Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Ah, 3 racists that all agree. Birds of a feather, for real. How the fuck would anyone of you know what "true racism" looks like, never having experienced it? You have to have had an experience of racism to talk about it, authentically, or knowledgeably. .

Yeah, only you have ever experienced racism... :rolleyes: What a fucking clown you are.

And I see you finally became embarrassed enough to get rid of that scribbly mess you had as your avatar. Does this mean you think you are a cat now? That would fit your own definition, right moron?
I fucking love it how people quote Matthew and side along with him and complain about "reverse racism" and bullshit and totally ignore the fact that Matthew is the type of person who just outright calls black people an "inferior species" and wouldn't shy away from calling them *******.

But nope, "opposing a democrat is racism" apparently.

Excuse me, when did he say that? Lets see the whole quote. as for *******, we've been over this, it's a word, get over it.....uttering it doesnt kill anyone, nor should it stop a conversation. And if you think it does, please submit a list of words you'd like banned.

Yet, you would never go to the neighborhood mall and shout it from the rafters, coward that you are. You whisper it in "back rooms", like most racist cowards and bullies. And I say you wouldn't say it to my face, as you'd be missing teeth. And that would stop the conversation, quick, fast and in a hurry. There is no need to ban any words. You should have the common decency not to express the word in the civilized company of the black forum members, here. But that would be your point, not to show any civility, because you're racist scum. Now I said that, in open forum. Coward.,

Are you just this stupid.....people who use the word or other epithets, generally do so for 2 reasons..

messing with their friends
pissing off someone you dont like

racism is believing a race if inferior and/or someone who does things like.....segregate, burn crosses, lynch, ect

you are pathetic and the true racist, I'm accused because of two reasons

I'm honest to say I've used all epithets, and some to friends as jokes (and not just black friends)
I'm a republican

both of those have you call me a racist....that's pretty thin

and if you think I'd be afraid of you come to Denver, I'll be your huckleberry.....You dont scare me, your stupidity and well lets see what kinda of physical presence you bring.
I'll say it again:

Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

Wrong again Dante, stop the talking points....and just tell me, we know republicans were better than the democrats for all time,


When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?

I win.
Really? Why don't you embarrass yourself by describing how you have faced black, brown and yellow racism?
And since you have no knowledge of my art, you can't make that statement, from an informed source. My music has been likened to Kraftwerk and Narada Michael Walden, by a reputable source.

Well I bet he's been called cracker....which acorrding to you is like being the victum of a lynching....right?

No. Where did you get that. The only word that has a history of cruelty and injustice and hate that cannot be matched by any other word in the English lexicon, is the n-word.
Now I know you want equal protection for every other racial pejorative applied to whites, but there is none that evokes visceral emotion as does the n-word. Call it fucking black privilege. Bitch. You feel like lynching me? You think you're able? I'll meet you at Houston Hobby Airport, anytime, and you can "get busy". And learn to spell, Bitch. Punk.

What is it with you and privilege? Get the fuck over it.

And when did I advocate lynching anyone? Jesus you're stupid.
So tell me why is the n-word worse than the l-word, or the w-word, or the f-word or the c-word or the s-word?
And I'm not talking profanity, I'm talking the epithets...

evokes visceral emotion. that's on you bro, the reason whitey doesnt have we dont give a shit.....therefore honkey, cracker, whitey or any others dont stick, in fact we use them to make fun of black power racists like yourself
And you've never witnessed my reading of Langston Hughes, so you can't determine whether or not I'm "mediocre".

Yup, you are an irrelevant knucklehead, poet, and a racist, and a piss poor interpeter of Langston Hughes. The lack of artistic competence is solid. Simply check the reviews for the performances in Austin and Houston. You are not a cool, chic, black homosexual. You are just you, and not much of an artist.
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And you've never witnessed my reading of Langston Hughes, so you can't determine whether or not I'm "mediocre".

Yup, poet, you are an irrelevant knucklehead, and a racist, and a piss poor interpeter of Langston Hughes. The evidence is irrefutable. You will have to PM for the evidence.
I fucking love it how people quote Matthew and side along with him and complain about "reverse racism" and bullshit and totally ignore the fact that Matthew is the type of person who just outright calls black people an "inferior species" and wouldn't shy away from calling them *******.

But nope, "opposing a democrat is racism" apparently.

Maybe he expresses their same sentiments?
I'll say it again:

Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

Wrong again Dante, stop the talking points....and just tell me, we know republicans were better than the democrats for all time,


When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?

I win.

Does voting for a knucklehead make you more conservative?
At least I back my post up with facts, stats and data that beats the fuck out of yours. Idiots like you enjoy getting votes from the blood of our inner-cities. Fuck yourselves dante!

Kill yourself, Matthew.
Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

So glad you could clarify that for us...

Do you always live in a fantasy world, or just at USMB...

sweet :clap2: could not refute one point

When your whole premise is a lie, what is there to refute?

You have not one shred of proof...

But rest assured, dimwits such as poet will believe anything that fuels her hatred...
I'll say it again:

Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

The fact is you're an idiot..Individual liberty vs Slavery. the Democratic party stands for slavery always has
So glad you could clarify that for us...

Do you always live in a fantasy world, or just at USMB...

sweet :clap2: could not refute one point

When your whole premise is a lie, what is there to refute?

You have not one shred of proof...

But rest assured, dimwits such as poet will believe anything that fuels her hatred...

What a cop out. Not one single conservatard can counter any liberal's argument, on its' face. He asked you to refute a point or points. Instead, you dodge the request by dismissing the premise, altogether. Either you're incapable of doing so, or you're simply "a troll".
And last time I checked I was still a dude. And my beliefs are not in question or up for discussion, as they are my own, and what everyone is freely entitled to. You are free to believe that you're smart, "connected" and that being a Texan is something to be proud of.
That premise is a lie, and refutable.
Dimwit? Her hatred? You've got me fucked up. Aren't you late for a klan meeting? Is your sheet "ironed and pressed"? Do you live in Pasadena?
I'll say it again:

Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

The fact is you're an idiot..Individual liberty vs Slavery. the Democratic party stands for slavery always has

Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.
I'll say it again:

Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

The fact is you're an idiot..Individual liberty vs Slavery. the Democratic party stands for slavery always has

Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

"Everybody has asked the question. . ."What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!"
I'll say it again:

Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

The fact is you're an idiot..Individual liberty vs Slavery. the Democratic party stands for slavery always has

Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

How does the republican party endorse racism?
And they didnt switch....
I'll say it again:

Real American Racism: A History of White Conservative Southern Christians

Long ago Liberals in the old Republican party fought White Conservative Southern Christians, and now Liberals and their allies in the Democratic party fought and are still fighting White Conservative Southern Christians and their newest allies in the battles for equality. Conservatives today mock 'equality' as many of them 'mock' altruism and compassion. Get rid of equality, altruism and compassion and black slavery and racism are not so bad.

The Confederacy and the KKK essentially existed of White Conservative Southern Christians, and the American Civil War was fought by and for the benefit of White Conservative Southern Christians.

These facts suck if one is a supporter of White Conservative Southern Christians

Wrong again Dante, stop the talking points....and just tell me, we know republicans were better than the democrats for all time,


When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?

I win.

Does voting for a knucklehead make you more conservative?

No voting for fdr or lbj...does not make you conservative...still no answer on that one....republicans have always beenmore conservative....and pro civil fuck off
The fact is you're an idiot..Individual liberty vs Slavery. the Democratic party stands for slavery always has

Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

"Everybody has asked the question. . ."What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!"

Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.
The fact is you're an idiot..Individual liberty vs Slavery. the Democratic party stands for slavery always has

Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

How does the republican party endorse racism?
And they didnt switch....

The Tea Party?s racial resentment -

Conservatism: The Politics Of Ignorance and Self-Interest

And the clincher:
The ?Liberals Are Racists and Consevatives Are Anti-Racists? Lie | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay
AJ has fallen for Republican Party propaganda that the Republicans are the anti-racist party and that liberals and the Left are the real racists:

…it was Free Republic, though not you specifically. Its just that they constantly say the Nazis were leftwing, and the Klan was Democrats, and how Democrats put blacks on a plantation, and welfare replaced the black father, and how more black people should be more like Larry Elder, Walter Williams, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, and Thomas Sowell.
Let me tell you something, having been around the White racist and White race realist blogosphere (Is there a difference?) for some time now, one thing has become crystal clear to me. As soon as Whites start going seriously racist, they start moving to the Right politically. As soon as Whites get seriously into race realism, they start moving to the Right politically. I’ve been to many White racist sites, and unfortunately I used to hang out on some of them, but I’m no longer wanted, and I’m banned from Stormfront as an anti-racist. Anyway, there are basically zero leftwingers on any of those sites, I mean zero. No Lefties, no liberals, no Democrats. Everyone, I mean everyone, is a conservative and votes Republican. There are few here and there who have a working class consciousness, but I don’t think they vote Democrat.

In the meantime, I have had many commenters come to my site. Quite a few of them are White racist types, and many more are race realist types. The deeper they are into White racism and race realism, the more likely they are to be conservatives and to vote Republican. At best, they are Centrist invertebrates who vote Republican half the time. A few are Libertarians. The commenters who are liberals are upset by race talk, nervous about race realism and are quite non-racist and in many cases anti-racist.

These trends are so clear to me that I could almost map them out as some sort of a mathematical law.

In the US, all and I mean all serious racists are conservatives, and most all of them vote Republican or Libertarian. Granted, there is a tiny group of “racist socialists,” but those folks are basically fascists or Nazi types, and they call themselves rightwingers.

So all racists are conservatives, but not all conservatives are racists.

Here in California we have quite a few PC conservatives and even reactionaries. It’s just not cool to be a racist here.

On the contrary, US liberals are quite non-racist or even anti-racist. Some have mild racist tendencies, but this is more an aversive racism. They support Black politics and vote for Blacks. Most of these types voted for Obama. A good rule of thumb is that while White liberals may be racist, they are typically a Hell of a lot less racist than conservatives.

I don’t have time to go through all of the idiot arguments above one by one, maybe later. It gets tiresome having to write up endless rejoinders to the avalanche of rightwing lies. It feels like bailing out the ocean.
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