Refugee Children Are Coming to the U.S. For THESE Reasons!

Yeah, it's not our problem, that is until you come to terms with and realize the validity of the following great and famous quotation by Pastor Martin Niemoller.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Pastor Martin Niemoller

Think about it. It could well happen to anyone who thinks they're above it all.

What a pile of blithering, glandular-thinking bullshit. You wanna have a warm fuzzy? Do it on your own time. Do NOT babble to me about how we have to stuff our country to overflowing and bankrupt ourselves attempting to take in every human being on the planet whose home country is shitty.

They have a home. They have a government which is morally and legally responsible for them. And we all know that you and your hypocritical ilk are the first ones to scream at any attempt by the United States at improving those countries and governments so that their people won't need to leave. So what I'm hearing is, "Fuck those brown bastards until they're right here where I can't ignore them and where my political party can make use of them."

About that moral superiority you think you have? You're still a piece of shit. Don't ever be confused on that score.

You bet she is. She's another lefty idiot who's magnanimous with other peoples money.

She just want to pat herself on the back for her compassion. Compassion payed for by everyone else. She's a fucking idiot.

These disease ridden kids need to be booted back to wherever the hell they came from and our Govt needs to pass a law, if needed, to ensure this doesn't happen again.

I did hear on the news though that Mexico is going to stop them from crossing Mexico. Something they should have done earlier as everyone knows Mexico has tough illegal alien laws.

Noomi is the epitome of lefty "compassion" - she's not only magnanimous with other people's money, she's magnanimous with other COUNTRIES' money. She doesn't even live in the same frigging HEMISPHERE, but she wants to dictate US policy according to her personal warm fuzzies.
But what about THESE REASONS that the FOUNDER of the modern PROGRESSIVE PARTY espoused a century ago?.....These MEAN NOTHING to todays PROGRESSIVES???

But what about THESE REASONS that the FOUNDER of the modern PROGRESSIVE PARTY espoused a century ago?.....These MEAN NOTHING to todays PROGRESSIVES???


Again, immigration is NOT the problem the welfare state is.

But be that as it may , it is very difficult for Juan to prove that he is a solid American if he is interdicted.


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