Religious people less intelligent than atheists?

I guess not believing in the Easter Bunny is a belief system too. It's like talking to children .

I guess some people do not understand English.

Belief: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence.

But logic tells us the events in the bible are not validated by history or the laws of nature.

When the Bible tells us that Rome had control of Jerusalem 2000 years ago we can use logic and history to show that this is not true? Seriously?

Which God? There have been hundreds throughout history. Do you believe in them all? You must because you just questioned the logic in not believing in god.

You got something right, you should build on it.

Not one atheist has ever stated they could prove God does not exist. Just like you cannot prove there is one.

Not one? Have you ever heard of Stephen Hawking?

Here are the better options:

1 You believe in God
2 You are not sure whether there is a god or not
3 You don't believe God exists
4 You believe in another God/Gods

What makes them better?

Anything is possible. Zeus could exist, there is a possibility but I'm sure most christians don't even believe in him. Many believers of God are believers without having a personal experience.

Not true. There are many things that are impossible.

And nothing wromg with non-beliefs.

Other than your insistence that left is right?
You're the one that brought up liquefied air. I asked you about oxygen.
And Like I said before, we can detect oxygen. What does this have to do with proving a negative?

Without sensors how can you detect anything? how do you know that oxygen is their? can you see it? feel it? Taste it
Prove to me that oxygen exist.
Sure. All we have to do is round up a closed cylinder and put you in it. We will know the oxygen is their while you are still breathing. We will know the oxygen will be gone when you are dead.
This atheist knows there are militant atheists. He says Dawkins is one of them.
I didn't know that RJ Eskow was the deciding factor as to who should fall on that title.
Anyone who says religion must be eliminated is a militant atheist.
Yet the definition says one who uses verbal or violent aggression.

No quotes in this piece as to who said "Religion Must Be Destroyed"

This is from another forum board and yes this person feels society would be better to eliminate religion. He's not being aggressive and it's a very thoughtful piece. I will have to read all of it later.

I usually get bored of Sam Harris's lectures but this was a pretty good piece. Thanks for posting it.
Did I say there was no such thing. I asked who on the board here was being militant? You have a very dishonest debate style. Is it the only way you can communicate?
And Like I said before, we can detect oxygen. What does this have to do with proving a negative?

Without sensors how can you detect anything? how do you know that oxygen is their? can you see it? feel it? Taste it
Prove to me that oxygen exist.
Sure. All we have to do is round up a closed cylinder and put you in it. We will know the oxygen is their while you are still breathing. We will know the oxygen will be gone when you are dead.

How do you know it's there ? It's just faith isn't it?
Did I say there was no such thing. I asked who on the board here was being militant? You have a very dishonest debate style. Is it the only way you can communicate?

Good Gaea's gargantuan gazongas.

I never said anyone on this board, you raging imbecile.

Now stop with the strawman. I know it makes you feel better about yourself, but it's dishonest.
Why do militant atheists give Christians a boatload of hassle, but are silent on other faiths?
Let me put it this way... a person cannot be offended by someone unless (a) there is an element of truth in the offending claim, or (b) the offended person gives the other person some credibility.

For the THOUSANDTH time, this is not about being offended by a religious symbol or word. It is about respect in sharing common ground. People of many different beliefs and non-belief "share" government resources and it is pretty obnoxious when one portion of the population decides to commandeer those resources by putting up their own religious display to the exclusion of others. If Arlington National Cemetery erected a display at the entrance with a huge Muslim star and crescent, you can bet that the christians would have a shit fit. Why, then, is it OK for them to erect a christian cross? Unless they can erect a display for every one of the thousands of religious beliefs, then the fairest way is to have NO religious display on common ground (and this obviously does not bar individual religious symbols on headstones). Religious neutrality in government does not violate anyone's religious freedom.
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A cross or a star on an individual headstone is not a "religioius display" in the same manner as the other cases we've discussed. I don't think you're bright enough to understand what the distinction is and why. Do you need me to dumb it down for you?

What other cases have we discussed? I don't recall discussing any religious displays with you. If a cross on a headstone is not a religious display, why is a cross that is not on a headstone a religious display if it is placed somewhere with the same intent?

We touched on religious displays on the thread about the idiot kid who read the Lords Prayer at a graduation ceremony. Are you not the same windbag that was discussing it with me?

A cross on an individual headstone represents the individual. A huge cross at the entrance to the cemetery implies that it represents the entire cemetery.
These incoherent siblings of mental chaos clearly do not have the faintest knowledge of basic logic.


Using basic logic, explain to me why it is impossible to prove a negative.

Since you can't, and it is actually possible to prove a negative, does that prove I don't understand logic?

I never said you can't prove a negative. I said you can't prove that something does not exist and that inability is not proof that the "something" DOES exist. It just means that the challenge to prove non-existence is logically meaningless. Have you ever heard of "Russell's teapot"?

Russell's Teapot - RationalWiki
I would argue that "religious" people are actually smarter. The Born-Again Christians and devout Jews are going to Heaven for eternity. The atheists are going to fry in Hell forever. Who's stupid now?
False dichotomy -- unless atheists are withholding parachutes from believers. :lol:

December 10, 1999, a C-130 almost crashed in Kuwait.

I was on board.

After the plane struck the desert floor at Al Jaber, it regained the air. The loadmasters strung cargo straps from the front bulkhead of the cargo deck to the rear -- they were afraid the fuselage would come apart in flight. The impact, the tears in the airplane from the landing gear components punching up though into the cargo deck, the smell of hydraulic fluid, the sound of the wind coming through the holed fuselage, the sight of Airmen attending to the wounded -- all terrifying. We were packed in tight. Couldn't move. Couldn't do anything.

Couldn't do anything but pray.

For 45 minutes, while we flew over the Gulf dumping fuel, I prayed.

I prayed to God that He would take care of my girls -- my wife and my almost-4-year-old daughter -- and that if He had to take those of us on the Herc, that it would be quick and painless. I prayed that He would guide the aircrew to bring us safely to a halt back at Kuwait International. I prayed that those who had been injured at the point of impact would be okay, and that they weren't in any pain (I found out later that three Airmen had died. I spoke with a flight nurse and a chaplain later during counselling, and the nurse said that with the injuries of those killed, they would have never regained consciousness, and thus died in no pain. That was important to me).

God's given me peace over this accident. I haven't had any nightmares, no sleepless nights, no PTSD, nothing. I'm forever grateful for that, and that I had my faith to lean on during a terrifying time.

Perhaps, like many atheists, you simply don't understand the nature of faith. As for your claim: "But when it comes down to a matter of life and death, many religious folks will toss aside their beliefs and rely on reality" -- that simply doesn't hold up to reality.

Christians die for their faith every day.
The January 2011 issue of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research reported the number of Christian martyrs per year peaked at around 160,000 in the year 2000, but since the cessation of hostilities in the Sudan it had fallen to around 100,000 per year.

A second source cited by the Italian sociologist, The Price of Freedom Denied, published by sociologists Brian J. Grim and Roger Finke, estimated the number of Christian martyrs per year was higher, ranging from 130,000 and 160,000.

His estimate of 105,000 Christian martyrs in 2011, “between 287 and 288 martyrs per day: twelve per hour, or one every five minutes,” was a conservative estimate that could be adjusted up or down. “At any rate, figures are horribly high. This is the situation I wanted to alert the audience to in Gödöllo,” he said.​

You may have no beliefs you're willing to die for. But don't project that onto everyone.

To whomever wrote the above description of the almost plane crash. Get a fuckin grip!!!!
I wrote it. Moron.
Fly with better pilots !!! I've had several almost crashes from overloaded cargo when I was smugglin. Stupid fucking Colombians !!! Stop whining !!! The pilot is in absolute charge of weight and balance on the loading of an aircraft. You should have pulled his ass out of the cockpit upon landing and beat the stupid cocksucker to an inch of his life. Also he should have had his medical removed for life for almost getting everyone killed.

That is all.
In the military, you don't get to pick and choose who your aircrew is. Moron. And 86 passengers and no cargo will NOT overload a C-130. Moron.

THAT is all.

Dumbass... 86 passengers with gear avg 200 lbs? 17,200 lbs? You are probably right that cargo(passengers) was not the cause of the irradic flying. So if you are too much of a pussy to kick the pilot's ass for almost getting you killed that's not my concern.

Praying is stupid. Which brings us back to the topic at hand. Spend less time praying and more time making sure the aircraft is airworthy and the pilot is held responsible for safe proceedures. "God" had nothing to do with it. Reading your whiney little story reminds me of why I never joined the military.
I would argue that "religious" people are actually smarter. The Born-Again Christians and devout Jews are going to Heaven for eternity. The atheists are going to fry in Hell forever. Who's stupid now?

If only you could prove such a thing.
I would argue that "religious" people are actually smarter. The Born-Again Christians and devout Jews are going to Heaven for eternity. The atheists are going to fry in Hell forever. Who's stupid now?
If only you could prove such a thing.
Fantasy reigns supreme in the brains of religious fanatics.

Why do militant atheists give Christians a boatload of hassle, but are silent on other faiths?
Let me put it this way... a person cannot be offended by someone unless (a) there is an element of truth in the offending claim, or (b) the offended person gives the other person some credibility.

For the THOUSANDTH time, this is not about being offended by a religious symbol or word. It is about respect in sharing common ground. People of many different beliefs and non-belief "share" government resources and it is pretty obnoxious when one portion of the population decides to commandeer those resources by putting up their own religious display to the exclusion of others. If Arlington National Cemetery erected a display at the entrance with a huge Muslim star and crescent, you can bet that the christians would have a shit fit. Why, then, is it OK for them to erect a christian cross? Unless they can erect a display for every one of the thousands of religious beliefs, then the fairest way is to have NO religious display on common ground (and this obviously does not bar individual religious symbols on headstones). Religious neutrality in government does not violate anyone's religious freedom.

Absolutely not! A Star and Crescent, a statue of Buddha and any other symbol of faith representing the beliefs of those interred there, BELONG there. As usual, you don't get the concept.
It is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.
Can you believe that 3 + 5 = 12 if you choose to? Proof is not dependent on belief.

I know that 3+5=12 in base 6, does that prove you are smart?

Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

It just proves that you're a wise ass, which is not necessarily a bad thing but you understood the point I was making. Base 10 is assumed when no other number system is specified.

Being a wise ass is better than being an idiot that thinks bold font makes him look smart.
These incoherent siblings of mental chaos clearly do not have the faintest knowledge of basic logic.


Using basic logic, explain to me why it is impossible to prove a negative.

Since you can't, and it is actually possible to prove a negative, does that prove I don't understand logic?

I never said you can't prove a negative. I said you can't prove that something does not exist and that inability is not proof that the "something" DOES exist. It just means that the challenge to prove non-existence is logically meaningless. Have you ever heard of "Russell's teapot"?

Russell's Teapot - RationalWiki

Except that it is possible to prove things do not exist. The fact that you are so stupid that you throwing out a strawman wins the argument just proves that I am correct when I point out that the problem lies with your lack of education.
I would argue that "religious" people are actually smarter. The Born-Again Christians and devout Jews are going to Heaven for eternity. The atheists are going to fry in Hell forever. Who's stupid now?


"Who's stupid now?" That would be those that believe in fairy tales.. you. Why don't you just admit you are stupid. No amount of jibberish will make your wishfull thinking reality.

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