Remake "Roots"; But make Toby a white Irish actor. Would it be ok?

Hey Kids... It's Time For Some Dumb Myths And Smart Facts About Slavery! | VICE | United States

You need to learn your history.

15,000,000 slaves were taken from Africa to our hemisphere. 6% went to America. Yep. But we don't give Brazil shit do we?

White slaves outnumbered black ones through the 1600-1700s. 250 years later...white descendants don't care.

It's mathematically impossible for even half of whites to have owned slaves. At its PEAK...only 1.5% of American whites owned slaves.

"Slave" comes from the root word "Slav" because pale white Slavs were enslaved at such a high rate.

In the medieval ages...blacks actually enslaved whites.

Read up.

The original point we've been discussing is that you claimed more white slaves were brought to America than black and that is hysterically wrong. Now you're trying to expand this discussion to our hemisphere and the medieval ages. lol. Pasting snippets of articles you've googled today doesn't make you historian, it just makes you lazy.

Read up..and by that I mean actual books and scholarly articles, not whatever jazz you lazily googled.

Um....there were. I stand by that. And yes...I expanded to other facts of slavery that most public school educated kids will never be taught.

No, white slaves didn't out number black slaves in America. You pulled that directly from your ass. You didn't expand on anything, you pasted a mishmash of quotes from the top two articles you googled. lol. What you think 'most public schools educated kids will never be taught' has never been apart of this conversation.

They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.
If it's a fact, you can provide accurate numbers, can't you?

Accurate? No. Speculative? Yes. Because if your read'd also see that white slaves and their families were ashamed of it and often denied it. You know...the whole pride and strength concept...never admitting your people are so easily conquered. Once white slaves were freed..they'd want it forgotten. However...Historians have speculated at estimate of just how many. If you're interested...sure...I'll find some different estimates for ya.
They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.


Whatever dude, It isn't my job to teach to the history of this nation. You'll just go on believing whatever the fuck confirms your bias. lol.
The original point we've been discussing is that you claimed more white slaves were brought to America than black and that is hysterically wrong. Now you're trying to expand this discussion to our hemisphere and the medieval ages. lol. Pasting snippets of articles you've googled today doesn't make you historian, it just makes you lazy.

Read up..and by that I mean actual books and scholarly articles, not whatever jazz you lazily googled.

Um....there were. I stand by that. And yes...I expanded to other facts of slavery that most public school educated kids will never be taught.

No, white slaves didn't out number black slaves in America. You pulled that directly from your ass. You didn't expand on anything, you pasted a mishmash of quotes from the top two articles you googled. lol. What you think 'most public schools educated kids will never be taught' has never been apart of this conversation.

They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.
If it's a fact, you can provide accurate numbers, can't you?

Accurate? No. Speculative? Yes. Because if your read'd also see that white slaves and their families were ashamed of it and often denied it. You know...the whole pride and strength concept...never admitting your people are so easily conquered. Once white slaves were freed..they'd want it forgotten. However...Historians have speculated at estimate of just how many. If you're interested...sure...I'll find some different estimates for ya.
So...white slaves were freed with the end of the Civil War too?
They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.


Whatever dude, It isn't my job to teach to the history of this nation. You'll just go on believing whatever the fuck confirms your bias. lol.

Yeah. Most libs aren't interested in learning history beyond what their pony tailed male college professor says. "Mmmkay....whites made blacks slaves...and white privilege....mmmmkay"
The original point we've been discussing is that you claimed more white slaves were brought to America than black and that is hysterically wrong. Now you're trying to expand this discussion to our hemisphere and the medieval ages. lol. Pasting snippets of articles you've googled today doesn't make you historian, it just makes you lazy.

Read up..and by that I mean actual books and scholarly articles, not whatever jazz you lazily googled.

Um....there were. I stand by that. And yes...I expanded to other facts of slavery that most public school educated kids will never be taught.

No, white slaves didn't out number black slaves in America. You pulled that directly from your ass. You didn't expand on anything, you pasted a mishmash of quotes from the top two articles you googled. lol. What you think 'most public schools educated kids will never be taught' has never been apart of this conversation.

They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.
If it's a fact, you can provide accurate numbers, can't you?

Accurate? No. Speculative? Yes. Because if your read'd also see that white slaves and their families were ashamed of it and often denied it. You know...the whole pride and strength concept...never admitting your people are so easily conquered. Once white slaves were freed..they'd want it forgotten. However...Historians have speculated at estimate of just how many. If you're interested...sure...I'll find some different estimates for ya.
So did the white slaves have their language and religion stripped from them upon pain of death or dismemberment? Were they forbidden to learn how to read?
Um....there were. I stand by that. And yes...I expanded to other facts of slavery that most public school educated kids will never be taught.

No, white slaves didn't out number black slaves in America. You pulled that directly from your ass. You didn't expand on anything, you pasted a mishmash of quotes from the top two articles you googled. lol. What you think 'most public schools educated kids will never be taught' has never been apart of this conversation.

They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.
If it's a fact, you can provide accurate numbers, can't you?

Accurate? No. Speculative? Yes. Because if your read'd also see that white slaves and their families were ashamed of it and often denied it. You know...the whole pride and strength concept...never admitting your people are so easily conquered. Once white slaves were freed..they'd want it forgotten. However...Historians have speculated at estimate of just how many. If you're interested...sure...I'll find some different estimates for ya.
So...white slaves were freed with the end of the Civil War too?

Nope. They were freed by various ways. Although outlawing slavery would technically have freed the remaining ones. White slavery diminished as black slavery increased.
This OP also proves Buc is pretty limited in his ability to differentiate between the dynamics of white slavery and Black slavery. First he compares less than 100 years of white slavery with 3 centuries plus of race based Black chattel slavery. Then he pretends the white slaves went through the same racial discrimination and outright hatred that Blacks did. Finally he pretends after the Emancipation Proclamation everything was all good for Blacks and now they are just whining. :laugh:
They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.


Whatever dude, It isn't my job to teach to the history of this nation. You'll just go on believing whatever the fuck confirms your bias. lol.

Yeah. Most libs aren't interested in learning history beyond what their pony tailed male college professor says. "Mmmkay....whites made blacks slaves...and white privilege....mmmmkay"

Quoting a couple lines from the first two articles you googled doesn't make you a historian. It just makes you lazy. Stay in your lane. lol

Also, I am not a liberal. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrtive. lol
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White Cargo.

Deal with it.

It happened.

It's real.

Thousands upon thousands.

Thank you Cromwell.
Um....there were. I stand by that. And yes...I expanded to other facts of slavery that most public school educated kids will never be taught.

No, white slaves didn't out number black slaves in America. You pulled that directly from your ass. You didn't expand on anything, you pasted a mishmash of quotes from the top two articles you googled. lol. What you think 'most public schools educated kids will never be taught' has never been apart of this conversation.

They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.
If it's a fact, you can provide accurate numbers, can't you?

Accurate? No. Speculative? Yes. Because if your read'd also see that white slaves and their families were ashamed of it and often denied it. You know...the whole pride and strength concept...never admitting your people are so easily conquered. Once white slaves were freed..they'd want it forgotten. However...Historians have speculated at estimate of just how many. If you're interested...sure...I'll find some different estimates for ya.
So did the white slaves have their language and religion stripped from them upon pain of death or dismemberment? Were they forbidden to learn how to read?

They for the most part suffered the same if not more.

Think about the way slaves were regarded. This is just a basic. Your blacks were your prized possessions. Like a John Deere product. White slaves not so much. No white slave could out work a black.

As much as it makes me want to bazooka barf your slave from Africa was top of the line. From Ireland.........not so much.
White Slaves in America Outnumbered Black Slaves - Bet you didn't know that did you?

More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites.

I think Hollywood should remake the slave movie "Roots". But cast Toby as a white Irish character. Maybe Conan Obrien could be the lead.

"Whutch-yo name boy?"

"Aeden. Aeden O'Sullivan".

"Nope. Yo name Toby. I say Whutch-yo name boy"

"My name Aeden."

Hmmm. Wonder if the left would accept this as gleefully as the black Annie or black Bond or black Star Wars lead haha!!??

You go for it.

I am sure you will make a great Toby.

And then you can do the part where Chicken George is forced to go to the North- where Irish slaves have been set free....
White Slaves in America Outnumbered Black Slaves - Bet you didn't know that did you?

More whites were sold into slavery in America than blacks. Were you aware? Especially Irish whites.

I think Hollywood should remake the slave movie "Roots". But cast Toby as a white Irish character. Maybe Conan Obrien could be the lead.

"Whutch-yo name boy?"

"Aeden. Aeden O'Sullivan".

"Nope. Yo name Toby. I say Whutch-yo name boy"

"My name Aeden."

Hmmm. Wonder if the left would accept this as gleefully as the black Annie or black Bond or black Star Wars lead haha!!??

Can't wait to see black Gandalf and black midget Frodo. :D
No, white slaves didn't out number black slaves in America. You pulled that directly from your ass. You didn't expand on anything, you pasted a mishmash of quotes from the top two articles you googled. lol. What you think 'most public schools educated kids will never be taught' has never been apart of this conversation.

They did. You just don't want to research any more and learn history. White people in general VASTLY outnumbered naturally...the % may be lower but raw numbers higher. In the history of America from 1600-present....more whites have been enslaved than blacks. Fact.
If it's a fact, you can provide accurate numbers, can't you?

Accurate? No. Speculative? Yes. Because if your read'd also see that white slaves and their families were ashamed of it and often denied it. You know...the whole pride and strength concept...never admitting your people are so easily conquered. Once white slaves were freed..they'd want it forgotten. However...Historians have speculated at estimate of just how many. If you're interested...sure...I'll find some different estimates for ya.
So did the white slaves have their language and religion stripped from them upon pain of death or dismemberment? Were they forbidden to learn how to read?

They for the most part suffered the same if not more.

Think about the way slaves were regarded. This is just a basic. Your blacks were your prized possessions. Like a John Deere product. White slaves not so much. No white slave could out work a black.

As much as it makes me want to bazooka barf your slave from Africa was top of the line. From Ireland.........not so much.
You said all that but avoided my questions. Sounds like you were annoyed by the question but chose to deflect.
Out of curiosity, Bucs90, what makes this "Current Events"?

Lets make it "current".

There will be new series aired next week, Supergirl.
Supergirl has been around for decades and as we all know, she's white.
Maybe we should use SJW's own tactics against them and just complain that she isn't black, make them cancel or redo the show and make it diverse enough for 2015 America. To be current and politically correct, Supergirl should be black, and tranny.

I bet they'll at least make her boyfriend black.


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