Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

The Democrats of Cuyahoga County in Ohio.

Cuyahoga County Democrats have quietly returned the party to its racist roots | Cleveland Challenger

Guess where the concept of "white guilt" came from?[/IMG



Now instead of being racist (allegedly not to be) against black people, here they are being racist to white people.

If you aren't familiar with the studies done by Paul Sniderman, you may wish to familiarize yourself.

This argument is over.[/quote]

Do you want me to repeat the question?[/QUOTE]

No. I answered it. If you are dissatisfied with the answer, by all means, keep haranguing me about it.[/QUOTE]

Ohio...hmmmm...that would be where REPUBLICAN governor John Kasich got in hot water for his all-white appointments, isn't it?


lol, checkmate
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You were just given examples. Are you holding out for a direct quote from a Democrat saying, "I praise the Southern conservative wing of the Democratic Party as it existed in days of yore"?

I want real examples.

I want, for example, a list of the current Democratic politicians who believe that a business should have the right to refuse service to someone because they are a person of color.

I just did as @asratis explained. If you are looking for specific examples you're not going to get any. I can find collective endorsements, not individual ones. Do you think a Democrat nowadays would be cause endorsing racism in public?

Now if you will excuse me.

So in other words, let it be affirmed that you admit that there is no such thing as a conservative segregationist wing in the modern Democratic Party,

the party has shed itself of that faction down to the tiniest of percentages,

and therefore the entire premise of this lame thread is horseshit.

Okay, without objection, that motion passes.

Case closed.
Do you want me to repeat the question?
You were just given examples. Are you holding out for a direct quote from a Democrat saying, "I praise the Southern conservative wing of the Democratic Party as it existed in days of yore"?

I want real examples.

I want, for example, a list of the current Democratic politicians who believe that a business should have the right to refuse service to someone because they are a person of color.[/QUOTE]

Let me note that my observations on this board have been that most conservatives here do in fact support the highlighted as a business's right.
Do you want me to repeat the question?

No. I answered it. If you are dissatisfied with the answer, by all means, keep haranguing me about it.

So the sum total of your evidence that the Democratic Party of today is no different than the conservative Southern wing of the Democratic Party of 50 years ago is a small group of nuts in one county in Ohio?

Do you consider that a valid method with which to paint the other 99.9% of Democrats?

You seem to agree with the stereotypes they place on whites, and on blacks. So first you need to consider how they aren't racist to begin with.

You can start with Mia Love, when liberals referred to her as a "house ******."

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.” –Senator Joe Biden

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.” – Fritz Hollings (D-SC)

White Supremacist David Duke endorses candidate Barron in New York's Democratic primaries:

David Duke endorses leading New York Democrat | The Daily Caller

California Teacher's Union endorses a known racist Ron Gochez for City Council

LA?s Largest Teachers? Union Endorses Racist Anti-Semite for City Council | FrontPage Magazine

• Cornel West and Janeane Garafalo – Herman Cain is a Racist, Uncle Tom
• Michael Moore – If you are over 29 and voted against Obama, you are racist.
• Charles Schumer – Republicans have “20 ways” to stop the minority vote
• Jimmy Carter – Gingrich is Racist
• James Clyburn – Gingrich Wants Poor People To Be Servants (Listen closely to the last line of the clip where he changes it from poor to African-Americans.)
• Chris Matthews – Gingrich Pronounced Juan Williams’ Name Racist (Makes the entire GOP field look like they are a bunch of racists.)
• NBC News – Romney Giving $50 To An Unemployed Woman Is Racist.

I think I just about covered it.
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I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, Southern Democrats continually advocated the use of slavery. It took a Republican to slay these racial demons with the 13th Amendment. A major advocate of this being Frederick Douglass, a black Republican abolitionist, diplomat and former slave from Maryland.

During Antebellum, racial equality was continually hampered even after the 13th Amendment's passage; by Democrats who were taking ever increasing majorities in local, state and federal offices, especially during the 1880's. This eventually led to the instatement the Jim Crow laws. In 1875, attempts were made by Republicans to break Jim Crow, it was however, thwarted by Democrats. It was during this time the Democratic Party gave birth to the KKK.

For nearly a century, Jim Crow ruled over the land with an iron fist. Nary a black man anywhere could be treated equally, because of the racial hatred of the Democratic Party. These laws were finally ended by the Supreme Court Decision of 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Ironically, in 1963, it was Democrats who launched major opposition to the Equal Pay Act, which effectively ended the gender pay disparity in the workplace.

In 1964, Democrats were once again fighting to stop racial equality in the states. They fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights act of 1964, with a former Klansman leading the charge. As a Democratic Senator Richard Russell from Georgia put it: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

Then there was the famous Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina who was even moreso candid than Russell in his opposition, stating that "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."

For 57 days they filibustered the bill, until Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) shamed them into relenting. The Bill was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in the Summer of 1964. The next year, the same Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

Not long after that, Southern Democrats began defecting to the Republican Party, after the Democratic Party had shifted its focus towards its more moderate voting bloc to the north, and thusly polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism.

Where were Democrats? I thought they claimed to be the party of equality? Yet history is riddled with examples of their racial hatred towards African Americans. It's sad in a way to think how they have warped and twisted their minds into believing the current platforms in place today, kept ignorant of the history that precedes the Democratic Party.

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

LOL!!! Destroyed his own OP by admitting that Racist Dems fled and joined the Dems then says that the DEMS POLLUTED their voting block...How? Racial Pragmatism!

I want real examples.

I want, for example, a list of the current Democratic politicians who believe that a business should have the right to refuse service to someone because they are a person of color.

I just did as @asratis explained. If you are looking for specific examples you're not going to get any. I can find collective endorsements, not individual ones. Do you think a Democrat nowadays would be cause endorsing racism in public?

Now if you will excuse me.

So in other words, let it be affirmed that you admit that there is no such thing as a conservative segregationist wing in the modern Democratic Party,

the party has shed itself of that faction down to the tiniest of percentages,

and therefore the entire premise of this lame thread is horseshit.

Okay, without objection, that motion passes.

Case closed.

Actually, that racist wing now exists in Liberal Democrats encouraging white guilt. There is no case, because all you did was call me names, ask impossible questions and then assume victory where there was none.

Your immaturity is astounding. Name calling isn't an argument, Carbine.

Oh please.

From your link

Civil Rights

This nation was created to give expression, validity and purpose to our spiritual heritage—the supreme worth of the individual. In such a nation—a nation dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal—racial discrimination has no place.

.....And, then, you've got.....

"We are unalterably committed to maintaining the security, freedom and solidarity of the Western Hemisphere. We support President Eisenhower's reaffirmation of the Monroe Doctrine in all its vitality."

[ame=]U.S. imperialism in Nicaragua and Latin America - YouTube[/ame]​
I just did as @asratis explained. If you are looking for specific examples you're not going to get any. I can find collective endorsements, not individual ones. Do you think a Democrat nowadays would be cause endorsing racism in public?

Now if you will excuse me.

So in other words, let it be affirmed that you admit that there is no such thing as a conservative segregationist wing in the modern Democratic Party,

the party has shed itself of that faction down to the tiniest of percentages,

and therefore the entire premise of this lame thread is horseshit.

Okay, without objection, that motion passes.

Case closed.

Actually, that racist wing now exists in Liberal Democrats encouraging white guilt. There is no case, because all you did was call me names, ask impossible questions and then assume victory where there was none.

Your immaturity is astounding. Name calling isn't an argument, Carbine.

Pretending you haven't lost the argument isn't an argument either.

You haven't explained to us why you can claim the Democratic Party of 1964 was racist when 96% of Northern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

See, pretending I haven't trounced you with substance and facts is not a rebuttal.
No. I answered it. If you are dissatisfied with the answer, by all means, keep haranguing me about it.

So the sum total of your evidence that the Democratic Party of today is no different than the conservative Southern wing of the Democratic Party of 50 years ago is a small group of nuts in one county in Ohio?

Do you consider that a valid method with which to paint the other 99.9% of Democrats?

You seem to agree with the stereotypes they place on whites, and on blacks. So first you need to consider how they aren't racist to begin with.

You can start with Mia Love, when liberals referred to her as a "house ******."

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.” –Senator Joe Biden

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.” – Fritz Hollings (D-SC)

White Supremacist David Duke endorses candidate Barron in New York's Democratic primaries:

David Duke endorses leading New York Democrat | The Daily Caller

California Teacher's Union endorses a known racist Ron Gochez for City Council

LA?s Largest Teachers? Union Endorses Racist Anti-Semite for City Council | FrontPage Magazine

• Cornel West and Janeane Garafalo – Herman Cain is a Racist, Uncle Tom
• Michael Moore – If you are over 29 and voted against Obama, you are racist.
• Charles Schumer – Republicans have “20 ways” to stop the minority vote
• Jimmy Carter – Gingrich is Racist
• James Clyburn – Gingrich Wants Poor People To Be Servants (Listen closely to the last line of the clip where he changes it from poor to African-Americans.)
• Chris Matthews – Gingrich Pronounced Juan Williams’ Name Racist (Makes the entire GOP field look like they are a bunch of racists.)
• NBC News – Romney Giving $50 To An Unemployed Woman Is Racist.

I think I just about covered it.

How is Jimmy Carter endorsing Southern segregationism by calling Newt Gingrich a racist??
So in other words, let it be affirmed that you admit that there is no such thing as a conservative segregationist wing in the modern Democratic Party,

the party has shed itself of that faction down to the tiniest of percentages,

and therefore the entire premise of this lame thread is horseshit.

Okay, without objection, that motion passes.

Case closed.

Actually, that racist wing now exists in Liberal Democrats encouraging white guilt. There is no case, because all you did was call me names, ask impossible questions and then assume victory where there was none.

Your immaturity is astounding. Name calling isn't an argument, Carbine.

Pretending you haven't lost the argument isn't an argument either.

You haven't explained to us why you can claim the Democratic Party of 1964 was racist when 96% of Northern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

See, pretending I haven't trounced you with substance and facts is not a rebuttal.

What substance and fact? I'm the one linking to my examples. You never did. So that means I win, hands down. I gave you specific examples of racist behavior by today's democrats. Don't like it? You can leave it. You didn't win anything.

Just because they all voted for it in the north doesn't excuse the fact that they did nothing to stop Byrd's filibuster of the bill. You really are myopic aren't you? Everett Dirksen managed to break it with a filibuster proof majority, did you see any Democrats trying to stop this 57 day filibuster?

I didn't think so.
So the sum total of your evidence that the Democratic Party of today is no different than the conservative Southern wing of the Democratic Party of 50 years ago is a small group of nuts in one county in Ohio?

Do you consider that a valid method with which to paint the other 99.9% of Democrats?

You seem to agree with the stereotypes they place on whites, and on blacks. So first you need to consider how they aren't racist to begin with.

You can start with Mia Love, when liberals referred to her as a "house ******."

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.” –Senator Joe Biden

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.” – Fritz Hollings (D-SC)

White Supremacist David Duke endorses candidate Barron in New York's Democratic primaries:

David Duke endorses leading New York Democrat | The Daily Caller

California Teacher's Union endorses a known racist Ron Gochez for City Council

LA?s Largest Teachers? Union Endorses Racist Anti-Semite for City Council | FrontPage Magazine

• Cornel West and Janeane Garafalo – Herman Cain is a Racist, Uncle Tom
• Michael Moore – If you are over 29 and voted against Obama, you are racist.
• Charles Schumer – Republicans have “20 ways” to stop the minority vote
• Jimmy Carter – Gingrich is Racist
• James Clyburn – Gingrich Wants Poor People To Be Servants (Listen closely to the last line of the clip where he changes it from poor to African-Americans.)
• Chris Matthews – Gingrich Pronounced Juan Williams’ Name Racist (Makes the entire GOP field look like they are a bunch of racists.)
• NBC News – Romney Giving $50 To An Unemployed Woman Is Racist.

I think I just about covered it.

How is Jimmy Carter endorsing Southern segregationism by calling Newt Gingrich a racist??

Just by calling someone racist, means you are taking the same plays out of that dusty old racist playbook that was supposedly abandoned by Democrats all those years ago.

You said you were an Independent. Looks like you lied, liberal.
they jsut cant figure out how to actaully treat people of color well enough to earn their votes.

Yet they want to PRETEND they are not racists.

maybe if they actually began listening to what black people are tyring to tell them they may LEARN how to appeal to black voters.

They want NOTHING to do with that fix of their party.

tells you alot huh

And just in case I didn't make myself clear the first time:

Civil Rights

We pledge:

Continued vigorous enforcement of the civil rights laws to guarantee the right to vote to all citizens in all areas of the country.


"Republican officials, who have used hysteria about alleged voter fraud as an excuse to support measures that disproportionately block Democratic voters, are furiously trying to distance themselves from a growing number of GOP voter registration drives that either submitted false applications or threw away authentic ones."
No. I answered it. If you are dissatisfied with the answer, by all means, keep haranguing me about it.

So the sum total of your evidence that the Democratic Party of today is no different than the conservative Southern wing of the Democratic Party of 50 years ago is a small group of nuts in one county in Ohio?

Do you consider that a valid method with which to paint the other 99.9% of Democrats?

You seem to agree with the stereotypes they place on whites, and on blacks. So first you need to consider how they aren't racist to begin with.

You can start with Mia Love, when liberals referred to her as a "house ******."

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.” –Senator Joe Biden

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.” – Fritz Hollings (D-SC)

White Supremacist David Duke endorses candidate Barron in New York's Democratic primaries:

David Duke endorses leading New York Democrat | The Daily Caller

California Teacher's Union endorses a known racist Ron Gochez for City Council

LA?s Largest Teachers? Union Endorses Racist Anti-Semite for City Council | FrontPage Magazine

• Cornel West and Janeane Garafalo – Herman Cain is a Racist, Uncle Tom
• Michael Moore – If you are over 29 and voted against Obama, you are racist.
• Charles Schumer – Republicans have “20 ways” to stop the minority vote
• Jimmy Carter – Gingrich is Racist
• James Clyburn – Gingrich Wants Poor People To Be Servants (Listen closely to the last line of the clip where he changes it from poor to African-Americans.)
• Chris Matthews – Gingrich Pronounced Juan Williams’ Name Racist (Makes the entire GOP field look like they are a bunch of racists.)
• NBC News – Romney Giving $50 To An Unemployed Woman Is Racist.

I think I just about covered it.

So setting aside the simple fact that half of your examples aren't even racism, my question to you is,

do you believe that you have provided enough examples to prove that the modern Democratic Party is in fact racist?

Do you believe you logically generalize about the entire national party based on that many examples?
LOL Here destroys his own op by admitting the racist dems ran over to the republican can't write this stuff!

Dems, yes dems, who despite their claimed affiliation, were still Democrats. Loving how you completely ignored the rest of the OP just to find something remotely wrong with it. What part of "Democrats followed the Republican lead on civil rights" did you not understand, you witless moron?
You mean the Dixiecrats followed the Republican lead on civil rights.

"Take the issue of education. The single biggest obstacle to the achievement of true equality in the United States is not poverty, but education. If Democrats sincerely wished to help the minority children on whose behalf they claim to labor, they would embrace school choice to help such children escape the trap of sub-standard schools. But that would offend the teachers’ unions upon which the Democrats depend for financial and "in-kind" support. So as has often been the case with the group politics of the Democratic party, African-American interests are sacrificed to other groups who have more pull.

"Affirmative action" has become the touchstone of Democratic racial politics. Democrats portray anyone who opposes affirmative action as racist. But affirmative action, as currently practiced, is racist to the core. It is based on the assumption that African-Americans are incapable of competing with whites. It represents the kind of paternalistic racism that would have done honor to Calhoun. For the modern liberal Democratic racist as for the old-fashioned one, blacks are simply incapable of freedom. They will always need Ol’ Massa’s help. And woe be to any African-American who wanders off of the Democratic plantation. Ask Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, or Ward Connerly. Although they echo the call for a "color-blind society" that once characterized the vision of Martin Luther King Jr., they are pilloried as "Uncle Toms" of "Oreos" by such enforcers of the Democratic plantation system as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

If we need the perfect symbol for the true character of the Democratic Party when it comes to race, we need look no farther than Rhode Island Congressman Patrick Kennedy. Rep. Kennedy portrays himself as a friend of African-Americans. But his touching solicitude for African-Americans as a group is gross hypocrisy. When inconvenienced by a real African-American woman trying to do her job, Rep. Kennedy shoved her out of his way, giving her arm a yank for good measure. In practice, the Democratic Party as a whole cares as much about real African-Americans as Rep. Kennedy does."

The Democratic Party?s Legacy of Racism | Ashbrook
Their views on abortion, religion and foreign policy (which is well noted). He was a protege at one point, but soon after became a staunch hard line Democrat for some time before defecting to the Republican party. It was at that time he departed with the ways of Goldwater altogether. Consequentially he never endorsed Reagan for president in either of those elections.

Goldwater was a Libertarian, and Reagan was a Conservative Republican. So you see, big differences.

So no difference in their support of the South's states right to segregate.

Was he not the one who made MLK a national holiday? There's that.

Did Ronald Reagan "Torture" Blacks? - Capitalism Magazine
The libs here will likely not read beyond the headline. They abhor disturbing facts.:eek:
So no difference in their support of the South's states right to segregate.

Was he not the one who made MLK a national holiday? There's that.

Did Ronald Reagan "Torture" Blacks? - Capitalism Magazine
The libs here will likely not read beyond the headline. They abhor disturbing facts.:eek:

I use the word "abhor", in relation to "rap and hip hop", and now, here you go, using it. I'm always imitated.
So the sum total of your evidence that the Democratic Party of today is no different than the conservative Southern wing of the Democratic Party of 50 years ago is a small group of nuts in one county in Ohio?

Do you consider that a valid method with which to paint the other 99.9% of Democrats?

You seem to agree with the stereotypes they place on whites, and on blacks. So first you need to consider how they aren't racist to begin with.

You can start with Mia Love, when liberals referred to her as a "house ******."

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.” –Senator Joe Biden

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.” – Fritz Hollings (D-SC)

White Supremacist David Duke endorses candidate Barron in New York's Democratic primaries:

David Duke endorses leading New York Democrat | The Daily Caller

California Teacher's Union endorses a known racist Ron Gochez for City Council

LA?s Largest Teachers? Union Endorses Racist Anti-Semite for City Council | FrontPage Magazine

• Cornel West and Janeane Garafalo – Herman Cain is a Racist, Uncle Tom
• Michael Moore – If you are over 29 and voted against Obama, you are racist.
• Charles Schumer – Republicans have “20 ways” to stop the minority vote
• Jimmy Carter – Gingrich is Racist
• James Clyburn – Gingrich Wants Poor People To Be Servants (Listen closely to the last line of the clip where he changes it from poor to African-Americans.)
• Chris Matthews – Gingrich Pronounced Juan Williams’ Name Racist (Makes the entire GOP field look like they are a bunch of racists.)
• NBC News – Romney Giving $50 To An Unemployed Woman Is Racist.

I think I just about covered it.

So setting aside the simple fact that half of your examples aren't even racism, my question to you is,

do you believe that you have provided enough examples to prove that the modern Democratic Party is in fact racist?

Do you believe you logically generalize about the entire national party based on that many examples?

You seem not to mind generalizing the entire Republican Party as racist. I proved to you through history, and in my OP why Democrats are inherently racist. You can see the post above to prove why.

I have other things to do today, you can argue with empty bandwidth if you wish.

I leave you with this. People here claim that the Southern Strategy suddenly turned Republicans into racists, guess again.

"Worse than the myth and the cliché is the outright lie, the utter fabrication with malice aforethought, and my nominee for the worst of them is the popular but indefensible belief that the two major U.S. political parties somehow “switched places” vis-à-vis protecting the rights of black Americans, a development believed to be roughly concurrent with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the rise of Richard Nixon. That Republicans have let Democrats get away with this mountebankery is a symptom of their political fecklessness, and in letting them get away with it the GOP has allowed itself to be cut off rhetorically from a pantheon of Republican political heroes, from Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass to Susan B. Anthony, who represent an expression of conservative ideals as true and relevant today as it was in the 19th century. Perhaps even worse, the Democrats have been allowed to rhetorically bury their Bull Connors, their longstanding affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan, and their pitiless opposition to practically every major piece of civil-rights legislation for a century. ... If the parties had in some meaningful way flipped on civil rights, one would expect that to show up in the electoral results in the years following the Democrats’ 1964 about-face on the issue. Nothing of the sort happened: Of the 21 Democratic senators who opposed the 1964 act, only one would ever change parties. Nor did the segregationist constituencies that elected these Democrats throw them out in favor of Republicans: The remaining 20 continued to be elected as Democrats or were replaced by Democrats. It was, on average, nearly a quarter of a century before those seats went Republican. If southern rednecks ditched the Democrats because of a civil-rights law passed in 1964, it is strange that they waited until the late 1980s and early 1990s to do so.

The Republican ascendancy in Dixie is associated with the rise of the southern middle class, the increasingly trenchant conservative critique of Communism and the welfare state, the Vietnam controversy and the rise of the counterculture, law-and-order concerns rooted in the urban chaos that ran rampant from the late 1960s to the late 1980s, and the incorporation of the radical Left into the Democratic party. Individual events, especially the freak show that was the 1968 Democratic convention, helped solidify conservatives’ affiliation with the Republican party. Democrats might argue that some of these concerns — especially welfare and crime — are “dog whistles” or “code” for race and racism, but this criticism is shallow in light of the evidence and the real saliency of those issues among U.S. voters of all backgrounds and both parties for decades. Indeed, Democrats who argue that the best policies for black Americans are those that are soft on crime and generous with welfare are engaged in much the same sort of cynical racial calculation President Johnson was practicing when he informed skeptical southern governors that his plan for the Great Society was “to have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.” Johnson’s crude racism is, happily, largely a relic of the past, but his strategy endures.

--Kevin D Williamson, National Review

Out of the 21 senators who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, only ONE defected to the Republican Party, in the name of Strom Thurmond. That was it.

All your arguments are gone, your contentions have been laid to waste. Have fun licking your wounds kids!
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