Reforming Islam

Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP
Fig were out of season, and he caused the pigs to drown after purging demons from humans and putting them into the poor piggies.

Matthew 8:30–34

30 Now a herd of many pigs was feeding at some distance from them. 31 And the demons begged him, saying, “If you cast us out, send us away into the herd of pigs.” 32 And he said to them, “Go.” So they came out and went into the pigs, and behold, the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the waters. 33 The herdsmen fled, and going into the city they told everything, especially what had happened to the tdemon-possessed men. 34 And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, uthey begged him to leave their region.
So it wasn't 'for no reason' as you stated earlier. Is this the best you can do? Would you like to compare Jesus' worst behaviour with that of muhammeds? Lol.
The reason was invalid, just as it was for the fig tree. And Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. Not easy to compare.
It is vital that they be compared. The more one knows of muhammeds behaviour the better one understands Islam.
The good news is that most
muslims never read the koran so they are willing to believe it
Irosie loves to tell lies about Islam and muslims......must be a Jew thing.

Even in the poorest muslim countries. Muslim parents teach their children to read, write, and memorize verses from the Quran.

Throughout the Middle East, one of the most popular community events is reciting the Quran by memory contests. ...... :cool:

most muslims in the world cannot read Arabic. -----in some places kids learn to
recite the koran by rote ------without understanding the words ----This is a practice in places like Pakistan. In Pakistan lots of the females are completely illiterate to the point that they cannot draw an X on a paper as a substitute for a signature----
in some places papers a "signed" with a thumb print. Sunni forgets that I have
interacted with muslims for more than 45 years. Anyone interested----find an Iranian and ask him if he can read Arabic---------expect him to laugh

Nearly 40% of Muslim world’s population unable read or write: IINA Report

Nearly 40% of Muslim world’s population unable read or write: IINA Report
And of those that can read, many of them can only read the Quoran.

More likely recite from memory without being able to read it, or they read a translation.

Quran is translated in 102 languages
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP
Fig were out of season, and he caused the pigs to drown after purging demons from humans and putting them into the poor piggies.

Matthew 8:30–34

30 Now a herd of many pigs was feeding at some distance from them. 31 And the demons begged him, saying, “If you cast us out, send us away into the herd of pigs.” 32 And he said to them, “Go.” So they came out and went into the pigs, and behold, the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the waters. 33 The herdsmen fled, and going into the city they told everything, especially what had happened to the tdemon-possessed men. 34 And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, uthey begged him to leave their region.
So it wasn't 'for no reason' as you stated earlier. Is this the best you can do? Would you like to compare Jesus' worst behaviour with that of muhammeds? Lol.
The reason was invalid, just as it was for the fig tree. And Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. Not easy to compare.
It is vital that they be compared. The more one knows of muhammeds behaviour the better one understands Islam.
Christianity versus Islam? I wouldn't go there. One is much more faithful than the other, and it isn't Christianity...
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place therefore hard to align.
Wow. What a bad boy. Lol.
He has his good and bad days, like all boys.
Looks like Jesus' worst days were far better than muhammeds best. Thanks for that :)
So you're a fan of the "lesser evil" then? How very liberal of you.
No. I don't consider Jesus evil at all.
And your list of 'wrongs' have helped clarify that for me. So thanks.
Please answer the question: Was Jesus, in any way, wrong?
What do you think?
A Christian would most likely say no, that Jesus was perfect. That is the dogma, like Sunni Man's.
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place therefore hard to align.
Wow. What a bad boy. Lol.
He has his good and bad days, like all boys.
Looks like Jesus' worst days were far better than muhammeds best. Thanks for that :)
So you're a fan of the "lesser evil" then? How very liberal of you.
No. I don't consider Jesus evil at all.
And your list of 'wrongs' have helped clarify that for me. So thanks.
And they don't consider Muhammad evil, which makes you................................................................................................................the same.
What do you think?
A Christian would most likely say no, that Jesus was perfect. That is the dogma, like Sunni Man's.
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.
A Christian would most likely say no, that Jesus was perfect. That is the dogma, like Sunni Man's.
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.
Mohammed killed people. Pigs are killed all the time. People eat them, PMH. G-d you're funny today :)
Please answer the question: Was Jesus, in any way, wrong?
What do you think?
A Christian would most likely say no, that Jesus was perfect. That is the dogma, like Sunni Man's.
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place therefore hard to align.
Cursing a fig tree? Lol. How unbearable.
Jesus gave reasons for all of those actions. If you consider these as 'wrongs', what on earth must you think of muhammed? Lol@preciouspantyhose.

was not the season for figs. Jesus cursed the tree and in withered by the next day
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.
Mohammed killed people. Pigs are killed all the time. People eat them, PMH. G-d you're funny today :)
The Christians didn't kill people? As for the pigs, just because we eat them doesn't mean Jesus had a right to kill what wasn't even his eh?
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.
Mohammed killed people. Pigs are killed all the time. People eat them, PMH. G-d you're funny today :)

even good people become accustomed to pig genocide. Muhummad ALSO killed dogs----I think-----he did not like dogs-----he liked cats. But he did not STICK evil spirits into dogs
What do you think?
A Christian would most likely say no, that Jesus was perfect. That is the dogma, like Sunni Man's.
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place therefore hard to align.
Cursing a fig tree? Lol. How unbearable.
Jesus gave reasons for all of those actions. If you consider these as 'wrongs', what on earth must you think of muhammed? Lol@preciouspantyhose.

was not the season for figs. Jesus cursed the tree and in withered by the next day
Bad temper...
Interesting question posed by the thread.

I've been wondering the same, but along a different tangent, not 'what', but rather 'how' to change it, as I am not aware of a central authority that could actually change anything.

The Catholic Church, for example, has the papacy. For all of it's foibles and how unbelievably slow it is to accept change, at least there is some means of talking sense to people. I don't see that with Islam, which leaves it wide open to these hijackings by nutbags that are just looking for some text in a book to justify their madness.
You might want to work on the "what" part, since that comes first.

I wasn't discounting the what, but I'd think the how is as important.

If there is no vehicle to implement them, 'what's' are then just ideas that have no hope of implementation.

For a coffee shop discussion, I'd imagine 'what' is good fodder.

For fostering actual change we can have all the greatest ideas on the planet, but they're useless without the 'how'.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.
Mohammed killed people. Pigs are killed all the time. People eat them, PMH. G-d you're funny today :)
The Christians didn't kill people? As for the pigs, just because we eat them doesn't mean Jesus had a right to kill what wasn't even his eh?
Now where did I say that?
That's right I didn't.
I'm not really concerned with your paltry list of Jesus' 'wrongs'. It's laughable. :lame2: :):):)
Interesting question posed by the thread.

I've been wondering the same, but along a different tangent, not 'what', but rather 'how' to change it, as I am not aware of a central authority that could actually change anything.

The Catholic Church, for example, has the papacy. For all of it's foibles and how unbelievably slow it is to accept change, at least there is some means of talking sense to people. I don't see that with Islam, which leaves it wide open to these hijackings by nutbags that are just looking for some text in a book to justify their madness.
You might want to work on the "what" part, since that comes first.

I wasn't discounting the what, but I'd think the how is as important.

If there is no vehicle to implement them, 'what's' are then just ideas that have no hope of implementation.

For a coffee shop discussion, I'd imagine 'what' is good fodder.

For fostering actual change we can have all the greatest ideas on the planet, but they're useless without the 'how'.
This is a coffee shop discussion...
when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.
Mohammed killed people. Pigs are killed all the time. People eat them, PMH. G-d you're funny today :)
The Christians didn't kill people? As for the pigs, just because we eat them doesn't mean Jesus had a right to kill what wasn't even his eh?
Now where did I say that?
That's right I didn't.
I'm not really concerned with your paltry list of Jesus' 'wrongs'. It's laughable. :lame2: :):):)
I only needed one actually, to show imperfection.
A Christian would most likely say no, that Jesus was perfect. That is the dogma, like Sunni Man's.
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place and hard to align.

when did he kill innocent pigs? I have no recollection of this unfortunate
episode? ----the fig tree did not mind------fig trees always manage a STIFF UPPER LIP

Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.

the pigs killed each other. The demons asked to be pigs. Mark 5:12
What do you think?
A Christian would most likely say no, that Jesus was perfect. That is the dogma, like Sunni Man's.
Can you provide some examples of JEsus being 'wrong' as per your question.
Several. He had a bad temper including cursing a fig tree, killing pigs for no reason, disrupting Temple, rejecting his family, breaking the Sabbath, etc., And he was known as a lush and his teachings are all over the damn place therefore hard to align.
Cursing a fig tree? Lol. How unbearable.
Jesus gave reasons for all of those actions. If you consider these as 'wrongs', what on earth must you think of muhammed? Lol@preciouspantyhose.

was not the season for figs. Jesus cursed the tree and in withered by the next day
Maybe he was hypoglycaemic?
Bad grumpy Jesus.
Wow. What a bad boy. Lol.
He has his good and bad days, like all boys.
Looks like Jesus' worst days were far better than muhammeds best. Thanks for that :)
So you're a fan of the "lesser evil" then? How very liberal of you.
No. I don't consider Jesus evil at all.
And your list of 'wrongs' have helped clarify that for me. So thanks.
And they don't consider Muhammad evil, which makes you................................................................................................................the same.
That's the problem.
He has his good and bad days, like all boys.
Looks like Jesus' worst days were far better than muhammeds best. Thanks for that :)
So you're a fan of the "lesser evil" then? How very liberal of you.
No. I don't consider Jesus evil at all.
And your list of 'wrongs' have helped clarify that for me. So thanks.
And they don't consider Muhammad evil, which makes you................................................................................................................the same.
That's the problem.
That is a problem alright, the problem of religion, all of them.

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