Reducing inequality: Not more government - More marriage.

Getting pregnant out of wedlock?

Sure, why not? I got pregnant "out of wedlock" because there was no "wedlock" for me at the time.

So how did that work? I mean you said you were a lesbian, did you switch hit?

How does this work? Are you an idiot in real life or do you just play one on the message boards? Google "artificial insemination" and educate yourself.

You know the Gay groups dont like bisexuals (and do you have a gay and hetero gene fused together?)

Been to a lot of "gay groups" have you? This is how you know that they don't like bisexuals?
what, i thought all kids living with single mothers were Black?

i mean, if you listen to racist shit bag terrorist frightened assholes, anyway

I have never heard anyone say all single parent families were black.

But it is a fact the rate of black single parent families greatly exceeds all other demographics.

In the county to the north of us (Kansas City, Kansas), 90% of the new unwed mothers are black.

But, there isn't anything special about that you are allowed to talk about. :lol: :lol:
The social penalties for teens who got pregnant were so horrendous that no girl wanted to get pregnant until they were married. They were expelled from school. They lost all their friends, their families were shunned and ostracized. Their fathers might be fired. No one would look at them. Most girls went away to homes for unwed mothers and had their babies while the family sold their house and moved away to someplace where no one knew them. The babies were given up for adoption or a sympathetic mother would tell everyone that the child was hers and raise them as siblings. Some very unlucky girls were simply put out on the street by their parents.

Girls who made that terrible mistake only did it once. Their lives were a message to other girls that it wasn't worth all that fun.
The social penalties for teens who got pregnant were so horrendous that no girl wanted to get pregnant until they were married. They were expelled from school. They lost all their friends, their families were shunned and ostracized. Their fathers might be fired. No one would look at them. Most girls went away to homes for unwed mothers and had their babies while the family sold their house and moved away to someplace where no one knew them. The babies were given up for adoption or a sympathetic mother would tell everyone that the child was hers and raise them as siblings. Some very unlucky girls were simply put out on the street by their parents.

Girls who made that terrible mistake only did it once. Their lives were a message to other girls that it wasn't worth all that fun.

My mother would talk of how this happened in her small town in P.A. I don't know that I think it is shun someone. However, we seem to almost encourage it.

What I know is that in the high school I graduate from, 30% of the girls who started as freshmen left pregnant out of wedlock (they were not allowed to remain in school....the actual numbers were 33 out of 105). When I get updates from reunions, it seems they've had struggles. Many got married but were divorced within 10 years.

This brings it's own issues and is enough to make someone think.

However, we seem to coddle those who do this now (seems like they often do it to get government support).

And young men are never held accountable. If a young man gets a girl pregnant...I don't care if she marries someone else....he should be paying for that child in some fashion. Right now, they can father as many as they like and skate.
The largest predictor of child poverty is a single-parent household. Family instability, and not racism or bias, has created different classes of children. And since liberals are big on class warfare and social justice, they should wage war on single parenthood and make marriage — the legal union between one man and one woman — a social justice issue. In the name of human rights, strongly recommend people marry before having children. Marriage would decrease children’s risk of poverty and the social pathologies associated with growing up in a home with no father.

Liberals spent years undermining the family. Now Daddy Government has replaced irreplaceable biological fathers, and the result is inequality. The irony is bitter. In the warped world of traditional family opponents, however, it seems a far, far better thing that a woman and her children depend on the government instead of a husband and father.

The solution to reducing inequality isn’t more government, but more marriage. Although the government has no power to make people marry before having children, branding marriage a social justice issue might inspire liberals to focus less on social programs and more on that stifling, patriarchal institution called the traditional family.

That irony is sweet.

PJ Media » Marriage: A Social Justice Issue?


As the Left and their programs discourage marriage and dilutes its meanings,
it takes a toll on the US.
Yep. And they will continue to try to crush religions that promote traditional marriage.
Yep. And the celebration of single motherhood like "Julia" the poster child of the left.
You'd like more than one wife? Are you sunni man? :lol:

It just seems to me that for all the bloviating about income inequality, social justice, white privilege, etc., this simple remedy is often overlooked.

If marriage became the norm, instead of the exception, amongst poor people, imagine what a better country we could be.

a. less abuse and neglect
b. less drug abuse
c. less crime
d. less drop-outs

Believe it or not, some of us do "care about the children".

How do we turn that around? Or should we just not care?

Yes, I do care about the children, and have no answers at all to this problem.

On the man's side, I cannot understand any man walking away from his child. I watched both of my children being born, and saw them through all the stages of childhood and young adulthood. Would not have missed that for any amount of money, or anything else in this world.

On the womans side, can they not see the results of motherhood with no man in the family around them? Why, with birth control easily available, do they allow not take advantage of that?

No, no answers here, as I do not understand the thinking of the men or women involved in this very negative trend in our society.

As for the facietious remarks, sometimes when faced with an intractable problem, humor is all that one can do.
Yep. And they will continue to try to crush religions that promote traditional marriage.

Then why are the teen pregnancy rates the highest in the bible belt states?

This is a societal problem, not one of right or left. Treat it as a political problem with blame going to one ideological side or the other, and see it continue to grow.
The Typical Single Parent is a Mother:

Approximately 84% of custodial parents are mothers, and
16% of custodial parents are fathers

She is Divorced or Separated:

Of the mothers who are custodial parents:
45% are currently divorced or separated
34.2% have never been married
19% are married (In most cases, these numbers represent women who have remarried.)
1.7% were widowed

She is Employed:

79.5% of custodial single mothers are gainfully employed
49.8% work full time, year round
29.7% work part-time or part-year
90% of custodial single fathers are gainfully employed
71.7% work full time, year round
18.4% work part-time or part-year

She and Her Children Do Not Live in Poverty:

27% of custodial single mothers and their children live in poverty
12.9% of custodial single fathers and their children live in poverty
She Does Not Receive Public Assistance:

Among custodial single mothers:
22% receive Medicaid
23.5% receive food stamps
12% receive some form of public housing or rent subsidy
5% receive receive TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

Single Parent Statistics

Looks like the "fix" is to ban divorce... :lol:
Whats all this mud slinging towards single mothers? I support them, thats the hardest job in the world.
what, i thought all kids living with single mothers were Black?

i mean, if you listen to racist shit bag terrorist frightened assholes, anyway

I have never heard anyone say all single parent families were black.

But it is a fact the rate of black single parent families greatly exceeds all other demographics.

In the county to the north of us (Kansas City, Kansas), 90% of the new unwed mothers are black.

But, there isn't anything special about that you are allowed to talk about. :lol: :lol:
100% of the single mothers I have met and know are white....I have never met a black single I guess it goes with where you have lived?
I have never heard anyone say all single parent families were black.

But it is a fact the rate of black single parent families greatly exceeds all other demographics.

In the county to the north of us (Kansas City, Kansas), 90% of the new unwed mothers are black.

But, there isn't anything special about that you are allowed to talk about. :lol: :lol:
100% of the single mothers I have met and know are white....I have never met a black single I guess it goes with where you have lived?

These are statistics on births in the county.

The county is not 90% black BTW. Probably about 35%.
A bump for a very good thread.

I wonder if Obama looks at a woman in poverty whose on welfare, points to her kid, and says, "you didn't build that !" ?
Last summer I ran into one of my former students who had a toddler and another on the way. I asked if she was still with her HS boyfriend and she said "yes". She told me he was doing very well working on a fishing boat. I know some of my fishermen friends make over six figures. I then asked when they were getting married and she laughed and said I was funny.

They think we are fools. Why marry when rent and food are being paid by the govt?

BTW - She was arguing with the produce clerk about why she couldnt use her SNAP card to buy CA strawberries. I told her that maybe if she got married her husband could buy them for her.
In the county to the north of us (Kansas City, Kansas), 90% of the new unwed mothers are black.

But, there isn't anything special about that you are allowed to talk about. :lol: :lol:
100% of the single mothers I have met and know are white....I have never met a black single I guess it goes with where you have lived?

These are statistics on births in the county.

The county is not 90% black BTW. Probably about 35%.

It's more about 13%. It used to be 15% but the American black population is rapidly shrinking.

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