Remember what Hillary said about challenging election results in the debate?

Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

utter bull crud on your part, sorry can't rewrite history...

Donald never said a word about recounts and other LEGAL steps taken in elections... he just said that he could just not accept the election results...if that's what he felt like doing....and he said the election was rigged/ well.....MAYBE it was rigged and donald was right, eh?

the process of recounts ARE LEGAL processes taken in elections, before certification that candidates can LEGALLY take, as Jill Stein is taking.

Trump had this to say about recounts .last month - when he was all fer em.

"Of course I would accept a clear election result, but I would also reserve my fight to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result.

"That was sort of an unprecedented question. If Al Gore or George Bush had agreed three weeks before the election to concede the results and waive their right to a legal challenge or a recount, then there would be no Supreme Court case and no Gore v. Bush. ...

In effect, I'm being asked to waive centuries of legal precedent designed to protect the voters."

Donald Trump is calling ‘hypocrisy’ on the recount effort. That’s not really fair.

Hillary conceded. She and Trump had a deal. She broke it.

Unless we are redefining "concede", like liberals are now apparently doing.

Read her entire response during the debate again and then tell me she isn't a hypocrite.
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

utter bull crud on your part, sorry can't rewrite history...

Donald never said a word about recounts and other LEGAL steps taken in elections... he just said that he could just not accept the election results...if that's what he felt like doing....and he said the election was rigged/ well.....MAYBE it was rigged and donald was right, eh?

the process of recounts ARE LEGAL processes taken in elections, before certification that candidates can LEGALLY take, as Jill Stein is taking.

Trump had this to say about recounts .last month - when he was all fer em.

"Of course I would accept a clear election result, but I would also reserve my fight to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result.

"That was sort of an unprecedented question. If Al Gore or George Bush had agreed three weeks before the election to concede the results and waive their right to a legal challenge or a recount, then there would be no Supreme Court case and no Gore v. Bush. ...

In effect, I'm being asked to waive centuries of legal precedent designed to protect the voters."

Donald Trump is calling ‘hypocrisy’ on the recount effort. That’s not really fair.
He clarified himself later, after the debate answer and mentioned recounts etc, but during the debate he actually said he may not accept the election results, implied that even after recounts and any other certification vetting was done to come to the final results, he STILL MAY NOT ACCEPT the results of the election....

This is why EVERYONE was in complete shock.....

And that's what I was trying to say in my previous post on this...!!!
there is no DEAL to who wins, silly...

whomever wins, wins.... after whatever recounts are called, after all absentee's are counted after all provisionals are counted after tallies are checked and rechecked....

Once counts are in the final certification stage...and after the electoral college gives the candidate their needed electors, is there a winner....if not then, then after the House of Representatives votes to pick a President.

these are all steps written in to our constitution....
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

utter bull crud on your part, sorry can't rewrite history...

Donald never said a word about recounts and other LEGAL steps taken in elections... he just said that he could just not accept the election results...if that's what he felt like doing....and he said the election was rigged/ well.....MAYBE it was rigged and donald was right, eh?

the process of recounts ARE LEGAL processes taken in elections, before certification that candidates can LEGALLY take, as Jill Stein is taking.

Trump had this to say about recounts .last month - when he was all fer em.

"Of course I would accept a clear election result, but I would also reserve my fight to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result.

"That was sort of an unprecedented question. If Al Gore or George Bush had agreed three weeks before the election to concede the results and waive their right to a legal challenge or a recount, then there would be no Supreme Court case and no Gore v. Bush. ...

In effect, I'm being asked to waive centuries of legal precedent designed to protect the voters."

Donald Trump is calling ‘hypocrisy’ on the recount effort. That’s not really fair.

Hillary conceded. She and Trump had a deal. She broke it.

Unless we are redefining "concede", like liberals are now apparently doing.

Read her entire response during the debate again and then tell me she isn't a hypocrite.
Right after you tell me Trump isn't a hypocrite. Which you can't.

Cuz he is.
Jimminee Cricket,
Donald needs to grow some cojones....he's such a whine tweeter....someone needs to bqan him from his twitter account....

Him crying like a baby about this shows extreme immaturity....and for some reason, he's acting like he is guilty and KNOWS the election had been hacked?

Why is he so AFRAID of this recount????
Jimminee Cricket,
Donald needs to grow some cojones....he's such a whine tweeter....someone needs to bqan him from his twitter account....

Him crying like a baby about this shows extreme immaturity....and for some reason, he's acting like he is guilty and KNOWS the election had been hacked?

Why is he so AFRAID of this recount????

You mean Hil-Liar wouldn't be?
Jimminee Cricket,
Donald needs to grow some cojones....he's such a whine tweeter....someone needs to bqan him from his twitter account....

Him crying like a baby about this shows extreme immaturity....and for some reason, he's acting like he is guilty and KNOWS the election had been hacked?

Why is he so AFRAID of this recount????

You mean Hil-Liar wouldn't be?
Wouldn't be what? Afraid of a recount? No, why should she be? And no, she would NEVER diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child with a silver spoon in his mouth....

He needs to grow up and start acting like a President....
Try something other than your fake news....
Morning, owebo! I can read the sarcasm from your keyboard....(chuckle!). Sadly, your scorn is wasted. The OP quoted from a Herman Caine site which is not exactly known for purity and balance.

I have seen the link from CNN posted since, however. That's another chuckle, since all I see on this board is scorn from Republicans for anything CNN says when it quotes Trump. But I do also see that the Clinton campaign is 'joining' the effort, which I did not believe at the time. Nevertheless, there is no word that Clinton is contesting the election...anyhow I certainly hope not. It would set a precedent I think we do not want. How about you? Forget who won/lost and think about future elections that could do irreparable harm to the process and divide the nation even further every 4 years.

The problem is not that she wants this recount, the problem is it seems to happen every time a Democrat loses. This is the third time in a row where a Democrat lost and "rigging the election" was promoted.

This has cost us millions of dollars in the past and this complaint by the left will likely cost us millions more.

If there was some indication that something was amiss, we would be less objectionable to it. But the fact is there is no evidence of tampering or foul play. It's just that (again) the Democrat lost.
it's a republican tactic....remember Al Frankin, look at the R who challenged him, look at the R governor in North Carolina....
I think Ray is referring to the 2K election where Gore challenged a S. Florida county. Not that Republicans stood still for that. They sent legions of disrupters in the form of Congressional clerks to make a mockery of the process. But it WAS a challenge. Nor will I ever forget the smug face of Katherine Harris as she announced the count in favor of Bush. And I am proud of Al Gore for his class in accepting the loss. I am not sure who is the third losing Democrat however.
Proud of Gore? In the end he was so desperate to win that AFTER he declared every vote must count he then suggested that all the absentee ballots be thrown out, disenfranchising voters, because they were a potential roadblock for a recount. (He snd his supporters then broke the law - ignoring a court order to stop the recount...and in the end they sadly reported Bush had WON!)

That liberal peckerhead talked about how every vote had to count when it sounded good and when he thought it would help him get his recount - which he still LOST - but he had no problem f*ing voTers in order to get his way.

2016 is simply 'Florida 2k 2.0'!

Sore losing, butthurt liberals can't handle the fact they lost and are trying everything - from seditiously calling for the overthrow of the govt & assassination of Trump to threatening Electoral College voters to declaring - without evidence - Russia stole the election (which is funny coming from the group that rigged their own primary and encouraged illegals to vote)!
Rewriting History again, eh? no one asked for all absentee ballots to be thrown out.... the initial request was that absentee ballots that got here AFTER THE STATE LEGAL CUT OFF, should not be counted, as the LAW STATES.....R's screamed bloody murder on it, and CHANGED THE RULES MIDSTREAM of the count, and demanded absentee ballots that were INVALID according to Florida Law, be counted....Dems AGREED within hours of the R's demand.
Wouldn't be what? Afraid of a recount? No, why should she be? And no, she would NEVER diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child with a silver spoon in his mouth....

He needs to grow up and start acting like a President....

She would never diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child, but she's going to have three states recounted because she thought she should have won but didn't; no other reason.

Who needs to grow a pair again?
Wouldn't be what? Afraid of a recount? No, why should she be? And no, she would NEVER diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child with a silver spoon in his mouth....

He needs to grow up and start acting like a President....

She would never diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child, but she's going to have three states recounted because she thought she should have won but didn't; no other reason.

Who needs to grow a pair again?
Hello? Is anybody home?

clinton did NOT call for the recounts, she accepted the results, it was not until the computer scientists came out and said that machines with electronic voting gave Hillary 7% less votes than ALL OTHER VOTING MACHINES WITH A PAPER TRAIL THAT Jill Stein asked for a recount. NOT Hillary, her team of lawyers will simply be monitors
Wouldn't be what? Afraid of a recount? No, why should she be? And no, she would NEVER diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child with a silver spoon in his mouth....

He needs to grow up and start acting like a President....

She would never diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child, but she's going to have three states recounted because she thought she should have won but didn't; no other reason.

Who needs to grow a pair again?
Hello? Is anybody home?

clinton did NOT call for the recounts, she accepted the results, it was not until the computer scientists came out and said that machines with electronic voting gave Hillary 7% less votes than ALL OTHER VOTING MACHINES WITH A PAPER TRAIL THAT Jill Stein asked for a recount. NOT Hillary, her team of lawyers will simply be monitors
. Now why would Jill ask for a recount ???? Is Hillary paying her under the table while hiding out ?? :50:
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.


The funny part is that Jill Stein is just doing this to raise money for her green party. She even criticized Hillary for supporting a recount.

"Why would Hillary Clinton—who conceded the election to Donald Trump—want #Recount2016? You cannot be on-again, off-again about democracy.

Why would Hillary Clinton—who holds "public" and "private" positions—want to engage in something as transparent as #Recount2016?"

After calling for a recount, Jill Stein drops BOMB on HILLARY... - Allen B. West -
here is what trump did in the las vegas debate

At third debate, Trump won’t commit to accepting election results if he loses

'I'll keep you in suspense': Trump on whether he'll accept election results
Play Video1:52
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said, "I'll keep you in suspense," when answering a question about the tradition of accepting the results of presidential elections. (The Washington Post)
By Karen Tumulty and Philip Rucker October 19
LAS VEGAS — A defiant Donald Trump used the high-profile setting of the final presidential debate here Wednesday night to amplify one of the most explosive charges of his candidacy: that if he loses the election, he might consider the results illegitimate because the process is rigged.
Wouldn't be what? Afraid of a recount? No, why should she be? And no, she would NEVER diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child with a silver spoon in his mouth....

He needs to grow up and start acting like a President....

She would never diminish herself to tweeting like a spoiled child, but she's going to have three states recounted because she thought she should have won but didn't; no other reason.

Who needs to grow a pair again?
Hello? Is anybody home?

clinton did NOT call for the recounts, she accepted the results, it was not until the computer scientists came out and said that machines with electronic voting gave Hillary 7% less votes than ALL OTHER VOTING MACHINES WITH A PAPER TRAIL THAT Jill Stein asked for a recount. NOT Hillary, her team of lawyers will simply be monitors
. Now why would Jill ask for a recount ???? Is Hillary paying her under the table while hiding out ?? :50:
As I have mentioned, Jill Stein had NO LOVE at all for Hillary Clinton, and her ads were downright NASTY against Hillary....

She says she felt the election could be wrong due to hackers and the anomaly the computer scientists found and due to the Russian involvement during the race and that we the people, deserve to know if it was tampered with or not.
Trump should just be happy that he will be confirmed as the real winner....and there will not be doubts about hacking the vote.
You actually believe we have official election results the day of the election?

STATES have 3-4 weeks before their election results are fully counted and then certified.... TV may make us think the election is over on election day, BUT IT IS NOT, and has NEVER BEEN over on election day....

these processes of counting absentees and provisional ballots and recounts are ALL PART OF THE PROCESS and the results ARE NOT FINAL until the fat lady sings, and she does not sing, until all state votes are counted and certified.
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.


The funny part is that Jill Stein is just doing this to raise money for her green party. She even criticized Hillary for supporting a recount.

"Why would Hillary Clinton—who conceded the election to Donald Trump—want #Recount2016? You cannot be on-again, off-again about democracy.

Why would Hillary Clinton—who holds "public" and "private" positions—want to engage in something as transparent as #Recount2016?"

After calling for a recount, Jill Stein drops BOMB on HILLARY... - Allen B. West -

Hilarious. Hillary is a born grifter.

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