Remember the outrage over gay wedding cakes? Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake

Should bakers be forced to sell cakes for issues they don't like?

  • Yes - unless of course it's a Republican issue.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • They should only be forced to comply with the liberal agenda.

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
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You most certainly are. Do you have a race? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a religion? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a sexual orientation? You are part of a protected class (in some states).

The race to which I belong, the religion to which I follow, and the sexual orientation I choose to be aren't protected classes.

Religion itself is protected. Race itself is protected. Sexual orientation itself is protected (in places sexual orientation is protected)
Islam is protected.
Not Christianity.

Guess again, Skippy.

Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, or national origin in certain places of public accommodation, such as hotels, restaurants, and places of entertainment.

Nowhere does that say sexual orientation.
That's in state PA about 30 states....Oregon being one of them.
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report

Do I think that Bakers should have baked the cake? Of course.

Are any Bakers obligated to bake a Trump birthday cake?

Are they refusing because of 'race'? In other words are they refusing because Trump is white? If yes- they can be sued. If not because of race- continue below:

Are they refusing because of Trump's religion- or lack of religion? In other words are they refusing to bake his cake because Trump is a serial adulterer who has violated Christian tenets? If yes- they can be sued- if not because of religion- continue below:

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's gender? If yes- then they can be sued. If not see below

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's sexual orientation? If in California(where this boy lives) and in a few other states- yes they can sue- if they live in most states- no they cannot sue.

Otherwise- refusing to bake a cake celebrating Trump or Obama or the KKK or the ACLU is perfectly okay.

A business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If the person doesn't like it, tough shit. Go elsewhere. to get the PA laws in your state repealed......they aren't gonna get repealed if you do nothing.

I'm all for Bodey's being a protected class. Save the Whales!
My goodness....such cleverness on a Tuesday night........
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report

Do I think that Bakers should have baked the cake? Of course.

Are any Bakers obligated to bake a Trump birthday cake?

Are they refusing because of 'race'? In other words are they refusing because Trump is white? If yes- they can be sued. If not because of race- continue below:

Are they refusing because of Trump's religion- or lack of religion? In other words are they refusing to bake his cake because Trump is a serial adulterer who has violated Christian tenets? If yes- they can be sued- if not because of religion- continue below:

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's gender? If yes- then they can be sued. If not see below

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's sexual orientation? If in California(where this boy lives) and in a few other states- yes they can sue- if they live in most states- no they cannot sue.

Otherwise- refusing to bake a cake celebrating Trump or Obama or the KKK or the ACLU is perfectly okay.

A business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If the person doesn't like it, tough shit. Go elsewhere. to get the PA laws in your state repealed......they aren't gonna get repealed if you do nothing.

I'm all for Bodey's being a protected class. Save the Whales!
My goodness....such cleverness on a Tuesday night........

Do I think that Bakers should have baked the cake? Of course.

Are any Bakers obligated to bake a Trump birthday cake?

Are they refusing because of 'race'? In other words are they refusing because Trump is white? If yes- they can be sued. If not because of race- continue below:

Are they refusing because of Trump's religion- or lack of religion? In other words are they refusing to bake his cake because Trump is a serial adulterer who has violated Christian tenets? If yes- they can be sued- if not because of religion- continue below:

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's gender? If yes- then they can be sued. If not see below

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's sexual orientation? If in California(where this boy lives) and in a few other states- yes they can sue- if they live in most states- no they cannot sue.

Otherwise- refusing to bake a cake celebrating Trump or Obama or the KKK or the ACLU is perfectly okay.

A business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If the person doesn't like it, tough shit. Go elsewhere. to get the PA laws in your state repealed......they aren't gonna get repealed if you do nothing.

I'm all for Bodey's being a protected class. Save the Whales!
My goodness....such cleverness on a Tuesday night........

Ah...never have coffee at may kill what brain cells are left.
A business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If the person doesn't like it, tough shit. Go elsewhere. to get the PA laws in your state repealed......they aren't gonna get repealed if you do nothing.

I'm all for Bodey's being a protected class. Save the Whales!
My goodness....such cleverness on a Tuesday night........

Ah...never have coffee at may kill what brain cells are left.

Or not. :D
You most certainly are. Do you have a race? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a religion? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a sexual orientation? You are part of a protected class (in some states).

The race to which I belong, the religion to which I follow, and the sexual orientation I choose to be aren't protected classes.

Religion itself is protected. Race itself is protected. Sexual orientation itself is protected (in places sexual orientation is protected)
Islam is protected.
Not Christianity.

Guess again, Skippy.

Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, or national origin in certain places of public accommodation, such as hotels, restaurants, and places of entertainment.

Nowhere does that say sexual orientation.

Well look who gets the "no shit Sherlock" award. Do ursine mammals evacuate in sylvan environments too?

If you followed the discussion you jumped in to, the topic was religion. PA laws protecting gays are local laws, not Federal laws. You a "states rights" guy?
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report


Just one question--what 9 year old boy would want to pro-Trump birthday cake? I hear the young kids in my neighborhood singing funny songs about Trump. He's definitely no hero of theirs.
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report


Just one question--what 9 year old boy would want to pro-Trump birthday cake? I hear the young kids in my neighborhood singing funny songs about Trump. He's definitely no hero of theirs.
And those mocking kids will have a disproportionate tendancy to become government dependents
Then what's the difference if someone refuses to do a gay themed cake, it's the cake that's refused, not the person.


No "gay themed" cake was asked for in either the Sweetcakes by Melissa case or Masterpiece Cakes case as there were not discussions on decorations. The owners refused service based on who the customers were, there were no discussions of decorations.

This is a fact in the court documents and both the Klein's and Mr. Phillips agreed to those statements of facts in that no decorations were discussion.


You can claim that all day, they didn't discuss decorations because they don't do gay themed cakes. Sweetcakes sold them all the pre-made goods they wanted to buy for years in the store, so they couldn't have objected to the person.

Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report

Do I think that Bakers should have baked the cake? Of course.

Are any Bakers obligated to bake a Trump birthday cake?

Are they refusing because of 'race'? In other words are they refusing because Trump is white? If yes- they can be sued. If not because of race- continue below:

Are they refusing because of Trump's religion- or lack of religion? In other words are they refusing to bake his cake because Trump is a serial adulterer who has violated Christian tenets? If yes- they can be sued- if not because of religion- continue below:

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's gender? If yes- then they can be sued. If not see below

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's sexual orientation? If in California(where this boy lives) and in a few other states- yes they can sue- if they live in most states- no they cannot sue.

Otherwise- refusing to bake a cake celebrating Trump or Obama or the KKK or the ACLU is perfectly okay.

A business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If the person doesn't like it, tough shit. Go elsewhere.

Yep, it's called freedom.

Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report

Do I think that Bakers should have baked the cake? Of course.

Are any Bakers obligated to bake a Trump birthday cake?

Are they refusing because of 'race'? In other words are they refusing because Trump is white? If yes- they can be sued. If not because of race- continue below:

Are they refusing because of Trump's religion- or lack of religion? In other words are they refusing to bake his cake because Trump is a serial adulterer who has violated Christian tenets? If yes- they can be sued- if not because of religion- continue below:

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's gender? If yes- then they can be sued. If not see below

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's sexual orientation? If in California(where this boy lives) and in a few other states- yes they can sue- if they live in most states- no they cannot sue.

Otherwise- refusing to bake a cake celebrating Trump or Obama or the KKK or the ACLU is perfectly okay.

A business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If the person doesn't like it, tough shit. Go elsewhere.

Your opinion is noted.

It doesn't reflect the law though- my post was in regards to the law.

My opinion reflects reality. You ignore it because you can't stand to be told no. Typical Liberal spoiled brat.


Your opinion reflects the Conservatives who hate State's rights and hate being told to follow the law- Typical Contard spoiled brat.

You do know special protections under the law is unconstitutional, Right? See the 14th amendment, it demands equal protection.

I can't deny you a cake if you're a fag, but I can if I don't like your politics, really? How about if I just don't like the way you're dressed?

How has denied anyone a cake based on politics? Name the bakeries who did that to that boy's mom.

BTW...they can't deny you a cake if you are straight either....

So you're saying I can go to a bakery ran by homos and order a cake that says God hates fags and delivered to a God hates fags party and they'd be required by law to do it if they offer delivery service?

NO...what I'm saying is that if you go to a gay baker and they refuse to make you a cake because you are a straight person. It's not the's the person that is refused. When will you understand the law?

Then what's the difference if someone refuses to do a gay themed cake, it's the cake that's refused, not the person.

. was the person refused.

Really, they were served for years in the store, so it couldn't be the person.

Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report
Bakers refused to make pro-Trump birthday cake for 9-year-old boy: Report

Do I think that Bakers should have baked the cake? Of course.

Are any Bakers obligated to bake a Trump birthday cake?

Are they refusing because of 'race'? In other words are they refusing because Trump is white? If yes- they can be sued. If not because of race- continue below:

Are they refusing because of Trump's religion- or lack of religion? In other words are they refusing to bake his cake because Trump is a serial adulterer who has violated Christian tenets? If yes- they can be sued- if not because of religion- continue below:

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's gender? If yes- then they can be sued. If not see below

Are they refusing to bake because of Trump's sexual orientation? If in California(where this boy lives) and in a few other states- yes they can sue- if they live in most states- no they cannot sue.

Otherwise- refusing to bake a cake celebrating Trump or Obama or the KKK or the ACLU is perfectly okay.

A business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If the person doesn't like it, tough shit. Go elsewhere.

Your opinion is noted.

It doesn't reflect the law though- my post was in regards to the law.

Your post was in regards to be a faggot loving piece of shit Liberal.

My opinion reflects reality. You ignore it because you can't stand to be told no. Typical Liberal spoiled brat.
Says someone who doesn't like a law but thinks they will accomplish change just by whining on a forum..................

You seem to think you've accomplished something by posting an avatar with a monkey in it and kissing his black ass. Pucker up NL.
You can claim that all day, they didn't discuss decorations because they don't do gay themed cakes. Sweetcakes sold them all the pre-made goods they wanted to buy for years in the store, so they couldn't have objected to the person.


You should really read the court documents. There was never a discussion of the "theme" of the cakes.

And now, again this is agreed to as facts in the case, you show you have not become familiar with the particulars of the case. Using Sweetcakes as an example they had not been customers for "years". About 2 years before one of the couple had purchased a wedding cake for the mothers wedding, the mothers married to a man. They had been happy with the cake for the man/woman wedding and had thought of Sweetcakes for their wedding after seeing Ms. Klein as a bridal show and Ms. Klein had invited them to the shop for a tasting so they could probably fill their order. It wasn't until they went to the shop and it was Mr. Klein that refused them service based on who they were. He even quoted Leviticus, you know the one. It ends with Homosexuals being put to death.

I'm not part of any protected class. I don't need to be in order to succeed. If having something applied to involves being part of a protected class, it's proof you're inferior.
You most certainly are. Do you have a race? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a religion? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a sexual orientation? You are part of a protected class (in some states).

The race to which I belong, the religion to which I follow, and the sexual orientation I choose to be aren't protected classes.

Religion itself is protected. Race itself is protected. Sexual orientation itself is protected (in places sexual orientation is protected)
Islam is protected.
Not Christianity.
How is islam protected in ways that christianity is not?
Lady, I'm not gonna try to educate you on your own political party.
Stop being so ignorant.
You most certainly are. Do you have a race? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a religion? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a sexual orientation? You are part of a protected class (in some states).

The race to which I belong, the religion to which I follow, and the sexual orientation I choose to be aren't protected classes.

Religion itself is protected. Race itself is protected. Sexual orientation itself is protected (in places sexual orientation is protected)
Islam is protected.
Not Christianity.

The left bends over to appease Muslims in order not to offend them. As for Christians, the claim is they are wanting to create a theocracy.
No...what is true is that deplorable trumpanzees pretend that "the left bends over to appease muslims"....I could care less if I offend muslims. But the 1st Amendment is the 1st Amendment for all...despite how much you deplorable trumpanzees don't want that to be true.
It doesn't matter what you do. Your party does this.
You most certainly are. Do you have a race? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a religion? You are part of a protected class. Do you have a sexual orientation? You are part of a protected class (in some states).

The race to which I belong, the religion to which I follow, and the sexual orientation I choose to be aren't protected classes.

Religion itself is protected. Race itself is protected. Sexual orientation itself is protected (in places sexual orientation is protected)
Islam is protected.
Not Christianity.
How is islam protected in ways that christianity is not?
Lady, I'm not gonna try to educate you on your own political party.
Stop being so ignorant.

You could have stopped at " . . try to educate".
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