Refugee Children Are Coming to the U.S. For THESE Reasons!

We send aid in the form of cash these countries I'm sure.
Now we need to take their people as well?

Maybe time to cut our loses and stop the aid to any country who is sending their people our way.
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Yeah, its adopt a third world nation month....

Lets keep them and send all these mindless progressive imbeciles there...
It's a privilege to be an American.

Libs need to be deported to the countries these people are running from so they appreciate the USA
Then they need to fix their own goddamn country you idiot!
Bigoted, senseless Moron!

So your end game is to open all of Central America up to the US? Certainly that has to be because if you deny ONE then that would make you a bigoted, senseless moron.

So how long do we allow C.A. to empty their prison, their mental hospitals, their unemployment lines, their hospitals, into America? Is there a limit at which time you then turn into a bigoted, senseless, moron?
I don't know about the rest of you, but where I live, there is hardly a single blvd intersection that DOESN'T have two or three people holding up signs begging for money, or a job, or food, etc.
Long before I want these outsiders helped by American tax dollars, these people who are all over our streets should be given help.

Send these kids back, and let the OP go with them.
this country is governed by the rule of law, laws we may or may not agree with, but they are still laws, and laws that can be changed and certainly some need to change ... the right on this board are making the case said laws need to be changed or enforced to the letter of the law. I agree. So why are the Republican lawmakers in Congress refusing to sit down and even talk about immigration laws ? Their voting base is discrediting them more than it is Obama.
Bigoted, senseless Moron!

Speak for yourself.
Should everyone from Rwanda, Somalia, etc., be allowed to cross into here illegally, too? Where do you draw the line? They need to fix their own mess.
There is a Great Difference! These are REFUGEE children we are talking about. The others you have identified may or may not be illegals. As a humanitarian country, refugees are welcome in these United States.

Interviews say that nearly 80% are coming here for economic reasons or to unite with family members already here, probably illegally. We should treat them with kindness while they are here and return them as soon a possible.
Yeah, it's not our problem, that is until you come to terms with and realize the validity of the following great and famous quotation by Pastor Martin Niemoller.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Pastor Martin Niemoller

Think about it. It could well happen to anyone who thinks they're above it all.

No, it's not our problem.
Ah but the Law MAKES it our problem. Try arguing with the law.

Why not, your dear leader does it all the time. But the ones that came here with an adult don't qualify under the 2008 law, they can be sent back NOW.
Everyone, please be sure to read this very important article that will hopefully help to dispel the myths being promulgated by bigoted haters. This is an Excellent article that will truly open your eyes about why these children from Central America are seeking refuge in this country. It includes studies and other valuable information that is replete with knowledge about this matter.

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

so these countries dont have Militaries?...let them go in and clean out those assholes....
Everyone, please be sure to read this very important article that will hopefully help to dispel the myths being promulgated by bigoted haters. This is an Excellent article that will truly open your eyes about why these children from Central America are seeking refuge in this country. It includes studies and other valuable information that is replete with knowledge about this matter.

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Immigration is not the problem, the WELFARE STATE IS.

Everyone, please be sure to read this very important article that will hopefully help to dispel the myths being promulgated by bigoted haters. This is an Excellent article that will truly open your eyes about why these children from Central America are seeking refuge in this country. It includes studies and other valuable information that is replete with knowledge about this matter.

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Yeah, not really.

Misperceptions about U.S. immigration policy behind surge of illegal children, report says | Fox News

A new intelligence assessment concludes that misperceptions about U.S. immigration policy – and not Central American violence – are fueling the surge of thousands of children illegally crossing the Mexican border.

The 10-page July 7 report was issued by the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), which according to the Justice Department website is led by the DEA and incorporates Homeland Security. Its focus is on the collection and distribution of tactical intelligence, information which can immediately be acted on by law enforcement.

"Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” the report said.


Diaz-Balart, who along with other lawmakers just visited Central America, described how human smugglers -- known as coyotes - are exploiting perceived changes to U.S. immigration law after the Obama administration decided in 2012 to practice prosecutorial discretion in cases where individuals were brought into the U.S. illegally as minors.

"The violence isn't new. The situation in those countries is not new," Diaz-Balart said. "These cartels have seen a weakness in the system. They've seen statements coming from the administration that they have used in order to just frankly increase the number of people coming over.

“Remember this is not a five-year-old or an 11-year-old can't just walk over the border and get to the United States. These are organized coyotes doing this.”

The intelligence assessment, which is unclassified but not meant to go beyond law enforcement, also cited data from the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime Statistics saying despite an explosion in the number of illegal minors, crime data for Central America actually showed a dip in violence.​
Not our problem.
Yeah, it's not our problem, that is until you come to terms with and realize the validity of the following great and famous quotation by Pastor Martin Niemoller.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Pastor Martin Niemoller

Think about it. It could well happen to anyone who thinks they're above it all.
"Fuck American homeless and hungry children."

-- The American Left.
Bigoted, senseless Moron!

Speak for yourself.
Should everyone from Rwanda, Somalia, etc., be allowed to cross into here illegally, too? Where do you draw the line? They need to fix their own mess.
There is a Great Difference! These are REFUGEE children we are talking about. The others you have identified may or may not be illegals. As a humanitarian country, refugees are welcome in these United States.
How many have you invited into your home?
Everyone, please be sure to read this very important article that will hopefully help to dispel the myths being promulgated by bigoted haters. This is an Excellent article that will truly open your eyes about why these children from Central America are seeking refuge in this country. It includes studies and other valuable information that is replete with knowledge about this matter.

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Funny how the numbers don't back up that story, isn't it? Then we have the fact that all those kids, most of them actually with adults, say they came because of the new policy that everyone has heard about where children get to stay.

But feel free to keep posting lies.
Everyone, please be sure to read this very important article that will hopefully help to dispel the myths being promulgated by bigoted haters. This is an Excellent article that will truly open your eyes about why these children from Central America are seeking refuge in this country. It includes studies and other valuable information that is replete with knowledge about this matter.

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Are they here legally? No? Then what difference does it make WHY they and their parents chose to break our laws?
this country is governed by the rule of law, laws we may or may not agree with, but they are still laws, and laws that can be changed and certainly some need to change ... the right on this board are making the case said laws need to be changed or enforced to the letter of the law. I agree. So why are the Republican lawmakers in Congress refusing to sit down and even talk about immigration laws ? Their voting base is discrediting them more than it is Obama.

There is nothing wrong with the immigration laws as written today. The only change possible is to make those who have already entered the country illegally, legal. What do you think such a thing would cause, more or less people trying to cross illegally?
Hey then PT why don't you just take in a million Haitians? Somalis? Syrians?

Why not just open your borders and let the world's poor in? That would fundamentally change America but isn't that your goal?

Don't you think these poor souls are desperate to escape their horrid existences?

Everyone, please be sure to read this very important article that will hopefully help to dispel the myths being promulgated by bigoted haters. This is an Excellent article that will truly open your eyes about why these children from Central America are seeking refuge in this country. It includes studies and other valuable information that is replete with knowledge about this matter.

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Doesn't make it our responsibility.

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