Reid's Advantage Is Turnout--Registered Voters Against T'Angle


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
One or another news organizations report that the voter turnout in Nevada already exceeds the 40% normal. Mostly it seems to be trending Democrat.

Reid Campaigned Heartened By Dem Turnout During Early Nevada Voting at Pat Dollard

The likely voter polls were trending Angle, but the registered voter polls were trending Reid.

The Senate leader likely keeps his job, and having helped to motivate a turnout! The Republicans appear to now be able to be regarded the Party of Lincoln. Like in history, they can return to being genuinely hated: Right from the start.

RNC Steele can still take pride in being Head of the Party of Abraham Lincoln: Who tends to show up when all hell is about to break loose. Lincoln's god was war, and he turned out to be a very religious man! Now there is Yemen, threat to the wordl(?), as no doubt the Boehner, (rhymes with Donnor), Party will see it. The Donnor Party spelled their Reed, like that: And anyone knows what happened to them! Big Government, actually intervened in the matter of the miners in Chile, more in the matter of prevention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(The California Democratic Party vote is likely motivated more to lean, old farts for Prop. 19--in contrast to the GOP House Pledge picture book, for America! "And do you remember how many times you did vote," will no longer be on anyone's mind(?), if Prop 19 turns successful! For many in California, coming of age was in the 1960's, as opposed to what happened to everyone else(?)!)
If by chance he pulls this out, I hope he doesn't become majority leader again. He is really piss poor in that role.
History looks favorably on Democrats named Harry.

History has a different take on Donnor, ryhmes with Boehner. The Boehner Party, in recent history, even started eating iself alive in the primaries. They even threw a scap to Nevada. In Delaware they famously sent in an entire brew! In Alaska they are still going at, and so Former President Clinton even went to see. . . .whether or not the GOP bridge to nowhere was even long to get a teapot to fly.

Lincoln's god was war, announced in a death oration, 1852. The emaciation of the POW's of his making was even legendary then. The Party of Abraham Lincoln is easily said to be fulfilling its promise and agenda--in so many current events--that actually Harry Reid will be a veritable Typhoon of Fresh Air in the history books! Health Care, Finacial Reform, The first-ever in history, COLA-modeled tax relief in the Stimulus Package, (the equal-dollar amount, refundable tax credit), and the creation of the legacy of the first woman Speaker of the House in history: Will more likely be said astonishing, all things before, considered. That was the Boehner Party, even then, grisly to read about, even online.

The Boehner Party had created what happened before, already. Conservatives actually tend to create a comfort zone, rather than any real change, at any rate. In fact it is usually male, white, and old! It sends younger off famously, to die like dogs in vomit in basis-free occupations.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(But as usual, The Colonies will more likely come up with their take on it all!)
One or another news organizations report that the voter turnout in Nevada already exceeds the 40% normal. Mostly it seems to be trending Democrat.

Reid Campaigned Heartened By Dem Turnout During Early Nevada Voting at Pat Dollard

The likely voter polls were trending Angle, but the registered voter polls were trending Reid.

The Senate leader likely keeps his job, and having helped to motivate a turnout! The Republicans appear to now be able to be regarded the Party of Lincoln. Like in history, they can return to being genuinely hated: Right from the start.

RNC Steele can still take pride in being Head of the Party of Abraham Lincoln: Who tends to show up when all hell is about to break loose. Lincoln's god was war, and he turned out to be a very religious man! Now there is Yemen, threat to the wordl(?), as no doubt the Boehner, (rhymes with Donnor), Party will see it. The Donnor Party spelled their Reed, like that: And anyone knows what happened to them! Big Government, actually intervened in the matter of the miners in Chile, more in the matter of prevention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(The California Democratic Party vote is likely motivated more to lean, old farts for Prop. 19--in contrast to the GOP House Pledge picture book, for America! "And do you remember how many times you did vote," will no longer be on anyone's mind(?), if Prop 19 turns successful! For many in California, coming of age was in the 1960's, as opposed to what happened to everyone else(?)!)

Maybe no one told the Tea Partiers that they actually have to go OUT and VOTE. Someone calling them on the phone and asking them who they WOULD vote for is not the same thing.....
Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort
November 2, 2010 11:45 A.M.
By Elizabeth Crum

Executives at the casino giant Harrah’s pushed company employees to vote early in an all-out effort to help the Harry Reid campaign, according to internal emails obtained by Battle ‘10.

Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort - By Elizabeth Crum - Battle ?10 - National Review Online

Wow! Fuck Harrah's!

Geez, I wonder who the long-term laid off in the Culinary Union vote for.
Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort
November 2, 2010 11:45 A.M.
By Elizabeth Crum

Executives at the casino giant Harrah’s pushed company employees to vote early in an all-out effort to help the Harry Reid campaign, according to internal emails obtained by Battle ‘10.

Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort - By Elizabeth Crum - Battle ?10 - National Review Online

Wow! Fuck Harrah's!

Let' see, Angle is against alcohol. Harrah's sells acohol to gamblers. Can't imagine why this email, if true would be surprising to ANYONE?
When they give us the percentages on the MSM are they going to tell us how many people voted "None of the Above"?
One or another news organizations report that the voter turnout in Nevada already exceeds the 40% normal. Mostly it seems to be trending Democrat.

Reid Campaigned Heartened By Dem Turnout During Early Nevada Voting at Pat Dollard

The likely voter polls were trending Angle, but the registered voter polls were trending Reid.

The Senate leader likely keeps his job, and having helped to motivate a turnout! The Republicans appear to now be able to be regarded the Party of Lincoln. Like in history, they can return to being genuinely hated: Right from the start.

RNC Steele can still take pride in being Head of the Party of Abraham Lincoln: Who tends to show up when all hell is about to break loose. Lincoln's god was war, and he turned out to be a very religious man! Now there is Yemen, threat to the wordl(?), as no doubt the Boehner, (rhymes with Donnor), Party will see it. The Donnor Party spelled their Reed, like that: And anyone knows what happened to them! Big Government, actually intervened in the matter of the miners in Chile, more in the matter of prevention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(The California Democratic Party vote is likely motivated more to lean, old farts for Prop. 19--in contrast to the GOP House Pledge picture book, for America! "And do you remember how many times you did vote," will no longer be on anyone's mind(?), if Prop 19 turns successful! For many in California, coming of age was in the 1960's, as opposed to what happened to everyone else(?)!)

Maybe no one told the Tea Partiers that they actually have to go OUT and VOTE. Someone calling them on the phone and asking them who they WOULD vote for is not the same thing.....

The Tea Party in Nevada actually has a separate candidate from Angle. Unless he dropped out. So we'll see what happens with that.
Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort
November 2, 2010 11:45 A.M.
By Elizabeth Crum

Executives at the casino giant Harrah’s pushed company employees to vote early in an all-out effort to help the Harry Reid campaign, according to internal emails obtained by Battle ‘10.

Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort - By Elizabeth Crum - Battle ?10 - National Review Online

Wow! Fuck Harrah's!

Let' see, Angle is against alcohol. Harrah's sells acohol to gamblers. Can't imagine why this email, if true would be surprising to ANYONE?

Obama, who is spending $200M a day to rent a hotel in Mumbai, is against people going to Las Vegas at all during a recession.
There are so many reports of heavy voter turnout, that even in California it has been necessary--even for me--to have to photocopy a sample ballot, for first-time voters, and Hispanic to boot: To provide the usual guidance.

These voters will not be watching any newscast reports of anything on the East Coast, at the voting hour,either. It will be 6:00 p.m., PDT, or later: When they are at the publically disclosed locations, copying and pasting, or whatever it is that is done, there.

Ballot selections are coded by number in California, so even some people that T'Angle won't recognize: Can actually, also, show up at the polls, and make the little ballot markers work!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Something about Meg, doing basic Home Economics, appears to not be resonating well in California(?)! Even lottery winners, in California, do not turn it all over to all the ad execs,(for safe-keeping(?)!)

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