Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Heres the topic: Dems used to be racist.

Heres my answer to the topic: Yes they were, Now it's the repubs

Heres your response to my topic: Waa, I'm reporting you stay on topic[/QUOTE]

Here's the topic: Dems are STILL racist.

Here's MY answer: They still are, now, it continues to be them.

If you cannot follow stated rules, then you should be reported. You don't like it when people troll your threads do you? Yeah, shut your face, like the witless troll you are.

Stay on topic, or I will continue to report you until due action is taken.
Just a little reminder:

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.
Tell me what you think racism is to you?

I'd be most interested. We've engaged each other over many a year. Tell me what you think racism entails.

I separate racism and bigots but by all means lay it on the line. I'd be most interested.
I really haven't bothered with this thread too much because the conservatives at USMB have made great points but I'll be damned if we go further than this.


Red rover, red rover, let liberals come over.

Not a worry. That's why they were called the dixiecrats.

Look, Dems were the KKK, Jim Crowe, every Governor.....all D's. People just don't know it.

Time to let the world know how D's are the most racist sons of guns on the planet. Pity the poor black now who believes the shit they feed him.

Inner city and such a pity that doesn't even know Lincoln was a Republican.
Thank you for this...I agree

republicans havent said one race is better than others, but democrats have.

As for the bold statement...that would fall squarely on LIBERAL democrats.... CHECK MATE!
I provided plenty of historical context. You chose to ignore it. The reality here is that neither party is that all tolerant. You offer all of these excuses as to why your party has changed for the better. I contend that none of that is true, you are just as bad as we are.

25 Examples of Liberal Racism in Quotes - John Hawkins - Page full

Reverend Rubicon: More Liberal Racism and Intolerance On Display

Ben Carson: White Liberals Are 'The Most Racist People'

Wake up Black America: Clueless, racist, intolerant liberals attack actress Stacey Dash for supporting Mitt Romney.
I imply no racism whatsoever, and you can do nothing but insult me. You should learn that you have no dog in this fight. I am a different breed of American, one who does not espouse to your flawed ideals, I am a free thinker, unlike you. I am willing to see past my biases sometimes..

Here is TemplarKormac, awarded the Cross to the Troll In Action Medal, as he stereotypes "people he cannot for the life of him comprehend. He is an example of a textbook narcissist . . . in order to claim his supposed superiority over other people."

TK's pathetic nature considers the right of center to the left of center mainstream as somehow above the fray, and refuses to accept that the real narcissism of the far right and far left harms this country because it ignored the narrative of American history and the Constitution.

Damned funny from the self proclaimed prototypical Republican. Negged
White Southern Christian Conservatives. They made up the majority of racists in the democratic party. They left for the open and welcoming arms of the GOP (please, we know about the manipulated data to suggest there was no racist Southern Strategy, contrary to the admission by GOP power brokers). They made up the majority of Klansmen. They were the majority of Confederate Traitors who had to be pardoned after the American Civil War.

Only criminals get pardons. In the case of the Confederacy twas White Southern Christian Conservatives who were the majority of pardoned criminals
Remember, this thread was begun with the underlying assumption that liberals' opposition to mia love and other black conservatives was racist driven. So, if you're expecting logic, you'll be disappointed.

Love, like JC watts, may very nicely represent the conservative views of a conservative district. In fact, I'd prolly vote for them. But once the gop advances them as part of a natl campaign, then they have to espouse the gop's views nationally. And the fact that the gop doesn't do well outside of white men is not because all the non whties and women don't understand the dems true racist and mysoginist views.
White Southern Christian Conservatives. They made up the majority of racists in the democratic party. They left for the open and welcoming arms of the GOP (please, we know about the manipulated data to suggest there was no racist Southern Strategy, contrary to the admission by GOP power brokers). They made up the majority of Klansmen. They were the majority of Confederate Traitors who had to be pardoned after the American Civil War.

Only criminals get pardons. In the case of the Confederacy twas White Southern Christian Conservatives who were the majority of pardoned criminals

Say hello to my ignore list.
About a week ago I addressed the overtly racist history of the Democratic Party in my OP "Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party." They have a racist and sexist past that has been relegated to the forgotten recesses of their political minds. Today, they contend vehemently that they no longer espouse those ideals. They further posit that instead of being what they were as recently as 50 years ago, that somehow that platform has attached itself to today's Republican Party.

I'm here to tell you that they are dead wrong. I was always told as a child growing into my teenage years, that you cannot deny your nature. Here, we have a party who seems to go against the grain of their past mistakes and somehow has convinced our nation that they stand for what is right. Somehow, they have convinced themselves that they are the champions of morality. I was told a story once, and I'm probably sure you've heard it:

A Fox was on his way home after a hunt, he came across the bank of a river and proceeded to cross, but before he stepped into the water, a Scorpion begged him not to go. The Scorpion wished to cross the river, too. The Scorpion asked the Fox, "I need a ride across the river, would you be so kind as to let me climb atop your back so we can cross the river, together?" The Fox replied, "I know you and your kind, for you have poison in that tail of yours! Why should I trust you? You are dangerous! What will stop you from stinging me and killing us both as we cross?"

In return the Scorpion answered, "If I do that, we will both drown! Trust me!" So the Fox consented, and the Scorpion climbed atop his back. They began to cross the river, and halfway through, the Scorpion stung the Fox. Stunned and aghast, with poison paralyzing his body wailed, "Why?! I thought you wanted to cross the river, same as I? You lied!" As they both floated away to their doom, the Scorpion replied, "I did no such thing. For you see, it was my nature."

So, as we learn from this fable, a party same as an animal, cannot reject its true nature. In America today the Democrats champion gender equality and racial equality, and as a result, they have been very successful with that premise; winning two consecutive presidential elections. However, in keeping with their past, they continue to espouse the same ideals of their progenitors.

As we all know, racism has been a demon that us as a collective nation could not and have not been able to exorcise. We have a history of it, most of which was brought on by those who now claim to be the party of equality. Today, under the false guise of social justice, they have lain down false narratives and unfair stereotypes of the people they say they protect.

With Black people, and Black women or Men who are registered Democrats, they have been indoctrinated with the idea that anyone who is against them or their so-called "progress" is either racist or misogynistic. If they happen to be Republicans in today's America, they are called a host of names, portrayed as a stain on society and as you can guess, are treated as the negroes of old. The racism begins to seep out of the Democrat who sees one of their major voting demographics belonging to the other side. It cant be helped, it is their true nature, in essence what the political genes of their party have programmed them to be.

You can look to the more obvious examples of Democratic racism; as Mia Love, Herman Cain and Allen West were (and still are) persecuted for being on the "wrong side" of the political spectrum. As for the misogynistic nature of Democrats, you need only to look to the example of Sarah Palin. We all know her, she was made famous in the 2007-08 election cycle when Senator/Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain tabbed her for the Vice Presidential ticket.

No sooner did she make her introduction to politics when she began to sustain ruthless and uncalled for attacks from the Left leaning main stream media. She began having her essence as a woman questioned by Democrats who could not understand why a woman would ever be inclined to believe in her own independence, as opposed to the Democratic stereotype of her reliance on government to espouse here ideals. She and her family continue to be attacked to this day, all for want of not being a Democrat.

Whenever a Democrat tells you they fight for equality among gender and race, remind them of their past, and then remind them that they still continue to carry on the racist and misogynistic legacy of those that came before them, whether or not they recognize it. If they deny it, once again, remind them of where they came from.

I am a Conservative Libertarian, and by all rights and means I am far from stupid. The real Democrat is the one that tells you that black men and women cannot win without the government's help, and that any other woman cannot move forward in this world... unless big brother is there to help. The real Democrat reverts to his true nature when, all of a sudden, these types of people begin thinking for themselves. Their true nature is what it has always been, it will never change.

Democrats can call me whatever they like, issue what slurs at me as they will; but they cannot change history, and by all means, cannot deny their very nature.

Yawn. Did anyone ask about the 68 Democratic Convention, the last third party to win a state, or if about the white boy bars yet?
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About a week ago I addressed the overtly racist history of the Democratic Party in my OP "Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party." They have a racist and sexist past that has been relegated to the forgotten recesses of their political minds. Today, they contend vehemently that they no longer espouse those ideals. They further posit that instead of being what they were as recently as 50 years ago, that somehow that platform has attached itself to today's Republican Party.

I'm here to tell you that they are dead wrong. I was always told as a child growing into my teenage years, that you cannot deny your nature. Here, we have a party who seems to go against the grain of their past mistakes and somehow has convinced our nation that they stand for what is right. Somehow, they have convinced themselves that they are the champions of morality. I was told a story once, and I'm probably sure you've heard it:

A Fox was on his way home after a hunt, he came across the bank of a river and proceeded to cross, but before he stepped into the water, a Scorpion begged him not to go. The Scorpion wished to cross the river, too. The Scorpion asked the Fox, "I need a ride across the river, would you be so kind as to let me climb atop your back so we can cross the river, together?" The Fox replied, "I know you and your kind, for you have poison in that tail of yours! Why should I trust you? You are dangerous! What will stop you from stinging me and killing us both as we cross?"

In return the Scorpion answered, "If I do that, we will both drown! Trust me!" So the Fox consented, and the Scorpion climbed atop his back. They began to cross the river, and halfway through, the Scorpion stung the Fox. Stunned and aghast, with poison paralyzing his body wailed, "Why?! I thought you wanted to cross the river, same as I? You lied!" As they both floated away to their doom, the Scorpion replied, "I did no such thing. For you see, it was my nature."

So, as we learn from this fable, a party same as an animal, cannot reject its true nature. In America today the Democrats champion gender equality and racial equality, and as a result, they have been very successful with that premise; winning two consecutive presidential elections. However, in keeping with their past, they continue to espouse the same ideals of their progenitors.

As we all know, racism has been a demon that us as a collective nation could not and have not been able to exorcise. We have a history of it, most of which was brought on by those who now claim to be the party of equality. Today, under the false guise of social justice, they have lain down false narratives and unfair stereotypes of the people they say they protect.

With Black people, and Black women or Men who are registered Democrats, they have been indoctrinated with the idea that anyone who is against them or their so-called "progress" is either racist or misogynistic. If they happen to be Republicans in today's America, they are called a host of names, portrayed as a stain on society and as you can guess, are treated as the negroes of old. The racism begins to seep out of the Democrat who sees one of their major voting demographics belonging to the other side. It cant be helped, it is their true nature, in essence what the political genes of their party have programmed them to be.

You can look to the more obvious examples of Democratic racism; as Mia Love, Herman Cain and Allen West were (and still are) persecuted for being on the "wrong side" of the political spectrum. As for the misogynistic nature of Democrats, you need only to look to the example of Sarah Palin. We all know her, she was made famous in the 2007-08 election cycle when Senator/Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain tabbed her for the Vice Presidential ticket.

No sooner did she make her introduction to politics when she began to sustain ruthless and uncalled for attacks from the Left leaning main stream media. She began having her essence as a woman questioned by Democrats who could not understand why a woman would ever be inclined to believe in her own independence, as opposed to the Democratic stereotype of her reliance on government to espouse here ideals. She and her family continue to be attacked to this day, all for want of not being a Democrat.

Whenever a Democrat tells you they fight for equality among gender and race, remind them of their past, and then remind them that they still continue to carry on the racist and misogynistic legacy of those that came before them, whether or not they recognize it. If they deny it, once again, remind them of where they came from.

I am a Conservative Libertarian, and by all rights and means I am far from stupid. The real Democrat is the one that tells you that black men and women cannot win without the government's help, and that any other woman cannot move forward in this world... unless big brother is there to help. The real Democrat reverts to his true nature when, all of a sudden, these types of people begin thinking for themselves. Their true nature is what it has always been, it will never change.

Democrats can call me whatever they like, issue what slurs at me as they will; but they cannot change history, and by all means, cannot deny their very nature.

Yawn. Did anyone as about the 68 Convention, the last third party to win a state, or about which party the fellas in the white boy bars belong to?

That made entirely no sense! What on earth are you talking about?
White Southern Christian Conservatives. They made up the majority of racists in the democratic party. They left for the open and welcoming arms of the GOP (please, we know about the manipulated data to suggest there was no racist Southern Strategy, contrary to the admission by GOP power brokers). They made up the majority of Klansmen. They were the majority of Confederate Traitors who had to be pardoned after the American Civil War.

Only criminals get pardons. In the case of the Confederacy twas White Southern Christian Conservatives who were the majority of pardoned criminals

That's not entirely true. The southern gop did try to run racial moderates against people like James Eastland towards the end of his career, at the time the democrat party was evolving to be pro-civil rights. The idea was perhaps a majoirty of minorities.

Of course, Nixon pursued his southern strategy and Reagan pursued states rights. And nothing beats winning.
White Southern Christian Conservatives. They made up the majority of racists in the democratic party. They left for the open and welcoming arms of the GOP (please, we know about the manipulated data to suggest there was no racist Southern Strategy, contrary to the admission by GOP power brokers). They made up the majority of Klansmen. They were the majority of Confederate Traitors who had to be pardoned after the American Civil War.

Only criminals get pardons. In the case of the Confederacy twas White Southern Christian Conservatives who were the majority of pardoned criminals

That's not entirely true. The southern gop did try to run racial moderates against people like James Eastland towards the end of his career, at the time the democrat party was evolving to be pro-civil rights. The idea was perhaps a majoirty of minorities.

Of course, Nixon pursued his southern strategy and Reagan pursued states rights. And nothing beats winning.

Or, in Obama's case, fundraising and excessive campaigning.
i don't believe either party, dems or pubs, are inherently racist. sure, there are racist in both parties, but as a platform, neither party is inherently racist.
Here is TemplarKormac demonstrating his Troll In Action wares. Poet made a clear statement and Jroc completely ignored it and made a statement about the Democratic Party fifty years before, which had nothing to do with the discussion.

TK then begans a rant and chant about about how badly the blacks are treated by the DP without offering any reason why the RP are not getting the votes. The implicit racism of TK's rant astounds the rational mind: his language, his inferences.

Poet, Jroc, and Templar Kormac are clear examples of TIA.

How mental are you? First defending me, and then turning around and including me in the group of trolls you were railing against. You're a dishonest poster. Please don't do me any favors.

Where you are correct, I will defend your position.

When your mental pathology slips, I will kick it up back your butt.

Stop trolling.

You know what I find ironic about this? Even poet can't stand you, Jake. More power to him.
White Southern Christian Conservatives. They made up the majority of racists in the democratic party. They left for the open and welcoming arms of the GOP (please, we know about the manipulated data to suggest there was no racist Southern Strategy, contrary to the admission by GOP power brokers). They made up the majority of Klansmen. They were the majority of Confederate Traitors who had to be pardoned after the American Civil War.

Only criminals get pardons. In the case of the Confederacy twas White Southern Christian Conservatives who were the majority of pardoned criminals

again Dante about the southern strategy

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

Still no answers because you are nothing but a hollow shell that spouts talking points...since I guess you dont have those answers in the huff po, you dont have an answer
spoken like someone who hasn't finished the 6th grade.

Wow another tactic to ignore and deflect. You're pathetic, you must be ia real genius, oh wait we've seen your racist crazy ass posts.

You're a poster, who uses the n-word, "for fun", and you're calling me racist?????????
Un fucking believable

what's hilarious is that you think using the n-word is equivalent to a church burning or a lynching.....that's retarded

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