

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
My mother died a few weeks after 9/11. I asked her after the event (she lived trough the Pearl Harbor attack). She said 9/11 was WORSE. My dad fought in world war 2 and was wounded...and had a huge case of PTSD. He died in 1973. We didn't sit around on our hands grieving after Pearl harbor. We didn't occupy countries or pretend we were spreading democracy. Nope. We just relentlessly sought to destroy the enemy. We didn't care about hearts or minds or what the local populace thought. We didn't care about politics. We wanted vengeance. Funny... every war since then, that passion and anger was NEVER the issue...and we lost.
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My mother died a few weeks after 9/11. I asked her after the event (she lived trough the Pearl Harbor attack). She said 9/11 was WORSE. My dad fought in world war 2 and was wounded...and had a huge case of PSTD. He died in 1973. We didn't sit around on our hands grieving after Pearl harbor. We didn't occupy countries or pretend we were spreading democracy. Nope. We just relentlessly sought to destroy the enemy. We didn't care about hearts or minds or what the local populace thought. We didn't care about politics. We wanted vengeance. Funny ever war since then, that passion and anger was NEVER the issue...and we lost.
In your opinion we should leave Afghan and Iraqi civilians for the wolves? I will never understand why people are so tolerant of Tyrants. Not our problem, right? Yeah, the jews werent our problem either.
My mother died a few weeks after 9/11. I asked her after the event (she lived trough the Pearl Harbor attack). She said 9/11 was WORSE. My dad fought in world war 2 and was wounded...and had a huge case of PSTD. He died in 1973. We didn't sit around on our hands grieving after Pearl harbor. We didn't occupy countries or pretend we were spreading democracy. Nope. We just relentlessly sought to destroy the enemy. We didn't care about hearts or minds or what the local populace thought. We didn't care about politics. We wanted vengeance. Funny ever war since then, that passion and anger was NEVER the issue...and we lost.

When war has a meaningful purpose, the war is winnable.
When war lacks passion, the war is already lost.
In your opinion we should leave Afghan and Iraqi civilians for the wolves? I will never understand why people are so tolerant of Tyrants. Not our problem, right? Yeah, the jews werent our problem either.

Yes. Fuck em. Why should we babysit people who accept living under tyrants?
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My dear old democrat liberal Californian brother loaded bombs on Navy airplanes doing raids over north Vietnam. Funny, he's liberal and voted for Newsom. Lost everything, his house is gone and he's living in his step daughter's basement. Funny, my Republican Trump supporter sister in California (whos husband worked for the CIA in Vietnam) is living in the lap of luxury. I have no Idea where to go with this...
Because they didnt have the weapons to fight back.

True, yet we armed their oppressors instead.

But they had the chance to fight before such a colossal blunder, so why didn't they? We are spoiling people of other third-world countries into sitting on their hands waiting for a superior foreign force to fight for them. We shouldn't be doing that.
I reflect on the fact that starting with Vietnam, once we're in another country to fight, we begin "nation building", leave in disgrace and the only people who benefit are the goddamned military/industrial complex and politicians. They get rich.
In your opinion we should leave Afghan and Iraqi civilians for the wolves? I will never understand why people are so tolerant of Tyrants. Not our problem, right? Yeah, the jews werent our problem either.
Pease. Japan attacked us. They where ever so honest to admit it. But Saudi Arabia uses proxies and pretends they didn't do nuttin'. Really? we should have accidentally (oops) Nuked Mecca...opps, my silly little nuke went off course and just coincidentally targeted your ass...OPPS!
Fortunately "the greatest generation" didnt share your opinion.

The French fought for France, the British for Britain, and Americans fought for America, all with the greater purpose of saving the rest of the world from the Nazis and Imperialist Japanese. America didn't fight that war alone, 'the greatest generation' had help. World War II was not some war they fought just to preserve her interests in some random part of the world. They, along with their allies did so because there was common knowledge of what was at stake for their respective countries should the enemy succeed in their goals.

In this day and age, there is no set goal, no reason to fight. War requires purpose, and in Afghanistan, we achieved that purpose when we killed Bin Laden. In Iraq, that purpose was served when we deposed Saddam Hussein. Those goals were achieved, yet we continued on, aimlessly, and without purpose. When the objective is achieved, we should pack up and leave (in an orderly fashion).
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In your opinion we should leave Afghan and Iraqi civilians for the wolves? I will never understand why people are so tolerant of Tyrants. Not our problem, right? Yeah, the jews werent our problem either.
You cannot save those that do not want to be saved. I do admit, we owe something to Iraq as we are the ones that screwed it up worse than it was and put them under the gun of their neighbors, as we destroyed their ability to defend while failing to sell our view on how they should progress. At the same time, the majority of the people that do actually support us in Iraq are those on our payrolls or those that have benefitted from the money we pour into that country. There is only a certain amount of pump priming that makes sense, if you are not starting to see a viable flow out of the pipe.
My mother died a few weeks after 9/11. I asked her after the event (she lived trough the Pearl Harbor attack). She said 9/11 was WORSE. My dad fought in world war 2 and was wounded...and had a huge case of PTSD. He died in 1973. We didn't sit around on our hands grieving after Pearl harbor. We didn't occupy countries or pretend we were spreading democracy. Nope. We just relentlessly sought to destroy the enemy. We didn't care about hearts or minds or what the local populace thought. We didn't care about politics. We wanted vengeance. Funny... every war since then, that passion and anger was NEVER the issue...and we lost.

Your mother didn't watch Pearl Harbor live on national TV as it was happening, and United States Forces Japan still provide for its defense in lieu of allowing Japan to have a military it can project overseas.
True, yet we armed their oppressors instead.

But they had the chance to fight before such a colossal blunder, so why didn't they? We are spoiling people of other third-world countries into sitting on their hands waiting for a superior foreign force to fight for them. We shouldn't be doing that.
Tyrants use fear to stop their unarmed populace from doing anything. No one could even begin to start a coup in Iraq without Saddam's intelligence wing knowing about it, let alone organize thousands.
Pease. Japan attacked us. They where ever so honest to admit it. But Saudi Arabia uses proxies and pretends they didn't do nuttin'. Really? we should have accidentally (oops) Nuked Mecca...opps, my silly little nuke went off course and just coincidentally targeted your ass...OPPS!
Nukes? Who's talking about nukes?
n your opinion we should leave Afghan and Iraqi civilians for the wolves?

To be fair, they are their own wolves, not ours.

In countries where ever male over the age of 12 owns an automatic rifle, if they have a bad government, they only have themselves to blame.
Tyrants use fear to stop their unarmed populace from doing anything. No one could even begin to start a coup in Iraq without Saddam's intelligence wing knowing about it, let alone organize thousands.

So none of the Muslim sects in Iraq could have bothered to lead an uprising? Curious...
Really? we should have accidentally (oops) Nuked Mecca.

I'm not sure radioactive gasoline would be a positive side effect...


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