Remember the year 1968 ?

Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

What this argument ignores is that the current Virus has killed 50,000 in two months WITH social distancing and WITH closing businesses and WITH closing schools. Just think for a minute how many it would have killed WITHOUT all that work to keep us from being close to each other. Imagine it.

There's a limited amount of people with preexisting conditions.
60 million Americans fall in to the at risk category.... That ain't small change....
1968 still had social gathering implemented. .When a siren went off the sheep immediately herded into a hallway and ducked under a concrete counter top so they'd be "safe" when the "inevitable' occurred. Too bad those stupid nips didn't have those shelves
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

What this argument ignores is that the current Virus has killed 50,000 in two months WITH social distancing and WITH closing businesses and WITH closing schools. Just think for a minute how many it would have killed WITHOUT all that work to keep us from being close to each other. Imagine it.

There's a limited amount of people with preexisting conditions.
60 million Americans fall in to the at risk category.... That ain't small change....

At risk doesnt mean you're going to get the coronavirus.
High risk people should continue to stay home,the rest should be allowed to get back to work.
Saving a small percentage of people while destroying the entire country is stupid as hell.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

12 Weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks. For whatever bizarre reason, blob supporters don't seem to be too alarmed by the shockingly high numbers of deaths in such a short time span. This is up in the range of the deaths in the Vietnam War....which was years long.

I understand that they may support the blob--nobody knows why other than he validates their shortcomings--but denying that 50K+ deaths is unusual at best is sick.

We've been noticing that you've become more and more hateful, and insulting. Do we need to call for an intervention for you ?
I have some friends who deal in such matters of mental health, I would be happy to call them. Let us know.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

12 Weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks. For whatever bizarre reason, blob supporters don't seem to be too alarmed by the shockingly high numbers of deaths in such a short time span. This is up in the range of the deaths in the Vietnam War....which was years long.

I understand that they may support the blob--nobody knows why other than he validates their shortcomings--but denying that 50K+ deaths is unusual at best is sick.

We've been noticing that you've become more and more hateful, and insulting. Do we need to call for an intervention for you ?
I have some friends who deal in such matters of mental health, I would be happy to call them. Let us know.
I’ve noticed you’re just as dumb as ever.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

12 Weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks. For whatever bizarre reason, blob supporters don't seem to be too alarmed by the shockingly high numbers of deaths in such a short time span. This is up in the range of the deaths in the Vietnam War....which was years long.

I understand that they may support the blob--nobody knows why other than he validates their shortcomings--but denying that 50K+ deaths is unusual at best is sick.

We've been noticing that you've become more and more hateful, and insulting. Do we need to call for an intervention for you ?
I have some friends who deal in such matters of mental health, I would be happy to call them. Let us know.
I’ve noticed you’re just as dumb as ever.

Lashing out is a certain indicator of angst.....would you like to share?
Funny thing I don't remember the flu but I do remember the other stuff and joining the Air Force in 1968. I actually joined in 67 but I went active in 68 and had to swear the oath again.

You do realize thats simply because someone wanted to claim they swore in two Dicks.
,,,and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home....
The current President supports the lockdowns in the states, he recently disagreed with a governor who wanted to open back up, and he just yesterday called this a "horrible plague".

If he agreed with you, he'd be LOUDLY URGING our governors and mayors to re-open COMPLETELY, TODAY. He'd be "tweeting" his little fingers off ALL DAY, demanding they do so to save the economy.

But he's not. So I'll bet you're furious with Trump, and I'll bet you think he hates America and supports the destruction of our economy.


Actually I'm in favor of most of the lockdowns, I'm posting this mainly for the reasons of comparing how different we respond today as compared to the past. As I say, I lived through the '68 outbreak, and don't remember a single word said about it.
I was 3.
I only remember going in the big boy toidy for the first time.
I was 2 when JFK was shot and I remember it.
I do remember watching the first moon landing.
The toilet thing I remember because I embarrassed my parents by bringing my training seat with my turd in it while we had company.
I was proud of myself.

At least you used the training seat to deliver your terd to your parents.
I was there, but I don't remember.

Me neither, and I don't even remember my parents warning us kids about it.
I was busy working at the city pool and they sure didn't shut down. In fact, I don't remember any kind of a flu that year, or any year since for that matter. Yep, the boys were going off to die.....

You dont happen to know a guy called Corn Pop do you?
Why do people keep asking me that question? Or was it you just asking again?

Nope, I don't know a Corn Pop.
Is this an inside joke?
I was there, but I don't remember.

Me neither, and I don't even remember my parents warning us kids about it.
I was busy working at the city pool and they sure didn't shut down. In fact, I don't remember any kind of a flu that year, or any year since for that matter. Yep, the boys were going off to die.....

You dont happen to know a guy called Corn Pop do you?
Why do people keep asking me that question? Or was it you just asking again?

Nope, I don't know a Corn Pop.
Is this an inside joke?
joe Biden was a life guard, and he knew Corn Pop. Skip a little past the 4 min mark.

I was there, but I don't remember.

Me neither, and I don't even remember my parents warning us kids about it.
I was busy working at the city pool and they sure didn't shut down. In fact, I don't remember any kind of a flu that year, or any year since for that matter. Yep, the boys were going off to die.....

You dont happen to know a guy called Corn Pop do you?
Why do people keep asking me that question? Or was it you just asking again?

Nope, I don't know a Corn Pop.
Is this an inside joke?
joe Biden was a life guard, and he knew Corn Pop. Skip a little past the 4 min mark.

LOL I had never seen that, but thanks for clearing it up. Poor old Joe. He always has a story to tell. Of late he needs Jill to do the talking, have you noticed? ;)
I was there, but I don't remember.

Me neither, and I don't even remember my parents warning us kids about it.
I was busy working at the city pool and they sure didn't shut down. In fact, I don't remember any kind of a flu that year, or any year since for that matter. Yep, the boys were going off to die.....

You dont happen to know a guy called Corn Pop do you?
Why do people keep asking me that question? Or was it you just asking again?

Nope, I don't know a Corn Pop.
Is this an inside joke?
joe Biden was a life guard, and he knew Corn Pop. Skip a little past the 4 min mark.

LOL I had never seen that, but thanks for clearing it up. Poor old Joe. He always has a story to tell. Of late he needs Jill to do the talking, have you noticed? ;)

I've noticed.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

12 Weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks. For whatever bizarre reason, blob supporters don't seem to be too alarmed by the shockingly high numbers of deaths in such a short time span. This is up in the range of the deaths in the Vietnam War....which was years long.

I understand that they may support the blob--nobody knows why other than he validates their shortcomings--but denying that 50K+ deaths is unusual at best is sick.

We've been noticing that you've become more and more hateful, and insulting. Do we need to call for an intervention for you ?
I have some friends who deal in such matters of mental health, I would be happy to call them. Let us know.
I’ve noticed you’re just as dumb as ever.

Lashing out is a certain indicator of angst.....would you like to share?

Yes tell us why your blob lashes out so often...
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

12 Weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks. For whatever bizarre reason, blob supporters don't seem to be too alarmed by the shockingly high numbers of deaths in such a short time span. This is up in the range of the deaths in the Vietnam War....which was years long.

I understand that they may support the blob--nobody knows why other than he validates their shortcomings--but denying that 50K+ deaths is unusual at best is sick.

We've been noticing that you've become more and more hateful, and insulting. Do we need to call for an intervention for you ?
I have some friends who deal in such matters of mental health, I would be happy to call them. Let us know.
I’ve noticed you’re just as dumb as ever.

Lashing out is a certain indicator of angst.....would you like to share?

Yes tell us why your blob lashes out so often...
You guys demand the perfect diction. And you have to blame everyone else for the failures those perfect diction agendas produce.
Funny thing I don't remember the flu but I do remember the other stuff and joining the Air Force in 1968. I actually joined in 67 but I went active in 68 and had to swear the oath again.
Most people don't because there was a lot of other shit happening and most of it was bad. The Hong Kong Flu hit the US in 2 waves, first 1968 then in 1969. The total for both years was 100,000 in the US. It returned much weaker 70, 71, and 72 flu season. It still around today but protection for it is included in your yearly Flu shot.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

What this argument ignores is that the current Virus has killed 50,000 in two months WITH social distancing and WITH closing businesses and WITH closing schools. Just think for a minute how many it would have killed WITHOUT all that work to keep us from being close to each other. Imagine it.

Yes, very likely all true. It still amazes me however that 100,000 did die, and I don't remember hearing a word about it. I was in the 6th and 7th grade, and no mentions of it that I can remember, and my mother who was afraid of her own shadow, and paranoid about everything, never warned any of us kids.
Keep in mind that is over a 2 year period. There was a wave that came in early fall of 68 and late fall in 69 killing 100,000 over 2 years. Coronavirus has killed 58,000 in the US in just 9 weeks.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

12 Weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks. For whatever bizarre reason, blob supporters don't seem to be too alarmed by the shockingly high numbers of deaths in such a short time span. This is up in the range of the deaths in the Vietnam War....which was years long.

I understand that they may support the blob--nobody knows why other than he validates their shortcomings--but denying that 50K+ deaths is unusual at best is sick.

We've been noticing that you've become more and more hateful, and insulting. Do we need to call for an intervention for you ?
I have some friends who deal in such matters of mental health, I would be happy to call them. Let us know.
I’ve noticed you’re just as dumb as ever.

Lashing out is a certain indicator of angst.....would you like to share?

Yes tell us why your blob lashes out so often...
You guys demand the perfect diction. And you have to blame everyone else for the failures those perfect diction agendas produce.
Wow, that was SNWTS

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