKER. Thus subject to ZERO protection. Try again.

In your bullshit opinion

That was not an "opinion", it was a fact. The so-called" whistleblower" did not reveal, nor was he privy to any information about the phone call. He was only repeating second-hand information that was told to him by someone else.

He is basically Schiff's butt-boy to make the media think he had some stunning revelation about the phone call.. And now Schiff won't even allow his little pajama-boy to testify, for fear that his ruse will be found out.

You probably don't even know that this "whistleblower" has been identified, do you?

Or anything about his past? Or about his acquaintances, his connections, and his motives?

Do you?

That was not an "opinion", it was a fact. The so-called" whistleblower" did not reveal, nor was he privy to any information about the phone call. He was only repeating second-hand information that was told to him by someone else.

Which of course is irrelevant.

First hand witnesses testimony has corroborated the WB account, dope.
In your bullshit opinion

Wrong again LUSH. In the opinion of those who matter. You’d be one of the experts on bullshit, seeing how you swallow it from your overall masters every day.
Fuck you newbie. What "important person" has that bullshit opinion?

No, fuck YOU idiot. Look it up yourself. You can’t afford my rates lush.
You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you.

No retard. Per YOUR rules, you have to prove the negative. Now get busy you piss drinking moron.

You would have to PROVE criminal intent.
Hmm, no, just successfully argue it. The "proof" is in the eyes of the jury. In the case of the House, the representatives. In the case of the Senate, the Senators. In the case of a court, the jurors or judge.

This isn't rocket surgery, ya moron. Squeeze your head or something and try to puzzle some of this stuff out on your own. I can't hold your hand forever.

More stupidity from a master. You can’t successfully argue it either moron. You now compare this to a jury trial, after weeks of screaming that this is not a jury trial so Trump doesn’t get his constitutional rights. Jesus Christ you are so stupid it’s pathetic. You may want to quit while you’re only6 feet deep.
Don't much like that corner your incometence has painted you into, huh?

Trump has a constitutional right to a trial in the Senate. Until then he has a constitutional duty to cooperate with the House impeachment investigation.
Nice talking point, parrot. But a total lie, obviously.

It's interesting how often you parrots are guilty of projection.

So you've read it? What is it Trump supposedly did?

Or is this just one more in a long string of nothingburgers?

nah - a long string of quid pro quo admissions from Goldiloks ----

Well post them here. I have more important things to do than download a 128 MB PDF file, and spend the rest of the day searching for something that isn't there.
So... You aren't going to read it, just argue about what's in it?

When you don't even know?

Nope. Why should I trust something that was written in secrecy?
Nope. Why should I trust something that was written in secrecy?

Retarded post of the day!

If you read the transcripts, you would see that the room was full of Republicans asking hours and hours of questions of the witnesses. Then publicly released. Obviously not done "in secrecy", dope.

No one is going to read hundreds of pages of testimony, so since this is your thread why don't you highlight which pages you think prove a crime committed by TRUMP?

We'll wait...
Why wouldn't you read it? Having real facts to shout at each other makes this much more interesting.

Why are those in attendance blocked out on pages 2-3?
Why are Dem's scared shitless of the whistleblower testifying and being subject to cross examination hmmm?

The whistleblower is irrelevant at this point, dope.

Their story has been corroborated many times over.

Then you should have no problem with our side questioning him under oath.

To what end? It's not necessary to question the motives of the guy who called 911 when the fire dept is on the scene and fighting the fire.
More like you wish to leak their identity in an effort to impugne their reputation in violation of federal law.

The president has a constitutional right to face his accuser or have you forgotten that?
The whistleblower is not his accuser, the American people are.

LMAO talk about desperation. Why are you Dem's so afraid to allow the GOP to cross examine this so called whistle blower hmmm? I think we all know the answer. :eusa_hand:
The purpose of Schiff's closed door hearing was to hide his injustices from the public.
These "transcripts" are not complete and therefore worthless propaganda.
Half the Transcripts are not even there. Where are all the Volker Transcripts?

BTW, I guess this YovanoBitch was a Soros Puppet. Another Deep State Operative.

U.S. Embassy Pressured Ukrainian Officials To End Investigation Of Soros Group In 2016

Anyone who’s ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle knows that the process is tedious in the beginning. First, we place all the similar colored pieces in small groups, try various configurations and then we see how two groups might fit together and so on. At a certain point, the progress becomes faster until finally, a picture starts to emerge.

We’ve reached the point where old information that once seemed disconnected and meaningless now makes sense based on new developments.

Unless you’ve been on Mars for the last few days, you know that former Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid unless the Ukrainian government fired then-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in March 2016. He was about to question Biden’s son, Hunter, about his involvement in Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company.

Back in March (of this year), investigative reporter John Solomon interviewed Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin.

Lutsenko told Solomon that in April 2016, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office was investigating a nonprofit called the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC). The concern was that $4.4 million the U.S. had sent to help fight corruption in Ukraine had been improperly diverted.

Soon after taking office, Lutsenko was summoned to the U.S. Embassy to meet the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.

Lutsenko told Solomon that Yovanovitch handed him “a list of people whom we should not prosecute.” (The list included a founder of the AntAC group and two members of Parliament who vocally supported the group’s anti-corruption reform agenda.)

I guess that’s what happens when one tries to investigate an Obama administration/Soros group.

This so-called anti-corruption organization, AntAC, was co-founded by the Obama administration and George Soros.

Shortly before Lutsenko took office, then-U.S. Embassy Charge d’ Affaires George Kent sent a letter to the Prosecutor General’s office. He wrote, “The investigation into the Anti-Corruption Action Center (sic), based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced.” Kent also indicated that “U.S. officials had no concerns about how the U.S. aid had been spent.”

Why are you Dem's so afraid to allow the GOP to cross examine this so called whistle blower hmmm?
Nobody is afraid of that, except the whistleblower, who rightly fears the GOP will expose him to their rabid attack dog base. So he has offered to answer written questions.
The whistleblower is irrelevant at this point, dope.

Their story has been corroborated many times over.

Then you should have no problem with our side questioning him under oath.

To what end? It's not necessary to question the motives of the guy who called 911 when the fire dept is on the scene and fighting the fire.
More like you wish to leak their identity in an effort to impugne their reputation in violation of federal law.

The president has a constitutional right to face his accuser or have you forgotten that?
The whistleblower is not his accuser, the American people are.

LMAO talk about desperation. Why are you Dem's so afraid to allow the GOP to cross examine this so called whistle blower hmmm? I think we all know the answer. :eusa_hand:
I thought you were smarter than that BS Blues All your scum want to do is belittle him mock him and bring up any BS they can find Never mind keeping him and his family safe ,,,4 or 5 already testified as to his truthfulness Just keep on protecting your mafia president ,patriot lol

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