Remember the year 1968 ?

1968-1969 mini skirts

Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....
in 1968, I was a young child, and my father was serving in VietNam, and I thought I would never see my dad again! :(

and I cried every night, and prayed prayed prayed on my knees at the edge of my bed, that my dad would live, and I would be able to see him again.....!!!
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

It's a matter of perspective. For instance:
There are 500,00 heart attack deaths each year. That's 9,807 every four weeks.
That's an "incredible" number of deaths.

Unfortunately, during this hospital shutdown for all except Covid19, many more people were dying of heart attacks than usual. They couldn't even be treated in so many cases.
the HK Flu, (H3N2) pandemic was very mild, because we had people immune to a part of it....the N2 part was in the Asian flu a handful of years earlier....

the HK Flu pandemic began early 1968 beginning in HKong and went thru 1972... throughout the world.... we did end up creating a vaccine for it, and to this very day, is a part of today's flu vaccine concoction of flu viruses given every year....

the 100,000 dead figure was for the entire HK Flupandemic.... it killed 34,000 people its first flu season in the US, then returned the following fall and killed more on the 2nd reemergence of it, then the following year it hit again, less deadly....

Again, 53000 were killed by this Corona virus was the deaths for the past 4 weeks from this virus.... that ain't small change.... :(


on another note.... which is concerning..... I just read tonight that SARS-CoV, FROM BACK IN 2003.... The original SARS Corona virus.... a vaccine was never found....they never discovered a vaccine that worked..... holy smokes!


is SARS-CoV2!

What if this Sars-CoV2 never has a vaccine that works on humans either??? That would be terrible!!!
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

12 Weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks. For whatever bizarre reason, blob supporters don't seem to be too alarmed by the shockingly high numbers of deaths in such a short time span. This is up in the range of the deaths in the Vietnam War....which was years long.

I understand that they may support the blob--nobody knows why other than he validates their shortcomings--but denying that 50K+ deaths is unusual at best is sick.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

It's a matter of perspective. For instance:
There are 500,00 heart attack deaths each year. That's 9,807 every four weeks.
That's an "incredible" number of deaths.

Unfortunately, during this hospital shutdown for all except Covid19, many more people were dying of heart attacks than usual. They couldn't even be treated in so many cases.
maybe those deaths from not being able to be treated, should be counted as indirect corona virus deaths? ;)

corona virus deaths are in ADDITION to all the deaths that normally occur, like heart attacks, cancers, car accidents etc.... and those are not contagious and have a lot of 'knowns' with them, including known treatments... and heart attacks, cancers, appendectomies, etc...are NOT contagious.... so the closing off hospital wings, emergency rooms, and other floors, etc.... and being infectious caused a lot of the HAVOC WITH PPE.... personal protection gear for docs and nurses.... and med techs and therapists etc..... and not having enough of it, where our first responders in our Hospitals were getting infected, and dying....

plus these Sars coronaV2 deaths are in addition to the normal flu deaths....

it makes sense that the so called curve, needed to be flattened...
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Imagine how many we may have saved in 1968 if we had implemented some social distancing, used PPE, etc...

Oh wait, that doesn't fit in line with your irresponsible downplaying of a virus that has killed nearly 55,000 Americans in 2 months. Sorry; carry on.

I really don't know what it is about the blob that forces you guys to make such absurd arguments to downplay 50K lives being lost in 2 months.
Not even in 2 months....
this corona virus has killed 53000 people in the past 4 weeks,

FROM March 30th where we had nearly 3000 total deaths up to that point, on that day to today April 27th, in those 4 weeks, we have had 53000 deaths....!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

that is an incredible number of deaths for less than a month....

It's a matter of perspective. For instance:
There are 500,00 heart attack deaths each year. That's 9,807 every four weeks.
That's an "incredible" number of deaths.

Unfortunately, during this hospital shutdown for all except Covid19, many more people were dying of heart attacks than usual. They couldn't even be treated in so many cases.
maybe those deaths from not being able to be treated, should be counted as indirect corona virus deaths?

corona virus deaths are in ADDITION to all the deaths that normally occur, like heart attacks, cancers, car accidents etc.... and those are not contagious and have a lot of 'knowns' with them, including known treatments... and heart attacks, cancers, appendectomies, etc...are NOT contagious.... so closing off hospital wings, emergency rooms, and other floors, etc.... and being infectious caused a lot of the HAVOC WITH PPE.... personal protection gear for docs and nurses.... and med techs and therapists etc..... and not having enough of it, where our first responders in our Hospitals were getting infected, and dying....

plus these Sars coronaV deaths are in addition to the normal flu deaths....

it makes sense that the so called curve, needed to be flattened...

The term used in clinical settings is "related"--AIDS related pneumonia for example.
the HK Flu, (H3N2) pandemic was very mild, because we had people immune to a part of it....the N2 part was in the Asian flu a handful of years earlier....

the HK Flu pandemic began early 1968 beginning in HKong and went thru 1972... throughout the world.... we did end up creating a vaccine for it, and to this very day, is a part of today's flu vaccine concoction of flu viruses given every year....

the 100,000 dead figure was for the entire HK Flupandemic.... it killed 34,000 people its first flu season in the US, then returned the following fall and killed more on the 2nd reemergence of it, then the following year it hit again, less deadly....

Again, 53000 were killed by this Corona virus was the deaths for the past 4 weeks from this virus.... that ain't small change.... :(


on another note.... which is concerning..... I just read tonight that SARS-CoV, FROM BACK IN 2003.... The original SARS Corona virus.... a vaccine was never found....they never discovered a vaccine that worked..... holy smokes!


is SARS-CoV2!

What if this Sars-CoV2 never has a vaccine that works on humans either??? That would be terrible!!!

I don't think a vaccine for the original SARS was that big a priority, because it wasn't very contagious. There were only a bit over 8000 cases in the entire world.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Current flu deaths are at 70,000.

Where do you get that number from? The CDC's current estimate for this flu season (which began last year) is between 24,000 and 62,000 deaths.

I guess it's natural that some folks wax nostalgic, remember 1968 for the music or the girls, or just the TV they watched. I lucked out and finally got me a girl in '67, and in '68 saw Hendrix at Red Rocks. But as beautiful as they were, I felt in my bones it was a time of dying. It was. Not just for musicians. Not just for moral leaders and politicians. Dreams died.

Maybe some watched the moon shot and saw dreams realized. I just saw money wasted, that rocket with men on board used to put on a stupid patriotic show. To me the missiles that mattered were all hidden in silos with new Hydrogen Bombs atop, setting the stage for "Mutual Assured Destruction."

We managed to escape that at least, but killed a few million in Vietnam, saw our brothers come back devastated, and in the end ... learned nothing. The ghetto explosions and the return of Nixon, after all the hard fighting for civil rights and despite popular sentiment against the war, they were signs of the times. This was no "Age of Aquarius." I felt in my bones the tide had turned. It had. The "youth movement" was way too frivolous, the opposition way too strong. They bought out a generation that didn't even realize it was being bought out, commodified into freaks.

For me it was hard times and mostly depressing, even if I was 19, alive, and lucky to have a high draft number. Though I eventually made my peace with the new reality, in 1968 my head hurt from more than the beating I got from the cops...
Last edited:
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

What this argument ignores is that the current Virus has killed 50,000 in two months WITH social distancing and WITH closing businesses and WITH closing schools. Just think for a minute how many it would have killed WITHOUT all that work to keep us from being close to each other. Imagine it.
This post is a good example of how use of "dislike" is so stupid.
I guess it's natural that some folks wax nostalgic, remember 1968 for the music or the girls, or just the TV they watched. I lucked out and finally got me a girl in '67, and in '68 saw Hendrix at Red Rocks. But as beautiful as they were, I felt in my bones it was a time of dying. It was. Not just for musicians. Not just for moral leaders and politicians. Dreams died.

Maybe some watched the moon shot and saw dreams realized. I just saw money wasted, that rocket with men on board used to put on a stupid patriotic show. To me the missiles that mattered were all hidden in silos with new Hydrogen Bombs atop, setting the stage for "Mutual Assured Destruction."

We managed to escape that at least, but killed a few million in Vietnam, saw our brothers come back devastated, and in the end ... learned nothing. The ghetto explosions and the return of Nixon, after all the hard fighting for civil rights and despite popular sentiment against the war, they were signs of the times. This was no "Age of Aquarius." I felt in my bones the tide had turned. It had. The "youth movement" was way too frivolous, the opposition way too strong. They bought out a generation that didn't even realize it was being bought out, commodified into freaks.

For me it was hard times and mostly depressing, even if I was 19, alive, and lucky to have a high draft number. Though I eventually made my peace with the new reality, in 1968 my head hurt from more than the beating I got from the cops...
The moon landing was in '69.
One thing similar to '68 is that deaths are counted everyday and used politically.
It was a time of hope and bitterness together. LSD was hitting big time, riots closed down cities (mine was occupied by the Nat Guard for 8 months), 'hippies' were warned by signs not to enter some businesses, women were gaining, young men were dying (and killing) for worse than nothing.
Pining for the past has never occurred to me. Polluting the present with nostalgia seems totally counter productive.
We have a chance today to learn from what has happened and prepare for much better things.
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

Maybe MLK and RFK had died from the flu.....

About 70,000[1][11] to 116,000 people died in the United States.[14] In early 1958,

,,,and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home....
The current President supports the lockdowns in the states, he recently disagreed with a governor who wanted to open back up, and he just yesterday called this a "horrible plague".

If he agreed with you, he'd be LOUDLY URGING our governors and mayors to re-open COMPLETELY, TODAY. He'd be "tweeting" his little fingers off ALL DAY, demanding they do so to save the economy.

But he's not. So I'll bet you're furious with Trump, and I'll bet you think he hates America and supports the destruction of our economy.

Remember 2001?

Remember how 3000 people died and nobody cited flu statistics to downplay the panic that resulted in us invading Iraq and surrendering our civil liberties to the Patriot Act?

Yea, me either....

Apparently, when you can't fearmonger people into blowing up countries full of brown people that didn't have shit to do with anything -- then things like viruses are no fun..
Tet Offensive
MLK assassinated
RFK assassinated
Apollo 8's orbit of the moon
Chicago 1968 Dimocrat convention riots
100,000 Americans killed by the Hong Kong Flu
Nixon wins the...…………………………………………….WAIT ! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!! 100,000 Americans killed by a flu ? WTF ?

I'm sure those of you who were alive remember how all of the schools were closed ?
How stores and restaurants were closed ?
How we were all social distancing ?
How we all had to wear PPE ?
How the economy was closed, and unemployment was off the charts and how the stock market tanked, and millions of Americans lost everything they had worked for because Dimocrats demanded we all stayed home, so Nixon wouldn't be elected ?



The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide.[11]

United States[edit]

The CDC estimated 100,000 people died in the U.S.[12] However, fewer people died during this pandemic than in previous pandemics for various reasons:[13]

  1. some immunity against the N2 flu virus may have been retained in populations struck by the Asian Flu strains which had been circulating since 1957;
  2. the pandemic did not gain momentum until near the winter school holidays, thus limiting the infection spreading;
  3. improved medical care gave vital support to the very ill;
  4. the availability of antibiotics that were more effective against secondary bacterial infections.

What this argument ignores is that the current Virus has killed 50,000 in two months WITH social distancing and WITH closing businesses and WITH closing schools. Just think for a minute how many it would have killed WITHOUT all that work to keep us from being close to each other. Imagine it.

There's a limited amount of people with preexisting conditions.

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