Religion and Ethics

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is the troll?
Bulldog, I agree with almost every post of yours on this thread. There really isn't any such thing as trolling on a political forum, since everything any of us hear from a member of the other side of the aisle sounds like trolling. Trolling is just normal political discourse on political boards. If a mod steps in to decide what trolling is, it will result in partisan censorship.

If you see a thread that you want moved to another subforum, just post a bunch of vile stuff on it and a mod will move it away from where the nice Christian who posted it in the religion section, and stick it in the some other sub forum where it can be turned into a circus. The mods work in your favor because they think they are fixing trolling, but they are really working for you.

You really don't know what Trolling is?

What Is Internet Trolling?
In simple terms, trolling is when someone comments or responds to something you post, usually in a confrontational way that is designed to garner a strong, emotional reaction. Although many people use the term in contexts where a sense of humor is appreciated, the truth is that internet trolling can get pretty nasty and isn't always a laughing matter.

The Urban Dictionary has a bunch of definitions under the term “trolling,” but the first one that pops up seems to define it as simply as possible. So, according to the Urban Dictionary’s top-rated definition for “trolling,” it can be defined as:

"the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument."

Wikipedia defines it as:

"a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.”



There is a good reason why moderators are carefully chosen, they will know what Trolling is, it is clear YOU don't.
From wikipedia:
A variety of methods are deployed in politics, which include promoting one's own political views among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries.

Politics are ugly. So ugly that people kill each other and do horrible things to each other. Trolling is nothing, it is absolutely par for the course, it is typical political discourse. If you don't see trolling on a forum, you are on a gardening forum. Political forums are nothing but trolling. Anybody who thinks political forums can be anything else is having a pipe dream. Trying to eliminate trolling on a political forum that was designed for it would make things REALLY busy behind the scenes...

Ha ha, are you suggesting that members here have killed other members here because of politics?

Your confused rationalizations are hilarious.
Members here have killed because of politics. That guy who shot up a movie house in Louisiana posted here quite often.

That isn't what trolling is..... , I am talking about Trolls who post for the deliberate effort to generate angry replies, with often obscure off topic statements.

You are apparently clueless.....

You're the one that brought up members here killing for political reasons dumb ass.
I don't have a problem with an on topic requirement. Whining because somebody questions your silly claims is just something you will have to get used to.

No I didn't bring it up, are you trying lie to me?

It was EvMetro who brought it up and what I was responding tom from post 103 he writes:

Politics are ugly. So ugly that people kill each other and do horrible things to each other. Trolling is nothing, it is absolutely par for the course, it is typical political discourse. If you don't see trolling on a forum, you are on a gardening forum. Political forums are nothing but trolling. Anybody who thinks political forums can be anything else is having a pipe dream. Trying to eliminate trolling on a political forum that was designed for it would make things REALLY busy behind the scenes...

You are confused again.....
I was responding to your post # 105 dumb ass
View attachment 476658

Which was a REPLY to what EcMetro posted at post 103:

"Politics are ugly. So ugly that people kill each other and do horrible things to each other. Trolling is nothing, it is absolutely par for the course, it is typical political discourse. If you don't see trolling on a forum, you are on a gardening forum. Political forums are nothing but trolling. Anybody who thinks political forums can be anything else is having a pipe dream. Trying to eliminate trolling on a political forum that was designed for it would make things REALLY busy behind the scenes..."


Now anyone but YOU apparently understand that post 103 (EcMetro) is a smaller number than post 105 (mine)

My post came TEN minutes later after his post.

Your are now stupidly far off the charts now, suggest you slink away....
You made the quote of me bold, but you did not make the word "member" bold. That's because I didn't say that. Nice trolling though.
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
I completely understand. You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it. Who could possibly find fault with that?

You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it.
IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs.
You don't see that claiming anyone who doesn't share their belief is deserving of hell as an insult? Really?

Did you NOT read my post?

" IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs. "

Can you imagine a religious discussion by Christians that didn't mention their only goal, which is an eternity in heaven to the exclusion of all that don't share their beliefs? No I can't either. Perhaps a private, invitation only thread where you don't have to allow any differences of opinion, but if you have an open discussion, it has to be open to even those that don't fall in line.
??? I know lots of liberal Christians who value inclusion and not judging.
I think the problem is those types may not have time to spare arguing with people who aren't going to change their minds.
The ones who bother to argue are the ones who like to argue!
I don't blame Christianity or religion.
Plenty of believers don't do that.
Yet plenty of believers do. The OP seems to think non believers shouldn't have a right to say they disagree.

The OP seems to think non believers shouldn't have a right to say they disagree.

They have the right to disagree.

In Zone 1, they wouldn't have the right to troll.

(just how hard is that to understand?)
Who decides what is trolling? You? Taz?

Some beaureaucrat in Washington?

Trolling is not difficult to see.

If you are making no contribution to the topic, and attacking the subject, you are trolling. It is NOT the same has having a different view or opinion.

Poster 1. Only those who have accepted the lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior will be saved, and all others deserve to suffer throughout eternity in great anguish, because they chose evil.
Poster 2. You're full of shit. If that is what your imaginary sky fairy told you, he's full of shit too. You are free to believe what you want, but don't expect me too not disagree.

Which is the troll?
As a Christian who forgives why people reject and why they say it with emotions anger or blame attached, I read the response as expressing "No, I don't believe or understand any of that. It makes no sense to me. Thus, I call it BS and think you and all other religionists are pushing some weird BS that has abused and manipulated people collectively."

This person is projecting their personal issues and using the post or poster as the target for expressing collective grievances.

As long as the Poster addresses the topic, of Christian fairh, I can still answer and ask what they do or do not believe about justice, peace, forgiveness etc.

I can still use what they posted to ask about their own experiences and why they don't get the message in Christianity but only see the opposite.

Just because someone posts a baiting or trolling post with charged collective statements to pick a fight
Doesn't mean we have to respond that way.

I find it more effective to respond to the meaning or what objections the person is expressing. We can start from there
and still discuss points that are relevant.

If they continue to troll or have no other intent but to troll or incite, they will bow out.
And usually another person who is serious or curious will chime in and pick up if the other person quits out of disinterest.

So you weed out trolls by sticking to the process of discussing what or why do people believe or not and what they think it means which causes the rejection.
Trolling is not difficult to see.
Always a good question and it's only become more insidious with time. An expert explains:

Topics are not the problem. Trolls butt in to bait others into arguing back hurriedly and emotionally. Sadistic psychopaths exhibiting high levels of cognitive empathy should be cancelled from political discussion boards.

I might qualify as a sadistic empath because I empathize with antisocial people but do so to try to engage in meaningful connections and directions.

To me it is a challenge to reach a common understanding and communicate in ways that matter and help with what they really care about instead of mere trolling.

But to others my empathy may appear sadistic in how much work and angst it takes to find or carve out a connection.
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
Love this , atheist can't respond to religious threads. You have to be kidding.

No he was talking about TROLLING in the threads......, that is what needs to stop.
When they call anything they want trolling because you write something they don't agree with , then getting rid of them is a problem. Go on any forum, look at the definition of trolling. then do a little research how it is used and you will understand .
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
Love this , atheist can't respond to religious threads. You have to be kidding.

No he was talking about TROLLING in the threads......, that is what needs to stop.
When they call anything they want trolling because you write something they don't agree with , then getting rid of them is a problem. Go on any forum, look at the definition of trolling. then do a little research how it is used and you will understand .

Already posted the definition of what Trolling is at POST 95

I am CURRENTLY Moderating three websites and have been for years, also ran several of my own forums as Administrator for years also.

I know what Trolling is.....
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
I completely understand. You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it. Who could possibly find fault with that?

You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it.
IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs.
You don't see that claiming anyone who doesn't share their belief is deserving of hell as an insult? Really?

Did you NOT read my post?

" IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs. "

Can you imagine a religious discussion by Christians that didn't mention their only goal, which is an eternity in heaven to the exclusion of all that don't share their beliefs? No I can't either. Perhaps a private, invitation only thread where you don't have to allow any differences of opinion, but if you have an open discussion, it has to be open to even those that don't fall in line.
??? I know lots of liberal Christians who value inclusion and not judging.
I think the problem is those types may not have time to spare arguing with people who aren't going to change their minds.
The ones who bother to argue are the ones who like to argue!
I don't blame Christianity or religion.
Plenty of believers don't do that.
Yet plenty of believers do. The OP seems to think non believers shouldn't have a right to say they disagree.

The OP seems to think non believers shouldn't have a right to say they disagree.

They have the right to disagree.

In Zone 1, they wouldn't have the right to troll.

(just how hard is that to understand?)
Who decides what is trolling? You? Taz?

Some beaureaucrat in Washington?

Trolling is not difficult to see.

If you are making no contribution to the topic, and attacking the subject, you are trolling. It is NOT the same has having a different view or opinion.

Poster 1. Only those who have accepted the lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior will be saved, and all others deserve to suffer throughout eternity in great anguish, because they chose evil.
Poster 2. You're full of shit. If that is what your imaginary sky fairy told you, he's full of shit too. You are free to believe what you want, but don't expect me too not disagree.

Which is the troll?
As a Christian who forgives why people reject and why they say it with emotions anger or blame attached, I read the response as expressing "No, I don't believe or understand any of that. It makes no sense to me. Thus, I call it BS and think you and all other religionists are pushing some weird BS that has abused and manipulated people collectively."

This person is projecting their personal issues and using the post or poster as the target for expressing collective grievances.

As long as the Poster addresses the topic, of Christian fairh, I can still answer and ask what they do or do not believe about justice, peace, forgiveness etc.

I can still use what they posted to ask about their own experiences and why they don't get the message in Christianity but only see the opposite.

Just because someone posts a baiting or trolling post with charged collective statements to pick a fight
Doesn't mean we have to respond that way.

I find it more effective to respond to the meaning or what objections the person is expressing. We can start from there
and still discuss points that are relevant.

If they continue to troll or have no other intent but to troll or incite, they will bow out.
And usually another person who is serious or curious will chime in and pick up if the other person quits out of disinterest.

So you weed out trolls by sticking to the process of discussing what or why do people believe or not and what they think it means which causes the rejection.
Heres the problem there is absolutely no correlational between ethics and religion. I'm a christian who knows that the politics of religion is more important to churchy's ,then what the bible tells you about what Christ did and said. As usual I would guess, as normal, I wouldn't agree with half of what you think religion means as your holy lexicon.
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
Love this , atheist can't respond to religious threads. You have to be kidding.

No he was talking about TROLLING in the threads......, that is what needs to stop.
When they call anything they want trolling because you write something they don't agree with , then getting rid of them is a problem. Go on any forum, look at the definition of trolling. then do a little research how it is used and you will understand .

Already posted the definition of what Trolling is at POST 95

I am CURRENTLY Moderating three websites and have been for years, also ran several of my own forums as Administrator for years also.

I know what Trolling is.....
No, you know what the definition is , that's it. Point of fact, is it true that one person will dump a troller while another one won't. One will look at the statement being within the perimeters of the trolling rule and the other person thinks it is outside of the perimeters of the trolling rule. That is the end of this conversation.
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
Love this , atheist can't respond to religious threads. You have to be kidding.

No he was talking about TROLLING in the threads......, that is what needs to stop.
When they call anything they want trolling because you write something they don't agree with , then getting rid of them is a problem. Go on any forum, look at the definition of trolling. then do a little research how it is used and you will understand .

Already posted the definition of what Trolling is at POST 95

I am CURRENTLY Moderating three websites and have been for years, also ran several of my own forums as Administrator for years also.

I know what Trolling is.....
No, you know what the definition is , that's it. Point of fact, is it true that one person will dump a troller while another one won't. One will look at the statement being within the perimeters of the trolling rule and the other person thinks it is outside of the perimeters of the trolling rule. That is the end of this conversation.

Please go away and take your silly confusion with you..... the Forum tries hard to accommodate free speech here, but will often remove posts that are REPORTED as trolling and over the top off topic name calling, I have posted many REPORT complaints which they agree around 90% of the time, but too many and probably you are one of them don't use the REPORT button at all, while Moderators here would want them to be used for legitimate complaints of a post, as it would help them see clear forum rules violations.

Here is ZONE 2 guidelines you need to review:

  • "Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Also see important policy on "Clean Thread Starts" at the following link -- New "Clean Start" Policy on Creating Threads . Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain significant and specific thread topic content to advance the discussion, in addition to any personal flame or snark. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
Is there a possibility of moving Religious and Ethics to Zone one?

I'm tired of chasing down trolls that only want to bash religion.


I feel that way about most of the upstairs area.


And by "we" I mean normal people (liberals)
Come on now French, I see you evolving on this forum. You recently even made a post that you are aware of it as well;) I’m always interested in why people do the things they do or say the things they say....or post the things they post:)

USMB has a lot of individual posters with unique mindsets and for me, I place consistent valid posts above one’s particular sway of politics. I look for a healthy combo of information and interactive humor. I appreciate the people who take the time to research information, start a thread, and initiate good debates. Even though we hold polar opposite viewpoints regarding whether it’s better to have a small (Here, Here!) versus large (noooooo -it only slows reaction times down to a snail’s pace) government, you are in fact one of those proactive posters. Thanks:)
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
They're the same thing for y'all GOPers. Not for us, though.
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
They could be, but not on a political board. Atheists and commies will be crapping on religious threads as long as they are posted on political forum sites, and I will never report them. I'll never agree with them either, but religious threads on political boards are fair game for political attacks. Mods will be busy till the end of time if they try to interfere with the language of politics on a political discussion site.
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
I completely understand. You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it. Who could possibly find fault with that?

You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it.
IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs.
You don't see that claiming anyone who doesn't share their belief is deserving of hell as an insult? Really?

Did you NOT read my post?

" IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs. "

Can you imagine a religious discussion by Christians that didn't mention their only goal, which is an eternity in heaven to the exclusion of all that don't share their beliefs? No I can't either. Perhaps a private, invitation only thread where you don't have to allow any differences of opinion, but if you have an open discussion, it has to be open to even those that don't fall in line.
??? I know lots of liberal Christians who value inclusion and not judging.
I think the problem is those types may not have time to spare arguing with people who aren't going to change their minds.
The ones who bother to argue are the ones who like to argue!
I don't blame Christianity or religion.
Plenty of believers don't do that.
Yet plenty of believers do. The OP seems to think non believers shouldn't have a right to say they disagree.

The OP seems to think non believers shouldn't have a right to say they disagree.

They have the right to disagree.

In Zone 1, they wouldn't have the right to troll.

(just how hard is that to understand?)
Who decides what is trolling? You? Taz?

Some beaureaucrat in Washington?

Trolling is not difficult to see.

If you are making no contribution to the topic, and attacking the subject, you are trolling. It is NOT the same has having a different view or opinion.

Poster 1. Only those who have accepted the lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior will be saved, and all others deserve to suffer throughout eternity in great anguish, because they chose evil.
Poster 2. You're full of shit. If that is what your imaginary sky fairy told you, he's full of shit too. You are free to believe what you want, but don't expect me too not disagree.

Which is the troll?
As a Christian who forgives why people reject and why they say it with emotions anger or blame attached, I read the response as expressing "No, I don't believe or understand any of that. It makes no sense to me. Thus, I call it BS and think you and all other religionists are pushing some weird BS that has abused and manipulated people collectively."

This person is projecting their personal issues and using the post or poster as the target for expressing collective grievances.

As long as the Poster addresses the topic, of Christian fairh, I can still answer and ask what they do or do not believe about justice, peace, forgiveness etc.

I can still use what they posted to ask about their own experiences and why they don't get the message in Christianity but only see the opposite.

Just because someone posts a baiting or trolling post with charged collective statements to pick a fight
Doesn't mean we have to respond that way.

I find it more effective to respond to the meaning or what objections the person is expressing. We can start from there
and still discuss points that are relevant.

If they continue to troll or have no other intent but to troll or incite, they will bow out.
And usually another person who is serious or curious will chime in and pick up if the other person quits out of disinterest.

So you weed out trolls by sticking to the process of discussing what or why do people believe or not and what they think it means which causes the rejection.
Interesting, but not what is actually being said, or even exists in reality. The main tenant of Christianity is that you, and only you are deserving of a wonderful eternity, while all others are not, because they have chosen evil. Makes no difference if you believe in the wonderful sky playground, but accusing others of choosing evil is an insult, no matter how you might try to frame it. I will agree that historically Christianity has claimed justice, peace, forgiveness, etc. as some of their main goals, but we both see that is not the case in today's world. The historical Jesus would be aghast at the behavior of some of your most vocal cheerleaders, and your ilk gives them a pass while still claiming those who don't share your fervor are evil. What kind of response do you expect?
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
They could be, but not on a political board. Atheists and commies will be crapping on religious threads as long as they are posted on political forum sites, and I will never report them. I'll never agree with them either, but religious threads on political boards are fair game for political attacks. Mods will be busy till the end of time if they try to interfere with the language of politics on a political discussion site.

They could be, but not on a political board.

to the contrary, they are, and are treated differently.
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
They could be, but not on a political board. Atheists and commies will be crapping on religious threads as long as they are posted on political forum sites, and I will never report them. I'll never agree with them either, but religious threads on political boards are fair game for political attacks. Mods will be busy till the end of time if they try to interfere with the language of politics on a political discussion site.

They could be, but not on a political board.

to the contrary, they are, and are treated differently.
The way to deal with lefty commie atheists who "troll" religious threads is to let righties and Christians troll them back. Sweet political discourse. Let the mods clean up the spam bot accounts, and let the political enemies debate.
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
They could be, but not on a political board. Atheists and commies will be crapping on religious threads as long as they are posted on political forum sites, and I will never report them. I'll never agree with them either, but religious threads on political boards are fair game for political attacks. Mods will be busy till the end of time if they try to interfere with the language of politics on a political discussion site.

They could be, but not on a political board.

to the contrary, they are, and are treated differently.
The way to deal with lefty commie atheists who "troll" religious threads is to let righties and Christians troll them back. Sweet political discourse. Let the mods clean up the spam bot accounts, and let the political enemies debate.

So, you're all for discussing Politics in Sports, Religion in the TV forum, Health and Lifestyle in Computers, etc?

Why bother having any forums?

Just have one, General Discussion, and view the melee?
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
They could be, but not on a political board. Atheists and commies will be crapping on religious threads as long as they are posted on political forum sites, and I will never report them. I'll never agree with them either, but religious threads on political boards are fair game for political attacks. Mods will be busy till the end of time if they try to interfere with the language of politics on a political discussion site.

They could be, but not on a political board.

to the contrary, they are, and are treated differently.
The way to deal with lefty commie atheists who "troll" religious threads is to let righties and Christians troll them back. Sweet political discourse. Let the mods clean up the spam bot accounts, and let the political enemies debate.

So, you're all for discussing Politics in Sports, Religion in the TV forum, Health and Lifestyle in Computers, etc?

Why bother having any forums?

Just have one, General Discussion, and view the melee?
Fallacy. I have only discussed religion and politics sections. Are you having a hard time understanding that righties and lefties are based on completely different religious values?
"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed
Baiting and polarizing opening post and thread titles are textbook politics, classic political discourse. I come to this forum to enjoy opening posts and thread titles that are baiting and polarizing. We are fortunate to have many righties and many commies here who post such beautiful trolling.

I am a Christian, and I stand behind the atheists and commies who bombard religious threads, since religion and politics are the same thing to them. If I want to be surrounded by civilized Christians I'll go to church. I come here to read about politics.

since religion and politics are the same thing to them.

If politics and religion were the same thing, we wouldn't have 2 different forums.
They could be, but not on a political board. Atheists and commies will be crapping on religious threads as long as they are posted on political forum sites, and I will never report them. I'll never agree with them either, but religious threads on political boards are fair game for political attacks. Mods will be busy till the end of time if they try to interfere with the language of politics on a political discussion site.

They could be, but not on a political board.

to the contrary, they are, and are treated differently.
The way to deal with lefty commie atheists who "troll" religious threads is to let righties and Christians troll them back. Sweet political discourse. Let the mods clean up the spam bot accounts, and let the political enemies debate.

So, you're all for discussing Politics in Sports, Religion in the TV forum, Health and Lifestyle in Computers, etc?

Why bother having any forums?

Just have one, General Discussion, and view the melee?
Fallacy. I have only discussed religion and politics sections. Are you having a hard time understanding that righties and lefties are based on completely different religious values?

Are you having a hard time understanding that righties and lefties are based on completely different religious values?

Are you having a hard time understanding that religion belongs in Religion and Ethics, and politics belongs in Politics?
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