Remember 50 Years Ago When "Socialism" Presented a Dire Threat to America?

Hardly slippery slope, just natural progression as shown by history. Where is there unregulated capitalism? The Constitution allows for an acceptable level of regulation, it doesn't allow for the socialist bullshit today's evil Democrats want.
The Constitution does not “allow for” for any of that.

I looked. The word socialism is not in the Constitution
The USSR was never socialist because you can't really be socialist unless you are a democratic republic.
The USSR did not execute 40 million. I don't really remember how many died, but it was just agricultural ignorance mostly.
It was call Lysenkoism.
Thank you for that primer on alternate reality, not sure how that is related to what is happening in the United States, but I'll at least suggest some useful reading for you:

Hardly slippery slope, just natural progression as shown by history. Where is there unregulated capitalism? The Constitution allows for an acceptable level of regulation, it doesn't allow for the socialist bullshit today's evil Democrats want.
Your reasoning was illogical.

Q. "Where is there unregulated capitalism?"
A. I don't know, I believe it is the goal of callous conservatism.

Post what you consider the level of regulations that evil Democrats want.
Look at these communist death cultists.

YOu lefty cucks are fucked in the head.

Did this happen?

It seems you have your opinions in your colon, very deep and up to your head in the ascending colon (no wonder all of your posts smell like shit).
No, I remember the older generation working hard for what they had and prospering quite well until the handouts began destroying our economy
USA: The world's largest economy since 1890.

The Chinese commies might surpass us soon, though.
Mea culpa.

Sky Pilot​

The Animals

He blesses the boys, as they stand in line
The smell of gun grease and their bayonets they shine
He's there to help them all that he can
To make them feel wanted he's a good holy man
Sky Pilot
Sky Pilot
How high can you fly?
You'll never, , never never, reach the sky
He smiles at the young soldiers, tells them it's all right
He knows of their fear in the forthcoming fight
Soon there'll be blood and many will die
Mothers and fathers back home they will cry
Sky Pilot
Sky pilot
How high can you fly?
You'll never, , never never, reach the sky
He mumbles a prayer and it ends with a smile
The order is given, they move down the line
But he'll stay behind, and he'll meditate
But it won't stop the bleeding, or ease the hate
As the young men move out into the battle zone
He feels good, with God you're never alone
He feels so tired as he lays on his bed
Hopes the men will find courage in the words that he said
Sky Pilot
Sky Pilot
How high can you fly?
You'll never, never, never, reach the sky
You're soldiers of God you must understand
The fate of your country is in your young hands
May God give you strength
Do your job well
If it all was worth it
Only time it will tell
In the morning they return with tears in their eyes
The stench of death lifts up to the skies
A young soldier so ill, looks at the Sky Pilot
Remembers the words 'Thou shalt not kill'.
Sky Pilot
Sky Pilot
How high can you fly?
You'll never, never, never, reach the sky

Sky Pilot, White Rabbit and Age of Destruction were played often on the Jukebox at the EM Club on 32nd St. San Diego, circa 1968.

Off topic, but it put my memories front and center when reading your comment.
I agree that you don't know the proper usage of "past" is.
I’m not worried about the grammar stuff. Let’s stay on topic. So socialism has grown over the PAST 50-75 years… have you seen sloth and financial collapse as a result?

It's a matter of degrees, not all or nothing. Many of us do not want a higher degree of socialism because it promotes sloth and leads to financial collapse.
I’m not worried about the grammar stuff.
Obviously, neither now nor in school.
So socialism has grown over the PAST 50-75 years… have you seen sloth and financial collapse as a result?
Yes. Crushing national debt and a massive intergenerational dependent class are prime examples.
The American National Socialist movement’s roots were well established during the Wilson Administration. FDR was an intellectual lazy President who couldn’t see beyond his silk stockings, LBJ knew all to well how to develop and maintain a plantation style voting block. As Marx points out first you start with education then build upon that, presto it’s what we have today, surprised? The only problem is what happens when you run out of everyone else’s money? Who will be the evil one to focus your wrath against? The Germans used the Jews, Italians non party members, who will the new and improved National Socialists target?
How has that worked out in Western Europe over the past 75 years? They are the happiest countries on earth for a reason.
If only the Democrats weren't deranged fascists bent on destroying the poor & middle class.

If only the Democrats actually supported things like socialized medicine rather than working so hard to be sure they NEVER happen.

Both political crime gangs do the bidding of the sociopathic kleptocracy, but at least the conservatives are a bit more honest about it.
yep. now look. We are completely fucked. Economically and socially.
Thanks alot federal supremacists. You still hold the title for stupidest mother fuckers on the planet. Even after all these years.
Obviously, neither now nor in school.

Yes. Crushing national debt and a massive intergenerational dependent class are prime examples.
That is hardly financial collapse. During that time span we have grown as the world superpower. The debt that you call crushing is not something that you or I even feel. Nor is your class of intergenerational dependants. Those are just buzz words. I know it’s coming next, wait-and-see right?
The debt that you call crushing is not something that you or I even feel.
Debt devalues the dollar.
A devalued dollar causes inflation.
It cost me $70 to fill my Lexus yesterday.
Try thinking beyond your agenda sometime, kid.
If you want to know who the Left are read the following. If you don't know the history on a declaration then look it up, because our leftists fulfilled all of this and much more, especially in light of COVID. You won't find a single leftist who can defend their kind against this.

Is that when America was inhabited by core Americans who shared a last name with dead soldiers?
You know...long before Democrats recruited tens of millions of desperate free shit voting foreign cockroaches who can't give two fucks about America's workings and founding characteristics?

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