Regardless of who wins, Republicans will pay a heavy price for this election.

You hold on to that Bud, You are going to need some Hope.

Changing demographics girly boy. It's not "hope", it's a "fact".

A Picture of America’s Changing Demographics - COLORLINES


Progress 2050 also made some projections based on the newly released data. According to their findings, the U.S. is set to surpass Mexico in the number of Spanish speakers by 2050, and we will also see a surge in the Muslim American population in the next 20 years.

rdean is right...If Willard does win, he may be the last GOP President for generations. Even Texas could be going Blue with the population changes taking place.

The decent and law-abiding and LEGAL Hispanics will always know which party is on their side. They know it is NOT the Democratic Party.

On the other hand the crooked, unlawful and ILLEGAL Hispanics will always cast their ILLEGAL vote for Democrats.
Regardless of who wins...?

Gee, where's all that former lefty swagger?

The noose tightens...the desperation ratchets up...angst abounds...#44 is one and done...
In 2008 no Republican was ever going to get elected again ... it was over for republicans. Remember? What a stupid thread.
I didn't think it was possible but rDean's post are getting even MORE boring and repetitive.

well look how many threads the guy starts and leaves when the Questions about what he says comes in......he cant or wont answer he goes and starts another thread and just words everything a little different.....but its basically the same shit.....he has right now at least a dozen threads he has started and left and the posters there are still waiting for him to get back there and answer some questions.....he will leave this one too.....then he says we treat him like we are "scared" to confront the truth so we call him names and Goof on him....the guys a dipshit....
Getting close to the last hurrah for the Republican party. This will be the third conservative party that has gone to that big political-party place in the sky. The party seems to make little pretense of hiding who they are and what their goals are anymore. America has tons of money and they will not be content until they have most of it. The real question who will be the head of the party if elected, surely not Romney, so will it be Ryan, a cabal or who? Who is the real head of the Repbulican party?
Progressives got Shellacked in 2010 and are headed for another drubbing in 2012.

We are disgusted by their low expectation, insistence on dependency, addiction to poverty and their revulsion of success, innovation and entrepreneurship. Their views are the antithesis of all that is great about America, and they seek to transform us into a failed, Socialist, bankrupt third world nightmare and we won't have it
We're gonna have to put Deenie Weenie on suicide watch.

Yeah, line him up with Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Lawrence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow and all the other sycophants on MSNBC (Mus Slinging Nattering Bloviating Creeps).
Republicans will pay a heavy price for being in the majority.

How much sense does that statement really make?
Progressives got Shellacked in 2010 and are headed for another drubbing in 2012.

We are disgusted by their low expectation, insistence on dependency, addiction to poverty and their revulsion of success, innovation and entrepreneurship. Their views are the antithesis of all that is great about America, and they seek to transform us into a failed, Socialist, bankrupt third world nightmare and we won't have it

last time I checked, O was ahead in Iowa & Wisconsin ;) :)
I think the biggest problem the GOP is facing are the RINOS and "establishment" who are finding themselves confronted by Tea Party candidates and elected officials who no longer accept their same old, tired politics. If the GOP gains seats in the House and becomes the Senate majority, a lot of the current leaders are going to have to fight to keep their seats. Add another 50-75 "Tea Party" reps in the house and 4-5 in the Senate - you will see major changes.

Just look right now at women GOP governors with a possibility of 2-3 more - THAT is going to be the movers and shakers in the party!!!
I think the biggest problem the GOP is facing are the RINOS and "establishment" who are finding themselves confronted by Tea Party candidates and elected officials who no longer accept their same old, tired politics. If the GOP gains seats in the House and becomes the Senate majority, a lot of the current leaders are going to have to fight to keep their seats. Add another 50-75 "Tea Party" reps in the house and 4-5 in the Senate - you will see major changes.

Just look right now at women GOP governors with a possibility of 2-3 more - THAT is going to be the movers and shakers in the party!!!
Not only that, but I have a feeling that the TEA Party types won't stand for anymore of the "well we could've been stuck with a democrat president" bullshit, that they took for the first six years of Chimpola.

I believe that the days of squishy establishmentarian drips like Boehner, Graham and McLouse are coming to an end...Can't happen soon enough for me.
In 2008 no Republican was ever going to get elected again ... it was over for republicans. Remember? What a stupid thread.

Seems there no limit to the gullibility, ignorance, and bigotry of the dupes...

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035.Absolute idiocy, dupes.
Romney in 2012...
Romney is 2016....
Ryan in 2020....
Ryan in 2024....

It's gonna be sweet.

Hillary will be how old in 2028 ?
In 2008 no Republican was ever going to get elected again ... it was over for republicans. Remember? What a stupid thread.

Seems there no limit to the gullibility, ignorance, and bigotry of the dupes...

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035.Absolute idiocy, dupes.

gullibility, ignorance, and bigotry of the dupes......does that include both sides Frankie?.....

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