Read Trump's Lips...taxes for the Rich will go UP!

find it crazy people call him a phony when he says he wants to negotiate. I thought people didn't want a "fascist"?

I thought right wingers didn't want a negotiator?
What happened. Other than never getting anything done.
Wasn't trumps original plan to raise taxes?
Please direct me to where he said he wants to raise minimum wage. All I can find is assumption.
I wasn't aware he said that about the states and minimum wage.. Thanks for that. But he was attacking the rich before Christmas.. Especially hedge fund managers...
BTW, I find it crazy people call him a phony when he says he wants to negotiate. I thought people didn't want a "fascist"?

I remember the hedge fund managers. Think now that he has the nomination he is comfortable expanding to all rich. Or he could change next week or tomorrow or an hour from now....
Wasn't trumps original plan to raise taxes?
Please direct me to where he said he wants to raise minimum wage. All I can find is assumption.
I wasn't aware he said that about the states and minimum wage.. Thanks for that. But he was attacking the rich before Christmas.. Especially hedge fund managers...
BTW, I find it crazy people call him a phony when he says he wants to negotiate. I thought people didn't want a "fascist"?

I remember the hedge fund managers. Think now that he has the nomination he is comfortable expanding to all rich. Or he could change next week or tomorrow or an hour from now....
yes, I agree he changes with the wind. But saying "I am willing to negotiate" isn't bad. In fact, that's a good thing. And kinda the point lol..
Wasn't trumps original plan to raise taxes?
Please direct me to where he said he wants to raise minimum wage. All I can find is assumption.
I wasn't aware he said that about the states and minimum wage.. Thanks for that. But he was attacking the rich before Christmas.. Especially hedge fund managers...
BTW, I find it crazy people call him a phony when he says he wants to negotiate. I thought people didn't want a "fascist"?

I remember the hedge fund managers. Think now that he has the nomination he is comfortable expanding to all rich. Or he could change next week or tomorrow or an hour from now....
yes, I agree he changes with the wind. But saying "I am willing to negotiate" isn't bad. In fact, that's a good thing. And kinda the point lol..

Well I think it is good, but many repubs seem to think it is bad. The extremes of both parties probably think it is bad.
Wasn't trumps original plan to raise taxes?
Please direct me to where he said he wants to raise minimum wage. All I can find is assumption.
I wasn't aware he said that about the states and minimum wage.. Thanks for that. But he was attacking the rich before Christmas.. Especially hedge fund managers...
BTW, I find it crazy people call him a phony when he says he wants to negotiate. I thought people didn't want a "fascist"?

I remember the hedge fund managers. Think now that he has the nomination he is comfortable expanding to all rich. Or he could change next week or tomorrow or an hour from now....
yes, I agree he changes with the wind. But saying "I am willing to negotiate" isn't bad. In fact, that's a good thing. And kinda the point lol..

Well I think it is good, but many repubs seem to think it is bad. The extremes of both parties probably think it is bad.
The anti-trump republicans were shitting on him for not being an ideological hack. Even the ones that were supporting the lefty Kasich. Politics brings out the stupid in people.
Trump: 'Taxes for the rich will go up somewhat'

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump says taxes on the wealthy could increase if he's elected president, and that he supports an increase in the minimum wage. Both positions are departures from where Trump stood in the GOP presidential primary.

On taxes, he said he'd be willing to bargain away those cuts in negotiations with Congress.
"On my plan they're going down. But by the time it's negotiated, they'll go up," Trump said on ABC's "This Week."

Trump: 'Taxes for the rich will go up somewhat' -

(oh btw, exactly the sort of flip flop I predicted, good for me)

And now he supports an increase in the minimum wage!

Question: when will you Trumpbots realize you've been suckered worse than the GOP establishment ever suckered you before?
But wait, he's still negotiating with himself.

"Now, if I increase it on the wealthy, that means they're still going to pay less than they're paying now," he said. "I'm not talking about increasing from this point, I'm talking about increasing from my tax proposals."

He's a master negotiator, did you know?

Trump: 'Everybody is getting a tax cut'
"Trump says taxes on the wealthy could increase if he's elected president, and that he supports an increase in the minimum wage."

As he tries to make his way to the political center, counting on the short memories of voters come November.
That rumbling you hear are all the Drumpf worshippers adjusting their belief system to match whatever Drumpf is for this week.
"Trump says taxes on the wealthy could increase if he's elected president, and that he supports an increase in the minimum wage."

As he tries to make his way to the political center, counting on the short memories of voters come November.
That rumbling you hear are all the Drumpf worshippers adjusting their belief system to match whatever Drumpf is for this week.
It's like bullshit for their fertile brains. LOL
If Trump is elected I think we can cancel all reality shows for four years.

Watching this is going to be a hoot.
Oh, and BTW:

If we think Trump is someone else's fault....we still don't understand how he got there.

He would not be there if it were not for the way we've screwed up the system.
What Trump is doing, comically clumsily,

is following that age old rule of a candidate moving to the center after the primary is won.
But isn't the question whether a candidate can not just flip flop on supporting the Clintons and even partial birth abortion and guns in five short years, but also flip flop literally on his OWN campaign promise weekly? For some of us, it wasn't so much what Trump said - because he is at best a reality show host - but how can we elect a guy who has never bothered to learn who's who in the ME, doesn't understand why we cannot "reneogotiate the debt" like Greece, could care less how much it costs to legally deport someone and what other means there are to getting illegal workers to go away .....
What Trump is doing, comically clumsily,

is following that age old rule of a candidate moving to the center after the primary is won.
Yeah, but his initial tax proposal was a tax cut for the rich, and the people who voted for him were not the establishment gopers. So his voters voted for him not caring what his actual position was ... or more likely they don't care.

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