Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Most people are either a Democrat by design, or a Democrat by deception. That is either they were well aware the racist history of the Democrat Party and still chose to be Democrat, or they were deceived into thinking that the Democratic Party is a party that sincerely cared about Black people.

The Progressive Movement under the tutelage of the propaganda artist Edward Bernays has unsuccessfully attempted to hide the past terrorist arm of the Democratic Party and it's part in the Southern Confederation.
Poet gets pwnd, seriously pwnd.

TemplarKormac seems to become a bit more aware.

buckeyes is in it for racist points, nothing else.

And we all realize that when the left and the reactionaries and the racists stay with generalities and ignore particulars, they can say the silliest things.

My job is done here.
Damn! I fucking hope so.

Again Fakie puts on his holier than thou hat and proclaims his opinion relevant.

Sorry, Fakie, your job is our amusement.
So in other words, let it be affirmed that you admit that there is no such thing as a conservative segregationist wing in the modern Democratic Party,

the party has shed itself of that faction down to the tiniest of percentages,

and therefore the entire premise of this lame thread is horseshit.

Okay, without objection, that motion passes.

Case closed.

Actually, that racist wing now exists in Liberal Democrats encouraging white guilt. There is no case, because all you did was call me names, ask impossible questions and then assume victory where there was none.

Your immaturity is astounding. Name calling isn't an argument, Carbine.

Pretending you haven't lost the argument isn't an argument either.

You haven't explained to us why you can claim the Democratic Party of 1964 was racist when 96% of Northern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

See, pretending I haven't trounced you with substance and facts is not a rebuttal.

Its easy dumbass.... I got your ass on this

Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They took inspiration from the book Slavery written by Stanley Elkins. Elkins essentially contended that slavery had made black Americans dependent on the dominant society, and that that dependence still existed a century later. This supported the concept that government must go beyond simply ensuring that members of minority groups have the same rights as the majority but must also "act affirmatively" in order to counter the problem.

Moynihan issued his research under the title The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, now commonly known as The Moynihan Report. Moynihan's report[4] fueled a debate over the proper course for government to take with regard to the economic underclass, especially blacks. Critics on the left attacked it as "blaming the victim",[5] a slogan coined by psychologist William Ryan.[6] Some suggested that Moynihan was propagating the views of racists[7] because much of the press coverage of the report focused on the discussion of children being born out of wedlock. Despite Moynihan's warnings, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program included rules for payments only if the "Man [was] out of the house."[citation needed] (See Man out of the house (welfare rule).) Critics said that the nation was paying poor women to throw their husbands out of the house. Moynihan supported Richard Nixon's idea of a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI). Daniel Patrick Moynihan had significant discussions concerning a Basic Income Guarantee with Russell B. Long and Louis O. Kelso

After the 1994 Republican sweep of Congress, Moynihan agreed that correction was needed for a welfare system that possibly encouraged women to raise their children without fathers: "The Republicans are saying we have a helluva problem, and we do."[8]

Thank you to the liberal from New York. The democrats are exposed. So they basically wouldnt pay you govt money, if you had a man in the house, destroying black families. And without men in the house crime rose and it's a cluster fuck to this day. Monyihan predicted this in the late 60s....and voila....

Blacks are stuck in ghettos with no jobs, no positive income, only crime and govt money. And liberals herded them in these ghettos (a form of segregation dont ya think?) And guess what liberals still believe afte 40+ years of destruction of the black family and fucked up policies, that if you want to break blacks and other minorities out of it your that I say fuck's been proven that liberals policies have been horrible, it was predicted before they happened.....

so yeah liberals care about blacks for votes and keep them on the govt tit.....

and that's why liberals are the true racists

now NY answer my questions...dont be a pussy and run away from them

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
JAkle fuck Goldwater wasnt racist, you're an ass and dishonest and you're not a republican, you dont agree with anything the republicans stand for, you wont even name one thing.

And answer these question, Jake, they're not going away
When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

Name calling is a valuable point :doubt:

Oh and calling people racist isnt name calling, fuck off and answer the fucking questions...but you cant because you know the results bitch!!!!!

Let me think on this...Is name calling, name calling? Hmmmm, makes ya think...
Name calling is a valuable point :doubt:

Oh and calling people racist isnt name calling, fuck off and answer the fucking questions...but you cant because you know the results bitch!!!!!

Let me think on this...Is name calling, name calling? Hmmmm, makes ya think...

You're a troll, you cant even debate subject so go back to snide comments, because I love to kick your ass on fact.....and you cant answer these

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
Actually, that racist wing now exists in Liberal Democrats encouraging white guilt. There is no case, because all you did was call me names, ask impossible questions and then assume victory where there was none.

Your immaturity is astounding. Name calling isn't an argument, Carbine.

Pretending you haven't lost the argument isn't an argument either.

You haven't explained to us why you can claim the Democratic Party of 1964 was racist when 96% of Northern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

See, pretending I haven't trounced you with substance and facts is not a rebuttal.

Its easy dumbass.... I got your ass on this

Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They took inspiration from the book Slavery written by Stanley Elkins. Elkins essentially contended that slavery had made black Americans dependent on the dominant society, and that that dependence still existed a century later. This supported the concept that government must go beyond simply ensuring that members of minority groups have the same rights as the majority but must also "act affirmatively" in order to counter the problem.

Moynihan issued his research under the title The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, now commonly known as The Moynihan Report. Moynihan's report[4] fueled a debate over the proper course for government to take with regard to the economic underclass, especially blacks. Critics on the left attacked it as "blaming the victim",[5] a slogan coined by psychologist William Ryan.[6] Some suggested that Moynihan was propagating the views of racists[7] because much of the press coverage of the report focused on the discussion of children being born out of wedlock. Despite Moynihan's warnings, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program included rules for payments only if the "Man [was] out of the house."[citation needed] (See Man out of the house (welfare rule).) Critics said that the nation was paying poor women to throw their husbands out of the house. Moynihan supported Richard Nixon's idea of a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI). Daniel Patrick Moynihan had significant discussions concerning a Basic Income Guarantee with Russell B. Long and Louis O. Kelso

After the 1994 Republican sweep of Congress, Moynihan agreed that correction was needed for a welfare system that possibly encouraged women to raise their children without fathers: "The Republicans are saying we have a helluva problem, and we do."[8]

Thank you to the liberal from New York. The democrats are exposed. So they basically wouldnt pay you govt money, if you had a man in the house, destroying black families. And without men in the house crime rose and it's a cluster fuck to this day. Monyihan predicted this in the late 60s....and voila....

Blacks are stuck in ghettos with no jobs, no positive income, only crime and govt money. And liberals herded them in these ghettos (a form of segregation dont ya think?) And guess what liberals still believe afte 40+ years of destruction of the black family and fucked up policies, that if you want to break blacks and other minorities out of it your that I say fuck's been proven that liberals policies have been horrible, it was predicted before they happened.....

so yeah liberals care about blacks for votes and keep them on the govt tit.....

and that's why liberals are the true racists

now NY answer my questions...dont be a pussy and run away from them

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

Shaman get your fucktard font down.....
Oh and calling people racist isnt name calling, fuck off and answer the fucking questions...but you cant because you know the results bitch!!!!!

Let me think on this...Is name calling, name calling? Hmmmm, makes ya think...

You're a troll, you cant even debate subject so go back to snide comments, because I love to kick your ass on fact.....and you cant answer these

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

80% of Mississipians voted for Goldwater in 1964, a state that had been solidly Democrat for decades. That was about 4 months after Goldwater voted to keep the South segregated.

That was tens of thousands of Democrats pulling the GOP lever.

We can go through the other southern states from that election if you want.
Do all of you know what the real party name of the Dixiecrats was?

The States' Rights Democratic Party.

They were CONSERVATIVES. The Dixiecrats came into being as a direct result of Truman's integration of the military and other civil rights measures being pushed by the LIBERAL wing of the Democratic Party.

The CONSERVATIVE Dixiecrat Democrats were trying to keep the liberal wing of the Democratic party from asserting its agenda,

the civil rights agenda, that had more or less been dormant under Roosevelt.

Of the 26 known Dixiecrats (5 governors and 21 senators) only three ever became republicans: Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and Mills E. Godwind, Jr.

Urban Legends: The Dixiecrats and The GOP « Freedoms Journal

So what? They considered themselves CONSERVATIVE Democrats. They believed the Democratic party was being hijacked by liberals, especially liberals who favored equality for the black man.

How can people not get it?
Does anyone want to argue that the Dixiecrats were NOT conservatives?

Does anyone want to argue that the Democrats in the Conservative Coalition were not conservatives?
Clearly this OP does not understand shit, god I read posts like this and by people like him and I wonder how darwin has not claimed its next life. lol OP take a BASIC us history class and try try try to use the small amount of brain power that you might have and once you do, I am sure you will be red in the cheeks with shame after you reread your post.
He is not the father of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke is. Must I repeat myself?

You can be wrong as many times as you like.

I'll repeat the question:

Where are the Rockefeller Republicans today?

Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, but who gives a shit, CONSERVATIUVE REPUBLICANS voted FOR CIVIL RIGHTS.......GOLDWATER VOTED FOR MORE CIVIL RIGHTS THAn LIBERALS like Fullbright, and old nword LBJ (he liked to use it)

You are not a liberal on civil rights for minorities if you oppose civil rights for minorities. Fulbright might have been a liberal on a million and one issues but he was not a liberal on race.
Do all of you know what the real party name of the Dixiecrats was?

The States' Rights Democratic Party.

They were CONSERVATIVES. The Dixiecrats came into being as a direct result of Truman's integration of the military and other civil rights measures being pushed by the LIBERAL wing of the Democratic Party.

The CONSERVATIVE Dixiecrat Democrats were trying to keep the liberal wing of the Democratic party from asserting its agenda,

the civil rights agenda, that had more or less been dormant under Roosevelt.

Bravo! Some of these people don't care about FACTS.
Bull Conner....ever hear of him? He was a democrat. Educate yourself and look him up.

Yep, he was a CONSERVATIVE southern democrat:
"During the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Connor led the Alabama delegation in a walkout when the national party included a civil rights plank in its platform.[3] The offshoot States' Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrats) nominated Strom Thurmond for president at its convention in Birmingham's Municipal Auditorium[4]"

He was conservative because you say so?

He was a conservative because FACTS say so. Are you trying to state that the Liberals were the ones brutalizing Blacks in the South so they could enforce Jim Crow, segregation, and keep the status quo?
Does anyone want to argue that the Dixiecrats were NOT conservatives?

Does anyone want to argue that the Democrats in the Conservative Coalition were not conservatives?

NY there is one of two things happening here. 1. These people are trying to push an agenda OR 2. they just do not have the brain power to understand that REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT is not the same as LIB/CON, cause as all of us normal people know, who the parties represent has changed over the last 200 years.
Ironically, one of the main jabs that rightwingers take at the Democratic Party is that it has moved too far to the left,

well, one of the biggest moves to the left by the Democrats was when the party moved away from the southern conservative Democratic faction.
Yep, he was a CONSERVATIVE southern democrat:
"During the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Connor led the Alabama delegation in a walkout when the national party included a civil rights plank in its platform.[3] The offshoot States' Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrats) nominated Strom Thurmond for president at its convention in Birmingham's Municipal Auditorium[4]"

He was conservative because you say so?

He was a conservative because FACTS say so. Are you trying to state that the Liberals were the ones brutalizing Blacks in the South so they could enforce Jim Crow, segregation, and keep the status quo?

The Democrats have been the racist party since its birth. Deal with it.
Does anyone want to argue that the Dixiecrats were NOT conservatives?

Does anyone want to argue that the Democrats in the Conservative Coalition were not conservatives?

NY there is one of two things happening here. 1. These people are trying to push an agenda OR 2. they just do not have the brain power to understand that REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT is not the same as LIB/CON, cause as all of us normal people know, who the parties represent has changed over the last 200 years.

The ignorant rightwingers don't know it. The rightwing trolls know it but pretend not to, in order to, well, troll.

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