Reciting From The Script


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Or, the essential difference between reciting some memorized lines, and actually being able to understand ramifications thereof.

1.I bet that many have notice how inciteful Hollywood actors can appear on screen, and how that changes when in an impromptu interview, speaking off the cuff. It becomes clear, quickly, that what one is witnessing is reality versus an illusion.

The very same phenomenon occurs when supporters of the Democrat Party are questioned. Beyond what they have plagiarized from the NYTimes, MSNBC, CNN, Comedy Central…..they cannot explain their vote.

2. Given this test….the fail miserably:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.

Or, try this: ask any of them to explain their vote for Biden, without mentioning Trump. One even suggested that policies don’t influence the determination: Why We Lost America…. (post#21)

3. Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

One can sense that they know how ignorant, how weak, how wrong they are as they attempt to blame the Right for their faults: how often do the Leftists call the Right a deprecating term for religion, a ‘cult,’ when it is the Democrats who referred to a recent President as god, Jesus and the messiah.

How about their attempt to label the Right as Nazis, when the Nazis were as Leftwing socialists as the Bolsheviks.

“American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....”

4. As those Hollywood phonies imagine themselves as brilliant, so the unidimensional Democrat voters see themselves as intellectuals. In both cases, nothing could be further from the truth.

“Minogue lists three variants in the intellectuals’ quest for meaning. (These developed after religion ceased to provide meaning for the intelligentsia.) The first is the idea of progress, which eventually spawned a Marxist version, and then, when communism’s promises proved disastrous, was incorporated into an alternative endeavor that abandoned the “quick fix of revolution” for a more gradual course of instructing the public in proper opinions.

“We may call it Olympianism,” he writes, because it is the project of an intellectual elite that believes that it enjoys superior enlightenment and that its business is to spread this benefit to those living on the lower slopes of human achievement. And just as Communism had been a political project passing itself off as the ultimate in scientific understanding, so Olympianism burrowed like a parasite into the most powerful institution of the emerging knowledge economy—the universities.” Minogue, “‘Christophobia’ and the West,” The New Criterion 21 (June 2003):4,9

5. This is certainly not the first time in history that the ignorant and easily led have provided an electorate that placed evil in the seat of power.

On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, 10 April 1938, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

Nov 12, 1933 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?
Or, the essential difference between reciting some memorized lines, and actually being able to understand ramifications thereof.

1.I bet that many have notice how inciteful Hollywood actors can appear on screen, and how that changes when in an impromptu interview, speaking off the cuff. It becomes clear, quickly, that what one is witnessing is reality versus an illusion.

The very same phenomenon occurs when supporters of the Democrat Party are questioned. Beyond what they have plagiarized from the NYTimes, MSNBC, CNN, Comedy Central…..they cannot explain their vote.

2. Given this test….the fail miserably:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.

Or, try this: ask any of them to explain their vote for Biden, without mentioning Trump. One even suggested that policies don’t influence the determination: Why We Lost America…. (post#21)

3. Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

One can sense that they know how ignorant, how weak, how wrong they are as they attempt to blame the Right for their faults: how often do the Leftists call the Right a deprecating term for religion, a ‘cult,’ when it is the Democrats who referred to a recent President as god, Jesus and the messiah.

How about their attempt to label the Right as Nazis, when the Nazis were as Leftwing socialists as the Bolsheviks.

“American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....”

4. As those Hollywood phonies imagine themselves as brilliant, so the unidimensional Democrat voters see themselves as intellectuals. In both cases, nothing could be further from the truth.

“Minogue lists three variants in the intellectuals’ quest for meaning. (These developed after religion ceased to provide meaning for the intelligentsia.) The first is the idea of progress, which eventually spawned a Marxist version, and then, when communism’s promises proved disastrous, was incorporated into an alternative endeavor that abandoned the “quick fix of revolution” for a more gradual course of instructing the public in proper opinions.

“We may call it Olympianism,” he writes, because it is the project of an intellectual elite that believes that it enjoys superior enlightenment and that its business is to spread this benefit to those living on the lower slopes of human achievement. And just as Communism had been a political project passing itself off as the ultimate in scientific understanding, so Olympianism burrowed like a parasite into the most powerful institution of the emerging knowledge economy—the universities.” Minogue, “‘Christophobia’ and the West,” The New Criterion 21 (June 2003):4,9

5. This is certainly not the first time in history that the ignorant and easily led have provided an electorate that placed evil in the seat of power.

On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, 10 April 1938, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

Nov 12, 1933 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.

Those Germans who voted for the Nazis really paid a steep price.

I have no doubt that a lot of those reputed 80,000,000 Americans who voted for Mr. Biden & Ms. Harris will come to bitterly regret it.
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?
Or, the essential difference between reciting some memorized lines, and actually being able to understand ramifications thereof.

1.I bet that many have notice how inciteful Hollywood actors can appear on screen, and how that changes when in an impromptu interview, speaking off the cuff. It becomes clear, quickly, that what one is witnessing is reality versus an illusion.

The very same phenomenon occurs when supporters of the Democrat Party are questioned. Beyond what they have plagiarized from the NYTimes, MSNBC, CNN, Comedy Central…..they cannot explain their vote.

2. Given this test….the fail miserably:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.

Or, try this: ask any of them to explain their vote for Biden, without mentioning Trump. One even suggested that policies don’t influence the determination: Why We Lost America…. (post#21)

3. Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

One can sense that they know how ignorant, how weak, how wrong they are as they attempt to blame the Right for their faults: how often do the Leftists call the Right a deprecating term for religion, a ‘cult,’ when it is the Democrats who referred to a recent President as god, Jesus and the messiah.

How about their attempt to label the Right as Nazis, when the Nazis were as Leftwing socialists as the Bolsheviks.

“American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....”

4. As those Hollywood phonies imagine themselves as brilliant, so the unidimensional Democrat voters see themselves as intellectuals. In both cases, nothing could be further from the truth.

“Minogue lists three variants in the intellectuals’ quest for meaning. (These developed after religion ceased to provide meaning for the intelligentsia.) The first is the idea of progress, which eventually spawned a Marxist version, and then, when communism’s promises proved disastrous, was incorporated into an alternative endeavor that abandoned the “quick fix of revolution” for a more gradual course of instructing the public in proper opinions.

“We may call it Olympianism,” he writes, because it is the project of an intellectual elite that believes that it enjoys superior enlightenment and that its business is to spread this benefit to those living on the lower slopes of human achievement. And just as Communism had been a political project passing itself off as the ultimate in scientific understanding, so Olympianism burrowed like a parasite into the most powerful institution of the emerging knowledge economy—the universities.” Minogue, “‘Christophobia’ and the West,” The New Criterion 21 (June 2003):4,9

5. This is certainly not the first time in history that the ignorant and easily led have provided an electorate that placed evil in the seat of power.

On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, 10 April 1938, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

Nov 12, 1933 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.

Those Germans who voted for the Nazis really paid a steep price.

I have no doubt that a lot of those reputed 80,000,000 Americans who voted for Mr. Biden & Ms. Harris will come to bitterly regret it.

Sadly, they're gonna take the rest of us down with them.

Did you see this post from a Biden voter:

“I'm proud of President Biden, by all means necessary he was able to beat the pussygrabber like a dog, if it means that china owns america now, Im ok with it as long as pusssygrabber is gone, jaaa ja ja ja ....”

I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?

This is what you've imposed on Americans.

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?

This is what you've imposed on Americans.

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
So if you don't agree with it, it's anti-American.

Is that what you're saying?

YOU are the arbiter of what is American and anti-American?
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

extremely simple
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?

This is what you've imposed on Americans.

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
So if you don't agree with it, it's anti-American.

Is that what you're saying?

YOU are the arbiter of what is American and anti-American?

Are you denying that these plans are not anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom, anti-American?
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?

This is what you've imposed on Americans.

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
So if you don't agree with it, it's anti-American.

Is that what you're saying?

YOU are the arbiter of what is American and anti-American?

Are you denying that these plans are not anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom, anti-American?
They are not anti-American. They are opinions of some Americans, whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry, but it appears you don't know the difference between fact and opinion. That's an issue you'll probably have to address at some point.
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?

This is what you've imposed on Americans.

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
So if you don't agree with it, it's anti-American.

Is that what you're saying?

YOU are the arbiter of what is American and anti-American?

Are you denying that these plans are not anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom, anti-American?
They are not anti-American. They are opinions of some Americans, whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry, but it appears you don't know the difference between fact and opinion. That's an issue you'll probably have to address at some point.

I am surprised that you don’t feel conspicuous, marching around in that brown shirt and the helmet with the spike on top….

....and stop raising your right arm like that.
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?

This is what you've imposed on Americans.

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
So if you don't agree with it, it's anti-American.

Is that what you're saying?

YOU are the arbiter of what is American and anti-American?

Are you denying that these plans are not anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom, anti-American?
They are not anti-American. They are opinions of some Americans, whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry, but it appears you don't know the difference between fact and opinion. That's an issue you'll probably have to address at some point.

I am surprised that you don’t feel conspicuous, marching around in that brown shirt and the helmet with the spike on top….

....and stop raising your right arm like that.
Well, I certainly would, if I dressed like that.

But back to the point: You are no judge of what is anti-American. Sorry.
Or, the essential difference between reciting some memorized lines, and actually being able to understand ramifications thereof.

1.I bet that many have notice how inciteful Hollywood actors can appear on screen, and how that changes when in an impromptu interview, speaking off the cuff. It becomes clear, quickly, that what one is witnessing is reality versus an illusion.

The very same phenomenon occurs when supporters of the Democrat Party are questioned. Beyond what they have plagiarized from the NYTimes, MSNBC, CNN, Comedy Central…..they cannot explain their vote.

2. Given this test….the fail miserably:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.

Or, try this: ask any of them to explain their vote for Biden, without mentioning Trump. One even suggested that policies don’t influence the determination: Why We Lost America…. (post#21)

3. Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

One can sense that they know how ignorant, how weak, how wrong they are as they attempt to blame the Right for their faults: how often do the Leftists call the Right a deprecating term for religion, a ‘cult,’ when it is the Democrats who referred to a recent President as god, Jesus and the messiah.

How about their attempt to label the Right as Nazis, when the Nazis were as Leftwing socialists as the Bolsheviks.

“American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....”

4. As those Hollywood phonies imagine themselves as brilliant, so the unidimensional Democrat voters see themselves as intellectuals. In both cases, nothing could be further from the truth.

“Minogue lists three variants in the intellectuals’ quest for meaning. (These developed after religion ceased to provide meaning for the intelligentsia.) The first is the idea of progress, which eventually spawned a Marxist version, and then, when communism’s promises proved disastrous, was incorporated into an alternative endeavor that abandoned the “quick fix of revolution” for a more gradual course of instructing the public in proper opinions.

“We may call it Olympianism,” he writes, because it is the project of an intellectual elite that believes that it enjoys superior enlightenment and that its business is to spread this benefit to those living on the lower slopes of human achievement. And just as Communism had been a political project passing itself off as the ultimate in scientific understanding, so Olympianism burrowed like a parasite into the most powerful institution of the emerging knowledge economy—the universities.” Minogue, “‘Christophobia’ and the West,” The New Criterion 21 (June 2003):4,9

5. This is certainly not the first time in history that the ignorant and easily led have provided an electorate that placed evil in the seat of power.

On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, 10 April 1938, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

Nov 12, 1933 93.5% of German electorate (43,000,000) voted in favor of Nazi policies.

Those Germans who voted for the Nazis really paid a steep price.

I have no doubt that a lot of those reputed 80,000,000 Americans who voted for Mr. Biden & Ms. Harris will come to bitterly regret it.
More threats? Against 80,000,000 Americans?
I'll be happy to help.

You keep trying this "I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack" routine. But when I asked you to tell me who would be the judge of what is "anti American", you wouldn't tell me. Why is that?

And another one: I voted for Biden for the same two primary reasons you voted for Trump. First, he is closer to me on the issues. And second, I think his temperament is best suited for the position.

Is all that simple enough for you?

The list as being anti-American is clear and evident.
Who is providing it for us? Where is it? Who interprets it?

This is what you've imposed on Americans.

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."
So if you don't agree with it, it's anti-American.

Is that what you're saying?

YOU are the arbiter of what is American and anti-American?

Are you denying that these plans are not anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom, anti-American?
They are not anti-American. They are opinions of some Americans, whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry, but it appears you don't know the difference between fact and opinion. That's an issue you'll probably have to address at some point.

I am surprised that you don’t feel conspicuous, marching around in that brown shirt and the helmet with the spike on top….

....and stop raising your right arm like that.
Well, I certainly would, if I dressed like that.

But back to the point: You are no judge of what is anti-American. Sorry.

Would you rather a greeting of 'good day!' or is 'Sieg Heil' still your fav?
Would you rather a greeting of 'good day!' or is 'Sieg Heil' still your fav?
"Good day", for sure!

Would you rather a greeting of 'good day!' or is 'Sieg Heil' still your fav?
"Good day", for sure!


Hitler was a socialist.....just like you.

This is not the first time you've revealed anti-American were for thought crimes earlier.

Now get lost, and don't come back until you understand the difference between liberty and the oppression you voted to impose on America.
6.It is arguable as to the major distinction between the Right and the Left, is either the whether the primacy is the individual or the collective, or…..
….where religion belongs in civil life.

For the Right, it is the God of the Judeo-Christian faith that is followed.

For the Left….a very different view.

"The State as God

A hallmark of the Left, from the French revolutionaries to our sexual “devolutionaries,” is the persecution of Christians. After all, the government can’t be the people’s highest power if God is. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would embrace this dark tradition with vigor, warn observers.
In contrast, one of President Trump’s many unrecognized accomplishments is that he has stood up for religious liberty more than perhaps any other modern commander in chief. Just consider, points out the Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson, the White House’s proclamation commemorating the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury. Honored by both Anglicans and Catholics, he was murdered in 1170 A.D. by followers of King Henry II of England for refusing to make the church subservient to the state."
State as God is impossible something only a fool would believe. States are made up of people. Humans can not be God. HaShem is everything. We are nothing.

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