Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

You are corrected so you rant like a child, a willful spoiled child.

Yes, you are racist, you simply won't admit. Yes, you are pregnant with racism.

You need to learn it and correct it.

PLEASE use the quote function properly so others can refer back to the post. It's not that we think you are trying to alter the meaning of what was said, :doubt: but we all know you, Fakie.

My way, Ernie S., makes sure that we all know the thought exactly that is being expressed. It's within the rules.

And since you are an irrelevant reactionary, so is your criticism

Kudos. The God's honest truth. You just read Ernestine in Braille. Something I don't bother to do anymore.
You are big guy. Go back and review your posts. What you are is common knowledge, as is TK and Ernie S. as fellow Trolls In Action guys.

Again dodging the question. he wont answer it because he cant support it.....what jake thinks is a racist statement, means it's racist....bwahahahahahaa

All know that you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts or your own definitions. I had to keep kicking that reality up Roo's and bripat's asses.

Your own statements condemn you.

Again dodging the question. he wont answer it because he cant support it.....what jake thinks is a racist statement, means it's racist....bwahahahahahaa

All know that you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts or your own definitions. I had to keep kicking that reality up Roo's and bripat's asses.

Your own statements condemn you.


oh do you have jungle fever for Starkey cute

you're still a kitchen chair!
All know that you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts or your own definitions. I had to keep kicking that reality up Roo's and bripat's asses.

Your own statements condemn you.

Nope again you dont provide context, you dont think of any other possibilities other than pc leftwing dogman....would me calling him a water buffalo or a tiger be racist too?

"pc' and "leftwing dogman" is not what I am doing but close to what you are doing by trying to change definitions.

You are defined by what you post, like poet, the black racist. You two are far closer as philosophical brothers than I am to either of you.

We don't need your perverted philosophies in the mainstream.

Funny, but I think you're closer to Buckeye, than I am to him or you. First of all, I'm not a racist, by definition. I don't believe any one race is preferable or "better" than another, and I certainly don't use racial pejoratives, as Buckeye and others here do. I do, call out anyone on their racism, except I haven't seen any racism displayed from the few black posters here. Fancy that. And just because I call out racist whites on their racism, for the zillionth time, does not make me a makes me an activist and fearless dragon slayer. Most of the righties here are so used to scapegoating and demonizing blacks and immigrants (usually Hispanics), and I'm simply not having it. Not on my watch.
Nope again you dont provide context, you dont think of any other possibilities other than pc leftwing dogman....would me calling him a water buffalo or a tiger be racist too?

"pc' and "leftwing dogman" is not what I am doing but close to what you are doing by trying to change definitions.

You are defined by what you post, like poet, the black racist. You two are far closer as philosophical brothers than I am to either of you.

We don't need your perverted philosophies in the mainstream.

Funny, but I think you're closer to Buckeye, than I am to him or you. First of all, I'm not a racist, by definition. I don't believe any one race is preferable or "better" than another, and I certainly don't use racial pejoratives, as Buckeye and others here do. I do, call out anyone on their racism, except I haven't seen any racism displayed from the few black posters here. Fancy that. And just because I call out racist whites on their racism, for the zillionth time, does not make me a makes me an activist and fearless dragon slayer. Most of the righties here are so used to scapegoating and demonizing blacks and immigrants (usually Hispanics), and I'm simply not having it. Not on my watch.

Oh please it's called a reaction to leftist policies numbuts (that racial neutral correct?)

I believe in free speech, you dont and until we get rid of trigger words, then I'll keep pissing people's one thing if you dont like the context, but another to have racial trigger word....get over it

And you dont call anyone out, you just call them have said far more racist stuff than I have

You take things out of context and project them onto you're full of shit.....
Let's see:

Republican President: Signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Republican President: Signed an executive order creating the EPA.

democrat President: Signed an executive order throwing over 100,000 innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps....

It must be their ability to shamelessly deny the reality of what they were and what they are that allows democrats to pretend up is down and to still go on and on as if they are the 'good guys' and anyone who disagrees with any policy or attitude of theirs must be 'mean-spirited,' '___ist,' 'stupid,' 'ill-willed,' 'blind,' 'asleep,' or the like.

History Fail. The Party of Lincoln is now known as the Democratic Party. The racist Democratic Party is now known as The Republican Party.
FDR did what he had to do, for national security. The interred were compensated, monetarily, for their ordeal.....much more than any descendants of slavery were.

Facts are nothing you understand, your stupidity is boundless...

Does your head spin opposite of the earths rotation?
Oh good heavens, a slap fight amongst Unkotare, Ernie S., and poet.

This is too much I am going to bed.

Oh, bucky, clean up your racist act. You and poet are the same type of minds.

And you're a lying bitch. I don't hang out with my friends and call them "crackers". Or honky, or any such thing. I don't do redneck bars, or ice houses. I deal only in "upper crust" situs. I'm an uppity negro, remember?
Try reading some facts about Jim Crow...

Before discussing the advent of “Jim Crow” laws, which many erroneously ascribe to the American South, it is necessary to review the experience of black persons in the Northern States in antebellum times. As the Northern colonies pioneered the slave trade in North America, a perceptive observer has noted that the North in 1860 should be referred to as the slave-trading States; and the South the slave-holding States. The following is drawn from Slavery in the North, a website worth visiting for more information on slavery north of Mason and Dixon’s line.

Jim Crow Laws: story, pictures and information -
Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well hot damn, how come the liberals in education dont speak about this?

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment[1] was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African American men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.

Historians found evidence that most of the African American staff that assisted the Tuskegee Experiments were under the belief that they were part of a medical experiment that gave them the opportunity to act in the best interests of poor Black residents of Tuskegee.

but but but, they gave them free health care, see how much they love you guys fall for it everytime......

Medical ethics considerations were limited from the start and rapidly deteriorated

Wow kinda like abortion....interesting on how all these regulations get exempted by certain people....

The study may also have contributed to the reluctance of many poor black people to seek routine preventive care.

Wow another unintended consequence of government's unbelievable....

This is the first I found out about this, and this is a disgrace. I know a lot of history but they didnt teach this to us in school. Anyone involved in this should burn in hell......I knew the progressives and big government types were vicious....but DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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WAit I love this one, In fact I just watched Lincoln tonight...and another leftwing fallacy.

Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the 1970s Lincoln had become a hero to political conservatives[273] for his intense nationalism, support for business, his insistence on stopping the spread of human bondage, his acting in terms of Lockean and Burkean principles on behalf of both liberty and tradition, and his devotion to the principles of the Founding Fathers.

I agree, conservatives, atleast us republicans believe in that.

By the late 1960s, liberals, such as historian Lerone Bennett, were having second thoughts, especially regarding Lincoln's views on racial issues

Now aint that a bitch....liberals dont like lincoln.....why?

here's why

Bennett won wide attention when he called Lincoln a white supremacist in 1968.[282] He noted that Lincoln used ethnic slurs, told jokes that ridiculed blacks, insisted he opposed social equality, and proposed sending freed slaves to another country

Liberals believe that stuff....and god forbid he made a joke or two about blacks or any other ethnicity, I'm sure Poet NEVER ya Poet?

Historian Barry Schwartz wrote in 2009 that Lincoln's image suffered "erosion, fading prestige, benign ridicule," in the late 20th century

See liberals dont like Lincoln, republicans do and he would easily be a conservative republican today....

oh and this

William C. Harris found that Lincoln's "reverence for the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the laws under it, and the preservation of the Republic and its institutions undergirded and strengthened his conservatism

I love this stuff....all this progressive bull shit you learn in class is pretty easy to debunk
Inbred??? Are you that thin skinned???

You should have been in Austin Thursday, your lame ass POTUS was here touting the success of Texas and our job market, sad truth is he doesn't have a clue how to repeat it anywhere else, just maybe, if he could get his ego out of the way....

Well we know that's too much to ask for...
[ame=]PJTV: Why Liberals Like Touré Love Racism - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Brad Paisley Feat LL Cool J- Accidental Racist (With Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
Feed your people
Raise your children
Become respectable members of society

I'll never say another bad thing against your people again...

Just like white people, black people are NOT ONE FUCKING ENTITY.
Now this is some great dialogue...but man people hate it...I wonder who????? (Ill give you a clue, people like Poet)

[ame=]Accidental Racist - LL Cool J and Brad Paisley explain Controversial Song - YouTube[/ame]

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