Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

When your whole premise is a lie, what is there to refute?

You have not one shred of proof...

But rest assured, dimwits such as poet will believe anything that fuels her hatred...

What a cop out. Not one single conservatard can counter any liberal's argument, on its' face. He asked you to refute a point or points. Instead, you dodge the request by dismissing the premise, altogether. Either you're incapable of doing so, or you're simply "a troll".
And last time I checked I was still a dude. And my beliefs are not in question or up for discussion, as they are my own, and what everyone is freely entitled to. You are free to believe that you're smart, "connected" and that being a Texan is something to be proud of.
That premise is a lie, and refutable.
Dimwit? Her hatred? You've got me fucked up. Aren't you late for a klan meeting? Is your sheet "ironed and pressed"? Do you live in Pasadena?

Well as much as you whine about being mistreated, it's hard to believe your a "dude", you act like a whiney bitch...

Your entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts, it amazing how you're so stupid...

You get what you deserve, quit blaming it on the color of your skin...

spoken like someone who hasn't finished the 6th grade.
Oh really? Then why are you so mad about it? Looks like I am not the coward, Carbine. Now if you had a productive argument, which you more than likely do not, I suggest you bring it up.

Cowards substitute insults for arguments. And I have not for the month and a half of being a member here seen a Democrat with enough cajones to challenge my arguments directly, or successfully. They have shamed themselves with their lack of factual arguments, along with their excesses of insults and puerility.
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When you start a thread on your stupid opinion and then get comprehensively whipped in rebuttal,

and then run off and start the same thread over again, so that your asswhipping magically disappears unless everyone reposts it,

that's classic rightwing boardcraft at work. And cowardice.

Sorry NY but he didnt get whipped, so take you lameass partisian shit somewhere else.....

unless you want to answer these questions

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
When you start a thread on your stupid opinion and then get comprehensively whipped in rebuttal,

and then run off and start the same thread over again, so that your asswhipping magically disappears unless everyone reposts it,

that's classic rightwing boardcraft at work. And cowardice.

Uh he was in the same thread over and over again, he's not like you dean or lakhota, he actually stays in the thread and he as well as other kicked the libtards ass....they have talking points.....couldnt refute one point....

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
When you start a thread on your stupid opinion and then get comprehensively whipped in rebuttal,

and then run off and start the same thread over again, so that your asswhipping magically disappears unless everyone reposts it,

that's classic rightwing boardcraft at work. And cowardice.

Where are the facts?

You repeat the same tired old shit, you claim to know the facts on Jim Crow, but produce no facts?

You have a limited understanding of the origination of Jim Crow Laws...

State something factual first, until then you're nothing more than a liar...
When you start a thread on your stupid opinion and then get comprehensively whipped in rebuttal,

and then run off and start the same thread over again, so that your asswhipping magically disappears unless everyone reposts it,

that's classic rightwing boardcraft at work. And cowardice.

Where are the facts?

You repeat the same tired old shit, you claim to know the facts on Jim Crow, but produce no facts?

You have a limited understanding of the origination of Jim Crow Laws...

State something factual first, until then you're nothing more than a liar...

No kidding, he's a joke, he didnt even read the OP. He's a chump
What a cop out. Not one single conservatard can counter any liberal's argument, on its' face. He asked you to refute a point or points. Instead, you dodge the request by dismissing the premise, altogether. Either you're incapable of doing so, or you're simply "a troll".
And last time I checked I was still a dude. And my beliefs are not in question or up for discussion, as they are my own, and what everyone is freely entitled to. You are free to believe that you're smart, "connected" and that being a Texan is something to be proud of.
That premise is a lie, and refutable.
Dimwit? Her hatred? You've got me fucked up. Aren't you late for a klan meeting? Is your sheet "ironed and pressed"? Do you live in Pasadena?

Well as much as you whine about being mistreated, it's hard to believe your a "dude", you act like a whiney bitch...

Your entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts, it amazing how you're so stupid...

You get what you deserve, quit blaming it on the color of your skin...

spoken like someone who hasn't finished the 6th grade.

Wow another tactic to ignore and deflect. You're pathetic, you must be a real genius, oh wait we've seen your racist crazy ass posts.
Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.
Youre the idiot that doesnt even know the differences betweem booker t and web dubois.
Liberals aret honest, thats why people get suckered in.
Why do cities run by liberals, have a lot of crime, poverty, and despair?
Why do they have politicians that are completely corrupt
Why do cities fair better with republican leadership?
And what cities, pray tell, would those be?

with republican mayors?

San Diego

you know cities they sucked with democrats, have done well with republicans.
as for the ones without repubilcans, and just have had democrats controlling everything:

shall I go on?
Templar still ignoring Repubs racism...stay klassy

wow another dipshit troll. Closed with some real insight here

republican racism? please do elaborate?

oh and answer these questions

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

Dude are you helping this damsel in distress? You seem to fight really hard with everyone about Templar...Tell me you've kissed at least

Distress? Start a debate with me, and see who it is that is in distress.
Youre the idiot that doesnt even know the differences betweem booker t and web dubois.
Liberals aret honest, thats why people get suckered in.
Why do cities run by liberals, have a lot of crime, poverty, and despair?
Why do they have politicians that are completely corrupt
Why do cities fair better with republican leadership?
And what cities, pray tell, would those be?

with republican mayors?

San Diego

you know cities they sucked with democrats, have done well with republicans.
as for the ones without repubilcans, and just have had democrats controlling everything:

shall I go on?

NY? LA??? Bloomberg in an Independent. Are you implying that both cities don't have the same problems as Chicago or Detroit? LOL
Well as much as you whine about being mistreated, it's hard to believe your a "dude", you act like a whiney bitch...

Your entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts, it amazing how you're so stupid...

You get what you deserve, quit blaming it on the color of your skin...

spoken like someone who hasn't finished the 6th grade.

Wow another tactic to ignore and deflect. You're pathetic, you must be ia real genius, oh wait we've seen your racist crazy ass posts.

You're a poster, who uses the n-word, "for fun", and you're calling me racist?????????
Un fucking believable
And what cities, pray tell, would those be?

with republican mayors?

San Diego

you know cities they sucked with democrats, have done well with republicans.
as for the ones without repubilcans, and just have had democrats controlling everything:

shall I go on?

NY? LA??? Bloomberg in an Independent. Are you implying that both cities don't have the same problems as Chicago or Detroit? LOL

Uh yeah do you know anything? Did your talking points not give that stuff?

You're right Bloomberg is an independant, he's a moron.

I'm talking about Rudy, who cleaned NY up big time....when Dinkins was mayor they said NY couldnt be governed....but maybe that was before your time, maybe it wasnt in the huffpo or daily kos.

And Riordan of LA who turned that city around....democrats fuck it up, republicans have to clean it up.
I imply no racism whatsoever, and you can do nothing but insult me. You should learn that you have no dog in this fight. I am a different breed of American, one who does not espouse to your flawed ideals, I am a free thinker, unlike you. I am willing to see past my biases sometimes..

Here is TemplarKormac, awarded the Cross to the Troll In Action Medal, as he stereotypes "people he cannot for the life of him comprehend. He is an example of a textbook narcissist . . . in order to claim his supposed superiority over other people."

TK's pathetic nature considers the right of center to the left of center mainstream as somehow above the fray, and refuses to accept that the real narcissism of the far right and far left harms this country because it ignored the narrative of American history and the Constitution.

Addition: Ernie S and Buckeye have been awarded the TIA Medal, as well.
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WTF? Clarence Thomas???? His hearing to appoint him to the Supreme Court was tainted by the fact that he was revealed to be a sexual predator, with his law clerk...a black woman, while he was married to his white "trophy wife".

You fucking racist scumbag.

Here is TemplarKormac demonstrating his Troll In Action wares. Poet made a clear statement and Jroc completely ignored it and made a statement about the Democratic Party fifty years before, which had nothing to do with the discussion.

TK then begans a rant and chant about about how badly the blacks are treated by the DP without offering any reason why the RP are not getting the votes. The implicit racism of TK's rant astounds the rational mind: his language, his inferences.

Poet, Jroc, and Templar Kormac are clear examples of TIA.

How mental are you? First defending me, and then turning around and including me in the group of trolls you were railing against. You're a dishonest poster. Please don't do me any favors.

Where you are correct, I will defend your position.

When your mental pathology slips, I will kick it up back your butt.

Stop trolling.
The far left of the poet mentality and those of the far right of the TemplarKormacs sicken the American mainstream.
I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies. .

An exam almost every pregnant woman undergoes at some point is "hideous," but killing an unborn child is not?

An exam that is necessary and agreed to by the pregnant woman is not necessarily hideous, but a forced vaginal probe for no reason other than to embarrass the woman who has already given much thought to what she wants to do is.

To inform, educate, and make sure the woman is aware of the reality of what she is contemplating, not to embarrass. That's the bare minimum demonstration of respect for human life.

And you didn't address the second part of my question~
How about voter suppression, in minority communities by instituting "new", stricter voter ID laws, where voter fraud had never been a problem in past elections?

Merely requiring ID to prove you are who you say you are and that you are legally eligible to vote (and haven't already done so elsewhere that day) is NOT "voter suppression. Pacing around in front of a polling station with clubs and menacing certain people trying to go in and vote, now THAT is voter suppression.

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