Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

Nothing says anti-fascism like busting in doors of journalists and terrorizing their families!

"They made it clear that they were there to terrorize Carlson’s family. One of the “protesters” allegedly threatened to bring a pipe bomb to the home; another said the Carlsons should “leave town.” According to WaPo, a Facebook item posted by Smash Racism D.C. read “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!”"

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

After CNN rebukes those who call them a *mob*: CNN anchor: How dare you call these Democratic protesters a "mob"

"It was a threat,” said Carlson, who is often denounced by critics, particularly liberal ones, for his rhetoric about immigrants and minorities on his Fox News show. “They weren’t protesting anything specific that I had said. They weren’t asking me to change anything. They weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. … They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”
Ok. I just clicked on your link.......:71: Look at the picture of the threatening mob! All 4 or 5 of them on the sidewalk!
A woman home alone and five thugs kicking in the door is a mob. How much more pathetic can you get than trying to justifying it by claiming it was only a few thugs.

Just another example of how sick these freaks are; they actually do think it's okay to break into houses and threaten families of those who don't toe their Party line, and it is time the country woke up to that fact.
Had a similar type call on the phone and threatened to blow up our house among other things he was going to do at 3AM. I invited down for coffee and he declined. A few months later son invited him down to do a little work unloading a trailer and he came. No one touched him as I reiterated all those lovely things he claimed he'd do to me. He took off running after Rod told him he was free to chose anyone of the males here including my 15 year old nephew to take on if he liked. We have never seen anyone that can run that fast or jump as far as he did when he cleared the creek ditch at the north end of the property. Town cop asked us about it the next day and son assured him no one touched him. Town cop said this nineteen year old punk was blubbering, crying, had pissed and shit all over himself and finally got out enough for him to understand something like, 'they tried to kill me'. I think it was his demons doing the whine and all. Cop didn't ask what actually happened or the whole background of the situation. My nephew was half his size and I am much tinier than the nephew. The kid has been very respectful every time I have seen him since but swears up and down when he gets drunk at the bar we pulled a gun on him (we haven't had any guns around for years).
They're all mentally ill and need to be locked up.
I had to refresh my memory of who Tucker Carlson was. Some Fox News creep.

I wonder if after this attack on his home Tucker will change his ways, convert to Islam, and give away all his possessions and serve the poor.

Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?
/----/ And if Conservatives showed up at the woman beater's house. you'd be OK with that?
You tards are hilarious.

"woman beater" BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

What a drama queen you are!
Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?

That is horseshit! There is no excuse to terrorize someone’s wife and kids.

That is just fucked up. You are better than that

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If it really happened. A busted door, and nobody was arrested? Are you kidding me?

Fuck the god damned door, they should not have been there to start with. What did Tucker’s wife and family do to deserve this?

How can you defend these actions? Would you be ok with such a thing happening to you?

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When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does, you gotta expect some legal protest. Nobody showed where what they did was illegal.

Please come stage some of your "legal protest" on my property. I dare you.
Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?

That is horseshit! There is no excuse to terrorize someone’s wife and kids.

That is just fucked up. You are better than that

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If it really happened. A busted door, and nobody was arrested? Are you kidding me?

Fuck the god damned door, they should not have been there to start with. What did Tucker’s wife and family do to deserve this?

How can you defend these actions? Would you be ok with such a thing happening to you?

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When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does, you gotta expect some legal protest. Nobody showed where what they did was illegal.

It is legal for them to be on his property and pound on his door?

You people are so fucked up, you whine about one person’s hate while cheering on the hate of others.

Events like this bring out the true colors of people and yours are shining bright...

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Still haven't seen a video of anyone kicking hid door in. I won't accept just Carlson's word on it. Gimme more.
Nothing says anti-fascism like busting in doors of journalists and terrorizing their families!

"They made it clear that they were there to terrorize Carlson’s family. One of the “protesters” allegedly threatened to bring a pipe bomb to the home; another said the Carlsons should “leave town.” According to WaPo, a Facebook item posted by Smash Racism D.C. read “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!”"

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

After CNN rebukes those who call them a *mob*: CNN anchor: How dare you call these Democratic protesters a "mob"

"It was a threat,” said Carlson, who is often denounced by critics, particularly liberal ones, for his rhetoric about immigrants and minorities on his Fox News show. “They weren’t protesting anything specific that I had said. They weren’t asking me to change anything. They weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. … They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”

Big deal We have crazy right wingers here that threaten to kill people every day. What did you expect when that stupid orange fool embraced the altRight.
Yeah because someone kicking in your front door to do you harm isn't violence. Can you use the restroom by yourself?

You got anything besides Carlson's word that even happened? Carlson lies a lot.
the videos didnt do it for you?

Didn't see a video of anybody kicking in a door.
ok - i thought you meant at all.
Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?

That is horseshit! There is no excuse to terrorize someone’s wife and kids.

That is just fucked up. You are better than that

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If it really happened. A busted door, and nobody was arrested? Are you kidding me?

Fuck the god damned door, they should not have been there to start with. What did Tucker’s wife and family do to deserve this?

How can you defend these actions? Would you be ok with such a thing happening to you?

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When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does, you gotta expect some legal protest. Nobody showed where what they did was illegal.

When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does,


I only listen to him as I'm passing thru the living room, and the wife is watching...

But I have yet to hear him 'spout hate and lies' like you describe.

How often do you watch him?

I've seen his show several times.
That is horseshit! There is no excuse to terrorize someone’s wife and kids.

That is just fucked up. You are better than that

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If it really happened. A busted door, and nobody was arrested? Are you kidding me?

Fuck the god damned door, they should not have been there to start with. What did Tucker’s wife and family do to deserve this?

How can you defend these actions? Would you be ok with such a thing happening to you?

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When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does, you gotta expect some legal protest. Nobody showed where what they did was illegal.

It is legal for them to be on his property and pound on his door?

You people are so fucked up, you whine about one person’s hate while cheering on the hate of others.

Events like this bring out the true colors of people and yours are shining bright...

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Still haven't seen a video of anyone kicking hid door in. I won't accept just Carlson's word on it. Gimme more.

"There's no video so it didn't happen."
Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?
/----/ And if Conservatives showed up at the woman beater's house. you'd be OK with that?
If Acosta moved to Alabama and centered his entire career around insulting Alabamans and successfully convincing voters to turn against everything Alabamans believe in and to hate them for believing it, he should not be surprised if this happens.
Big deal We have crazy right wingers here that threaten to kill people every day. What did you expect when that stupid orange fool embraced the altRight.
Yeah because someone kicking in your front door to do you harm isn't violence. Can you use the restroom by yourself?

You got anything besides Carlson's word that even happened? Carlson lies a lot.
the videos didnt do it for you?

Didn't see a video of anybody kicking in a door.
ok - i thought you meant at all.

The act would be despicable if it really happened. I just find it odd that no arrests were made, and I haven't seen any evidence that anyone was near the door.
That is horseshit! There is no excuse to terrorize someone’s wife and kids.

That is just fucked up. You are better than that

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If it really happened. A busted door, and nobody was arrested? Are you kidding me?

Fuck the god damned door, they should not have been there to start with. What did Tucker’s wife and family do to deserve this?

How can you defend these actions? Would you be ok with such a thing happening to you?

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When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does, you gotta expect some legal protest. Nobody showed where what they did was illegal.

When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does,


I only listen to him as I'm passing thru the living room, and the wife is watching...

But I have yet to hear him 'spout hate and lies' like you describe.

How often do you watch him?

I've seen his show several times.

Can you lay out some of the hate that he spouts?

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Here's one vid. I'm trying to find other ones. This one they're chanting ''we know where you sleep at night.''

Terroristing threatening possibly. Stalking definitely. Trespassing, too.

View attachment 227623
As leftist violence in the streets looms, Alex Jones sounds the alarm!

For years the MSM has ignored or justified Antifa’s thuggish behavior and now even Tucker Carlson’s house has been doxxed.

Alex explains that he predicted these attacks on patriots and says now is the time to wake up and be prepared for anything.

Maximum Alert! Deep State Terror Cells / Antifa Initiating Civil Emergency & Civil War Trigger Operations

We haven't seen anything yet they will be the distraction from the real biggie coming

Alex Jones? Really?
Oh really.....:71
Yeah because someone kicking in your front door to do you harm isn't violence. Can you use the restroom by yourself?

You got anything besides Carlson's word that even happened? Carlson lies a lot.
the videos didnt do it for you?

Didn't see a video of anybody kicking in a door.
ok - i thought you meant at all.

The act would be despicable if it really happened. I just find it odd that no arrests were made, and I haven't seen any evidence that anyone was near the door.
they should not have been there at all.

as for nowhere near the door:

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

then who put the sign on the door?
the Alt Rright boys must have got the wrong address ..
Tucker should post a job application on his front door. Antifa wouldn’t go anywhere near his house, then.
Tucker should change his name and stop wearing those silly bow ties. It`s no wonder he gets picked on.

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