Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

"Everybody has asked the question. . ."What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!"

Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.

His words for themselves sir. I haven't edited them. You won't find any bigotry in me, I judge people by their actions not by what color or race or anything else. I grew multi-cultural and can easily fit in most anywhere. You? What about you? You spew hate here, you attempt to goat people into your world it doesn't work with me sir
Wrong again Dante, stop the talking points....and just tell me, we know republicans were better than the democrats for all time,


When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?

I win.

Does voting for a knucklehead make you more conservative?

No voting for fdr or lbj...does not make you conservative...still no answer on that one....republicans have always beenmore conservative....and pro civil fuck off

Liar. Today's Republican Party no more resembles the Party of Lincoln, than I do a Hasidic Jew.
The ?Liberals Are Racists and Consevatives Are Anti-Racists? Lie | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.

His words for themselves sir. I haven't edited them. You won't find any bigotry in me, I judge people by their actions not by what color or race or anything else. I grew multi-cultural and can easily fit in most anywhere. You? What about you? You spew hate here, you attempt to goat people into your world it doesn't work with me sir

Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?
Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.

His words for themselves sir. I haven't edited them. You won't find any bigotry in me, I judge people by their actions not by what color or race or anything else. I grew multi-cultural and can easily fit in most anywhere. You? What about you? You spew hate here, you attempt to goat people into your world it doesn't work with me sir

Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?

So? Why do you hate white people? You grew up privileged, I didn't... Good for you:thup:
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Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.

His words for themselves sir. I haven't edited them. You won't find any bigotry in me, I judge people by their actions not by what color or race or anything else. I grew multi-cultural and can easily fit in most anywhere. You? What about you? You spew hate here, you attempt to goat people into your world it doesn't work with me sir

Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?

I've cleaned up the blood of murdered friends, I've attended too many funerals of good people who were killed on the streets of Detroit. I've been shot once and shot at many times...You feel me?..What?
His words for themselves sir. I haven't edited them. You won't find any bigotry in me, I judge people by their actions not by what color or race or anything else. I grew multi-cultural and can easily fit in most anywhere. You? What about you? You spew hate here, you attempt to goat people into your world it doesn't work with me sir

Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?

So? Why do you hate white people? You grew up privileged, I didn't... Good for you:thup:

Uh, "privileged" and "educated" . And because you didn't, doesn't give you license to utilize "white privilege" as if you were entitled to it by your awesome intelligence or "good looks". I discovered not all white people are alike. You got your good, and you got your bad. Liberals, I have found to be the good white people and conservatives, I've found, to be the bad...for obvious reasons. White liberals have never looked down on me...made me feel inferior to them, and certainly never diminished me. Conservatives always have tried. So you see, my contempt isn't for white people in general, but ideology, specifically. And it has always been. Hence, I have white liberal friends with whom I associate and commune with. Racists have no little or no contact with the objects of their hate. Duh.
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His words for themselves sir. I haven't edited them. You won't find any bigotry in me, I judge people by their actions not by what color or race or anything else. I grew multi-cultural and can easily fit in most anywhere. You? What about you? You spew hate here, you attempt to goat people into your world it doesn't work with me sir

Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?

I've cleaned up the blood of murdered friends, I've attended too many funerals of good people who were killed on the streets of Detroit. I've been shot once and shot at many times...You feel me?..What?

I have zero sympathy. Madonna is from Detroit, and she's a girl who made good, despite her surroundings...the very thing you expect from black people, no? I grew up in Chicago. Ten times the danger of Detroit, circa 1965. And I excelled, despite.
Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?

So? Why do you hate white people? You grew up privileged, I didn't... Good for you:thup:

I discovered not all white people are alike. You got your good, and you got your bad. Liberals, I have found to be the good white people and conservatives, I've found, to be the bad...for obvious reasons. White liberals have never looked down on me...made me feel inferior to them, and certainly never diminished me. Conservatives always have tried. So you see, my contempt isn't for white people in general, but ideology, specifically. And it has always been. Hence, I have white liberal friends with whom I associate and commune with. Racists have no little or no contact with the objects of their hate. Duh.

There's racist everywhere sir. Do you know how many liberal racist I've encountered? Too many of all ethnic backgrounds, conservative aren't racist in general, liberals aren't racist generally. Argue the merits of the philosophies. Race really doesn’t' have much to do with it
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies.

But, hey, you are a Republican man, right? What do you care about women's liberties. The Stepford Wives Republican women don't mind, so it should be okay.
Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?

I've cleaned up the blood of murdered friends, I've attended too many funerals of good people who were killed on the streets of Detroit. I've been shot once and shot at many times...You feel me?..What?

I have zero sympathy. Madonna is from Detroit, and she's a girl who made good, despite her surroundings...the very thing you expect from black people, no? I grew up in Chicago. Ten times the danger of Detroit, circa 1965. And I excelled, despite.

Madonna? She's from the suburbs:eusa_eh:The point is I don't look down on people, you do, I don't hate, you do. Life is too short for all that hate let it go
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies.

But, hey, you are a Republican man, right? What do you care about women's liberties. The Stepford Wives Republican women don't mind, so it should be okay.

you're an idiot:cuckoo:
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies.

But, hey, you are a Republican man, right? What do you care about women's liberties. The Stepford Wives Republican women don't mind, so it should be okay.

you're an idiot:cuckoo:
Ha,ha, I proved you wrong, so I guess you're the idiot.
I've cleaned up the blood of murdered friends, I've attended too many funerals of good people who were killed on the streets of Detroit. I've been shot once and shot at many times...You feel me?..What?

I have zero sympathy. Madonna is from Detroit, and she's a girl who made good, despite her surroundings...the very thing you expect from black people, no? I grew up in Chicago. Ten times the danger of Detroit, circa 1965. And I excelled, despite.

Madonna? She's from the suburbs:eusa_eh:The point is I don't look down on people, you do, I don't hate, you do. Life is too short for all that hate let it go

bs. now you're full of excuses and projection.
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies. .

An exam almost every pregnant woman undergoes at some point is "hideous," but killing an unborn child is not?
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies.

But, hey, you are a Republican man, right? What do you care about women's liberties. The Stepford Wives Republican women don't mind, so it should be okay.

This is why Liberals still perpetrate sexism and racism. You aren't black, nor are you a woman, if you aren't a Democrat. If you aren't sucking on the government tit and following the narrative it has set down for your race, you are a traitor to your own kind. If you aren't standing there having your cherry popped by the government, or letting them act as your impromptu gynecologist, you aren't a woman, a traitor to women everywhere.

What kind of equality is that? "Agree with us or else"? How petty and childish.
Go back to school and learn English. How stupid. The word you were going for is "goad". Look up the fucking word. I've lived in a mixed environment since kindergarten, and sat at the tables of white families and had "sleep overs". I pledged an all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, while at Univ. of Houston. What?

So? Why do you hate white people? You grew up privileged, I didn't... Good for you:thup:

White liberals have never looked down on me...made me feel inferior to them, and certainly never diminished me. Conservatives always have tried. So you see, my contempt isn't for white people in general, but ideology, specifically. And it has.

Oh...if you say so it must be true. Every conservative in America always have looked down on you. Uhhhhh..ok! Just remember what white liberals did to Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Herman Cain just to name a few. If one is black, latino, asian or female and they step off the Democrat plantation and then the real racism (and sexism for females) of these liberals "who have never looked down upon you" comes out.

Here, here is a famous white liberal for you who has "never looked down upon black people":

Tim Russert, according to his sources, Bill Clinton, in an effort to secure an endorsement for Hillary from Ted Kennedy, said to Kennedy in reference to Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
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Does voting for a knucklehead make you more conservative?

No voting for fdr or lbj...does not make you conservative...still no answer on that one....republicans have always beenmore conservative....and pro civil fuck off

Liar. Today's Republican Party no more resembles the Party of Lincoln, than I do a Hasidic Jew.
The ?Liberals Are Racists and Consevatives Are Anti-Racists? Lie | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay
Bullshit.......what civil rights are they against?
See youll bring up something that requires govt intervention......we arent for that..true
Just like christians believe i the bible and becausmeof jesus sacrifice we dont have to do it other words take off the training wheels.....blacks can do fine, they dont need em anymore
Just look at obama and richard parsons and herman cain as examples
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies.

But, hey, you are a Republican man, right? What do you care about women's liberties. The Stepford Wives Republican women don't mind, so it should be okay.

This is why Liberals still perpetrate sexism and racism. You aren't black, nor are you a woman, if you aren't a Democrat. If you aren't sucking on the government tit and following the narrative it has set down for your race, you are a traitor to your own kind. If you aren't standing there having your cherry popped by the government, or letting them act as your impromptu gynecologist, you aren't a woman, a traitor to women everywhere.

What kind of equality is that? "Agree with us or else"? How petty and childish.

Bingo!!!!!!! youre not black if youre not down with the struggle....what the hell does that mean? Black is a skin color no more no less
I have zero sympathy. Madonna is from Detroit, and she's a girl who made good, despite her surroundings...the very thing you expect from black people, no? I grew up in Chicago. Ten times the danger of Detroit, circa 1965. And I excelled, despite.

Madonna? She's from the suburbs:eusa_eh:The point is I don't look down on people, you do, I don't hate, you do. Life is too short for all that hate let it go

bs. now you're full of excuses and projection.

Hes not projecting, you are clearly full of hate and you the nword is the worst thing, i call, bullshit, much worse things out there.
You dont look down at people.....lololololol
And the reason liberals havent made youmfeel inferior, is youmdont like honsty and liberals arent. Im sure the michigan democrat that called a guy the nword didnt expepct to be caught. And liberal progrmas like affirmative action, you really dont see the racism there?
Or by lowering act scores?

Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies.

But, hey, you are a Republican man, right? What do you care about women's liberties. The Stepford Wives Republican women don't mind, so it should be okay.
Youre retarded stepford wives? You mean like a kennedy or hillary clinton?
I mean how much of a phoney face did she have to endure with clinton?
Or even tipper gore......
As for getting shit shoved in your vagina, thats what started it in the first place and you do have regular exams, so dont give me that bs

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