Remember When Democrats Talked Just Like Trump?

Have you renounced the Forum Outcasts , OP , and stopped supporting the insane Israeli Nazis who support Ethnic
Cleansing and torture and murder of women and children ?

A good move to be proud of .
Good question.
Is that a picture of William Clinton fronting that video , OP ?

The very man who, with his wife Hitlery , organised the drug trade in Arkansa for the CIA ?

Do you think he is a good example of a decent person ?Let alone of the Dumbocrats .
The Demafascsit have taken over the Dem Party, folks like Bill Clinton, with this speech, would be called racist, xenophoblic etc by today's demafascist party.

Clinton had many failures, many personal, but he did love this country, and while he disagreed with folks, he worked to make the country better.

The Demafascsit refuse to work with anyone, they don't love this country, they want to fundmentally transform the country into a Demafacsist regime, not a Democratic Republic

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