Remember in 2014 - ALL repub congressmen voted against obamacare

There were 178 repubs in the house and they said nay. 40 repubs in the senate and 39 said nay and Jim Bunning did not vote.

Nothing bipartisan about this. This catastrophe is all the work of the welfare party.

Welfare Party? That would be Republicans. People in Blue States are so very tired of our money being used to fund right wing racist nutjobs whose states are not only disasters, but victims of a failed ideology.

how many welfare dollars are spent in california and new york? do some research, those two states get more welfare than the 10 biggest red states.
Redfish, a far right reactionary, and Contumacious, a poster who brings stain to Libertarianism, opinionate but cannot corroborate their opinions with facts and evidence.

What folding of the economy (which the TeaPoCraps tried last month and failed) are they referring to?

Both of them pay almost nothing in taxes and subsist off the rest of us. (Of course I can imitate them in making the wildest charges without evidence) :lol:
Keep telling yourself that next November. :lol:

I thought the ACA was suppose to tank Obama and the dems in 2012? :lol:

Are you quoting yourself? Knocking down your own strawman again?

Keep telling yourself the majority of Americans are not pissed off about this train wreck. Whatever form of self-soothing gets you through the day, right? :lol:


Only reason Obamacare didn't hurt them in 2012 is because too many still believed the big fats lies. Lower cost, my ass. Keep your insurance, my ass. Obama, what an ass.

I saw an interview with a cancer patient on the news. His previous insurance, that he really liked, had been paying for all his treatment. Now he lost it and cannot afford any of the plans that Obama says he is allowed to have, so he will go without and "let nature take it's course." Bad enough that costs are up, people are getting dropped and too many are losing their jobs. Now some will die all because of the unaffordable care act.

The liberals don't give a shit because they like it that the middle class people will die out or just go broke. What happens when the tax payers are all gone?
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Redfish, a far right reactionary, and Contumacious, a poster who brings stain to Libertarianism, opinionate but cannot corroborate their opinions with facts and evidence.

What folding of the economy (which the TeaPoCraps tried last month and failed) are they referring to?

Both of them pay almost nothing in taxes and subsist off the rest of us. (Of course I can imitate them in making the wildest charges without evidence) :lol:

:lol: I can't speak for contumacious, but my federal income tax bill last year was over 40K. Yes, I am one of the rich that you libs are so envious of.

I don't get anything from you, but I am sure that my taxes are buying your food.

The liberals don't give a shit because they like it that the middle class people will die out or just go broke. What happens when the tax payers are all gone?

Obozo loves what Mugabe did to zimbabwe and he wants it to happen in amerca. It will destroy our economy but dems will stay in power forever just like zanu-pf is doing in zim.
The GOP can win this next fall if it attacks ACA but does not follow TeaPoCrappic "let's shut down government and start a world depression" nonsense.

This is half true.

We want to shut down the government, in order to trigger a non-catastrophic recession; whilst returning to Constitutional Money (Gold and Silver).

On the other hand, the Marxists (Despotcrats) and Fascists (Repugnantcans) want to pander to the masses, by keeping this charade of fiat money going; unfortunately, as history has proven 100% of the time, fiat currencies always go through a hyperinflation phase before dying --- resulting in economic Armageddon, and extremely sudden and rapid --- food, water, fuel, tools, electric and fire will be the only form of "Money" for years; even Gold and Silver will be worthless until basic survival routines and procedures and regularly established.

The only "fast" way out of this economic "Judgement Day" is immediately restoring Authoritarian Rule --- precisely how the right-wing Fascist Hitler came to power, and the left-wing Lenin/Stalin and Mao.

Sometimes I suspect that the far-left "sheep" are actually aware of this and want it to happen; I believe they are actually more intelligent that the Neocon (fascist) sheep.

Too Big To Fail
Will Eventually


Article 1, Section 8:
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

Not "print money." The disastrous consequences of printed promissory fiat currency were very fresh in their minds then.

What are they (and the States) allowed to Coin?

Article 1, Section 9:
[nor] make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts
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I am still waiting for you to tell us how 30 members of the house had the power to shut down the govt.

You are continuing to lie.

The TeaPs held the majority for the House GOP caucus, the ability to pass legislation solely by a Republican vote.

The TeaPs held up Boehner's programs if they did not like them, denying him a caucus majority.

When Boehner boldly (and finally) opened up the vote to the whole House, the TeaPs folded.

That is going to happen more often this year as Boehner reaches across the aisle to gut the TeaP power.

What is going to happen when the taxpayers and the producers fold?

Who the fuck is going to feed and insure you?

Why don't learn to speak Spanish and move to Caracas? Oh, wait that requires an effort and you are one lazy ass motherfucker.

he's obama's professional bootlicker
You are continuing to lie.

The TeaPs held the majority for the House GOP caucus, the ability to pass legislation solely by a Republican vote.

The TeaPs held up Boehner's programs if they did not like them, denying him a caucus majority.

When Boehner boldly (and finally) opened up the vote to the whole House, the TeaPs folded.

That is going to happen more often this year as Boehner reaches across the aisle to gut the TeaP power.

What is going to happen when the taxpayers and the producers fold?

Who the fuck is going to feed and insure you?

Why don't learn to speak Spanish and move to Caracas? Oh, wait that requires an effort and you are one lazy ass motherfucker.

he's obama's professional bootlicker

I voted for Romney while you lick TeaPoCrap ass and love it, son. Your off topic as usual, but no one is surprised. What is happening is that the TeaP candidates will not gut official GOP candidate funds in the primaries next year; the TeaPs in Congress will lose at least half of their seats.
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What is going to happen when the taxpayers and the producers fold?

Who the fuck is going to feed and insure you?

Why don't learn to speak Spanish and move to Caracas? Oh, wait that requires an effort and you are one lazy ass motherfucker.

he's obama's professional bootlicker

I voted for Romney while you lick TeaPoCrap ass and love it, son. Your off topic as usual, but no one is surprised. What is happening is that the TeaP candidates will not gut official GOP candidate funds in the primaries next year; the TeaPs in Congress will lose at least half of their seats.

You say you did? Is their proof? What you post here shows otherwise.:eusa_boohoo:
There were 178 repubs in the house and they said nay. 40 repubs in the senate and 39 said nay and Jim Bunning did not vote.

Nothing bipartisan about this. This catastrophe is all the work of the welfare party.

And shake in your boots if the system is running well by November, 2014.:lol:
There were 178 repubs in the house and they said nay. 40 repubs in the senate and 39 said nay and Jim Bunning did not vote.

Nothing bipartisan about this. This catastrophe is all the work of the welfare party.

And shake in your boots if the system is running well by November, 2014.:lol:

fear not, it won't be running well. It is a disaster and will only get worse. after 2014 obama will be the lamest duck in history.
There were 178 repubs in the house and they said nay. 40 repubs in the senate and 39 said nay and Jim Bunning did not vote.

Nothing bipartisan about this. This catastrophe is all the work of the welfare party.

And shake in your boots if the system is running well by November, 2014.:lol:

Yep. We're but a few lines of code away from the sweet sounds of suckling.
Remember in 2014 - ALL repub congressmen voted against obamacare

Don't worry your little head. People will remember.

Yes, they will. They will remember that obama and the dems rammed this POS law up our butts before they read it or had any idea what it was going to do to the citizens of this country. The people will remember that not a single republican voted or this disaster and the people will punish the dems for it.
There were 178 repubs in the house and they said nay. 40 repubs in the senate and 39 said nay and Jim Bunning did not vote.

Nothing bipartisan about this. This catastrophe is all the work of the welfare party.

And there will be a LOT of Democrats running away from their vote on obamacare.

Sixteen Democrat Senators who are up for re-election, ran quaking and crying to Obama, begging Him to show some common sense and minimum decency, so they have some hope of salvaging their crumbling chance of re-election.

A very astute and very funny commentator on Fox referred to the collage of these 16 desperate and pathetic losers as the "periodic table of idiots".

Who can argue? And who can argue that Republicans are not up-to-date on science?
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ACA will have little effect on the elections of 2013 if it is up and running well by the early spring.

If not, the GOP keeps the House and the Dems keep the Senate, and America keeps ACA for another two years.

What is far more important is how the GOP treats women, Hispanics, and minorities between now and then.

Romney did not run a good campaign. He should have attacked obama on his lies and failures. But, Romney would have been a good president.

Romney's own campaign said it - "our guys not a fighter". Probably just as well romney did't win. I doubt if he could have gotten obozocare repealed and that means the mess we have now would have been blamed on him.
What is far more important is how the GOP treats women, Hispanics, and minorities between now and then.

What do you mean by that? Is the GOP supposed to support affirmative for all these "protected" groups? I wish they'd come out and say "we support the 14th amendment and ti's call for everyone having equal protection under the law. AA must end".
Yup, exactly how to reach out to women, Hispanics, and minorities in a way to have them vote for the GOP.

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