Religion reduces deviance..and that is why the left hates religion.

Deviance like this? Yeah I hate them and any who follow in their footsteps.

That has nothing whatever to do with the topic, boob. And yes, it was deviant, when it took place, some 40 years ago.

I can hear the gears in your head creaking.
F*ck..Now scientists are so right and have the correct information, but with Global warming the scientist are all wrong.
You have no credibility now.

“Religion, independent of social
class, reduces deviance.”

"For example, consider the latest research of David B. Larson, the medical research scientist who pioneered the development of research on public health outcomes (physical health, mental health, addictions) that led to new training programs at Harvard and three dozen other medical schools.

"With criminologist Byron Johnson, Larson has reviewed some 400 juvenile delinquency studies published between 1980 and 1997. They report that “the better the study design and measurement methodology, the greater the likelihood the research will produce statistically significant and beneficial results associated with ‘the faith factor.’”

"In other words, the more scientific the study, the more optimistic are its
findings about the extent to which “religion reduces deviance.”

And heaven knows, we can't have this:

"...a 1996 synopsis of faith factor research, Patrick Fagan of the Heritage Foundation summarized studies
suggesting that religion enhances family stability (the family that prays together is indeed more likely to stay together), improves health, reduces adolescent sexual activities and teenage pregnancies, cuts alcohol and drug abuse, and reinforces other measures of “social stability.”
Pssst..the scientists think man made global warming is a joke. In case you missed it.

I think the problem here is that progressive nutbags don't recognize science when they see it. They attribute the term *science* to a lot of silliness that isn't science, and they deny science when it's valid...but shows their idiotic policies as idiocy.
Just what I said. you have no credibility.

Pssst..the scientists think man made global warming is a joke. In case you missed it.

I think the problem here is that progressive nutbags don't recognize science when they see it. They attribute the term *science* to a lot of silliness that isn't science, and they deny science when it's valid...but shows their idiotic policies as idiocy.
Just what I said. you have no credibility.

Pssst..the scientists think man made global warming is a joke. In case you missed it.

I think the problem here is that progressive nutbags don't recognize science when they see it. They attribute the term *science* to a lot of silliness that isn't science, and they deny science when it's valid...but shows their idiotic policies as idiocy.

Good grief, are you on drugs?
First you disagree with me, and say I have no credibility, then you agree with me, and say I have no credibility.

What sort of dope is your poison? I think you should buy (or steal) better quality stuff.
That has nothing whatever to do with the topic, boob. And yes, it was deviant, when it took place, some 40 years ago.

I can hear the gears in your head creaking.

Of course it does. Religion often inspires deviants. Jim Jones, Suicide bombers, Doctor killers.......
You have no credibility at all with trying to use one side of science then revert to another.

Just what I said. you have no credibility.

Pssst..the scientists think man made global warming is a joke. In case you missed it.

I think the problem here is that progressive nutbags don't recognize science when they see it. They attribute the term *science* to a lot of silliness that isn't science, and they deny science when it's valid...but shows their idiotic policies as idiocy.

Good grief, are you on drugs?
First you disagree with me, and say I have no credibility, then you agree with me, and say I have no credibility.

What sort of dope is your poison? I think you should buy (or steal) better quality stuff.
“Religion, independent of social
class, reduces deviance.”

"For example, consider the latest research of David B. Larson, the medical research scientist who pioneered the development of research on public health outcomes (physical health, mental health, addictions) that led to new training programs at Harvard and three dozen other medical schools.

"With criminologist Byron Johnson, Larson has reviewed some 400 juvenile delinquency studies published between 1980 and 1997. They report that “the better the study design and measurement methodology, the greater the likelihood the research will produce statistically significant and beneficial results associated with ‘the faith factor.’”

"In other words, the more scientific the study, the more optimistic are its
findings about the extent to which “religion reduces deviance.”

And heaven knows, we can't have this:

"...a 1996 synopsis of faith factor research, Patrick Fagan of the Heritage Foundation summarized studies
suggesting that religion enhances family stability (the family that prays together is indeed more likely to stay together), improves health, reduces adolescent sexual activities and teenage pregnancies, cuts alcohol and drug abuse, and reinforces other measures of “social stability.”

Pssst..the scientists think man made global warming is a joke. In case you missed it.

I think the problem here is that progressive nutbags don't recognize science when they see it. They attribute the term *science* to a lot of silliness that isn't science, and they deny science when it's valid...but shows their idiotic policies as idiocy.

Einstein said that "the word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish."

Einstein letter calls Bible pretty childish - US news - Faith NBC News
A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
Albert Einstein
"Religion reduces deviance..and that is why the left hates religion."

This is true idiocy on many levels.

There is no consensus as to what constitutes 'deviance,' many on the social right, for example, consider homosexuality to be 'deviancy,' when in fact it's not, particularly considering the majority of homosexuals are persons of faith. Perceptions of what's 'deviance' is often subjective and unsubstantiated.

With regard to criminal acts considered 'deviance,' there is no objective, documented evidence that religion 'reduces' such behavior.

And as for 'the left' 'hating' religion, this is remarkably moronic, as the vast majority of those on 'the left' are also persons of faith.

By "religion", the OP means to say "Christianity", but decides to use the blanket term of "religion" in order to sound more inclusive.

Kosherghoul loses yet again.
“Religion, independent of social
class, reduces deviance.f

The lie in this thread is that the 'left' hates religion.
Portrait and Demographics of United states Religious Affiliation -- Pew Forum on Religion Public Life

Most of the 'left' are religious.

Party Affiliation Among Mainline Churches


Lean Republican


Lean Democratic


Other/ no preference/ don't know/ refused

Party Affiliation Among Historically Black Churches


Lean Republican


Lean Democratic


Other/ no preference/ don't know/ refused

Party Affiliation Among Catholics


Lean Republican


Lean Democratic


Other/ no preference/ don't know/ refused

Forum List
