Remember what Hillary said about challenging election results in the debate?

Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

One should not be surprised to find Hillary a bald faced liar. She has proven it for decades.

One should not be surprised that the MSM refuses to condemn her bald faced lying.

Now.....if Trump says anything remote considered a lie, will he is one MFing LIAR!!!

Lefties get duped over and over again.
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

I assumed that if Hillary lost, she would actively attempt to reverse the results, and she is doing it, She can't help herself.

I just think it's so rich that all of the libroids that made great sport of Trump not saying he would accept the results. Now they can't accept the results.
It is a good illustration of how full of shit Hillary is and they are.
None of the close states are close enough to even warrant a recount, yet they're doing it anyway.
Just one more example how morally decrepit they have become.
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Donald has said it is rigged for awhile, what's the problem?
It was rigged, for your Hillary, and she still lost....:lol:

You will hate the next 8 years of Trump!!!

The election is a sham, Trump has been saying it is for months. It's all rigged. You don't agree with him?
I wonder if the election would have been a total blowout for Trump if the MSM were not colluding and promoting Clinton while condemning Trump, illegals not voting, and who knows what else the radical left committed.
Donald has said it is rigged for awhile, what's the problem?
It was rigged, for your Hillary, and she still lost....:lol:

You will hate the next 8 years of Trump!!!

The election is a sham, Trump has been saying it is for months. It's all rigged. You don't agree with him?
I wonder if the election would have been a total blowout for Trump if the MSM were not colluding and promoting Clinton while condemning Trump, illegals not voting, and who knows what else the radical left committed.
Sounds like a lot of sabotage. We need a recount of every state!
Mrs. Clinton is not challenging the election. Others are doing it. Not she.

I would agree with you, but you're wrong...
Trump said it is rigged we need to investigate this.

So...according to your logic, Hillary Clinton is on board with what Trump said during the campaign.

Got it.
So we shouldn't listen to Trump then?
Lets get a few things straight...

She was asked would she accept the result, she did....

There was questions raised over a few states results, a few anomalies...

Jill Stein has asked for a recount, Clinton just said she is happy to accommodate...

Clinton who has accepted the result said she has no problem with a recount...

Lets compare that to Trump:
Trump stated the election was rigged and he might not accept the result.. He never said he would ask for a recount but would full on not accept the vote...

Miles of difference...

Clinton is not saying she won, she is just supporting the democratic process... This negates Trump saying in the next election that it is rigged...

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