Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Lee Atwater and a former Chairman of the GOP admitted to and apologized for a GOP Southern Strategy. YOUR argument is with THEM and not I

Oh please, you didnt answer the questions. Lee Atwater said that welfare was a code word for racism, well maybe for him, but nobody I know.

so again, for this policy, what hard evidence do you have?

I'm still waiting on these answers

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
You wont answers these, because your premise is flawed

Unlike you and any fools you know, Lee Atwater worked fro Ronald Reagan and others . Lee Atwater crafted winning racist campaigns that most likely targeted you and the people you claim to know.

Like most far right scum, Lee Atwater later publicly begged and prayed for forgiveness but....

Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin), 'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."

btw, Lee was 1 of 2 GOP Chairmen to apologize and admit to a racist Southern Strategy. Thought you knew the other was Ken Mehlman;

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For telling the God's honest truth, about reality.
They want to spin, lie, cheat, steal and deny the reality. Except everyone can see that the Emperor is "naked", except the Emperor. You have one of their own, admitting to the wrong doing, and they rush to invalidate and demonize the messenger. I don't know what you call that, but whatever it is, it ain't good.
To me???? Why don't you walk up to the next 250 lb. black man you find, and say the n-word to him, if you think it's me. You don't get to determine what is important to black people or what is not. You're not getting it. You don't figure into the equation. White people no longer determine the lives of black people. You're still stuck in Massa mode. LOL.

first I dont just say it, just cuz....why do you think because people might use it in certain circumstances we use it ALL the time?

WTF? Why are you fucking saying it at all????????? All the time???? What about "ever"? You dumb racist shit. Making what point? To satisfy your need to be right, and racist??? What a low life. You are really hung up on white supremacy. You ain't supreme. And you ain't smart.

You're the dumbass that said whites dont determine black folks lives, then you say later on that cities need more funding.....and you dont connect those dots....WOW!!!!!!!!!!

So would darkie, colored, negro, or spook be better? (Im going to assume not)

No. We're using "African-American" and "Black", these days. Period. Join 2013.

I've been here. so African American, can I use that for a white kenyan immigrant? or a white south african immigrant or an indian south african immigrant? So you dont mind those other names, eh?

But this is the truely delutional post
This is the reason you should have stayed in school. "Truly". "Delusional". I.Q. 75
WOW more grammar.....hmmmm I feel soo bad

Now THIS is truely delutional....ask the democrat party....they say yes...
The "Democratic Party".

Nothing democratic about the democrat party.

Liberals think of you guys as the white man's burden, they have to pass govt programs for you.....

Uh, since you're not "a liberal", you can't tell me what they think of me as. And government programs don't get passed without the consent of Congress....the majority of Congress. Perhaps you need a remedial Government course to go along with your remedial English course.

they dont think you can be self suficient, like.....gasp....republicans do......holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!! who knew????

Sez who? You can't speak for liberals. Hello?

Show me proof to the contrary, liberals want to lower tests and make them easier. Liberals want to use affirmative action, because blacks cant hack it in their minds.

That's the whole funny part. Read LIBERAL Daniel Patrick Moynihan's book that he wrote in the late 60s saying how the war on poverty was going to kill the black community....and voila 40 years later we have
Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nuff said! You have to engage in conversation and see what people do as well as the context of what they say. Stop worying about a fucking word....nobody gives a shit.

Those cities have been written off by Congress refusing to fund inner cities and denying them funds for education, job training and infrastructure. It's practically a continuance of Jim Crow.
And I'll worry about a fucking word if I want to. I wish you were here, and saying it to my face. It would be the last thing you ever did.

HAHAHA you really dont get it...that "funding" you need is given by white know the people you owe your allegiance to. And that lack of funding is not the cause of ghettos...govt programs and funding ARE.
If it was funding, why didnt the democrats fund them? When did they stop funding them? and when should the federal government fund cities? what????

so you're sayign the black community is hooked on government programs right?

Racism today is simply not giving blacks full exist to our bank accounts and a spot at the front of the line. Well, life isn't fair for none of us, but blacks need to learn how to work hard to earn that spot at the front of the line.

Give me my free shit
Give me my job
Give me my student loan
Let me screw over whitey or you're racist.

Well, within a society that's equal none of this should happen. MLK wanted you to be equal right?:eusa_hand:

Exactly but whitey doesnt effect blacks......hahahah
Republicans are "racist" for wanting to break that dependancy for all groups, but especially blacks
Yet the ones that say if you vote republican the free stuff goes bye bye are saying you need this and we control democrat....good is your treat.....affirmative action...rinse and repeat

The essence of a racist idiot.

here boy here boy...I got some govt funding for your cities!
Lee Atwater and a former Chairman of the GOP admitted to and apologized for a GOP Southern Strategy. YOUR argument is with THEM and not I

Oh please, you didnt answer the questions. Lee Atwater said that welfare was a code word for racism, well maybe for him, but nobody I know.

so again, for this policy, what hard evidence do you have?

I'm still waiting on these answers

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
You wont answers these, because your premise is flawed

Unlike you and any fools you know, Lee Atwater worked fro Ronald Reagan and others . Lee Atwater crafted winning racist campaigns that most likely targeted you and the people you claim to know.

Like most far right scum, Lee Atwater later publicly begged and prayed for forgiveness but....

Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin), 'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."

btw, Lee was 1 of 2 GOP Chairmen to apologize and admit to a racist Southern Strategy. Thought you knew the other was Ken Mehlman;

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Oh please yeah, we've heard Atwater and Mehlman, so please explain to us the details?

What did they do?

And what about these questions?

I still have no answer from a liberal

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

I'll add a new question, if the democrats were so conservative, how come they voted for liberals year in and year out? Why didnt they switch earlier?
Racism today is simply not giving blacks full exist to our bank accounts and a spot at the front of the line. Well, life isn't fair for none of us, but blacks need to learn how to work hard to earn that spot at the front of the line.

Give me my free shit
Give me my job
Give me my student loan
Let me screw over whitey or you're racist.

Well, within a society that's equal none of this should happen. MLK wanted you to be equal right?:eusa_hand:

Exactly but whitey doesnt effect blacks......hahahah
Republicans are "racist" for wanting to break that dependancy for all groups, but especially blacks
Yet the ones that say if you vote republican the free stuff goes bye bye are saying you need this and we control democrat....good is your treat.....affirmative action...rinse and repeat

The essence of a racist idiot.

How is wanting people to run their own lives=racist? lol Dependency hasn't helped the inner-city black at all.
Oh please, you didnt answer the questions. Lee Atwater said that welfare was a code word for racism, well maybe for him, but nobody I know.

so again, for this policy, what hard evidence do you have?

I'm still waiting on these answers

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
You wont answers these, because your premise is flawed

Unlike you and any fools you know, Lee Atwater worked fro Ronald Reagan and others . Lee Atwater crafted winning racist campaigns that most likely targeted you and the people you claim to know.

Like most far right scum, Lee Atwater later publicly begged and prayed for forgiveness but....

Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin), 'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."

btw, Lee was 1 of 2 GOP Chairmen to apologize and admit to a racist Southern Strategy. Thought you knew the other was Ken Mehlman;

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Oh please yeah, we've heard Atwater and Mehlman, so please explain to us the details?

What did they do?

And what about these questions?

I still have no answer from a liberal

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

I'll add a new question, if the democrats were so conservative, how come they voted for liberals year in and year out? Why didnt they switch earlier?

Once upon a time both major parties had liberals moderates and conservatives in their ranks.

now please, stop asking questions and try paying attention:eusa_whistle:
To me???? Why don't you walk up to the next 250 lb. black man you find, and say the n-word to him, if you think it's me. You don't get to determine what is important to black people or what is not. You're not getting it. You don't figure into the equation. White people no longer determine the lives of black people. You're still stuck in Massa mode. LOL.

first I dont just say it, just cuz....why do you think because people might use it in certain circumstances we use it ALL the time?

WTF? Why are you fucking saying it at all????????? All the time???? What about "ever"? You dumb racist shit. Making what point? To satisfy your need to be right, and racist??? What a low life. You are really hung up on white supremacy. You ain't supreme. And you ain't smart.

So would darkie, colored, negro, or spook be better? (Im going to assume not)

No. We're using "African-American" and "Black", these days. Period. Join 2013.

But this is the truely delutional post
This is the reason you should have stayed in school. "Truly". "Delusional". I.Q. 75

Now THIS is truely delutional....ask the democrat party....they say yes...
The "Democratic Party".

Liberals think of you guys as the white man's burden, they have to pass govt programs for you.....

Uh, since you're not "a liberal", you can't tell me what they think of me as. And government programs don't get passed without the consent of Congress....the majority of Congress. Perhaps you need a remedial Government course to go along with your remedial English course.

they dont think you can be self suficient, like.....gasp....republicans do......holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!! who knew????

Sez who? You can't speak for liberals. Hello?

That's the whole funny part. Read LIBERAL Daniel Patrick Moynihan's book that he wrote in the late 60s saying how the war on poverty was going to kill the black community....and voila 40 years later we have
Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nuff said! You have to engage in conversation and see what people do as well as the context of what they say. Stop worying about a fucking word....nobody gives a shit.

Those cities have been written off by Congress refusing to fund inner cities and denying them funds for education, job training and infrastructure. It's practically a continuance of Jim Crow.
And I'll worry about a fucking word if I want to. I wish you were here, and saying it to my face.

Why not build a local economy? Why not build your own economy like every other city instead of feeding off of the teat???

I didn't know that education, job training and infrastructure is a federal problem. Always thought that was local taxes...What the fuck do I know.:confused:
Southern White Christian Conservatives spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time defending themselves from reality

We accept for what they are. It's not a crime for them to be what they are. It's just annoying as all hell that they think they can white-wash reality
first I dont just say it, just cuz....why do you think because people might use it in certain circumstances we use it ALL the time?

WTF? Why are you fucking saying it at all????????? All the time???? What about "ever"? You dumb racist shit. Making what point? To satisfy your need to be right, and racist??? What a low life. You are really hung up on white supremacy. You ain't supreme. And you ain't smart.

You're the dumbass that said whites dont determine black folks lives, then you say later on that cities need more funding.....and you dont connect those dots....WOW!!!!!!!!!!

Uh, the Congress, which does the funding, is for the people, and by the people, who happen to be white, black, brown and yellow. It's not white people, determining the lives of black people. You ain't the Government.

So would darkie, colored, negro, or spook be better? (Im going to assume not)

No. We're using "African-American" and "Black", these days. Period. Join 2013.

I've been here. so African American, can I use that for a white kenyan immigrant? or a white south african immigrant or an indian south african immigrant? So you dont mind those other names, eh?
A white Kenyan immigrant?? No. I wouldn't begin to know how they would want to be categorized or identified. I can only speak for the black people that I know. Of course I mind the other names. I gave you the only acceptable choices. But the only one you know is "the n-word".

But this is the truely delutional post
This is the reason you should have stayed in school. "Truly". "Delusional". I.Q. 75
WOW more grammar.....hmmmm I feel soo bad

Now THIS is truely delutional....ask the democrat party....they say yes...
The "Democratic Party".

Nothing democratic about the democrat party.
Really? Explain that. And what of your misspellings? Any remorse or excuses?

Liberals think of you guys as the white man's burden, they have to pass govt programs for you.....

Uh, since you're not "a liberal", you can't tell me what they think of me as. And government programs don't get passed without the consent of Congress....the majority of Congress. Perhaps you need a remedial Government course to go along with your remedial English course.

they dont think you can be self suficient, like.....gasp....republicans do......holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!! who knew????

Sez who? You can't speak for liberals. Hello?

Show me proof to the contrary, liberals want to lower tests and make them easier. Liberals want to use affirmative action, because blacks cant hack it in their minds.

Where is the documentation supporting your allegation???? I'll wait.
Race in America – How Conservatives Think About Race in America
Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs | Student News Daily

That's the whole funny part. Read LIBERAL Daniel Patrick Moynihan's book that he wrote in the late 60s saying how the war on poverty was going to kill the black community....and voila 40 years later we have
Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nuff said! You have to engage in conversation and see what people do as well as the context of what they say. Stop worying about a fucking word....nobody gives a shit.

Those cities have been written off by Congress refusing to fund inner cities and denying them funds for education, job training and infrastructure. It's practically a continuance of Jim Crow.
And I'll worry about a fucking word if I want to. I wish you were here, and saying it to my face. It would be the last thing you ever did.

HAHAHA you really dont get it...that "funding" you need is given by white know the people you owe your allegiance to. And that lack of funding is not the cause of ghettos...govt programs and funding ARE.
If it was funding, why didnt the democrats fund them? When did they stop funding them? and when should the federal government fund cities? what????

Really? And the end result of your "non-funding" is more crime, which spills over into your "lily white" suburbs and your redneck farms (which are littered with meth labs, having nothing to do with inner city blacks or liberal Democrats). But of course, you're going to explain to the board how govt. programs and funding are the cause of "ghettoes". We'll wait. Ghettoes were "ghettoes" before black people inhabited them. Discuss.

so you're sayign the black community is hooked on government programs right?


Please list the government programs you say and think the black community is "hooked" on.
Southern White Christian Conservatives spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time defending themselves from reality

We accept for what they are. It's not a crime for them to be what they are. It's just annoying as all hell that they think they can white-wash reality

Can blacks accept that they do nothing to improve their communities? Can they accept 10% of their male population in prison, 72% of their dads leaving the mother to raise the child and their sons blowing each other away???

We white(part indian) males surely wish to live in a better community then that.
I am a raving lunatic because I point out you rant like a child. And if you are sixty, then you are pathetic. Your defense that "I have white friends" is just like whites saying they have black friends who they love.

And you are right: you are a poor actor, a poor performer, and your imitation of Langston Hughes sux. Anyone can read the reviews.

You have made a insenstive remark about the challenged, you made a racist and sexist remark about a woman.

You will be held accountable, poet, for your racism here when you blurt it out.

And be that as it may, my white friends. . .
laugh at your racism behind your back.
And you have no knowledge of my skills as a poet, a performance artist, or a musician
The reviews you pointed me toward in Austin and Houston.
I made, perhaps a sexist remark about a bitch, not a woman. Women don't carry on like that. Bitches do.
Poet needs to reseach definitions of racism and sexism, he clearly does not understand.
What a cop out. Not one single conservatard can counter any liberal's argument, on its' face. He asked you to refute a point or points. Instead, you dodge the request by dismissing the premise, altogether. Either you're incapable of doing so, or you're simply "a troll".
And last time I checked I was still a dude. And my beliefs are not in question or up for discussion, as they are my own, and what everyone is freely entitled to. You are free to believe that you're smart, "connected" and that being a Texan is something to be proud of.
That premise is a lie, and refutable.
Dimwit? Her hatred? You've got me fucked up. Aren't you late for a klan meeting? Is your sheet "ironed and pressed"? Do you live in Pasadena?

Well as much as you whine about being mistreated, it's hard to believe your a "dude", you act like a whiney bitch...

Your entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts, it amazing how you're so stupid...

You get what you deserve, quit blaming it on the color of your skin...

spoken like someone who hasn't finished the 6th grade.

Is that the best you have? The 6th grade?
There it is....exactly as I described on another thread. :rolleyes: This kind of reality-denying liberal must be visiting from Bizarro-World.

By definition, you white dog bitch.

Does that mean you are an orange cat as well as an irrational, racist fool?
He's an orange pussy that fancies himself a tiger. I kind of miss his old avatar. It was so apropos; a black man with his hand out.
Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.

You are corrected so you rant like a child, a willful spoiled child.

Yes, you are racist, you simply won't admit. Yes, you are pregnant with racism.

You need to learn it and correct it.

PLEASE use the quote function properly so others can refer back to the post. It's not that we think you are trying to alter the meaning of what was said, :doubt: but we all know you, Fakie.
Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.

You are corrected so you rant like a child, a willful spoiled child.

Yes, you are racist, you simply won't admit. Yes, you are pregnant with racism.

You need to learn it and correct it.

I take back what I said. You're a raving lunatic. A child? At 60 years of age? You're retarded. Spoiled? Try looking in the nearest mirror.
Racist? I wasn't raised that way. You and others here object to my calling you and the other racists here into accountability, which you label racism. It is not. Racists don't hang out and interact, socially or intimately with the objects of their hate. Since I do, on a regular basis, I couldn't possibly be racist. I'm not that good of an actor. And there are some whites I love from the bottom of my heart. Another arrow in the accusation.
And I don't need to do anything but pay taxes and die. STFU.
Since none of us know you outside of internet discussion forums, we cannot confirm or deny that you have white friends and you are not a bigot towards them. All we have to go on is what you post here, and frankly, you come off as a racist, egomaniacal asshole.

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