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Reasons To Be Anti-Gay, By The Numbers

Then tell me, why has gay marriage been defeated every time it comes up? I think reality flies in the face of your statistics.

I believe it has been defeated every time because of cowardly politicians who are triangulating finger-in-the-wind followers.

As soon as a real leader with intestinal fortitude comes along who vociferously and articulately supports gay marriage, the floodgates will open.
They didn't say this?

Was that said in the loving decision?

The point is that the RIGHT to marriage is in fact a liberty. Despite what one of the judges said, it isn't a right. Our basic rights are covered specifically in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Everything else are liberties. That said, the government has no right to rule on our liberties and gays should be afforded the same liberties as hetersexuals have.

gays can marry already....

But they are denied all the protections of the law extended to all other married people. Which is unconstitional for the reasons I explained above in post 38.
There is a problem with this theory. The belief that anti-Gay sentiment will go away with time is based on an ignorance of reality. (ignorance as in "not knowing" as opposed to stupidity)

Many people believe in things that they thoroughly abandon when they get older. Many young people live a life completely different than what they have when they get older. Ideas change with responsibilities, with family, with careers. Many young people who aren't religious grow up to become born-agains, some even religious enopugh to turn their minds away from sympathy to gay marriage. Does this happen to every young person? Of course not. Are there some people who go from anti-gay to pro-gay as they get older? Probably so. I just believe that imagining that you can count of the youth of today ending DOMA in our lifetimes is not something that can be depended on, and I use the recent votes against gay marriage in many states including California as evidence to support my belief. Unless you think that only old people vote in those elections.

Except for the fact that the trend has been a positive one for a number of years now, within all age brackets.

The trending has been undeniably pro-universal marriage the last fifteen years, more dramatically the last five. By 2020, the trend will be 65% of better.

what the hell is "universal" marriage.......? do we all marry each other?.....:lol:

....maybe that's the commie communal goal.....:eek:
g5000's logical conclusion to the argument then is the Roberts court will never permit a universal marriage case to come before it.
Was that said in the loving decision?

The point is that the RIGHT to marriage is in fact a liberty. Despite what one of the judges said, it isn't a right. Our basic rights are covered specifically in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Everything else are liberties. That said, the government has no right to rule on our liberties and gays should be afforded the same liberties as hetersexuals have.

gays can marry already....

But they are denied all the protections of the law extended to all other married people. Which is unconstitional for the reasons I explained above in post 38.

they can put all their "protections" into a contract....
"There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty." - Predfan

"SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision." - G.T.

"no, they did not. read it again." - Predfan

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," - SCOTUS

All gays can marry today if they want to.....nobody is stopping them.....they can go to their local Unitarian church or whatever....any other details can be covered with a contract....

however the leftist-backed gay rights movement is pushing for special government-sanctioned gay marriage......something that will rip up organized society and increase the amount of government in our lives.....not to mention destroy the right of the majority to define marriage as between one man and one woman....

the left is simply out to destroy society and a long-established way of life that functions well....it really has nothing to do with Adam and Steve pining away to get married....

Why shouldn't a couple who has lived together for 15 plus years not be allowed to visit their loved one in the hospital? Got news for you, they can't unless they are considered family.

Why shouldn't the same couple be allowed the same property rights as a hetero couple who has been together for the same amount of time in case one of them passes on?

Why shouldn't that same couple get the same tax breaks as the hetero couple?

I'll tell ya why, because idiots like you are stuck in a dogmatic rut, and you refuse to acknowledge someone who is physically different from you in brain structure has the same rights as yourself.
No, they can't. Certain laws prevent certain contractual obligations being enforced. For instance, no contract can supersede the right of the family to keep any non-family member out of their family member's hospital room and to prevent any input into medical decisions. Insurance laws and other personalty and realty laws can ignore such contracts.

The real evil of the NC law is that civil unions and their benefits are prohibited to the overwhelming majority of its citzens.
Once we accept homosexual relationships as normal, it is really only a matter of time before this civilization follows all the others into the dustbin of history. Maybe it's just part of the lifecyle of civilizations.

People used to say the same thing about interracial marriages.

race is an integral part of a person's makeup......"civil rights" is historically linked to the race isssue....

but crossing over from race to sexual orientation does not automatically define another "basic civil right"....even blacks will agree on this.....:eusa_shhh:

So is sexual orientation. It can be considered an integral part of a person's physical structure. Scientists in Sweden have proven this.

What makes people gay? Biologists may never get a complete answer to that question, but researchers in Sweden have found one more sign that the answer lies in the structure of the brain.

Scientists at the Karolinska Institute studied brain scans of 90 gay and straight men and women, and found that the size of the two symmetrical halves of the brains of gay men more closely resembled those of straight women than they did straight men. In heterosexual women, the two halves of the brain are more or less the same size. In heterosexual men, the right hemisphere is slightly larger. Scans of the brains of gay men in the study, however, showed that their hemispheres were relatively symmetrical, like those of straight women, while the brains of homosexual women were asymmetrical like those of straight men. The number of nerves connecting the two sides of the brains of gay men were also more like the number in heterosexual women than in straight men.

Just what these brain differences mean is still not clear. Ever since 1991, when Simon LeVay first documented differences in the hypothalamus of gay and straight men, researchers have been struggling to understand what causes these differences to occur. Until now, the brain regions that scientists have come to believe play a role in sexual orientation have been related to either reproduction or sexuality. The Swedish study, however, is the first to find differences in parts of the brain not normally involved in reproduction — the denser network of nerve connections, for example, was found in the amygdala, known as the emotional center of the brain. "The big question has always been, if the brains of gay men are different, or feminized, as earlier research suggests," says Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of human genetics at University of California Los Angeles, "then is it just limited to sexual preference or are there other regions that are gender atypical in gay males? For the first time, in this study it looks like there are regions of the brain not directly involved in sexuality that seem to be feminized in gay males."

Read more: What the Gay Brain Looks Like - TIME
no, they did not. read it again.

They didn't say this?

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....

Was that said in the loving decision?

The point is that the RIGHT to marriage is in fact a liberty. Despite what one of the judges said, it isn't a right. Our basic rights are covered specifically in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Everything else are liberties. That said, the government has no right to rule on our liberties and gays should be afforded the same liberties as hetersexuals have.

Yes it was. And you disagree with the Supreme Court on what is considered a right in this country that government has to respect? Too bad, eh?
"There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty." - Predfan

"SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision." - G.T.

"no, they did not. read it again." - Predfan

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," - SCOTUS

All gays can marry today if they want to.....nobody is stopping them.....they can go to their local Unitarian church or whatever....any other details can be covered with a contract....

however the leftist-backed gay rights movement is pushing for special government-sanctioned gay marriage......something that will rip up organized society and increase the amount of government in our lives.....not to mention destroy the right of the majority to define marriage as between one man and one woman....

the left is simply out to destroy society and a long-established way of life that functions well....it really has nothing to do with Adam and Steve pining away to get married....

Why shouldn't a couple who has lived together for 15 plus years not be allowed to visit their loved one in the hospital? Got news for you, they can't unless they are considered family.
prepare a legal paper to show the hospital...

Why shouldn't the same couple be allowed the same property rights as a hetero couple who has been together for the same amount of time in case one of them passes on?
prepare a legal document that spells it out...

Why shouldn't that same couple get the same tax breaks as the hetero couple?

I'll tell ya why, because idiots like you are stuck in a dogmatic rut, and you refuse to acknowledge someone who is physically different from you in brain structure has the same rights as yourself.
i knew it.....it's a mental problem....:lol:

All gays can marry today if they want to.....nobody is stopping them.....they can go to their local Unitarian church or whatever....any other details can be covered with a contract....

however the leftist-backed gay rights movement is pushing for special government-sanctioned gay marriage......something that will rip up organized society and increase the amount of government in our lives.....not to mention destroy the right of the majority to define marriage as between one man and one woman....

the left is simply out to destroy society and a long-established way of life that functions well....it really has nothing to do with Adam and Steve pining away to get married....

Why shouldn't a couple who has lived together for 15 plus years not be allowed to visit their loved one in the hospital? Got news for you, they can't unless they are considered family.
prepare a legal paper to show the hospital...

Why shouldn't the same couple be allowed the same property rights as a hetero couple who has been together for the same amount of time in case one of them passes on?
prepare a legal document that spells it out...

Why shouldn't that same couple get the same tax breaks as the hetero couple?

I'll tell ya why, because idiots like you are stuck in a dogmatic rut, and you refuse to acknowledge someone who is physically different from you in brain structure has the same rights as yourself.
i knew it.....it's a mental problem....:lol:


Why should gays have to pay for it when the heterosexuals already have it paid for by the government?

You say that they should get a legal document for each and every instance, resulting in lawyer fees which could amount to over 2,000.

Straights apply for a marriage liscence, pay 25 bucks and the government does the rest.

Why should hetero couples only get subsidies from the government?
SE, they can't. Don't you understand?

if you don't quote the statement you are referring to it makes it a pain to figure out what the hell you are talking about....

You are deliberately being a pain, and you know it. You are willfully pretending ignorance, and refuse to listen to those who know better.

Go back and read then come back and tell us the truth, (1) you were putting us on or (2) you really are ignorant.
Why shouldn't a couple who has lived together for 15 plus years not be allowed to visit their loved one in the hospital? Got news for you, they can't unless they are considered family.
prepare a legal paper to show the hospital...

Why shouldn't the same couple be allowed the same property rights as a hetero couple who has been together for the same amount of time in case one of them passes on?
prepare a legal document that spells it out...

Why shouldn't that same couple get the same tax breaks as the hetero couple?

I'll tell ya why, because idiots like you are stuck in a dogmatic rut, and you refuse to acknowledge someone who is physically different from you in brain structure has the same rights as yourself.
i knew it.....it's a mental problem....:lol:


Why should gays have to pay for it when the heterosexuals already have it paid for by the government?

You say that they should get a legal document for each and every instance, resulting in lawyer fees which could amount to over 2,000.

Straights apply for a marriage liscence, pay 25 bucks and the government does the rest.

Why should hetero couples only get subsidies from the government?

....so this is really a money issue......?

for that matter.....why do some companies get subsidies while others don't......?
SE, they can't. Don't you understand?

if you don't quote the statement you are referring to it makes it a pain to figure out what the hell you are talking about....

You are deliberately being a pain, and you know it. You are willfully pretending ignorance, and refuse to listen to those who know better.

Go back and read then come back and tell us the truth, (1) you were putting us on or (2) you really are ignorant.

wouldn't it be easier for you to just quote the post you are referring to instead of spewing a bunch of ignorant nonsense....?
"There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty." - Predfan

"SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision." - G.T.

"no, they did not. read it again." - Predfan

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," - SCOTUS

All gays can marry today if they want to.....nobody is stopping them.....they can go to their local Unitarian church or whatever....any other details can be covered with a contract....

however the leftist-backed gay rights movement is pushing for special government-sanctioned gay marriage......something that will rip up organized society
and increase the amount of government in our lives....
.not to mention destroy the right of the majority to define marriage as between one man and one woman....
Perhaps you've got a different copy of the Constitution, but I don't remember any mention of any "Right to define marriage", or any group rights at all.

I thought you guys were all about "individual rights", anyway.

the left is simply out to destroy society and a long-established way of life that functions well....it really has nothing to do with Adam and Steve pining away to get married....
All of those arguments could be marshalled about denying ANYONE the ability to marry ANYONE else. Perhaps I could marry a couple. Maybe a Mexican illegal can marry the town of San Bernadino CA and get citizenship. Maybe my entire family could marry John Boehner's family.
When you go down that road the marital state means nothign anymore than a tax advantage. That is not positive for society, which rightly enshrines the married couple with children as the cornerstone of society.

Are you required to have children in order to file a married tax return?


Are you required to have children to collect your spouse's Social Security death benefits?

gays can marry already....

But they are denied all the protections of the law extended to all other married people. Which is unconstitional for the reasons I explained above in post 38.

they can put all their "protections" into a contract....

Explain how a gay married couple can file a joint Federal tax return.

Explain how a gay man can collect his spouse's Social Security death benefit.

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