Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

Antifa is a terrorist group and should be deal as such.

That sort of thuggery should not be allowed in society.
Antifa and the White Nationalists who inspire them are hand fed by these propaganda mills.

These fake news networks are reaping what they have sown.


You want to blame the propaganda mills, but you are every bit as much responsible as they are.
you do not have the right to come leave threatening notes on my door.

no tucker fan to be sure. no fan of ANY mediot on either side who makes a living off of mocking "the other side" but that doesn't mean they deserve to feel unsafe in their home while people are outside saying they know where you sleep. you can say you're ok with that all you want, i'll choose not to believe that.

Then they have the note with the threat on it. I haven't seen that. Are the police investigating, or is it just an "I don't like you" note?
again - i don't care. you don't do this to people to satisfy your own emotional insecurities. i'm not going to slam tucker and excuse this "mob".

Then perhaps you should lead the effort to do away with freedom of speech. Let me know how that works out for you. I never said Carlson should enjoy the attention he received. I just say he's a whiny bitch for exaggerating what actually happened.
you have no proof he did, now do you?

as for the rest - i see we're back to bullshit extremeland with you. again.

I have yet to see any reason to believe his claims or most of the claims I have seen here. As always, show me I'm wrong, and I will admit it.

Did you watch the fucking video?
Wait. Hillary told me that the democrats wouldn't be civil until they won back the house. They got the house back and they're still uncivil.

Who knew?
“Roughly 20 people had gathered outside Carlson’s residence, said Lt. Jon Pongratz of the D.C. police. “
And they cracked the front door.
‘They were threatening me and my family’: Tucker Carlson’s home targeted by protesters

Nothing says anti-fascism like busting in doors of journalists and terrorizing their families!

"They made it clear that they were there to terrorize Carlson’s family. One of the “protesters” allegedly threatened to bring a pipe bomb to the home; another said the Carlsons should “leave town.” According to WaPo, a Facebook item posted by Smash Racism D.C. read “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!”"

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

After CNN rebukes those who call them a *mob*: CNN anchor: How dare you call these Democratic protesters a "mob"

"It was a threat,” said Carlson, who is often denounced by critics, particularly liberal ones, for his rhetoric about immigrants and minorities on his Fox News show. “They weren’t protesting anything specific that I had said. They weren’t asking me to change anything. They weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. … They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”
Ok. I just clicked on your link.......:71: Look at the picture of the threatening mob! All 4 or 5 of them on the sidewalk!
We can start a go fund me to pay white supremacists to go to the homes of key Democrats.
Go right ahead.
Since when is 6 people a mob?

Now if people are actually going and opening up his door and trespassing, call the cops and have them arrested.

This sounds more like a publicity stunt than anything... otherwise it would have been handled immediately.

Tell me about that when six raving lunatics pound on your door around 2am tomorrow morning. If that were to happen do you not think one of your first (if last and only) thought involved the word "mob"?
Since when is 6 people a mob?

Now if people are actually going and opening up his door and trespassing, call the cops and have them arrested.

This sounds more like a publicity stunt than anything... otherwise it would have been handled immediately.

Tell me about that when six raving lunatics pound on your door around 2am tomorrow morning. If that were to happen do you not think one of your first (if last and only) thought involved the word "mob"?

Well 6 raving lunatics weren't banging on his door, and I'd do the reasonable thing, call the cops and be done with it.
What round/firearm to be used for an ANTIFA mob home invasion?

I would go with my old reliable Class III M-16 .223 on full auto. Ten backup magazines.

For the life of me, I don't see why OUR RICH celebrities dont hire HELLS ANGELS to meet Antifa, and just see what happens with a force of 50 too 100 bikers SMILE at the ABNORMALS...they certainly can afford that type of protection! Easy enough to find out who Antifa's target for the day is.... they ADVERTISE IT THE DAY BEFORE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

An Antifa affiliate group in the nation's capital, Smash Racism D.C., was suspended from Twitter after posting a video of a mob descending on Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home Wednesday evening.

The group — a far-left anti-fascism militant movement that often puts on violent and destructive demonstrations — posted the video on its Twitter account @SmashRacismDC, which is now directed to a suspended page, and the group later deleted the tweet.

"Tucker Carlson, we are outside your home to protest ... fascism and racism," a demonstrator can be heard saying in the video. "You promote hate."

In the video, the crowd can be heard chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

Carlson was not home at the time the mob appeared at his house, and was at Fox preparing for his evening show.

The Fox News host said someone from the group threw himself against the front door and caused it to crack.

The group’s Facebook page is still up and operational.

Smash Racism D.C. is responsible for staging other demonstrations against prominent Republican figures, including confronting Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife, Heidi Cruz, in a D.C. restaurant due to his support for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

What would be even more funny would be to release the dogs on their sorry asses. I'd love to see a couple of german shepherds rip into their hamstrings and elbows.
What would be even more funny would be to release the dogs on their sorry asses. I'd love to see a couple of german shepherds rip into their hamstrings and elbows.
The should be arrested and their phone numbers and home addresses made public.
Even Twitter has a limit they'll tolerate from left wing terrorists? Lefties banned from social media is a very small club.
Since when is 6 people a mob?

Now if people are actually going and opening up his door and trespassing, call the cops and have them arrested.

This sounds more like a publicity stunt than anything... otherwise it would have been handled immediately.

Tell me about that when six raving lunatics pound on your door around 2am tomorrow morning. If that were to happen do you not think one of your first (if last and only) thought involved the word "mob"?
Anyone got any pictures of that cracked front door?
A sign is not kicking in a door, and you can legally walk up to a door and leave a note. Where is proof of a break in?
you asked for evidence that anyone was ever near the door.

i gave that.

That you did, and I admit I was wrong about someone being near the door. Thank you for the correction. I never argue something I know to be untrue, so I thank you for that. Now, to the bigger picture; Is Carlson whining because someone left a note on his door, or is he claiming a mob broke his door down, threatened his family, and vandalized his cars?

but the question is - if i don't like your politics, is it ok for me to come to your house and scream out veiled threats at you and your family? for the record, i would be against them doing this to you, maxine, pelosi, carlson, trump - anyone. *we as a society* simply should not be going there. so if a group of people were outside your house threatening you, i'd support your right to defend yourself, not ask if you were lying about it or exaggerating. if you want to get upset *if* he is, ok. have at it.

but in the same breathe i'd love to hear you say that this group should never have been there. unless you feel this is a valid action for people to take when they don't like you. if that is your stance, great. just don't complain if this happens to you, much less exaggerate. :)

Freedom of speech isn't always fun for everybody involved, but I think it's better to have it than to not have it. I personally would not have done what they did, but they had every legal right to do it, and I support that right. I'm sorry you would want to limit that right. Either way, Carlson's claims of a home invasion with threats to his family and his cars being vandalized is just more hyperbolic bullshit. His usual crap. The hair on fire rants of right wingers about it are just pathetic.
LIAR!!! They don't have the legal right to trespass and damage property. You are a typical retarded lib. Shoot them.

Proof that either was done?
Then they have the note with the threat on it. I haven't seen that. Are the police investigating, or is it just an "I don't like you" note?
again - i don't care. you don't do this to people to satisfy your own emotional insecurities. i'm not going to slam tucker and excuse this "mob".

Then perhaps you should lead the effort to do away with freedom of speech. Let me know how that works out for you. I never said Carlson should enjoy the attention he received. I just say he's a whiny bitch for exaggerating what actually happened.
you have no proof he did, now do you?

as for the rest - i see we're back to bullshit extremeland with you. again.

I have yet to see any reason to believe his claims or most of the claims I have seen here. As always, show me I'm wrong, and I will admit it.

Did you watch the fucking video?

You mean the one where one person put a note on the door, and walked away, and the rest were legally standing just off of his property? Yep, I saw that.

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