Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Do you not know what an avatar is? It's a representation of you. Stupid.

AGAIN, nobody but you operates on that assumption, moron. Something is seriously wrong with you, Giovanni. Are you trying to declare that you are actually a fat orange cat? I hope you are under some kind of professional care. :cuckoo:
You po misunderstood nigga bitch....first...nobody cares that you take it up the ass or that you can deepthroat with the best of stop whining about your homosexuality..we just don't care.

We also have a lot of fun at your expensive because you are simply too stupid to see the irony of virtually everything you post.

You are a bigoted racist in every sense of both words.

You are now and have been since your first post OWNED because you do the soft shoe for us every time we pull your little gold chain.

Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.

You are corrected so you rant like a child, a willful spoiled child.

Yes, you are racist, you simply won't admit. Yes, you are pregnant with racism.

You need to learn it and correct it.

I take back what I said. You're a raving lunatic. A child? At 60 years of age? You're retarded. Spoiled? Try looking in the nearest mirror.
Racist? I wasn't raised that way. You and others here object to my calling you and the other racists here into accountability, which you label racism. It is not. Racists don't hang out and interact, socially or intimately with the objects of their hate. Since I do, on a regular basis, I couldn't possibly be racist. I'm not that good of an actor. And there are some whites I love from the bottom of my heart. Another arrow in the accusation.
And I don't need to do anything but pay taxes and die. STFU.
I adore women. I hate bitches. .

I'll bet you just love it when white folks say things like "I don't mind black people, I just hate n*ggers." You're fine with that, right hypocrite head-case?
Thank you for this...I agree

republicans havent said one race is better than others, but democrats have.

As for the bold statement...that would fall squarely on LIBERAL democrats.... CHECK MATE!
WTF.? NO FUCKING CHECKMATE, BITCH...YOU'RE MISSING YOUR QUEEN. There is ample evidence to the contrary.

you didnt quote the rest of it.....because it's over.....done
I am a raving lunatic because I point out you rant like a child. And if you are sixty, then you are pathetic. Your defense that "I have white friends" is just like whites saying they have black friends who they love.

And you are right: you are a poor actor, a poor performer, and your imitation of Langston Hughes sux. Anyone can read the reviews.

You have made a insenstive remark about the challenged, you made a racist and sexist remark about a woman.

You will be held accountable, poet, for your racism here when you blurt it out.

No. You simply were a raving lunatic, way before you posted here. It has just become evident, is all. And be that as it may, my white friends, if they were so inclined, would laugh in your face, and call you a fool, for suggesting that I could be perceived as a racist.
And you have no knowledge of my skills as a poet, a performance artist, or a musician or a singer, and therefore, cannot comment. My imitation of Langston Hughes? Are you on drugs? Where did I imitate (which makes no sense) Langston Hughes? I read from his poetry, in an event sponsored by the AIDS Foundation of Houston. What reviews????
I made, perhaps a sexist remark about a bitch, not a woman. Women don't carry on like that. Bitches do.
You need to look up the terms "racism" and "race", because you haven't a clue as to their meaning.
Let's see:

Republican President: Signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Republican President: Signed an executive order creating the EPA.

democrat President: Signed an executive order throwing over 100,000 innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps....

It must be their ability to shamelessly deny the reality of what they were and what they are that allows democrats to pretend up is down and to still go on and on as if they are the 'good guys' and anyone who disagrees with any policy or attitude of theirs must be 'mean-spirited,' '___ist,' 'stupid,' 'ill-willed,' 'blind,' 'asleep,' or the like.

History Fail. The Party of Lincoln is now known as the Democratic Party. The racist Democratic Party is now known as The Republican Party.
FDR did what he had to do, for national security. The interred were compensated, monetarily, for their ordeal.....much more than any descendants of slavery were.

There we go with the Bizarro-World insistence of everything being the opposite of reality. And there we go with the predictable shameless hypocrisy. You are truly a person of limited (if any) reasoning ability, and low (if any) character. Oh, you're painting a picture all right...
Oh, I'm starting to like you. Let me have it. Keep me on my toes.

Just don't troll. Accept that you are a racist when your temper slips. Control it.

Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.
When my temper slips????? WTF? Racism isn't based on emotion, moron. It's a belief system, that is erroneous in concept and execution. It supposes that one race is better or preferable to another. I don't believe that. Do you believe that? Does anyone believe that? I surmise that some, here, and throughout the country and the world, in fact, "do".
Just don't troll???? I don't troll. You evidently are confused as to what constitutes "trolling". Find out.
Control it? Like I have told others here, Lincoln freed the slaves, back in 1865. I don't take orders. I might give them, though.

This is hilarious he doesnt even know what he's saying. So what is racism?

to you it's the nword, to most people, it's about more important issues.
Just don't troll. Accept that you are a racist when your temper slips. Control it.

Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.
When my temper slips????? WTF? Racism isn't based on emotion, moron. It's a belief system, that is erroneous in concept and execution. It supposes that one race is better or preferable to another. I don't believe that. Do you believe that? Does anyone believe that? I surmise that some, here, and throughout the country and the world, in fact, "do".
Just don't troll???? I don't troll. You evidently are confused as to what constitutes "trolling". Find out.
Control it? Like I have told others here, Lincoln freed the slaves, back in 1865. I don't take orders. I might give them, though.

This is hilarious he doesnt even know what he's saying. So what is racism?

to you it's the nword, to most people, it's about more important issues.

To me???? Why don't you walk up to the next 250 lb. black man you find, and say the n-word to him, if you think it's me. You don't get to determine what is important to black people or what is not. You're not getting it. You don't figure into the equation. White people no longer determine the lives of black people. You're still stuck in Massa mode. LOL.
How the South Became Republican: It?s About Race » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

How the South Became Republican: It’s About Race
The South has now shifted from being the conservative Democratic stronghold to a Republican base and southern politicians bring the baggage of excessively conservative social and greedy irresponsible economic policies into the Republican fold. Interestingly, it was the Republican Abraham Lincoln’s presidential elections in 1860 and 1864 and the Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s election to the White House a century later in 1964 that rallied the Southern politicians to enforce their conservative and segregationist stronghold. Race has always been at the core of Southern politics and the South has always closed ranks against any efforts for equality. This, in spite of the fact that it was a "white" Democratic southern politician, Lyndon Johnson, who passed the most important civil rights legislation in the country’s history.

The following are excerpts of the Monday, December 6, 2004 interview with "white" southern writer and dissenter John Egerton. A recent contributor to the book Where We Stand: Voices of Southern Dissent (2004), Egerton was winner of the Lillian Smith Award in 1984 for Generations: An American Family. Other books include The Americanization of Dixie: The Southernization of America and Speak Now Against the Day: The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

Gray: John, the south has now shifted from a Democratic stronghold to that of being Republican. I want to ask you how that happened and do to that let’s go back to the time of the Civil War.

Egerton: In essence, the Civil War was fought by (the majority of the) people in the South who wanted to retain the right to conduct the "social contract" on their own terms. They wanted to have slavery, to keep it, and to be the sole judge of how it should be done…. They were in opposition to the federal government which, at that time of the Civil War, was in the hands of (Republican) president Abraham Lincoln. The (presidential) campaign of 1860 was fought over this issue–the right to extend slavery to the western territories. Compromises had been attempted in the 1850′s and had failed and so we fought this horrible war. So horrible now that it’s difficult to even look at figures of those who died and the civilian losses that were sustained…We had a Civil War here in which tens of hundreds of thousands of people died, from the tip of Florida to the tip of Maine. The Union won. That should have settled for all time the question of whether "inequality" could be legislated separately by the States.

So having lost that war, the South went through a period of reconstruction in which the federal government tried to bring the fruits of citizenship to the newly freed slave population. (Note: The federal government sent federal troops into the South to implement the reconstruction program). (There was) a sudden end of that (reconstruction) period in 1877. In order to bring closure to the tightly fought and bitterly contested election of 1876, in which a Democrat and a Republican came to a virtual tie–does this sound familiar?–a resolution got done in a back room.

There where certain southerners in Congress who were going to have the deciding vote in who was going to win that election and made the compromise that they would support the Republican candidate, Rutherford Hayes, if they could get their governments back. If they could end the federal reconstruction… That "Compromise of 1877" marked the beginning of a conflict that goes on to this day because the Southerners got the federal government to get off their backs so they could go on and create a new form of slavery called "segregation"–so called "separate but equal" that was always separate but never equal.

Through the first half of the 20th century, southern Democrats were all segregationists and all white, all male with very few exceptions. There were a few Blacks who got elected to Congress from the South up until about 1904 following reconstruction–but by 1904 segregation was the law of the land in the South. And the north was willing to look the other way and let that happen.

There were no Republicans in the South the first half of the 20th century…save for the handful–more black than white–who had been Republicans in opposition to the South’s succession against the nation. And those so-called Lincoln Republicans–black and white–were the only Republicans in the entire South up until (later in the century).

Gray: Storm Thurmond played a critical role didn’t he? Tell us about his run for president in 1948.

Egerton: Yes. Well, here’s this guy (Strom Thurmond) from South Carolina. Like so many other southern politicians at that time, he was a Democrat and a segregationist. (Note: Thurmond was the governor of South Carolina at the time and ultimately a U.S. Senator).
"True Liberals" aren't racist, or bigoted, or homophobic.

There it is....exactly as I described on another thread. :rolleyes: This kind of reality-denying liberal must be visiting from Bizarro-World.

By definition, you white dog bitch.

I love you're just making excuses

it's like RGIII isnt really black, because he MIGHT (we dont know), but he might be a he's obviously white, since he has the....what did you call it...."white trophy wife"

True that like white hispanic....a term you can use when convienent?
Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.
When my temper slips????? WTF? Racism isn't based on emotion, moron. It's a belief system, that is erroneous in concept and execution. It supposes that one race is better or preferable to another. I don't believe that. Do you believe that? Does anyone believe that? I surmise that some, here, and throughout the country and the world, in fact, "do".
Just don't troll???? I don't troll. You evidently are confused as to what constitutes "trolling". Find out.
Control it? Like I have told others here, Lincoln freed the slaves, back in 1865. I don't take orders. I might give them, though.

This is hilarious he doesnt even know what he's saying. So what is racism?

to you it's the nword, to most people, it's about more important issues.

To me???? Why don't you walk up to the next 250 lb. black man you find, and say the n-word to him, if you think it's me. You don't get to determine what is important to black people or what is not. You're not getting it. You don't figure into the equation. White people no longer determine the lives of black people. You're still stuck in Massa mode. LOL.

first I dont just say it, just cuz....why do you think because people might use it in certain circumstances we use it ALL the time?

So would darkie, colored, negro, or spook be better? (Im going to assume not)

But this is the truely delutional post

Now THIS is truely delutional....ask the democrat party....they say yes...

Liberals think of you guys as the white man's burden, they have to pass govt programs for you.....

they dont think you can be self suficient, like.....gasp....republicans do......holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!! who knew????

That's the whole funny part. Read LIBERAL Daniel Patrick Moynihan's book that he wrote in the late 60s saying how the war on poverty was going to kill the black community....and voila 40 years later we have
Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nuff said! You have to engage in conversation and see what people do as well as the context of what they say. Stop worying about a fucking word....nobody gives a shit.
Just don't troll. Accept that you are a racist when your temper slips. Control it.

Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.
When my temper slips????? WTF? Racism isn't based on emotion, moron. It's a belief system, that is erroneous in concept and execution. It supposes that one race is better or preferable to another. I don't believe that. Do you believe that? Does anyone believe that? I surmise that some, here, and throughout the country and the world, in fact, "do".
Just don't troll???? I don't troll. You evidently are confused as to what constitutes "trolling". Find out.
Control it? Like I have told others here, Lincoln freed the slaves, back in 1865. I don't take orders. I might give them, though.

This is hilarious he doesnt even know what he's saying. So what is racism?

to you it's the nword, to most people, it's about more important issues.

Racism today is simply not giving blacks full exist to our bank accounts and a spot at the front of the line. Well, life isn't fair for none of us, but blacks need to learn how to work hard to earn that spot at the front of the line.

Give me my free shit
Give me my job
Give me my student loan
Let me screw over whitey or you're racist.

Well, within a society that's equal none of this should happen. MLK wanted you to be equal right?:eusa_hand:
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Those policies of capitalistic free markets with little red tape allowed for most of the advancements in technology of the past 150 years. Sure, people got fucked over, but we wouldn't have cars, electricy, etc.

You leftist of course would give it all up....It took people with capita to bring this stuff to reality!
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Just when you show a glimmer of lucidity, you throw it away, with inane and retarded rhetoric. No one is "selectively racist", you imbecile. It's like no one can be a little pregnant. You either are, or you are not.
When my temper slips????? WTF? Racism isn't based on emotion, moron. It's a belief system, that is erroneous in concept and execution. It supposes that one race is better or preferable to another. I don't believe that. Do you believe that? Does anyone believe that? I surmise that some, here, and throughout the country and the world, in fact, "do".
Just don't troll???? I don't troll. You evidently are confused as to what constitutes "trolling". Find out.
Control it? Like I have told others here, Lincoln freed the slaves, back in 1865. I don't take orders. I might give them, though.

This is hilarious he doesnt even know what he's saying. So what is racism?

to you it's the nword, to most people, it's about more important issues.

Racism today is simply not giving blacks full exist to our bank accounts and a spot at the front of the line. Well, life isn't fair for none of us, but blacks need to learn how to work hard to earn that spot at the front of the line.

Give me my free shit
Give me my job
Give me my student loan
Let me screw over whitey or you're racist.

Well, within a society that's equal none of this should happen. MLK wanted you to be equal right?:eusa_hand:

Exactly but whitey doesnt effect blacks......hahahah
Republicans are "racist" for wanting to break that dependancy for all groups, but especially blacks
Yet the ones that say if you vote republican the free stuff goes bye bye are saying you need this and we control democrat....good is your treat.....affirmative action...rinse and repeat
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This is hilarious he doesnt even know what he's saying. So what is racism?

to you it's the nword, to most people, it's about more important issues.

To me???? Why don't you walk up to the next 250 lb. black man you find, and say the n-word to him, if you think it's me. You don't get to determine what is important to black people or what is not. You're not getting it. You don't figure into the equation. White people no longer determine the lives of black people. You're still stuck in Massa mode. LOL.

first I dont just say it, just cuz....why do you think because people might use it in certain circumstances we use it ALL the time?

WTF? Why are you fucking saying it at all????????? All the time???? What about "ever"? You dumb racist shit. Making what point? To satisfy your need to be right, and racist??? What a low life. You are really hung up on white supremacy. You ain't supreme. And you ain't smart.

So would darkie, colored, negro, or spook be better? (Im going to assume not)

No. We're using "African-American" and "Black", these days. Period. Join 2013.

But this is the truely delutional post
This is the reason you should have stayed in school. "Truly". "Delusional". I.Q. 75

Now THIS is truely delutional....ask the democrat party....they say yes...
The "Democratic Party".

Liberals think of you guys as the white man's burden, they have to pass govt programs for you.....

Uh, since you're not "a liberal", you can't tell me what they think of me as. And government programs don't get passed without the consent of Congress....the majority of Congress. Perhaps you need a remedial Government course to go along with your remedial English course.

they dont think you can be self suficient, like.....gasp....republicans do......holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!! who knew????

Sez who? You can't speak for liberals. Hello?

That's the whole funny part. Read LIBERAL Daniel Patrick Moynihan's book that he wrote in the late 60s saying how the war on poverty was going to kill the black community....and voila 40 years later we have
Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nuff said! You have to engage in conversation and see what people do as well as the context of what they say. Stop worying about a fucking word....nobody gives a shit.

Those cities have been written off by Congress refusing to fund inner cities and denying them funds for education, job training and infrastructure. It's practically a continuance of Jim Crow.
And I'll worry about a fucking word if I want to. I wish you were here, and saying it to my face.
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Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.
again Dante about the southern strategy

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

Still no answers because you are nothing but a hollow shell that spouts talking points...since I guess you dont have those answers in the huff po, you dont have an answer

Lee Atwater and a former Chairman of the GOP admitted to and apologized for a GOP Southern Strategy. YOUR argument is with THEM and not I

Oh please, you didnt answer the questions. Lee Atwater said that welfare was a code word for racism, well maybe for him, but nobody I know.

so again, for this policy, what hard evidence do you have?

I'm still waiting on these answers

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
You wont answers these, because your premise is flawed

Unlike you and any fools you know, Lee Atwater worked fro Ronald Reagan and others . Lee Atwater crafted winning racist campaigns that most likely targeted you and the people you claim to know.

Like most far right scum, Lee Atwater later publicly begged and prayed for forgiveness but....

Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin), 'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."

btw, Lee was 1 of 2 GOP Chairmen to apologize and admit to a racist Southern Strategy. Thought you knew the other was Ken Mehlman;

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes
This is hilarious he doesnt even know what he's saying. So what is racism?

to you it's the nword, to most people, it's about more important issues.

Racism today is simply not giving blacks full exist to our bank accounts and a spot at the front of the line. Well, life isn't fair for none of us, but blacks need to learn how to work hard to earn that spot at the front of the line.

Give me my free shit
Give me my job
Give me my student loan
Let me screw over whitey or you're racist.

Well, within a society that's equal none of this should happen. MLK wanted you to be equal right?:eusa_hand:

Exactly but whitey doesnt effect blacks......hahahah
Republicans are "racist" for wanting to break that dependancy for all groups, but especially blacks
Yet the ones that say if you vote republican the free stuff goes bye bye are saying you need this and we control democrat....good is your treat.....affirmative action...rinse and repeat

The essence of a racist idiot.
again, it was Southern White Christian Conservatives who played the 'niggar' card all these decades

These men (most of their wives and children were no better) started the KKK, gave us Jim Crow laws, and had to be pardoned for being part of the criminal conspiracy that rose up against the USA and the US Constitution .. the Confederacy

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