Religious removal of body parts

And just like my teeth I would have to scrub the little bastard every night to avoid infections.

And so on and so forth with many parts of the body that require maintenance.
I asked you to take off your glasses...did you?
Wonderful, an answer. Yes, your penis would work perfectly if someone did not take a knife to it so therefore doing so is completely unnecessary. God did not make a mistake that we have to correct. No cutting is required. Case close.
Who ever claimed it was a physical mistake? You.
It's a spiritual impediment.
You know, like the Greeks and Romans parading their foreskins.
If God made no mistake giving males a foreskin then there is absolutely no reason to remove it simply for religious reasons. As I said, case closed. The cutting a child's genitals for purely religious should be banned
You are conflating God's Physical Creation with his Spiritual Creation and mankind's mission to make the two meet.
In other words, you came to a gunfight with a speck of sand.
Only Jews can be close to God, and only if they are male and circumcised?
Nope! Iyov was not a Jew.
There are many non-Jews in The Jewish Scripture who are Godly people and attained prophecy and great blessings.
You see, we ain't the NT where everybody is going to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
It's just the obligation of circumcision is on a Jewish male.
Why would a perfect being need to create other perfect beings?
Ponder that, Zohar expert.
You're actually revealing that you know nothing but sound bites.

Try reading the Way of God.

Well, I didn't say that I follow the Zohar.
I'm not Jewish after-all.

I just don't quite grasp why a perfect God would have such trouble creating perfect beings
Excuse me!
You very well did state that you studied the Zohar a scant few posts ago.
You're all sound bite bullshit.

Well, I said about Gehinnom being in the Zohar.

I know that much, but I haven't studied the Zohar.
Sound bite...just what I're a sound bite bullshit artist.

Well, I did enough research to find this.

It sounds similar to the Christian Hell.
Grow up!
The Christian concept of the spiritual world is a comic book...a bad comic book.
I can't explain to you in a Thread what people take 2 or 3 years of study to learn.
Stop thinking Physical.
Just to remind you, your original train of thought was that God created humans perfect.
I bitch slapped you on that one.
I never said circumcision was necessary for physical function.
You just came up with that one yourself because your "Perfect at Birth" statement fell hard on it's face.
Sure is a good thing the servers save all this.
Spin can't help you now, my little Zionists. It might be a Jewish custom but it is also - entirely unnecessary.
It is entirely necessary or we might become like atheists and start murdering people all over the world.
Except, as Jews, we would be much more efficient and get it done in under a week.
The magic foreskin removal procedure that also removes the ability for the Jews to be murderous except you say they'd be much better at it? Sure thing. If Jews had a foreskin they'd be murderous atheists?
Jew are better at everything.
That's why uneducated non-Jews like yourself hate us.
Non-Jews are known as, Gentiles.
Goyim (Nations).
Just as all the nations refer to themselves as the United Nations and the Jews as "The Jews".
I have never looked up the definition of Gentile because English is such a poor language to translate from Hebrew.
Well, I didn't say that I follow the Zohar.
I'm not Jewish after-all.

I just don't quite grasp why a perfect God would have such trouble creating perfect beings
Excuse me!
You very well did state that you studied the Zohar a scant few posts ago.
You're all sound bite bullshit.

Well, I said about Gehinnom being in the Zohar.

I know that much, but I haven't studied the Zohar.
Sound bite...just what I're a sound bite bullshit artist.

Well, I did enough research to find this.

It sounds similar to the Christian Hell.
Grow up!
The Christian concept of the spiritual world is a comic book...a bad comic book.
I can't explain to you in a Thread what people take 2 or 3 years of study to learn.
Stop thinking Physical.

Well, you certainly aren't making Jews look good to Christians. LOL
Just to remind you, your original train of thought was that God created humans perfect.
I bitch slapped you on that one.
I never said circumcision was necessary for physical function.
You just came up with that one yourself because your "Perfect at Birth" statement fell hard on it's face.
Sure is a good thing the servers save all this.
Spin can't help you now, my little Zionists. It might be a Jewish custom but it is also - entirely unnecessary.
It is entirely necessary or we might become like atheists and start murdering people all over the world.
Except, as Jews, we would be much more efficient and get it done in under a week.
The magic foreskin removal procedure that also removes the ability for the Jews to be murderous except you say they'd be much better at it? Sure thing. If Jews had a foreskin they'd be murderous atheists?
Uncircumcised Jews usually assimilate and become ordinary.
Therefore, unworthy.
Not according to halacha...
They are considered kidnapped.
The prophets say that at the end of time the ones who would have not assimilited except for their parents will be redeemed.
The others, I have no idea.

I believe it's time for you to post yet another anti-Jew post.
Excuse me!
You very well did state that you studied the Zohar a scant few posts ago.
You're all sound bite bullshit.

Well, I said about Gehinnom being in the Zohar.

I know that much, but I haven't studied the Zohar.
Sound bite...just what I're a sound bite bullshit artist.

Well, I did enough research to find this.

It sounds similar to the Christian Hell.
Grow up!
The Christian concept of the spiritual world is a comic book...a bad comic book.
I can't explain to you in a Thread what people take 2 or 3 years of study to learn.
Stop thinking Physical.

Well, you certainly aren't making Jews look good to Christians. LOL
I know your style already...
You don't dislike Jews.
You don't think about Jews.
Jews are scum.
Why are you Jews upset, after all, I don't dislike Jews?

Either you're dumb as dog shit or you're playing a poor poker hand.
Spin can't help you now, my little Zionists. It might be a Jewish custom but it is also - entirely unnecessary.
It is entirely necessary or we might become like atheists and start murdering people all over the world.
Except, as Jews, we would be much more efficient and get it done in under a week.
The magic foreskin removal procedure that also removes the ability for the Jews to be murderous except you say they'd be much better at it? Sure thing. If Jews had a foreskin they'd be murderous atheists?
Uncircumcised Jews usually assimilate and become ordinary.
Therefore, unworthy.
Not according to halacha...
They are considered kidnapped.
The prophets say that at the end of time the ones who would have not assimilited except for their parents will be redeemed.
The others, I have no idea.

I believe it's time for you to post yet another anti-Jew post.
No reason to. Everything you post makes people hate Jews.

Unfortunately, not my goal. Like Israel itself, you are bad for the Jews.
It's just the obligation of circumcision is on a Jewish male.
Circumcision, as we all know now, is unnecessary. There is no reason for us to allow such a thing.
So start a movement to stop it.
There are movements all around the world to stop religious ceremonies.
Can we also stop Priests raping boys and Muslims beheading people and atheists murdering people?
Of course not, only JEWS ARE EVIL!
It is entirely necessary or we might become like atheists and start murdering people all over the world.
Except, as Jews, we would be much more efficient and get it done in under a week.
The magic foreskin removal procedure that also removes the ability for the Jews to be murderous except you say they'd be much better at it? Sure thing. If Jews had a foreskin they'd be murderous atheists?
Uncircumcised Jews usually assimilate and become ordinary.
Therefore, unworthy.
Not according to halacha...
They are considered kidnapped.
The prophets say that at the end of time the ones who would have not assimilited except for their parents will be redeemed.
The others, I have no idea.

I believe it's time for you to post yet another anti-Jew post.
No reason to. Everything you post makes people hate Jews.

Unfortunately, not my goal. Like Israel itself, you are bad for the Jews.
How can I post anything to cause you to feel something you're already expressing?
Well, I said about Gehinnom being in the Zohar.

I know that much, but I haven't studied the Zohar.
Sound bite...just what I're a sound bite bullshit artist.

Well, I did enough research to find this.

It sounds similar to the Christian Hell.
Grow up!
The Christian concept of the spiritual world is a comic book...a bad comic book.
I can't explain to you in a Thread what people take 2 or 3 years of study to learn.
Stop thinking Physical.

Well, you certainly aren't making Jews look good to Christians. LOL
I know your style already...
You don't dislike Jews.
You don't think about Jews.
Jews are scum.
Why are you Jews upset, after all, I don't dislike Jews?

Either you're dumb as dog shit or you're playing a poor poker hand.

I don't necessarily dislike individual Jews, but the Jewish collective is pretty sickening, as are many other ethnic collectives.
It's just the obligation of circumcision is on a Jewish male.
Circumcision, as we all know now, is unnecessary. There is no reason for us to allow such a thing.
So start a movement to stop it.
There are movements all around the world to stop religious ceremonies.
Can we also stop Priests raping boys and Muslims beheading people and atheists murdering people?
Of course not, only JEWS ARE EVIL!
The Zionists, not the Jews, have a lot of murderous company. Plenty of evil to go around including that of many Jews.
The magic foreskin removal procedure that also removes the ability for the Jews to be murderous except you say they'd be much better at it? Sure thing. If Jews had a foreskin they'd be murderous atheists?
Uncircumcised Jews usually assimilate and become ordinary.
Therefore, unworthy.
Not according to halacha...
They are considered kidnapped.
The prophets say that at the end of time the ones who would have not assimilited except for their parents will be redeemed.
The others, I have no idea.

I believe it's time for you to post yet another anti-Jew post.
No reason to. Everything you post makes people hate Jews.

Unfortunately, not my goal. Like Israel itself, you are bad for the Jews.
How can I post anything to cause you to feel something you're already expressing?
I don't hate the Jews. I hate Zionists, and Jews like you.
Why do so many Jews say there's no Jewish version of Hell?
When we see Gehinnom?

Is it ignorance, or dishonesty that Jews don't want to bring up Gehinnom?
You are a phucking moron.
Gehinnom is the result of denying that which God has stuck in your face and one has too much of an ego to admit it.
What happens when one is faced with the truth?
We won't know until we pass away.
We know we hope it isn't our own personal Gehinnom.
And yes, Gehinnom is a personal experience.
Do you think for a second you're gonna find real explanations on the Internet when those who know this stuff know full well there are hateful assholes like you waiting to willingly pervert the explanations?
Uncircumcised Jews usually assimilate and become ordinary.
Therefore, unworthy.
Not according to halacha...
They are considered kidnapped.
The prophets say that at the end of time the ones who would have not assimilited except for their parents will be redeemed.
The others, I have no idea.

I believe it's time for you to post yet another anti-Jew post.
No reason to. Everything you post makes people hate Jews.

Unfortunately, not my goal. Like Israel itself, you are bad for the Jews.
How can I post anything to cause you to feel something you're already expressing?
I don't hate the Jews. I hate Zionists, and Jews like you.
You do hate Jews because circumcision has zero to do with Zionism.
In fact, there are a multitude of assimilated Zionists who wouldn't give a thought to circumcising their sons.
What dumb ass bitches like you don't understand is that 90% of the Zionists you so hate aren't religious at all.
And yet, they will still bomb the attacked Arabs into the next world if they're attacked.
Why do so many Jews say there's no Jewish version of Hell?
When we see Gehinnom?

Is it ignorance, or dishonesty that Jews don't want to bring up Gehinnom?
You are a phucking moron.
Gehinnom is the result of denying that which God has stuck in your face and one has too much of an ego to admit it.
What happens when one is faced with the truth?
We won't know until we pass away.
We know we hope it isn't our own personal Gehinnom.
And yes, Gehinnom is a personal experience.
Do you think for a second you're gonna find real explanations on the Internet when those who know this stuff know full well there are hateful assholes like you waiting to willingly pervert the explanations?

Well, I've never really understood why God needs to be worshiped, and recognized if they are so powerful as the almighty.

You're talking about a God that kind of sounds like a jerk..
Really those who don[t recognize God's clues deserve to be punished?
Therefore, unworthy.
Not according to halacha...
They are considered kidnapped.
The prophets say that at the end of time the ones who would have not assimilited except for their parents will be redeemed.
The others, I have no idea.

I believe it's time for you to post yet another anti-Jew post.
No reason to. Everything you post makes people hate Jews.

Unfortunately, not my goal. Like Israel itself, you are bad for the Jews.
How can I post anything to cause you to feel something you're already expressing?
I don't hate the Jews. I hate Zionists, and Jews like you.
You do hate Jews because circumcision has zero to do with Zionism.
In fact, there are a multitude of assimilated Zionists who wouldn't give a thought to circumcising their sons.
What dumb ass bitches like you don't understand is that 90% of the Zionists you so hate aren't religious at all.
And yet, they will still bomb the attacked Arabs into the next world if they're attacked.
Protecting the genitals of small children is not antisemitism. Zionism only came up because anyone who questions a Jew here is immediately called a Jew-hater. And most Zionists aren't Jews they are Christians who believe total nonsense about Israel.
Why do so many Jews say there's no Jewish version of Hell?
When we see Gehinnom?

Is it ignorance, or dishonesty that Jews don't want to bring up Gehinnom?
You are a phucking moron.
Gehinnom is the result of denying that which God has stuck in your face and one has too much of an ego to admit it.
What happens when one is faced with the truth?
We won't know until we pass away.
We know we hope it isn't our own personal Gehinnom.
And yes, Gehinnom is a personal experience.
Do you think for a second you're gonna find real explanations on the Internet when those who know this stuff know full well there are hateful assholes like you waiting to willingly pervert the explanations?

Well, I've never really understood why God needs to be worshiped, and recognized if they are so powerful as the almighty.

You're talking about a God that kind of sounds like a jerk..
Really those who don[t recognize God's clues deserve to be punished?
Define worship.
Heck, is there even a Hebrew equivalent.
Ah! Good old RCC really fucked up mankind and you're wondering why Yeshua is feeling the pain.

Do you ever read what I post?
Did I say clues or prophecy?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Take a sedative already, you hateful asshole.
Not according to halacha...
They are considered kidnapped.
The prophets say that at the end of time the ones who would have not assimilited except for their parents will be redeemed.
The others, I have no idea.

I believe it's time for you to post yet another anti-Jew post.
No reason to. Everything you post makes people hate Jews.

Unfortunately, not my goal. Like Israel itself, you are bad for the Jews.
How can I post anything to cause you to feel something you're already expressing?
I don't hate the Jews. I hate Zionists, and Jews like you.
You do hate Jews because circumcision has zero to do with Zionism.
In fact, there are a multitude of assimilated Zionists who wouldn't give a thought to circumcising their sons.
What dumb ass bitches like you don't understand is that 90% of the Zionists you so hate aren't religious at all.
And yet, they will still bomb the attacked Arabs into the next world if they're attacked.
Protecting the genitals of small children is not antisemitism. Zionism only came up because anyone who questions a Jew here is immediately called a Jew-hater. And most Zionists aren't Jews they are Christians who believe total nonsense about Israel.
The Christians want the Rapture and I let everyone know we don't need such support.
Any Human who doesn't trust in God won't get anywhere anyhow.

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