Remember in the 90's When You Could Speak Freely and Not Everything Was Racist?


Racists were a fringe group and not welcomed and encouraged by the leader of a major political party.
Yeah, you're right. Obama really did stir up a lot of racist crap in his effort to destroy America.
I'm sorry but I cannot recall Obama being overtly racist. Did he ever exhort crowds,at,his,campayrallies,to,"punch him in the mouth" or,advise his followers that if violence breaks out he himself would pay their legal defense bills? Did Obama ever say he missed the old days when those who dare disrupt his rallies would be carried out on a stretcher? Or maybe after clashes with Klansmen, Obama said both sides were at fault?

Remind us please of what President Obama said or did to create the illusion of,racism in your mind.
No that wasn't Obama's style. He preferred to weigh in on isolated White on Black conflicts in order to inflame Racial hatred and attack Police. You remember Trayvon, Michael Brown. He and Holder also legitimized Black Lives Matter. Then there was SB-1070, where he didn't read the bill but had no problem going on national television giving a total bullshit interpretation inflaming Hispanics. There are plenty more examples. Obama is big time Racist, he just fooled you because he has a smooth voice and a nice smile.
You don't thInk that Black lives matter at all? Do you think police should act with impunity? Do you think that Zimmerman is totally innocent and Trayvon deserved to die?
Treyvon was a racist, homophobe who would still be alive if he just went home.
His capital offense was not going home?
Yeah, you're right. Obama really did stir up a lot of racist crap in his effort to destroy America.
I'm sorry but I cannot recall Obama being overtly racist. Did he ever exhort crowds,at,his,campayrallies,to,"punch him in the mouth" or,advise his followers that if violence breaks out he himself would pay their legal defense bills? Did Obama ever say he missed the old days when those who dare disrupt his rallies would be carried out on a stretcher? Or maybe after clashes with Klansmen, Obama said both sides were at fault?

Remind us please of what President Obama said or did to create the illusion of,racism in your mind.
No that wasn't Obama's style. He preferred to weigh in on isolated White on Black conflicts in order to inflame Racial hatred and attack Police. You remember Trayvon, Michael Brown. He and Holder also legitimized Black Lives Matter. Then there was SB-1070, where he didn't read the bill but had no problem going on national television giving a total bullshit interpretation inflaming Hispanics. There are plenty more examples. Obama is big time Racist, he just fooled you because he has a smooth voice and a nice smile.
You don't thInk that Black lives matter at all? Do you think police should act with impunity? Do you think that Zimmerman is totally innocent and Trayvon deserved to die?
Treyvon was a racist, homophobe who would still be alive if he just went home.
His capital offense was not going home?
No attacking a person enough to make that person fear for his life. Well Treyvon lost. Even the media illegally edited the 911 tapes to make Zimmerman look like a racist. When he wasn't.
Yeah, you're right. Obama really did stir up a lot of racist crap in his effort to destroy America.
I'm sorry but I cannot recall Obama being overtly racist. Did he ever exhort crowds,at,his,campayrallies,to,"punch him in the mouth" or,advise his followers that if violence breaks out he himself would pay their legal defense bills? Did Obama ever say he missed the old days when those who dare disrupt his rallies would be carried out on a stretcher? Or maybe after clashes with Klansmen, Obama said both sides were at fault?

Remind us please of what President Obama said or did to create the illusion of,racism in your mind.
No that wasn't Obama's style. He preferred to weigh in on isolated White on Black conflicts in order to inflame Racial hatred and attack Police. You remember Trayvon, Michael Brown. He and Holder also legitimized Black Lives Matter. Then there was SB-1070, where he didn't read the bill but had no problem going on national television giving a total bullshit interpretation inflaming Hispanics. There are plenty more examples. Obama is big time Racist, he just fooled you because he has a smooth voice and a nice smile.
You don't thInk that Black lives matter at all? Do you think police should act with impunity? Do you think that Zimmerman is totally innocent and Trayvon deserved to die?
Treyvon was a racist, homophobe who would still be alive if he just went home.
His capital offense was not going home?
His capital offense was in thinking the fat hispanic couldn't fight back. Tray wasn't the first and he sure won't be the last.
Remember in the 90's When You Could Speak Freely and Not Everything Was Racist?

You mean like before the Nazis took over the Democratic Party?
Its because Millenials couldn't speak yet.

Racists were a fringe group and not welcomed and encouraged by the leader of a major political party.
Yeah, you're right. Obama really did stir up a lot of racist crap in his effort to destroy America.
I'm sorry but I cannot recall Obama being overtly racist. Did he ever exhort crowds,at,his,campayrallies,to,"punch him in the mouth" or,advise his followers that if violence breaks out he himself would pay their legal defense bills? Did Obama ever say he missed the old days when those who dare disrupt his rallies would be carried out on a stretcher? Or maybe after clashes with Klansmen, Obama said both sides were at fault?

Remind us please of what President Obama said or did to create the illusion of,racism in your mind.
Yeah, you're right. Obama really did stir up a lot of racist crap in his effort to destroy America.
I'm sorry but I cannot recall Obama being overtly racist. Did he ever exhort crowds,at,his,campayrallies,to,"punch him in the mouth" or,advise his followers that if violence breaks out he himself would pay their legal defense bills? Did Obama ever say he missed the old days when those who dare disrupt his rallies would be carried out on a stretcher? Or maybe after clashes with Klansmen, Obama said both sides were at fault?

Remind us please of what President Obama said or did to create the illusion of,racism in your mind.
No that wasn't Obama's style. He preferred to weigh in on isolated White on Black conflicts in order to inflame Racial hatred and attack Police. You remember Trayvon, Michael Brown. He and Holder also legitimized Black Lives Matter. Then there was SB-1070, where he didn't read the bill but had no problem going on national television giving a total bullshit interpretation inflaming Hispanics. There are plenty more examples. Obama is big time Racist, he just fooled you because he has a smooth voice and a nice smile.
You don't thInk that Black lives matter at all? Do you think police should act with impunity? Do you think that Zimmerman is totally innocent and Trayvon deserved to die?
Treyvon was a racist, homophobe who would still be alive if he just went home.
His capital offense was not going home?
He thought he could attack a "creepy ass cracka" with impunity. He was wrong and it's good that he is now dead because of it. I want all violent racists to die.
Yeah, you're right. Obama really did stir up a lot of racist crap in his effort to destroy America.
I'm sorry but I cannot recall Obama being overtly racist. Did he ever exhort crowds,at,his,campayrallies,to,"punch him in the mouth" or,advise his followers that if violence breaks out he himself would pay their legal defense bills? Did Obama ever say he missed the old days when those who dare disrupt his rallies would be carried out on a stretcher? Or maybe after clashes with Klansmen, Obama said both sides were at fault?

Remind us please of what President Obama said or did to create the illusion of,racism in your mind.
No that wasn't Obama's style. He preferred to weigh in on isolated White on Black conflicts in order to inflame Racial hatred and attack Police. You remember Trayvon, Michael Brown. He and Holder also legitimized Black Lives Matter. Then there was SB-1070, where he didn't read the bill but had no problem going on national television giving a total bullshit interpretation inflaming Hispanics. There are plenty more examples. Obama is big time Racist, he just fooled you because he has a smooth voice and a nice smile.
You don't thInk that Black lives matter at all? Do you think police should act with impunity? Do you think that Zimmerman is totally innocent and Trayvon deserved to die?
Treyvon was a racist, homophobe who would still be alive if he just went home.
His capital offense was not going home?
His capital offense was not going home?
Its because Millenials couldn't speak yet.

Racists were a fringe group and not welcomed and encouraged by the leader of a major political party.
Yeah, you're right. Obama really did stir up a lot of racist crap in his effort to destroy America.
I'm sorry but I cannot recall Obama being overtly racist. Did he ever exhort crowds,at,his,campayrallies,to,"punch him in the mouth" or,advise his followers that if violence breaks out he himself would pay their legal defense bills? Did Obama ever say he missed the old days when those who dare disrupt his rallies would be carried out on a stretcher? Or maybe after clashes with Klansmen, Obama said both sides were at fault?

Remind us please of what President Obama said or did to create the illusion of,racism in your mind.

Pucker up. Better get in line with the rest of those that can't recall.
Its because Millenials couldn't speak yet.
The Regressives have gotten us to this point incrementally.

This started back when they insisted that we change words to avoid hurting feelings. So "midget" became "dwarf", "secretary" become "receptionist", "stewardess" became "flight attendant", and so on. Yeah, okay, roll of the eyes, whatever.

But what happened here was that they realized that they could change behaviors by weaponizing this strategy. So before long, using the wrong "word" was punishable by public shaming. Then with more tangible punishments.

Soon, they realized that by controlling words, they could control the conversation. Instead of having to discuss the issue, they could just attack the words used. Poof. No honest debate needed.

Now, they're just LOOKING for excuses to punish and intimidate.

This happened over the course of two generations or so, and here we are. The pushback: Trump.
Its because Millenials couldn't speak yet.
The Regressives have gotten us to this point incrementally.

This started back when they insisted that we change words to avoid hurting feelings. So "midget" became "dwarf", "secretary" become "receptionist", "stewardess" became "flight attendant", and so on. Yeah, okay, roll of the eyes, whatever.

But what happened here was that they realized that they could change behaviors by weaponizing this strategy. So before long, using the wrong "word" was punishable by public shaming. Then with more tangible punishments.

Soon, they realized that by controlling words, they could control the conversation. Instead of having to discuss the issue, they could just attack the words used. Poof. No honest debate needed.

Now, they're just LOOKING for excuses to punish and intimidate.

This happened over the course of two generations or so, and here we are. The pushback: Trump.
It's that people love evil, and the left feel they have the excuse to act uncivilized.

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