Remember what Hillary said about challenging election results in the debate?

During the campaign, Clinton made a major issue of Trump's refusal to say he would accept the results of the election no matter what. Now she is suddenly interested in contesting the results of the election, an election she had previously conceded.

Judge Jeanine uses Hillary's own words to prove she is nothing but a whining hypocrite. Check it out:

Judge Jeanine: I, for one, am appalled, Hillary
Jill Stein is asking for a recount because she thinks that there are a couple of million votes for her in Wisconsin that got lost in the shuffle.
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

utter bull crud on your part, sorry can't rewrite history...

Donald never said a word about recounts and other LEGAL steps taken in elections... he just said that he could just not accept the election results...if that's what he felt like doing....and he said the election was rigged/ well.....MAYBE it was rigged and donald was right, eh?

the process of recounts ARE LEGAL processes taken in elections, before certification that candidates can LEGALLY take, as Jill Stein is taking.
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Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

utter bull crud on your part, sorry can't rewrite history...

Donald never said a word about recounts and other LEGAL steps taken in elections... he just said that he could just not accept the election results...

the process of recounts ARE LEGAL processes taken in elections, before certification that candidates can LEGALLY take, as Jill Stein is taking.
You think stein will win?
Pointing out hypocrisy from politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans is like pointing out the ocean is damp.
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

utter bull crud on your part, sorry can't rewrite history...

Donald never said a word about recounts and other LEGAL steps taken in elections... he just said that he could just not accept the election results...

the process of recounts ARE LEGAL processes taken in elections, before certification that candidates can LEGALLY take, as Jill Stein is taking.
You think stein will win?
It could happen. She only lost by 99%, that's close enough for a recount.
The objective of Crooked Hillary, Obama, the mainstream fake news and other democrats is to destroy the USA and make money doing so. No surprise the corruption continues. They are so incredibly butthurt.
Interesting, huh? What an audacious and disingenuous political hack. She is completely going against what she said in the debate when Trump said he would have to wait and see what the results were before he decides if he is going to ask for a recount. This is what she said about that. Try to read it without laughing out loud, knowing she is challenging the results.

CLINTON: So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.

Why would anybody believe anything Clinton said?
I'll answer that when you tell me why you believe anything Trump says. Deal?
During the campaign, Clinton made a major issue of Trump's refusal to say he would accept the results of the election no matter what. Now she is suddenly interested in contesting the results of the election, an election she had previously conceded.

Judge Jeanine uses Hillary's own words to prove she is nothing but a whining hypocrite. Check it out:

Judge Jeanine: I, for one, am appalled, Hillary

Probably one of the reasons she had Stein do it for her instead.
as a watchdog, Clinton's team will be there at the recount as representation

AND SO WILL TRUMP'S TEAM be there and participate, for their representation....

Right wing minions are just following their fake news and pretending to be outraged over what they are TOLD to be outraged over!
During the campaign, Clinton made a major issue of Trump's refusal to say he would accept the results of the election no matter what. Now she is suddenly interested in contesting the results of the election, an election she had previously conceded.

Judge Jeanine uses Hillary's own words to prove she is nothing but a whining hypocrite. Check it out:

Judge Jeanine: I, for one, am appalled, Hillary
candidate recounts are part of the legal process in elections

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