Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

"Everybody has asked the question. . ."What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!"

Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.
Youre the idiot that doesnt even know the differences betweem booker t and web dubois.
Liberals aret honest, thats why people get suckered in.
Why do cities run by liberals, have a lot of crime, poverty, and despair?
Why do they have politicians that are completely corrupt
Why do cities fair better with republican leadership?
Read Jroc's avoidance of Poet's commentary, the classic example of TIA, troll in action, on page 22.

Poet: Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

Jroc: Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

Poet is giving an opinion of the here and now of the GOP, rightfully or wrongly, while Jroc talks about the distant past as if it has any relevance today. More than 9 of 10 African Americans vote Democratic today. Jroc is TIA.
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So? Why do you hate white people? You grew up privileged, I didn't... Good for you:thup:

White liberals have never looked down on me...made me feel inferior to them, and certainly never diminished me. Conservatives always have tried. So you see, my contempt isn't for white people in general, but ideology, specifically. And it has.

Oh...if you say so it must be true. Every conservative in America always have looked down on you. Uhhhhh..ok! Just remember what white liberals did to Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Herman Cain just to name a few. If one is black, latino, asian or female and they step off the Democrat plantation and then the real racism (and sexism for females) of these liberals "who have never looked down upon you" comes out.

Here, here is a famous white liberal for you who has "never looked down upon black people":

Tim Russert, according to his sources, Bill Clinton, in an effort to secure an endorsement for Hillary from Ted Kennedy, said to Kennedy in reference to Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”

WTF? Clarence Thomas???? His hearing to appoint him to the Supreme Court was tainted by the fact that he was revealed to be a sexual predator, with his law clerk...a black woman, while he was married to his white "trophy wife".
Condi Rice, "lied", in a congressional hearing about the prelude to 9/11, to cover Bush and Cheney, with whom she never questioned.
Herman Cain was a buffoon, who never stood a real chance to challenge President Obama, and fell from grace, quick , fast and in a hurry, when his white paramours came forward to expose his sexual predation.
Trust me, these three pariahs, are reviled in the black community, at-large.
Again, there is no Democratic plantation. The only plantation, complete with wanna-be Massas is the Republican Party, who refuse to treat minorities as equals.
And excuse me? All of the talk of quantifying and qualifying "rape" came from the Republican morons. The push to overturn Roe V. Wade is coming from the right. Sexism or racism is not a problem for the left, liberals or Democrats.

And about your Bill Clinton reference. When I heard that, I removed Bill Clinton from my social network and heroes list. I now understand it was more linked to his zeal for his wife's quest for the presidency. He came full circle and endorsed and campaigned for Barack Obama, and his speech at the DNC in 2012, was one of the reasons President Obama won a second term. I forgive him. Problem?>
Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

I guess you don't consider not having a vaginal ultrasound probe shoved up a woman's vagina a liberty, or you would admit that it's Republicans in red states that are pushing these hideous policies. .

An exam almost every pregnant woman undergoes at some point is "hideous," but killing an unborn child is not?

An exam that is necessary and agreed to by the pregnant woman is not necessarily hideous, but a forced vaginal probe for no reason other than to embarrass the woman who has already given much thought to what she wants to do is.
Read Jroc's avoidance of Poet's commentary, the classic example of TIA, troll in action, on page 22.

Poet: Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

Jroc: Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

Poet is giving an opinion of the here and now of the GOP, rightfully or wrongly, while Jroc talks about the distant past as if it has any relevance today. More than 9 of 10 African Americans vote Democratic today. Jroc is TIA.

Here is Jake siding with a known troll. Doesn't matter what points poet makes. People avoid him (poet) because of that reason. If he were to have some respect and learn proper and civil debate decorum, he may get more direct responses to his commentary.

And whether poet realizes it or not, the Democratic Party is still perpetrating racism towards black people. They lay down these stereotypical narratives for them and their people, then expect them to follow them hook, line, and sinker. God help you if stray afar from the status quo. Then you will be treated as the black man of old. A house ******, uncle tom, traitor, slave.

I wish people would see it, but they are too blinded by emotion to understand, or comprehend the maelstrom of cognitive dissonance being perpetuated by their own party. Very sad really.
Here is TemplarKormac demonstrating his Troll In Action wares. Poet made a clear statement and Jroc completely ignored it and made a statement about the Democratic Party fifty years before, which had nothing to do with the discussion.

TK then begans a rant and chant about about how badly the blacks are treated by the DP without offering any reason why the RP are not getting the votes. The implicit racism of TK's rant astounds the rational mind: his language, his inferences.

Poet, Jroc, and Templar Kormac are clear examples of TIA.

No voting for fdr or lbj...does not make you conservative...still no answer on that one....republicans have always beenmore conservative....and pro civil fuck off

Liar. Today's Republican Party no more resembles the Party of Lincoln, than I do a Hasidic Jew.
The ?Liberals Are Racists and Consevatives Are Anti-Racists? Lie | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay
Bullshit.......what civil rights are they against?
See youll bring up something that requires govt intervention......we arent for that..true
Just like christians believe i the bible and becausmeof jesus sacrifice we dont have to do it other words take off the training wheels.....blacks can do fine, they dont need em anymore
Just look at obama and richard parsons and herman cain as examples
How about voter suppression, in minority communities by instituting "new", stricter voter ID laws, where voter fraud had never been a problem in past elections? How about restricting the rights of women to choose about what goes on with their bodies and its' contents? How about qualifying rape? How about marriage equality?
And who are you to determine what blacks need or not? There you go, pulling white privilege out of your ass again.
Look at Obama????? Look at the hell he's getting from you racist Republicans...and then you want to cite him as an example of "Black achievement". Oh, the hypocrisy!
About a week ago I addressed the overtly racist history of the Democratic Party in my OP "Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party." They have a racist and sexist past that has been relegated to the forgotten recesses of their political minds. Today, they contend vehemently that they no longer espouse those ideals. They further posit that instead of being what they were as recently as 50 years ago, that somehow that platform has attached itself to today's Republican Party.

I'm here to tell you that they are dead wrong. I was always told as a child growing into my teenage years, that you cannot deny your nature. Here, we have a party who seems to go against the grain of their past mistakes and somehow has convinced our nation that they stand for what is right. Somehow, they have convinced themselves that they are the champions of morality. I was told a story once, and I'm probably sure you've heard it:

A Fox was on his way home after a hunt, he came across the bank of a river and proceeded to cross, but before he stepped into the water, a Scorpion begged him not to go. The Scorpion wished to cross the river, too. The Scorpion asked the Fox, "I need a ride across the river, would you be so kind as to let me climb atop your back so we can cross the river, together?" The Fox replied, "I know you and your kind, for you have poison in that tail of yours! Why should I trust you? You are dangerous! What will stop you from stinging me and killing us both as we cross?"

In return the Scorpion answered, "If I do that, we will both drown! Trust me!" So the Fox consented, and the Scorpion climbed atop his back. They began to cross the river, and halfway through, the Scorpion stung the Fox. Stunned and aghast, with poison paralyzing his body wailed, "Why?! I thought you wanted to cross the river, same as I? You lied!" As they both floated away to their doom, the Scorpion replied, "I did no such thing. For you see, it was my nature."

So, as we learn from this fable, a party same as an animal, cannot reject its true nature. In America today the Democrats champion gender equality and racial equality, and as a result, they have been very successful with that premise; winning two consecutive presidential elections. However, in keeping with their past, they continue to espouse the same ideals of their progenitors.

As we all know, racism has been a demon that us as a collective nation could not and have not been able to exorcise. We have a history of it, most of which was brought on by those who now claim to be the party of equality. Today, under the false guise of social justice, they have lain down false narratives and unfair stereotypes of the people they say they protect.

With Black people, and Black women or Men who are registered Democrats, they have been indoctrinated with the idea that anyone who is against them or their so-called "progress" is either racist or misogynistic. If they happen to be Republicans in today's America, they are called a host of names, portrayed as a stain on society and as you can guess, are treated as the negroes of old. The racism begins to seep out of the Democrat who sees one of their major voting demographics belonging to the other side. It cant be helped, it is their true nature, in essence what the political genes of their party have programmed them to be.

You can look to the more obvious examples of Democratic racism; as Mia Love, Herman Cain and Allen West were (and still are) persecuted for being on the "wrong side" of the political spectrum. As for the misogynistic nature of Democrats, you need only to look to the example of Sarah Palin. We all know her, she was made famous in the 2007-08 election cycle when Senator/Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain tabbed her for the Vice Presidential ticket.

No sooner did she make her introduction to politics when she began to sustain ruthless and uncalled for attacks from the Left leaning main stream media. She began having her essence as a woman questioned by Democrats who could not understand why a woman would ever be inclined to believe in her own independence, as opposed to the Democratic stereotype of her reliance on government to espouse here ideals. She and her family continue to be attacked to this day, all for want of not being a Democrat.

Whenever a Democrat tells you they fight for equality among gender and race, remind them of their past, and then remind them that they still continue to carry on the racist and misogynistic legacy of those that came before them, whether or not they recognize it. If they deny it, once again, remind them of where they came from.

I am a Conservative Libertarian, and by all rights and means I am far from stupid. The real Democrat is the one that tells you that black men and women cannot win without the government's help, and that any other woman cannot move forward in this world... unless big brother is there to help. The real Democrat reverts to his true nature when, all of a sudden, these types of people begin thinking for themselves. Their true nature is what it has always been, it will never change.

Democrats can call me whatever they like, issue what slurs at me as they will; but they cannot change history, and by all means, cannot deny their very nature.
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Madonna? She's from the suburbs:eusa_eh:The point is I don't look down on people, you do, I don't hate, you do. Life is too short for all that hate let it go

bs. now you're full of excuses and projection.

Hes not projecting, you are clearly full of hate and you the nword is the worst thing, i call, bullshit, much worse things out there.
You dont look down at people.....lololololol
And the reason liberals havent made youmfeel inferior, is youmdont like honsty and liberals arent. Im sure the michigan democrat that called a guy the nword didnt expepct to be caught. And liberal progrmas like affirmative action, you really dont see the racism there?
Or by lowering act scores?


More white privilege coming from you. You don't get to determine what is considered "worse" or what is offensive, or the parameters thereof.
And can you stop yourself from telling me how I am, what I do or don't like? You don't know me. You only think you do, and you're not very smart to begin with.
And you, obviously want to condemn some Michigan Democrat for doing what you do, "for fun", while excusing your own bad, racist behavior. Hypocrite.
And again, you obviously don't understand affirmative action or its' mission. It is a counter to racism,favoritism, and cronyism, on the part of white employers in the workplace. But you're too stupid and blind to see it.
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I think once we get true voting reform you will see that black "support" for Dems is realistically only about 60% or so. We need a system denies the Democrat Inner City Vote Manufacturing the chance to vote for blacks.

There no way 90+% of Blacks support the poverty pimping, eugenics and intellectual pedophilia that is Democrat run cities
sweet :clap2: could not refute one point

When your whole premise is a lie, what is there to refute?

You have not one shred of proof...

But rest assured, dimwits such as poet will believe anything that fuels her hatred...

What a cop out. Not one single conservatard can counter any liberal's argument, on its' face. He asked you to refute a point or points. Instead, you dodge the request by dismissing the premise, altogether. Either you're incapable of doing so, or you're simply "a troll".
And last time I checked I was still a dude. And my beliefs are not in question or up for discussion, as they are my own, and what everyone is freely entitled to. You are free to believe that you're smart, "connected" and that being a Texan is something to be proud of.
That premise is a lie, and refutable.
Dimwit? Her hatred? You've got me fucked up. Aren't you late for a klan meeting? Is your sheet "ironed and pressed"? Do you live in Pasadena?

Well as much as you whine about being mistreated, it's hard to believe your a "dude", you act like a whiney bitch...

Your entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts, it's amazing how you're so stupid...

You get what you deserve, quit blaming it on the color of your skin...
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Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

Explain that nonsense. You, obviously have a low opinion of blacks, gays, women and college students, if you believe that they could support a party that not only, overwhelmingly voted President Obama to a second term, but is, inherently racist. I'm sorry but there are so many black Democrats who are infinitely smarter than you.
And your racist audacious ass has the unmitigated gall to quote Frederick Douglass, and to twist his words.
Youre the idiot that doesnt even know the differences betweem booker t and web dubois.
Liberals aret honest, thats why people get suckered in.
Why do cities run by liberals, have a lot of crime, poverty, and despair?
Why do they have politicians that are completely corrupt
Why do cities fair better with republican leadership?
And what cities, pray tell, would those be?
Here is TemplarKormac demonstrating his Troll In Action wares. Poet made a clear statement and Jroc completely ignored it and made a statement about the Democratic Party fifty years before, which had nothing to do with the discussion.

TK then begans a rant and chant about about how badly the blacks are treated by the DP without offering any reason why the RP are not getting the votes. The implicit racism of TK's rant astounds the rational mind: his language, his inferences.

Poet, Jroc, and Templar Kormac are clear examples of TIA.

Here is Jake stereotyping people he cannot for the life of him comprehend. He is an example of a textbook narcissist who sees himself above the fray, able to skirt both sides of a conflict in order to claim his supposed superiority over other people.

In that post Jake, you have revealed your less than unbiased nature. You know it, I know it. Drop the act. I imply no racism whatsoever, and you can do nothing but insult me. You should learn that you have no dog in this fight. I am a different breed of American, one who does not espouse to your flawed ideals, I am a free thinker, unlike you. I am willing to see past my biases sometimes.

You're pathetic Jake. Tuck tail and run, you are not my better, and I am not yours. We are all on the same footing here.

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When you start a thread on your stupid opinion and then get comprehensively whipped in rebuttal,

and then run off and start the same thread over again, so that your asswhipping magically disappears unless everyone reposts it,

that's classic rightwing boardcraft at work. And cowardice.
Read Jroc's avoidance of Poet's commentary, the classic example of TIA, troll in action, on page 22.

Poet: Right...except the parties switched ideologies and no blacks would support a party that actively endorses racism and bigotry, as the Republican Party does.

Jroc: Wrong the Democratic Party still stands for slavery. As they continually rob us of our liberties you stand and applaud. Read the Great Frederick Douglass again, Read it and reread it until it sinks into your brain and past the wall of hate you have in there

Poet is giving an opinion of the here and now of the GOP, rightfully or wrongly, while Jroc talks about the distant past as if it has any relevance today. More than 9 of 10 African Americans vote Democratic today. Jroc is TIA.

Here is Jake siding with a known troll. Doesn't matter what points poet makes. People avoid him (poet) because of that reason. If he were to have some respect and learn proper and civil debate decorum, he may get more direct responses to his commentary.

And whether poet realizes it or not, the Democratic Party is still perpetrating racism towards black people. They lay down these stereotypical narratives for them and their people, then expect them to follow them hook, line, and sinker. God help you if stray afar from the status quo. Then you will be treated as the black man of old. A house ******, uncle tom, traitor, slave.

I wish people would see it, but they are too blinded by emotion to understand, or comprehend the maelstrom of cognitive dissonance being perpetuated by their own party. Very sad really.

First of all, I am not, nor have ever been "a troll". Secondly, People avoid me because they cannot successfully refute my positions. Thirdly, you have to bring some respectful and civil decorum, to get some in return. Fourth, you don't know what you're talking about. You've been watching way too much Fox News. The Democratic Party of 2013, does not promote or perpetuate racism. There very well may be some stupid black people, but the overwhelming majority are well-educated, informed, and aware of which party best represents their interests and concerns......and it ain't the Republican Party, by any stretch of the imagination.
And if you only knew how completely asinine you appear. It's Republicans that treat blacks as of olde. A house Negro (no such reference as "a house ******", meaning you don't know what you're talking about, yet again), is one that hops, skips and jumps to the tune of white people, subserviently, in order to gain favor. Not necessary with the Democrats, as we already "have favor", freely given....we don't have to do or say anything to get it.
An "Uncle Tom"is akin to a house Negro. A "race traitor" is someone who would "sellout" his own (in this case, "the black community"), for short term gain (money, position, power, etc...) essence, "a betrayal".

Equally, I pity you for being swayed and "played" by the Republican hierarchy, when, more than likely, you have no "connections", no wealth (to speak of), and amount to little more than "sheep", in their eyes. Exactly what you think of us. Too funny.
Here is TemplarKormac demonstrating his Troll In Action wares. Poet made a clear statement and Jroc completely ignored it and made a statement about the Democratic Party fifty years before, which had nothing to do with the discussion.

TK then begans a rant and chant about about how badly the blacks are treated by the DP without offering any reason why the RP are not getting the votes. The implicit racism of TK's rant astounds the rational mind: his language, his inferences.

Poet, Jroc, and Templar Kormac are clear examples of TIA.

How mental are you? First defending me, and then turning around and including me in the group of trolls you were railing against. You're a dishonest poster. Please don't do me any favors.

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