Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Do all of you know what the real party name of the Dixiecrats was?

The States' Rights Democratic Party.

They were CONSERVATIVES. The Dixiecrats came into being as a direct result of Truman's integration of the military and other civil rights measures being pushed by the LIBERAL wing of the Democratic Party.

The CONSERVATIVE Dixiecrat Democrats were trying to keep the liberal wing of the Democratic party from asserting its agenda,

the civil rights agenda, that had more or less been dormant under Roosevelt.
No, I'm saying you take part in it. Why are you defending them (the Democrats)? I thought you were an Independent? You are hopelessly dense, no amount of retorting to your argument will appease you.

I'm defending 2 principles:

1. that it is idiocy to claim that the modern day Democratic Party is racist, and

2. that it is idiocy to claim that the modern day Democratic Party is somehow accountable for the actions of long ago conservative Southern Democrats.

oh, and a third one,

3. that it is idiocy to frame this issue as Republican vs. Democrat, when in fact it is a Conservative vs. Liberal issue.

1. It is idiocy to ignore history, lest you wish to repeat it.

2. See number 1

3. Spinning the issue is not based on principle, it is intellectually dishonest.

You are woefully ignorant of the history of the Democratic Party, and you are woefully incapable of seeing the truth through your partisan filter that defines truth as

anything I like to believe.
Yes....LBJ was a strategic thinker and he always operated that way. What they lost in the south they gain elsewhere

Gain where else? They were already strong in the liberal north.

If you want to talk about race and political expediency, it was in fact the FDR era liberal Democrats who neglected civil rights issues for the sake of maintaining the Democratic coalition with the segregationist South.

It is when principle trumped politics in the Democratic party, starting with Truman, that you saw the Democrats embrace civil rights, at the expense of the coalition.

Moving civil rights to the front burner, for the Democrats, was an act of principle, not an act of political expediency.

It was an act of obedience.

Unexamined Premises » History Lesson: Racist Democrats and the Big Lie

Stop flooding the thread with stupid links and try saying things in your own words.
Yes....LBJ was a strategic thinker and he always operated that way. What they lost in the south they gain elsewhere

Gain where else? They were already strong in the liberal north.

If you want to talk about race and political expediency, it was in fact the FDR era liberal Democrats who neglected civil rights issues for the sake of maintaining the Democratic coalition with the segregationist South.

It is when principle trumped politics in the Democratic party, starting with Truman, that you saw the Democrats embrace civil rights, at the expense of the coalition.

Moving civil rights to the front burner, for the Democrats, was an act of principle, not an act of political expediency.

It was an act of obedience.


Obedience to what? What are you talking about?
That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

69 % of Democrats and 78 % of liberals and 65 % of moderates...the groups to which most blacks belong.
Try talking about things which you know about and can back up.

You don't know me. You talk about privilege you're talking Obama. I talk to people every day I have yet to find one black person not even one who supports gay marriage and I don't need you're stupid bullshit polls to tell me that. Got it?

And I'm not "feeling you". I have never felt you. And I won't be feeling you in the future.

too busy feeling yourself
Do all of you know what the real party name of the Dixiecrats was?

The States' Rights Democratic Party.

They were CONSERVATIVES. The Dixiecrats came into being as a direct result of Truman's integration of the military and other civil rights measures being pushed by the LIBERAL wing of the Democratic Party.

The CONSERVATIVE Dixiecrat Democrats were trying to keep the liberal wing of the Democratic party from asserting its agenda,

the civil rights agenda, that had more or less been dormant under Roosevelt.

Of the 26 known Dixiecrats (5 governors and 21 senators) only three ever became republicans: Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and Mills E. Godwind, Jr.

Urban Legends: The Dixiecrats and The GOP « Freedoms Journal
I'm defending 2 principles:

1. that it is idiocy to claim that the modern day Democratic Party is racist, and

2. that it is idiocy to claim that the modern day Democratic Party is somehow accountable for the actions of long ago conservative Southern Democrats.

oh, and a third one,

3. that it is idiocy to frame this issue as Republican vs. Democrat, when in fact it is a Conservative vs. Liberal issue.

1. It is idiocy to ignore history, lest you wish to repeat it.

2. See number 1

3. Spinning the issue is not based on principle, it is intellectually dishonest.

You are woefully ignorant of the history of the Democratic Party, and you are woefully incapable of seeing the truth through your partisan filter that defines truth as

anything I like to believe.

Is there an argument in there somewhere? What is with all of the ad hominem?
Gain where else? They were already strong in the liberal north.

If you want to talk about race and political expediency, it was in fact the FDR era liberal Democrats who neglected civil rights issues for the sake of maintaining the Democratic coalition with the segregationist South.

It is when principle trumped politics in the Democratic party, starting with Truman, that you saw the Democrats embrace civil rights, at the expense of the coalition.

Moving civil rights to the front burner, for the Democrats, was an act of principle, not an act of political expediency.

It was an act of obedience.


Obedience to what? What are you talking about?

I should have bolded it. I apologize.
I really don't know what to say about white people like you, J.S. . White racism is far more egregious and harmful than any black racism could ever be. Me, calling your asses out on your racism hardly constitutes any racism, on my part. You're just not used to being publicly embarrassed, and at the hands of a gay black liberal Democrat.

First racism is racism....its more serious than uttering a single word
Is this your sad attempt at defending your use of the n-word? Serious for whom? It would be very serious for you, saying it in the wrong place, to the wrong person......everyone knows that you are all talk and no balls. You would never say it "openly", in a crowd of black people, coward that you are.

[ame=]White Dude Gets a Nigga Pass - YouTube[/ame]
No, strom did, I dont have to demagogue an issue. The point of this thread, altough I'm not the OP......and if Im wrong, the OP can correct me, was to show that the democrat party was and still is the party of racism...

Now it's a very complicated and nuance view of modern racism.
Obviously overt racism is pretty much dead, and I think we all agree that's a good thing.

But when people say the southern strategy, it's an attempt by the left to nullify the republican ascendancy in the south.

Like many liberals in this thread I believed in it.....but then I moved to Tennessee in 1992 and didnt see any racists in the republican clubs, primaries and more recently tea party events.

But I did see a democrat governor, Well fed Ned, who started TennCare
I did see 2 democrat senators James Sasser and Harlan Mathews

For state offices, they were dominated by democrats... and the narrative was that republicans dominated tennesse and they didnt, not until the mid 90s did they consistantly elect statewide officers and 2000s until they got state reps.

Republicans attained an elected majority in the Senate in the 104th General Assembly for the first time since Reconstruction;

Williams was elected as speaker of the Tennessee House on January 13, 2009, in a surprising divergence from the Republican party's accepted plan for succession. Democrats, who had lost the majority in the House for the first time since 1969

The point is democrats dominated the southern states, the racist didnt switch parties, because they were

a) very few leaders switch, Stom is the biggest name, and noone will give any others
b)the racists kept voting for democrats....or the republicans would have swept everything...
c) the only tool they can use is presidential elections, but again the republicans won in huge landslids in 72, 80, 84, and 88
The democrats won the south in 68, 76 and split in 92 and 96
So the republican didnt really win a contested race in the south until 2000..

Now why did the south go republican....well look at the black vote, I was shocked to learn Nixon in 60 only got 39%, this is WITH RACISTS in the democrat party, so why would vote for's the same reason they vote now for it.....government programs, which democrats make synonymous with it wasnt to scare off blacks....

the south went republican for two main reasons:
1) the south was getting better educated and wealthier
2) republicans were leaving the midwest and east because of taxes and both are intertwined.
My dad was a professor for Ohio State and became one for U. of Tenn. for those very reasons (and a nice pay increase!)

Ok now how are the democrat still racist, right?
Because they expect blacks to vote democrat or they are marginalized by being unauthentic, white, oreo, uncle tom, ect ect
Also becsaue they looke at black folks as needing training wheels like govt programs and affirmative action...
they put them in ghettos, you dont see many whites in ghettos, some in shitty trailer parks, but not really ghettos..herded like cattle.

TRy working for a black republican for congress, you get letters from the klan, other white democrats, and liberal blacks. These include death threats, words that would probably offend you, as well as other stuff.
bs. And a distorted view of reality. Dems didn't put blacks in ghettos. In the years after WWII, cities across the US saw an influx of African Americans into homogeneous white neighborhoods, which produced the phenomenon of "white flight"......whites fleeing to the suburbs. And, apparently, according to Amanda I. Seligman, in her book, "Block by Block- A study of Chicago's West Side Neighborhoods and Policies", the deterioration of the neighborhoods happened long before African Americans arrived, meaning they were already what could be construed as "white ghettos". After blacks moved in, they became "black ghettos". And, I have first hand knowledge of growing up on Chicago's West Side, and recollect, at the age of 5, that our landlord was a Jew, and that the relationship with him was "strained". And, perhaps, while working for black Republicans, if you chose your words more carefully, and didn't refer to blacks as "the n-word", you wouldn't get death threats.

Bull Conner....ever hear of him? He was a democrat. Educate yourself and look him up.

Yep, he was a CONSERVATIVE southern democrat:
"During the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Connor led the Alabama delegation in a walkout when the national party included a civil rights plank in its platform.[3] The offshoot States' Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrats) nominated Strom Thurmond for president at its convention in Birmingham's Municipal Auditorium[4]"
Ol school repubs were champions of Civil Rights now...they suck at it...Next Templar is going to tell everyone why a butterfly is really still just a caterpillar.
bs. And a distorted view of reality. Dems didn't put blacks in ghettos. In the years after WWII, cities across the US saw an influx of African Americans into homogeneous white neighborhoods, which produced the phenomenon of "white flight"......whites fleeing to the suburbs. And, apparently, according to Amanda I. Seligman, in her book, "Block by Block- A study of Chicago's West Side Neighborhoods and Policies", the deterioration of the neighborhoods happened long before African Americans arrived, meaning they were already what could be construed as "white ghettos". After blacks moved in, they became "black ghettos". And, I have first hand knowledge of growing up on Chicago's West Side, and recollect, at the age of 5, that our landlord was a Jew, and that the relationship with him was "strained". And, perhaps, while working for black Republicans, if you chose your words more carefully, and didn't refer to blacks as "the n-word", you wouldn't get death threats.

Bull Conner....ever hear of him? He was a democrat. Educate yourself and look him up.

Yep, he was a CONSERVATIVE southern democrat:
"During the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Connor led the Alabama delegation in a walkout when the national party included a civil rights plank in its platform.[3] The offshoot States' Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrats) nominated Strom Thurmond for president at its convention in Birmingham's Municipal Auditorium[4]"

He was conservative because you say so?
Democrats learned a valuable lesson that have not forgotten, hollow rhetoric and money buys votes , which simply translates into increased government spending. Give a person a home, chicken in the pot, free education, free health care, keep them down, in need, and you will get their vote. It's the very premise they vehemently protect and basis for their ruthless attacks on successful black people who rise above and question such policies.
Democrats have had a shameful record vis-a-vis racism until fifty or sixty years ago, but Liberals have consistently led the fight against racism. Conservatives, however are always in the vanguard defending racism and inequality. Would you care to make a distinction, as you post clearly does not, between political parties and political ideologies?


If you could give examples of stalwart Conservatives who fought racism, I'd be very curious to see such a list. For you see, political parties change their ideologies over time while the foundational principles of political ideology remain steadfast. No Conservative ever advocated for minority rights. No Conservative ever advocated for expanded rights for women or children or homosexuals or African Americans or workers or the environment.

Over the years, various Republicans and Democrats have provided such leadership, but they were nowhere near what the contemporary Conservative recognizes as his own.

You ask which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? I ask you what political ideology has stood for equality? Here are some things to contemplate: What is the Conservative stance on marriage equality? What is the Conservative stance on pay equity? What is the Conservative stance on worker's rights? What is the Conservative stance on immigration? And how do those various stances serve equality for minorities?

Today TR and IKE would each be a RINO and Strom Thurmond (before 1964) a leader of the Republican Party. This thread makes anyone who has read American History smile. Only a complete ignoramus would take this thread seriously,

Your only argument is to flame me. That's pretty.. unintelligent.

I didn't post an argument, I pointed out facts. TR was a Progressive, IKE a pragmatist and Thurmond a racist and a hypocrite.
A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

As a Republican is a Republican, thus you and me, ol buddy, inherit Barry Goldwater and the Southern Strategy as the Dems have to inherit their racist past into the 1960s.

JAkle fuck Goldwater wasnt racist, you're an ass and dishonest and you're not a republican, you dont agree with anything the republicans stand for, you wont even name one thing.

And answer these question, Jake, they're not going away
When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

As a Republican is a Republican, thus you and me, ol buddy, inherit Barry Goldwater and the Southern Strategy as the Dems have to inherit their racist past into the 1960s.

JAkle fuck Goldwater wasnt racist, you're an ass and dishonest and you're not a republican, you dont agree with anything the republicans stand for, you wont even name one thing.

And answer these question, Jake, they're not going away
When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

Name calling is a valuable point :doubt:
lol, so Barry Goldwater, the father of modern conservatism, is a strawman, but southern conservative Democrats are not?

Where are the Rockefeller Republicans today?

He is not the father of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke is. Must I repeat myself?

You can be wrong as many times as you like.

I'll repeat the question:

Where are the Rockefeller Republicans today?

Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, but who gives a shit, CONSERVATIUVE REPUBLICANS voted FOR CIVIL RIGHTS.......GOLDWATER VOTED FOR MORE CIVIL RIGHTS THAn LIBERALS like Fullbright, and old nword LBJ (he liked to use it)
As a Republican is a Republican, thus you and me, ol buddy, inherit Barry Goldwater and the Southern Strategy as the Dems have to inherit their racist past into the 1960s.

JAkle fuck Goldwater wasnt racist, you're an ass and dishonest and you're not a republican, you dont agree with anything the republicans stand for, you wont even name one thing.

And answer these question, Jake, they're not going away
When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

Name calling is a valuable point :doubt:

Oh and calling people racist isnt name calling, fuck off and answer the fucking questions...but you cant because you know the results bitch!!!!!
Poet gets pwnd, seriously pwnd.

TemplarKormac seems to become a bit more aware.

buckeyes is in it for racist points, nothing else.

And we all realize that when the left and the reactionaries and the racists stay with generalities and ignore particulars, they can say the silliest things.

My job is done here.

you got owned and you wont answer the questions, Youre going to answer these questions, you cant run away like a little pussy!

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

And everyone knows your a fake and a liar. So fuck you, you lying piece of shit.....I'm waiting those answers
And talk about owned you should the see private messages he sends me beggin him not to ask those questions
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