Remember what Hillary said about challenging election results in the debate?

Trump has claimed there is massive fraud in the election with "millions of illegals" voting

If this is the case, we need to carefully check and recount each ballot to make sure it is legitimate
Clinton isn't asking for a recount.

From what I read, she has joined forces with it.
No. Wrong again. They are just observing it. Not joining forces. Read more carefully.
No. Wrong again. They are just observing it. Not joining forces. Read more carefully.

Keep up to date on the stories you've read, more often
She did not initiate it. She is not involved in it. She is observing. THAT is the story.
She did not initiate it. She is not involved in it. She is observing. THAT is the story.
No one said she initiated it.
As for the rest of what you said, that is YOUR story.

Kat isn't a little kid, yet you spoke to her as if she were.
Frankly, I didn't like it, remind me of a bully
your not her mother and your not the USMB police either.
Mrs. Clinton is not challenging the election. Others are doing it. Not she.

Don't both. The OP is deeply partisan, confused and prone to distortion.

The criticism of Trump was based on the fact that he said several times that the election was rigged, and he made these comments prior to the election, and in the absence of actionable proof that anything illegal had happened.

Trump also said that he would not accept the results if he lost.

The Clinton camp came out and said that they found not evidence of hacking. They rebuffed the University of Michigan professors who reported statistical irregularities. However, when the Green Party said they were going forward no matter what, the Clinton team obviously wanted to be involved. Trump will also have lawyers there.

The OP is cherry picking.
. That is not what Trump said at all... He said that he wasn't going to say one way or the other about excepting the election results (left it open). He did not say he wasn't going to except the results.

He said he would only accept the results if he wins.

But yes, you are right - in a debate he said he wasn't going to commit either way. But the thing that bothered people were his comments about not accepting a loss. This suggests that he wasn't going to accept the final results, which includes recounts (if legally permitted and executed). Had he simply stated that he was going to avail himself of his legal options, it wouldn't have made that much news because every candidate obviously has a right to do that. Respectfully.

. You don't understand joking around do you ?? Everyone knew the way he punched lined it out, that he was having fun. The problem with liberals, is that they have been hanging on every word in hopes of, but it's OVER.
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.


you saying she lied ?

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