Refugee Children Are Coming to the U.S. For THESE Reasons!

Everyone, please be sure to read this very important article that will hopefully help to dispel the myths being promulgated by bigoted haters. This is an Excellent article that will truly open your eyes about why these children from Central America are seeking refuge in this country. It includes studies and other valuable information that is replete with knowledge about this matter.

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

We are experiencing cultural revolution and the fundamental transformation of the US by ALL means possible. There are tens of millions of illegal invaders in our nation. Men, women and children who have no intention on becoming US citizens... they intend on annexing the South West to Mexico or creating an independent Hispanic nation out of our sovereign territory.

They are no longer attempting to conceal their plans ... since Obama has taken office they have gone overt with their desires to annex the South West as a territory of Mexico or an independent Hispanic State. La Raza and MECHA are just two of many radical separatist groups operating as tax free 501c3 corporations in the US whose goal is to further the racial and cultural divisions between the Anglo and Hispanic populations in America.

These radical Hispanic groups are AGITATING for an independent State or Mexican Territory to be created out of the American South West... these Marxist organizations are being given cart blanche by this Administration to wreck havoc with our immigration and border systems. Its time to call the what they are... seditious organizations with treasonous intent.
...Ronald A. Nelson Col.USA (Ret)
Not our problem.

That isn't your problem, so you won't lift a finger to help them, but you are happy to barge into another country, guns blazing, under the guise of 'helping'?

You Americans are such hypocrites.

. . . said the bitch who lives on an island with strict immigration laws and enforcement. Talk about hypocrites. Call us when millions of people WANT to live in your pissant, second-rate country. Or when your country gives more than the barest fraction in aid to Third World nations that we do.

And by the way, Miss Superiority Delusion, if the United States sucks so badly, how come you and your jackwad government keep signing treaties begging us to protect your sorry asses? I don't see any treaties signed about Australia helping US if we're attacked, but perhaps I missed that.

What the hell are YOU doing to make the world a better place? Your existence sure as hell isn't.
To the OP, I want to make it clear. I don't want these kids here, did you get that ? As an American, I'm tired of being expected to solve the problems that surround us.
These kids and their parents need to stay where they are, and work towards fixing their own countries problems.
So please get it straight, I don't care what their problems are, I'm done caring.

Ha,ha, say the ones that supported GW Bush for invading Iraq and allowing 4000 of our American soldiers to die, defending people that Republicans hate....what hypocrites.

And some of your leaders would want us to send troops yet again to help Iraq fix their stupid problems...I bet you support them.
Not our problem.

That isn't your problem, so you won't lift a finger to help them, but you are happy to barge into another country, guns blazing, under the guise of 'helping'?

You Americans are such hypocrites.

How many homeless Aussies have you invited into your home, Ms. More-Compassionate-Than-Thou?

Last I heard - and DO correct me if I'm wrong about your oh-so-"compassionate" government, Noomi - Australia's policy toward refugees is to relocate them to isolated islands where they can't contaminate the homeland.
Not our problem.

That isn't your problem, so you won't lift a finger to help them, but you are happy to barge into another country, guns blazing, under the guise of 'helping'?

You Americans are such hypocrites.

yea im sure there are some people around Oz who think you guys are great too....why dont your govt take a few hundred thousand of them? got lots of can stick them in the out back with the Aborigines....
I agree that the apparent current solution is ridiculous, insulting, and downright potentially damaging to citizens. Although, I don't think you can just send kids back to where they came from especially if they are fleeing violence, from a non contiguous country, etc...

BUT, that doesn't mean they have to just be taken in and given citizenship by the thousands! Countries around the world deal with refugee problems. Usually if the numbers are smaller, they trickle in and are dealt with via asylum hearings. When they come in in large groups, they may be granted temporary refugee status.

Refugee camps are set up to provide basic human needs, the UN comes in either physically or with financial support, and when the violence dies down, the refugees are deported back to their country. Some may, in the mean time, qualify for permanent asylum, some never will... But the refugees would not be integrated into society and into the system en masse, the camps could be fenced in and protected. Why is this not an option?

This could be a solution that could really help these people,(it is done all over the world!) if that's what they need- basic human needs and safety would be met. But not a free pass to citizenship. We should protect our citizens and our economy while retaining our humanity. If it's truly a humanitarian crisis, this would solve it. If it's people looking for a better life and economic opportunity... Get in line.
Not our problem.
Yeah, it's not our problem, that is until you come to terms with and realize the validity of the following great and famous quotation by Pastor Martin Niemoller.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Pastor Martin Niemoller

Think about it. It could well happen to anyone who thinks they're above it all.

What a pile of blithering, glandular-thinking bullshit. You wanna have a warm fuzzy? Do it on your own time. Do NOT babble to me about how we have to stuff our country to overflowing and bankrupt ourselves attempting to take in every human being on the planet whose home country is shitty.

They have a home. They have a government which is morally and legally responsible for them. And we all know that you and your hypocritical ilk are the first ones to scream at any attempt by the United States at improving those countries and governments so that their people won't need to leave. So what I'm hearing is, "Fuck those brown bastards until they're right here where I can't ignore them and where my political party can make use of them."

About that moral superiority you think you have? You're still a piece of shit. Don't ever be confused on that score.

You bet she is. She's another lefty idiot who's magnanimous with other peoples money.

She just want to pat herself on the back for her compassion. Compassion payed for by everyone else. She's a fucking idiot.

These disease ridden kids need to be booted back to wherever the hell they came from and our Govt needs to pass a law, if needed, to ensure this doesn't happen again.

I did hear on the news though that Mexico is going to stop them from crossing Mexico. Something they should have done earlier as everyone knows Mexico has tough illegal alien laws.
That isn't your problem, so you won't lift a finger to help them, but you are happy to barge into another country, guns blazing, under the guise of 'helping'?

You Americans are such hypocrites.

How many homeless Aussies have you invited into your home, Ms. More-Compassionate-Than-Thou?

Last I heard - and DO correct me if I'm wrong about your oh-so-"compassionate" government, Noomi - Australia's policy toward refugees is to relocate them to isolated islands where they can't contaminate the homeland.
How racist and xenophobic.

Right, Noomi?
Not our problem.

That isn't your problem, so you won't lift a finger to help them, but you are happy to barge into another country, guns blazing, under the guise of 'helping'?

You Americans are such hypocrites.

Yeah. Why don't you tell us Austrailias immigration policies??

I'd be willing to bet Australia wouldn't allow these diseased lice ridden kids onto the mainland?

What say you there Noomi??

Oh and its good to know that you, sitting safe on your ass in Austrailia, think we American taxpayers should support these diseased and lice ridden kids. Perhaps you should lobby your Govt. to bring over twenty thousand or so of em to your country??

Blow it out your ass you idiot.
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For all you morons mindlessly repeating what Obama tells you to say, it's time to try a little independent thought.

Blog: Stunning: DHS solicited bids for vendor to handle 65,000 unaccompanied minors -- IN JANUARY!

The Obama administration’s claim to have been surprised by the wave of children flooding over out borders may turn out to be another political lie of the year. Sundance of Conservative Treehouse noticed a very peculiar advertisement:

On January 29th of this year, the federal government posted an advertisement seeking bids for a vendor contract to handle “Unaccompanied Alien Children“.

Not just any contract mind you, but a very specific contract – for a very specific number of unaccompanied minors: 65,000.

• Why would DHS and ICE be claiming “surprise” by the current influx of unaccompanied minors on the border in June, when they were taking bids for an exact contract to handle the exact situation in January?

• Secondly, how could they possibly anticipate 65,000 unaccompanied minors would be showing up at the border, when the most ever encountered in a previous year was 5,000 total ?​

The bid specifics are even more suspicious:

[...] The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.

[...] In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s).​

The Obama Administration deliberately engineered this humanitarian "crisis".

The Obama Administration thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Which makes this quote quite appropriate:

Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. – President Franklin D Roosevelt
Interviews say that nearly 80% are coming here for economic reasons or to unite with family members already here, probably illegally. We should treat them with kindness while they are here and return them as soon a possible.

We should close the border, give the Border Patrol shoot-on-sight ROE, and patrol it with armed helicopter gunships with the same ROE. The illegals here should be rounded up and returned to their home countries as soon as possible after being fingerprinted and DNA tested. They should never be permitted to enter the US under any circumstances.

Better yet we should abolish the welfare state. And presto no immigration problem.

That, too!
To the OP, I want to make it clear. I don't want these kids here, did you get that ? As an American, I'm tired of being expected to solve the problems that surround us.
These kids and their parents need to stay where they are, and work towards fixing their own countries problems.
So please get it straight, I don't care what their problems are, I'm done caring.

Ha,ha, say the ones that supported GW Bush for invading Iraq and allowing 4000 of our American soldiers to die, defending people that Republicans hate....what hypocrites.

And some of your leaders would want us to send troops yet again to help Iraq fix their stupid problems...I bet you support them.

You must have proof that he supported the invasion of Iraq, then? Right...?
Everyone since the beginning of Obama's man made disaster has know that the real reason is what the study has found.

Misperceptions about U.S. immigration policy behind surge of illegal children, report says

Misperceptions about U.S. immigration policy behind surge of illegal children, report says | Fox News

"Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” the report said.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., told reporters Tuesday, "It's a critical situation and if we don't deal with it urgently but well- done right- then we're facing a crisis of just huge proportions."

Diaz-Balart, who along with other lawmakers just visited Central America, described how human smugglers -- known as coyotes - are exploiting perceived changes to U.S. immigration law after the Obama administration decided in 2012 to practice prosecutorial discretion in cases where individuals were brought into the U.S. illegally as minors.
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To the OP, I want to make it clear. I don't want these kids here, did you get that ? As an American, I'm tired of being expected to solve the problems that surround us.
These kids and their parents need to stay where they are, and work towards fixing their own countries problems.
So please get it straight, I don't care what their problems are, I'm done caring.

Ha,ha, say the ones that supported GW Bush for invading Iraq and allowing 4000 of our American soldiers to die, defending people that Republicans hate....what hypocrites.

And some of your leaders would want us to send troops yet again to help Iraq fix their stupid problems...I bet you support them.

You must have proof that he supported the invasion of Iraq, then? Right...?

As if any right-winger ever goes against lock-step....:lol: Did you?
Not at all...I thought it was a stupid plan then, I still think it was a stupid plan.

I accept your concession.
That isn't your problem, so you won't lift a finger to help them, but you are happy to barge into another country, guns blazing, under the guise of 'helping'?

You Americans are such hypocrites.

How many homeless Aussies have you invited into your home, Ms. More-Compassionate-Than-Thou?

Last I heard - and DO correct me if I'm wrong about your oh-so-"compassionate" government, Noomi - Australia's policy toward refugees is to relocate them to isolated islands where they can't contaminate the homeland.

From Australia commenting in a US discussion board? Isn't there a discussion board to discuss Australia's politics? Maybe under the sub-title, "who gives a crap?"
Lets swing open the doors to anyone and everyone

Iran, North Korea, China next

they won't have to fire a shot while they take us over with people like some of here who see's nothing wrong with us being INVADED
How many homeless Aussies have you invited into your home, Ms. More-Compassionate-Than-Thou?

Last I heard - and DO correct me if I'm wrong about your oh-so-"compassionate" government, Noomi - Australia's policy toward refugees is to relocate them to isolated islands where they can't contaminate the homeland.

From Australia commenting in a US discussion board? Isn't there a discussion board to discuss Australia's politics? Maybe under the sub-title, "who gives a crap?"

It might be filed under "Totally irrelevant to the rest of the world".

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