Reince Preibus has lost his fucking mind

He was referring to Jeebus and the celebration of the fictional birth of a new king. A king born to homeless parents. He wasn't saying that Trump is the second coming.

The message was too religious for a new Chief of Staff To be spewing, in my opinion. Keep that shit to a minimum for all of our sakes.

So where in the bible did it say Mary and Joseph were homeless?

No room at the inn.
Comparing Christianity to Donald Trump is the biggest oxymoron--I have ever heard or seen--LOL I guess the Evangelicals within the Republican party have adopted a new "family values" platform by nominating Comrade Trump---who stated in his book: "My Personal Vietnam was sleeping around with married women and avoiding sexually transmitted diseases."
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

This is how hypocritical the Evangelical base within the Republican party really is: They supported a man--(if that's what you want to call him)--be assured I never will, that verbally and physically assaulted women, that was a frequent visitor on the Howard Stern program repeatedly bragging about his extra marital affairs, whom left his wives and children for younger--prettier women. One that publicly stated it's alright if a male refer's to his daughter as "a great piece of ass." They flew over 16 other, more qualified, experienced decent Christian candidates and they landed on the cow turd, Comrade Donald Trump.

Now you know why you don't go to church---LOL There were white male pastor's all over this country hooraying Trump's win. Nothing more than fucking hypocrites. The biggest of all Mike Huckabee.


You'll never convince me you're a Christian if you supported or voted for Donald Trump. I know that Jesus Christ would have never approved of Donald Trump.
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He was referring to Jeebus and the celebration of the fictional birth of a new king. A king born to homeless parents. He wasn't saying that Trump is the second coming.

The message was too religious for a new Chief of Staff To be spewing, in my opinion. Keep that shit to a minimum for all of our sakes.

So where in the bible did it say Mary and Joseph were homeless?

No room at the inn.

Wrong answer retard, do you even know why they went to Bethlehem to begin with and might need an inn?
He was referring to Jeebus and the celebration of the fictional birth of a new king. A king born to homeless parents. He wasn't saying that Trump is the second coming.

The message was too religious for a new Chief of Staff To be spewing, in my opinion. Keep that shit to a minimum for all of our sakes.

So where in the bible did it say Mary and Joseph were homeless?

No room at the inn.

and they tried to get a room at the inn because they were traveling, I believe because they had to report for a census, (not sure of that), not because they were homeless.

as little as I know of the Bible, even I know that
A friend of mine who is an editor said "Pretty clear they're talking about orange-hair-butthole-lipped casino Jesus."

You mean the same ones that predicted Hillary was gonna win ?
Why do you even listen to them any longer?
They don't have a clue as to what their talking about.
It's also why they are always wrong.
Instead of guessing and assuming, they should try actually talking to them.
They might actually learn something for a change, but I seriouly doubt it. :)
RNC Message Celebrating Christmas
So, are they saying Trump is like the second coming of Christ? Is he as "king" going to reign forevermore? The mad king, it would appear.

Do the service personnel know the CiC is royalty?

One wonders.

A spectacular example of someone going to great lengths to read something out of a statement that isn't there.
He was referring to Jeebus and the celebration of the fictional birth of a new king. A king born to homeless parents. He wasn't saying that Trump is the second coming.

The message was too religious for a new Chief of Staff To be spewing, in my opinion. Keep that shit to a minimum for all of our sakes.

So where in the bible did it say Mary and Joseph were homeless?

No room at the inn.

Wrong answer retard, do you even know why they went to Bethlehem to begin with and might need an inn?

No room at the inn is actually in the Bible, retard. Maybe read it?
Christ is referred to as the "new King". Priebus is only talking about the celebration of the birth of Jesus. New hope.

Oh no, he is not. He capitalized King, and referenced "this Christmas."

Ummmm, because EVERY Christmas is a celebration of Jesus and his birth, the last I heard. You feeling OK?:cuckoo:
Christ is referred to as the "new King". Priebus is only talking about the celebration of the birth of Jesus. New hope.

Oh no, he is not. He capitalized King, and referenced "this Christmas."

Ummmm, because EVERY Christmas is a celebration of Jesus and his birth, the last I heard. You feeling OK?:cuckoo:

Sorry English isn't your strong suit. Dude, the mods around here sure do show ass.
He was referring to Jeebus and the celebration of the fictional birth of a new king. A king born to homeless parents. He wasn't saying that Trump is the second coming.

The message was too religious for a new Chief of Staff To be spewing, in my opinion. Keep that shit to a minimum for all of our sakes.

So where in the bible did it say Mary and Joseph were homeless?

No room at the inn.

Wrong answer retard, do you even know why they went to Bethlehem to begin with and might need an inn?

No room at the inn is actually in the Bible, retard. Maybe read it?

Here, YOU read it.

Luke 2:4-7
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judæa, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
A friend of mine who is an editor said "Pretty clear they're talking about orange-hair-butthole-lipped casino Jesus."

You mean the same ones that predicted Hillary was gonna win ?
Why do you even listen to them any longer?
They don't have a clue as to what their talking about.
It's also why they are always wrong.
Instead of guessing and assuming, they should try actually talking to them.
They might actually learn something for a change, but I seriouly doubt it. :)
peachy, Trump is going to get even more than what Obama got day 1 from his opponents. It is going to ratchet up every day after that.
And the desperation continues. Dissecting everything said to find something to criticize will insure another crushing defeat in 2018, when 25 Democrat Senators are up for reelection compared to 8 Republicans.
He was referring to Jeebus and the celebration of the fictional birth of a new king. A king born to homeless parents. He wasn't saying that Trump is the second coming.

The message was too religious for a new Chief of Staff To be spewing, in my opinion. Keep that shit to a minimum for all of our sakes.

So where in the bible did it say Mary and Joseph were homeless?

No room at the inn.

Wrong answer retard, do you even know why they went to Bethlehem to begin with and might need an inn?

No room at the inn is actually in the Bible, retard. Maybe read it?

lots of people traveled at that time

that is why the inn was full

Joseph was a member of the house and family of David

so needed to be in Bethlehem for the census
Yes, exactly what I said. "Because there was no room in the inn."


You also said they were homeless.

They weren't.

They were in the middle of a journey.

If you were to drive from NYC to California, and stopped in St Louis, does that make you homeless?
Christ is referred to as the "new King". Priebus is only talking about the celebration of the birth of Jesus. New hope.

Oh no, he is not. He capitalized King, and referenced "this Christmas."

Well obviously you are not of faith. So with that out of the way it's time you got educated. Christ the King . Always capitalized. Type it in. You'll see thousands of schools and churches. Capitalized fool.
Yup. Did thirty-odd years in the Assembly of God and am no longer of the faith because of what I've seen of Christians. You lot, for example.
Yes, exactly what I said. "Because there was no room in the inn."


You also said they were homeless.

They weren't.

They were in the middle of a journey.

If you were to drive from NYC to California, and stopped in St Louis, does that make you homeless?

You also said they were homeless.

he is incorrect

they traveled there obeying the new census law

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