Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?

That is horseshit! There is no excuse to terrorize someone’s wife and kids.

That is just fucked up. You are better than that

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They are part of the Antifa from what I can read.
The mainstream liberals/Indivisible don't acknowledge them.
They are pacist fricks, like some of the posters here.
If it really happened. A busted door, and nobody was arrested? Are you kidding me?

Fuck the god damned door, they should not have been there to start with. What did Tucker’s wife and family do to deserve this?

How can you defend these actions? Would you be ok with such a thing happening to you?

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When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does, you gotta expect some legal protest. Nobody showed where what they did was illegal.

When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does,


I only listen to him as I'm passing thru the living room, and the wife is watching...

But I have yet to hear him 'spout hate and lies' like you describe.

How often do you watch him?

I've seen his show several times.

Can you lay out some of the hate that he spouts?

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Carlson regularly claims Democrats hate America.
People need to chill!

I agree.

And this is exactly what I knew was going to happen if Trump won.

If anyone here was up on Trump back in the 1990s, you would have known this, too.

Trump LOVES to pit his employees and staff against each other, competing for his attention and praise.

Ivana Trump wrote about this not long after her divorce from Duh Donald.

Nothing has changed.

And now Trump is trying to do this country what he did to his businesses and then his White House: create pure fucking havoc.

He's a sociopath who gets a hard on from it.
If I was inside my house, and there was a mob beating on my door to the point that it breaks, I would let them go ahead and break it down, and the moment they step over my threshold would be their last steps.
People need to chill!

I agree.

And this is exactly what I knew was going to happen if Trump won.

If anyone here was up on Trump back in the 1990s, you would have known this, too.

Trump LOVES to pit his employees and staff against each other, competing for his attention and praise.

Ivana Trump wrote about this not long after her divorce from Duh Donald.

Nothing has changed.

And now Trump is trying to do this country what he did to his businesses and then his White House: create pure fucking havoc.

He's a sociopath who gets a hard on from it.
Liberals need to not take the bait.
Carlson is in a dangerous line of work. He chose to make a career out of inciting hate and violence, and is he surprised that he has?

That is horseshit! There is no excuse to terrorize someone’s wife and kids.

That is just fucked up. You are better than that

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They are part of the Antifa from what I can read.
The mainstream liberals/Indivisible don't acknowledge them.
They are pacist fricks, like some of the posters here.

Are you trying to say fascist pricks?

Then they should actually get along with Trump quite well:

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism. <<<<<< Dat's Duh Donald to a "T".

Fuck the god damned door, they should not have been there to start with. What did Tucker’s wife and family do to deserve this?

How can you defend these actions? Would you be ok with such a thing happening to you?

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When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does, you gotta expect some legal protest. Nobody showed where what they did was illegal.

When you spout as much hate and lies as Carlson does,


I only listen to him as I'm passing thru the living room, and the wife is watching...

But I have yet to hear him 'spout hate and lies' like you describe.

How often do you watch him?

I've seen his show several times.

Can you lay out some of the hate that he spouts?

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Carlson regularly claims Democrats hate America.

If they approve of this kind of harassment then maybe he is correct, this is very un-American.

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People need to chill!

I agree.

And this is exactly what I knew was going to happen if Trump won.

If anyone here was up on Trump back in the 1990s, you would have known this, too.

Trump LOVES to pit his employees and staff against each other, competing for his attention and praise.

Ivana Trump wrote about this not long after her divorce from Duh Donald.

Nothing has changed. 36 people have either been fired or resigned from the WH.

Now 37 with Sessions.

And now Trump is trying to do this country what he did to his businesses and then his White House: create pure fucking havoc.

He's a sociopath who gets a hard on from it.
Liberals need to not take the bait.

Again, real liberals don't acknowledge the Antifa as legitimate much less liberal or progressive.
Liberals don't abide by violence or unnecessary wars.
need to see a police report or arrest report, because if I called 911 because some one broke my front door & threatened me. I would file one, is there even a trespass charge? facts nothing but the fact please.
"According to a police report provided by the Metropolitan Police Department, Susan said "she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door."

"When she went to investigate, she "saw a large group in front of her home. They had a bull horn and were chanting loudly. She retreated to a room in the rear of her home and summoned police."

"When police arrived on scene, they found about 20 people, according to the police report.

"There was an anarchy symbol spray painted on the driveway. "There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home," according to the police report.

"Some of the signs were seized as evidence. The police report describes the incident as a "suspected hate crime" and says the motivation was "anti-political."

The fake press have the police report, but they aren't providing it, probably because it makes the left look like what they are...dangerous, criminal fascists.

Police called after left-wing activists descend on Fox host Tucker Carlson's home

It was a fringe group.
You know, sort of the the Trump admin.
Sure, mobs not jobs.

Doesn't seem like anyone in Trump's admin can keep their job, either.
And they do have a mobster for a boss.
Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob | PolitiFact
Claim: "There have been multiple media reports about (Donald Trump's) business dealings with the mob, with the mafia."
Claimed by: Ted Cruz
Fact check by PolitiFact: True

Maybe, but the Don is still the Donald. Suck on that for a while! :)
If I was inside my house, and there was a mob beating on my door to the point that it breaks, I would let them go ahead and break it down, and the moment they step over my threshold would be their last steps.
Me too. Stand and wait for the door to open. Boom.

I've been in that position a couple of times. It's amazing how quickly everybody calms the fuck down and retreats.
Here's one vid. I'm trying to find other ones. This one they're chanting ''we know where you sleep at night.''

Terroristing threatening possibly. Stalking definitely. Trespassing, too.

Unless you can show that they weren't outside his property line, I didn't see any trespassing. Looked like they stayed in the street to me. I didn't hear any threats to do him harm either. Are you against free speech?
Unless you can show that they weren't outside his property line, I didn't see any trespassing. Looked like they stayed in the street to me. I didn't hear any threats to do him harm either. Are you against free speech?

They vandalized his vehicles, too.

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