Remember What The Democrats And The Deep State Did To Us

That number is not based on anything, and the this is about the goalposts moving about the vaccine preventing transmission then not preventing transmission, going from preventing COVID to mitigating it, exceptions for mass protests where maybe the people were outside for some of it, but then who knows where before and after, and dumb shit like filling OUTDOOR skate parks with sand, the moron in the reaper costume at the fucking beach, and other hysteria brought to us by idiots like you.

you see "goalposts moved," i see science at work. we will have an election soon, and guess whose side of this is hysterical. and i mean that in every way,
you see "goalposts moved," i see science at work. we will have an election soon, and guess whose side of this is hysterical. and i mean that in every way,

More like marketing at work. They lied early on because they think people are idiots, then when the lies were called out hid behind their false god of "science".

"The vaccine is FDA approved".

So are most of the pHARMaceuticals that are advertised on TV.

Listen to the commercials.

Most of them state clearly "This drug can kill you".

Then it's your fault when you die from them.

My husband did.

Don't EVER trust someone who tells you something is safe when its TV ads tell you "This drug can kill you".

If you do, you deserve to die.

My condolences for your husband.
100% relevant. COVID's mortality rate is highly dependent on not only age, but co-morbidities.

You keep the one variable that suits your narrative, and hide the other.

If you don't see that as dishonest, then that's on you, and a pox on you.
Irrelevant. If they did not get the virus, they would still be alive.
I understand trying to find any deflection to make the story better when you can't reconcile a basic truth.

Thank you. The last time I did or will trust a lying "doctor".

Doctors screwed up my wife. They gave here opioids and it messed up her brain and triggered Dementia.
She went in to get a hip-replacement and came out a basketcase.
Irrelevant. If they did not get the virus, they would still be alive.
I understand trying to find any deflection to make the story better when you can't reconcile a basic truth.

100% relevant. You quote the age to make the point about it being lethal to younger people, but ignore the co-morbities that have JUST AS MUCH impact on mortality that age has.

Without that information your point is just propaganda.
I was in DoD also (Army) and also saw the movement towards privatization. I ended up retiring at 55 and coming back as a Contractor at the same job.
Didn’t make anything better, just added a level of profit taking management.

In terms of a “Deep State” that is ridiculous. Hatch Act prevented you from engaging in any politicking so there was no way to build a Deep State structure.
hatch act only seems to apply to democrats. trump's minions seem to move seamlessly from appointment to campaign staff without problem.

"The vaccine is FDA approved".

So are most of the pHARMaceuticals that are advertised on TV.

Listen to the commercials.

Most of them state clearly "This drug can kill you".

Then it's your fault when you die from them.

My husband did.

Don't EVER trust someone who tells you something is safe when its TV ads tell you "This drug can kill you".

If you do, you deserve to die.


The FDA also approved Thalidomide.
The FDA also approved Thalidomide.

Fact. They did.

For those young leftists who really can't look that word up, this is Thalidomide:





Keep on getting your "vaccines".
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Words to live by
or die from

wait til he feels that lump in his throat. mine was cancer, which was diagnosed, treated, and has not returned.

i worked for navy, procurement and installation of sonars and various navigation equipment. my retirement came with a 5 year ban on reemployment under the contract. so i tended bar for 5 years, and not the only engineer doing so.
wait til he feels that lump in his throat. mine was cancer, which was diagnosed, treated, and has not returned.

i worked for navy, procurement and installation of sonars and various navigation equipment. my retirement came with a 5 year ban on reemployment under the contract. so i tended bar for 5 years, and not the only engineer doing so.

How many cancers were missed due to the lockdowns?
The FDA also approved Thalidomide.

what this means is that the fda needs to have better procedures and less political interference.

do you think biden's appointees approved the vaccine? the approval was for the purpose of electing trump.
How many cancers were missed due to the lockdowns?

mine almost was. you may have noticed that nurses are still in short supply, but at that time my hospital was losing nurses to the disease.

does the government, under your philosophy, have a role in public health?

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